Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?

Because Russia could have as easily based the bombers in Cuba. In my mind, someone, even someone hostile to the USA, building a bomber runway isn't justification for going to war against them. The other reason was a fear that the communist government was going to pull an Iran and seize the 600 or so Americans as hostages.
I doubt that very much, any actual evidence?
A small island like Grenada that already has a six-thousand-foot airstrip capable of handling medium jets and prop planes (feeder airline type planes like the Fokker F-27) doesn't need an expensive nine-thousand-foot airstrip capable of handling international jumbo jets and large bombers. With a communist government that seized power almost as soon as the UK released Grenada, Grenada had little to no tourism prior to the invasion so there was no need for the long and heavily built airstrip except as a place for Soviet long rang transports carrying supplies to pro-Soviet terrorist and guerