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Is Rick Perry the worst debater in the history of debating?

I doubt that he debated the former mayor of Houston. Why do so, when one is so up in the polls.

Sort of my point about Texas and the Republican party. A pile of dog shit with an R next to it's name on the ballot would win statewide.

It would be like a batter in AAA Baseball deciding he didn't want to bat against pitchers with a good fastball. As long as the coaches like you, they promote you to the majors. Then, all they throw up there is heat. And you end up vomiting on yourself.

It highlights why he was scared to debate Bill White; he sucks at it.


Perry has accomplished very little other than getting out of the way of businesses whenever he could; except when it came to HPV vaccine.

Now we're seeing this:

Valade admitted Huntsman's tenure as Obama's top envoy to China bothered him a "little bit." At this point with his choices however, he does not consider it a deal-breaker.
"Romney doesn't have the views. Since Perry has self-destructed, I guess many people here are looking at maybe Gov. Huntsman to be that man," he said before the town hall began. Valade is also taking a second look at former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, a candidate who aggressively campaigns in New Hampshire but has fallen off the national radar in polling.

"Huntsman is worthy," Valade reiterated as he rushed out the door. "Probably going to get my vote."

That is, for now.

Thank God.


Jon Huntsman- For people who want variety in their squishy Mormon RINOs.

Seriously, if you are going to elect someone who believes the exact same things Obama believes, why not just vote for Obama again?

And I mean that for either Romney or Huntsman.
I've noticed one communication technique leftists employ on a regular basis is the self-fulfilling prophecy, repeated ad nauseum.

First, you pick out what outcome you want: since President Obama is on his diatribe of destroying private enterprise to superimpose a more communistic union in the west, his supporters have to be certain that the best challengers of communism must be thwarted.

So here comes Rick Perry, best hope of America to organize his best and most-likely-to-succeed-plan of putting back to work the unemployed workers we have as President of the US.

So why is Perry laughed off the stage by the press in 90% of all American press publications? Destroyed his popularity, 100%, it did. Way to go, Commie Press. Obama and his God-Damn-America Preacher are having their way of eliminating rivals for the hearts of the American people.

Now, blame-game the Republicans to death for "not doing something" in the house, confuse the voters with a smarm of lies on the internet Huff-n-Puff Press, Commie News Network, Main Stream Nonstop Bull-only Corp., et al, repeating so many times people will think it is true. (Thanks, Commiecrats, for that legislation saying that celebrities and important people are a free-fire-zone for "the little people" to criticize, even with the smarmiest calumnies and falsehoods ever devised--to avoid lawsuits when good people fall due to lying and innuendo).

This is way too much for Obama supporters, who are sick with worry. If Perry eliminates the economic depression, the Communists will have a harder time fucking America up.

So, get rid of Perry by destroying the hope of the 20% of Americans who are out of work (9% current out-of-work Americans plus 11% hard core out-of-work-Americans who are dropped from the rolls after 6 months). Heap blame on Republicans over and over and over and over. Leave no stone unturned for smudging Republican reputations, and make them out to be obstructionists, when actually, they're doing daily damage control of erosive antics by their opposition to get rid of free enterprise, private property ownership, etc.

But there's a greater panacea for putting away free enterprise for once and for all--first decimate banks and the financial sector; then go after the Republican base--taking out the best winners first--like oil drilling in the Gulf for example. Nobody could figure out what happened to make the BP Oil Spill happen, which never happened before, and if they do know, nobody's talking. That was the starting one-man lynch job against the oil industry Obama could do. He put a horrible pox on all American drillers, and now communist countries are making their way to the Gulf to assume drilling there.

Free enterprise loses the Gulf, and commies win the Gulf. Check.

BIG OBAMA WIN FOR THE COMMIES!!! So he hands over the Gulf of Mexico to the Commies like Jimmy Carter handed over Panama to anyone except the US, and now a Communist Country takes revenues off the hard work American great grandfathers built in the early 1900s for America to have a quicker shipping route from the Atlantic to the Pacific without having to detour around South America.

Screw America out of its hard-earned shipping route to East and give it to Communist country. Check. (way to go, Jimmy Carter)

The leftists also have taken over the banking industries by first, making Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac make egregious loans to those who would not pay them back. Good plan to start out the whittling away at free enterprise. Banks now unstable. Check. (Way to go, Barney Frank)

By promising the former owners huge ripoff bonuses, that could weigh taxpayers paying for it further down. Check. (Way to go, Democrat Senate)

In the meantime, plan a few scandals for Republican Senators and Congressmen, and blow up molehills into mountains. Check. (Way to go Hillary "I forget where the 900 FBI files on important Republican rivals came from" Clinton)

Or you can start questioning why Democrats have championed all the devices of class warfare, which the founders eschewed, in order to take out free enterprise and disable good men and women from stopping them by taking measures to persecute real Christian churches that encourage people to do what is right and good and to decline doing what rips up a society on the individual level that makes a person desirous to do good to others, stay informed about biblical matters, to be a faithful friend, partner, and community person in the world.

To do this, be sure all 10 of the 10 commandments are outlawed through out the God-damn-America countryside. Check (Way to go, ACLU Lawyers and Associates)

Stifle all that, and what do you get?

You get a society you can take over without too much effort and insert punishment on those who opposed you. The only trouble with that is, Commie nations murder those who make waves and dissent their activities in any way. Communist Country Murder Statistics. Freedom eliminates the human killings that take place in all Communist regimes.

We have to stop this before it gets worse in this country. We need to wake up and smell the coffee. Smooth talkers are not good when they decide they'll use their gift of gab to destroy a free nation and replace it with a filed system.
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I've noticed one communication technique leftists employ on a regular basis is the self-fulfilling prophecy, repeated ad nauseum.

First, you pick out what outcome you want: since President Obama is on his diatribe of destroying private enterprise to superimpose a more communistic union in the west, his supporters have to be certain that the best challengers of communism must be thwarted.

So here comes Rick Perry, best hope of America to organize his best and most-likely-to-succeed-plan of putting back to work the unemployed workers we have as President of the US.

So why is Perry laughed off the stage by the press in 90% of all American press publications? Destroyed his popularity, 100%, it did. Way to go, Commie Press. Obama and his God-Damn-America Preacher are having their way of eliminating rivals for the hearts of the American people.

Now, blame-game the Republicans to death for "not doing something" in the house, confuse the voters with a smarm of lies on the internet Huff-n-Puff Press, Commie News Network, Main Stream Nonstop Bull-only Corp., et al, repeating so many times people will think it is true. (Thanks, Commiecrats, for that legislation saying that celebrities and important people are a free-fire-zone for "the little people" to criticize, even with the smarmiest calumnies and falsehoods ever devised--to avoid lawsuits when good people fall due to lying and innuendo).

This is way too much for Obama supporters, who are sick with worry. If Perry eliminates the economic depression, the Communists will have a harder time fucking America up.

So, get rid of Perry by destroying the hope of the 20% of Americans who are out of work (9% current out-of-work Americans plus 11% hard core out-of-work-Americans who are dropped from the rolls after 6 months). Heap blame on Republicans over and over and over and over. Leave no stone unturned for smudging Republican reputations, and make them out to be obstructionists, when actually, they're doing daily damage control of erosive antics by their opposition to get rid of free enterprise, private property ownership, etc.

But there's a greater panacea for putting away free enterprise for once and for all--first decimate banks and the financial sector; then go after the Republican base--taking out the best winners first--like oil drilling in the Gulf for example. Nobody could figure out what happened to make the BP Oil Spill happen, which never happened before, and if they do know, nobody's talking. That was the starting one-man lynch job against the oil industry Obama could do. He put a horrible pox on all American drillers, and now communist countries are making their way to the Gulf to assume drilling there.

Free enterprise loses the Gulf, and commies win the Gulf. Check.

BIG OBAMA WIN FOR THE COMMIES!!! So he hands over the Gulf of Mexico to the Commies like Jimmy Carter handed over Panama to anyone except the US, and now a Communist Country takes revenues off the hard work American great grandfathers built in the early 1900s for America to have a quicker shipping route from the Atlantic to the Pacific without having to detour around South America.

Screw America out of its hard-earned shipping route to East and give it to Communist country. Check. (way to go, Jimmy Carter)

The leftists also have taken over the banking industries by first, making Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac make egregious loans to those who would not pay them back. Good plan to start out the whittling away at free enterprise. Banks now unstable. Check. (Way to go, Barney Frank)

By promising the former owners huge ripoff bonuses, that could weigh taxpayers paying for it further down. Check. (Way to go, Democrat Senate)

In the meantime, plan a few scandals for Republican Senators and Congressmen, and blow up molehills into mountains. Check. (Way to go Hillary "I forget where the 900 FBI files on important Republican rivals came from" Clinton)

Or you can start questioning why Democrats have championed all the devices of class warfare, which the founders eschewed, in order to take out free enterprise and disable good men and women from stopping them by taking measures to persecute real Christian churches that encourage people to do what is right and good and to decline doing what rips up a society on the individual level that makes a person desirous to do good to others, stay informed about biblical matters, to be a faithful friend, partner, and community person in the world.

To do this, be sure all 10 of the 10 commandments are outlawed through out the God-damn-America countryside. Check (Way to go, ACLU Lawyers and Associates)

Stifle all that, and what do you get?

You get a society you can take over without too much effort and insert punishment on those who opposed you. The only trouble with that is, Commie nations murder those who make waves and dissent their activities in any way. Communist Country Murder Statistics. Freedom eliminates the human killings that take place in all Communist regimes.

We have to stop this before it gets worse in this country. We need to wake up and smell the coffee. Smooth talkers are not good when they decide they'll use their gift of gab to destroy a free nation and replace it with a filed system.

Too long, didn't read, don't care.

Perry is toast.
Well said, Becki, although I think that Perry's biggest problem is that he really hadn't prepared for the race.

I think people around him told him it would be a cakewalk and it turned out to be a slog.

Can he recover? Maybe. There is still a vast hunger for a "Anyone but Romney" out there. So it depends on how Cain deflates and if Gingrich can fill in the gap.
Well said, Becki, although I think that Perry's biggest problem is that he really hadn't prepared for the race.

I think people around him told him it would be a cakewalk and it turned out to be a slog.

Can he recover? Maybe. There is still a vast hunger for a "Anyone but Romney" out there. So it depends on how Cain deflates and if Gingrich can fill in the gap.

You can't fix stupid......Perry is done
Well said, Becki, although I think that Perry's biggest problem is that he really hadn't prepared for the race.

I think people around him told him it would be a cakewalk and it turned out to be a slog.

Can he recover? Maybe. There is still a vast hunger for a "Anyone but Romney" out there. So it depends on how Cain deflates and if Gingrich can fill in the gap.
I don't know what we will face when we replace Obama. His supporters are already defacing and trying to disrupt and destroy Wall Street with his full damn smiley-faced approval.

Not playing fairly has gotten them so much ground against Bill-of-Rights freedoms, I hardly see how they'd play fair with the next inhabitant at 1600 Pennsylvania, and that's something we must as a people prepare for--dealing with and overcoming chaos based on abject misrepresentation of American history.

They hate the military, when we should be electing Presidential leaders from the military who are vetted in upholding the Constitution and providing for the common defense.

We're electing presidents who have never had the experience of seeing American blood shed in facing down and fighting an unfair bully or of seeing a buddy come back from a POW camp, maddened by the madness of their tortures and pure evil against Americans.

We shouldn't be looking at anyone who doesn't have a firm military participation in defending America to run for President. We might as well just draw a name out of the hat of citizens worldwide and insert them into the presidency as putting in someone who hasn't had to follow military orders. It's a disaster.

I'm angry about back east schools snubbing ROTC college type groups and banning them from their campuses, like only brainpower can overcome an enemy. That is not so. Military might is required in this world of mad-dog regimes.

How in the hell do they think they came into the luxury of having free speech except by the blood of those who died ensuring the blessings of liberty and the Bill of Rights upon them? Four years of Americans will think Obama's magic wand gave them freedom of speech, if they have any left after him and his punk Commie kitchen cabinet have anything to do with it.

This "anyone can be president" stuff is not based on love for this nation. It's based on love for castles-in-the-air thinking that doesn't put bread on the kitchen table.
He fired the company that was using illegals.

When he pushes for "rights" for illegals, then you might a pot to pee in.

Uh.....uh, um, uh.....what was I going to say again? Uh.

Oh, uh yeah.....if you don't like dem little babies of illegals going to school fo free you'z a mean person.

right, they should be trimming the bushes on Romney's Lawn... unless he's running for office, for Pete's Sake.
Anybody here old enough to remember retired admiral Stockdale, Ross Perot's running mate back in 1992? He gives Perry a run for his money as the worst IMHO, I felt bad for the guy.

Nobody was as bad as Stockdale. He looked like an alzheimer patient. They treated him like that nice old man over there

Are either of you familiar with Admiral Stockdale's career and life? He is one of our nation's biggest heroes, and was a POW for 7 years, and the highest ranking. From Wiki:

Prisoner of war

On a mission over North Vietnam on September 9, 1965, Stockdale ejected from his A-4E Skyhawk, which had been disabled from friendly fire after the mechanical malfunction of his wing-man's ordnance. He parachuted into a small village, where he was severely beaten and taken into custody. Stockdale was held as a prisoner of war in the Hoa Lo prison for the next seven years. Locked in leg irons in a bath stall, he was routinely tortured and beaten. When told by his captors that he was to be paraded in public, Stockdale slit his scalp with a razor to purposely disfigure himself so that his captors could not use him as propaganda. When they covered his head with a hat, he beat himself with a stool until his face was swollen beyond recognition. When Stockdale was discovered with information that could implicate his friends' "black activities", he slit his wrists so they could not torture him into confession.

Early in Stockdale's captivity, his wife, Sybil Stockdale, organized The League of American Families of POWs and MIAs, with other wives of servicemen who were in similar circumstances. By 1968 she and her organization, which called for the President and the U.S. Congress to publicly acknowledge the mistreatment of the POWs (something that had never been done despite evidence of gross mistreatment), was getting the attention of the American press. Sybil Stockdale personally made these demands known at the Paris Peace Talks.

Stockdale was part of a group of about eleven prisoners known as the "Alcatraz Gang": George Thomas Coker, George McKnight, Jeremiah Denton, Harry Jenkins, Sam Johnson, James Mulligan, Howard Rutledge, Robert Shumaker, Ronald Storz and Nels Tanner; which was separated from other captives and placed in solitary confinement for their leadership in resisting their captors. "Alcatraz" was a special facility in a courtyard behind the North Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense, located about one mile away from Hoa Lo Prison. In Alcatraz, each of the eleven men were kept in solitary confinement in cells measuring 3 feet by 9 feet with a light bulb which was kept on around the clock. The men were locked in leg irons each night.[4][5][6][7][8]

In a business book by James C. Collins called Good to Great, Collins writes about a conversation he had with Stockdale regarding his coping strategy during his period in the Vietnamese POW camp.[9]
"I never lost faith in the end of the story, I never doubted not only that I would get out, but also that I would prevail in the end and turn the experience into the defining event of my life, which, in retrospect, I would not trade."[10]
When Collins asked who didn't make it out of Vietnam, Stockdale replied:
"Oh, that's easy, the optimists. Oh, they were the ones who said, 'We're going to be out by Christmas.' And Christmas would come, and Christmas would go. Then they'd say, 'We're going to be out by Easter.' And Easter would come, and Easter would go. And then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Christmas again. And they died of a broken heart."[10]
Stockdale then added:
"This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be."[10]
Witnessing this philosophy of duality, Collins went on to describe it as the Stockdale Paradox.

Stockdale was released as a prisoner of war on February 12, 1973. His shoulders had been wrenched from their sockets, his leg shattered by angry villagers and a torturer, and his back broken.

He received the Medal of Honor in 1976. Stockdale filed charges against two other officers who, he felt, had given aid and comfort to the enemy. However, the Navy Department under the leadership of then-Secretary of the Navy John Warner took no action and retired these men "in the best interests of the Navy."
Well said, Becki, although I think that Perry's biggest problem is that he really hadn't prepared for the race.

I think people around him told him it would be a cakewalk and it turned out to be a slog.

Can he recover? Maybe. There is still a vast hunger for a "Anyone but Romney" out there. So it depends on how Cain deflates and if Gingrich can fill in the gap.

You can't fix stupid......Perry is done

Agreed...Newt will make a good showing, but he will lose out in the end. The more he gains in the polls, the more attention will be paid to his sleezy past. The ultra-right will not stand for that. It is basically over. Mitt is all but there. The rest of the primary season is just a warmuo for the real thing.

If Mitt is elected, the far right is going to be terribly upset with him. He will turn out to be what many of us have expected....a Moderate.....:eek:
Well said, Becki, although I think that Perry's biggest problem is that he really hadn't prepared for the race.

I think people around him told him it would be a cakewalk and it turned out to be a slog.

Can he recover? Maybe. There is still a vast hunger for a "Anyone but Romney" out there. So it depends on how Cain deflates and if Gingrich can fill in the gap.

You can't fix stupid......Perry is done

You can say that all day. But I remember boasting to my RINO friends in November 2007 that John McCain was toast. And I remember boasting to my Democratic friends in November 2003 that Kerry was dead and buried and that you guys were going to get Wesley Clark, who wasn't nearly as impressive as you thought he was.

Perry has three major advantages. He has a huge war chest, he's more palatable to the establishment than Cain or Gingrich and.. and... well, I can't think of the third one. :lol:
Well said, Becki, although I think that Perry's biggest problem is that he really hadn't prepared for the race.

I think people around him told him it would be a cakewalk and it turned out to be a slog.

Can he recover? Maybe. There is still a vast hunger for a "Anyone but Romney" out there. So it depends on how Cain deflates and if Gingrich can fill in the gap.

You can't fix stupid......Perry is done

Agreed...Newt will make a good showing, but he will lose out in the end. The more he gains in the polls, the more attention will be paid to his sleezy past. The ultra-right will not stand for that. It is basically over. Mitt is all but there. The rest of the primary season is just a warmuo for the real thing.

If Mitt is elected, the far right is going to be terribly upset with him. He will turn out to be what many of us have expected....a Moderate.....:eek:

If Mitt gets the nomination, a third party will emerge on the far right, and will probably garner more votes than the GOP does.
If Mitt gets the nomination, a third party will emerge on the far right, and will probably garner more votes than the GOP does.

That won't happen.

Actually, I'm kind of expecting SOME kind of third party, because they always emerge at times like this. Economic uncertantity and ineffective political parties.

I've personally lived through three major Third Party efforts- Wallace, Anderson and Perot.

The elements are there-

Gridlock to the point nothing gets done.

Ineffectual leadership in Washington.

Disappointment in at least one major party in the way it is going.

The GOP embraced the TEA movement to win in 2010, but now seems to be trying to kill it. That is almost the formula for a third party creation.
Dr. Paul should leave the GOP and run as the Libertarian candidate. He would get more votes than Mittens.

I see no advantage for him as a Republican. He chairs the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, but I doubt it would bother him to lose it. He hasn't been a big committee guy in the past.
Well said, Becki, although I think that Perry's biggest problem is that he really hadn't prepared for the race.

I think people around him told him it would be a cakewalk and it turned out to be a slog.

Can he recover? Maybe. There is still a vast hunger for a "Anyone but Romney" out there. So it depends on how Cain deflates and if Gingrich can fill in the gap.
I don't know what we will face when we replace Obama. His supporters are already defacing and trying to disrupt and destroy Wall Street with his full damn smiley-faced approval.

Not playing fairly has gotten them so much ground against Bill-of-Rights freedoms, I hardly see how they'd play fair with the next inhabitant at 1600 Pennsylvania, and that's something we must as a people prepare for--dealing with and overcoming chaos based on abject misrepresentation of American history.

They hate the military, when we should be electing Presidential leaders from the military who are vetted in upholding the Constitution and providing for the common defense.

We're electing presidents who have never had the experience of seeing American blood shed in facing down and fighting an unfair bully or of seeing a buddy come back from a POW camp, maddened by the madness of their tortures and pure evil against Americans.

We shouldn't be looking at anyone who doesn't have a firm military participation in defending America to run for President. We might as well just draw a name out of the hat of citizens worldwide and insert them into the presidency as putting in someone who hasn't had to follow military orders. It's a disaster.

I'm angry about back east schools snubbing ROTC college type groups and banning them from their campuses, like only brainpower can overcome an enemy. That is not so. Military might is required in this world of mad-dog regimes.

How in the hell do they think they came into the luxury of having free speech except by the blood of those who died ensuring the blessings of liberty and the Bill of Rights upon them? Four years of Americans will think Obama's magic wand gave them freedom of speech, if they have any left after him and his punk Commie kitchen cabinet have anything to do with it.

This "anyone can be president" stuff is not based on love for this nation. It's based on love for castles-in-the-air thinking that doesn't put bread on the kitchen table.

I wonder.............exactly WHO in the current crop of GOP candidates has actual military service?

Oh yeah........that idiot Perry.

As far as requiring actual military service to be president? Not a bad idea, but only trouble is, most politicians TODAY have never even been close to a recruiting office, much less served a full term.

Yeah, I think it's a good idea as well, because before deploying troops, you should at least have an understanding of what they are going to go through (other than publicity trips to war zones), but, in this country, we believe ANYONE can be president.

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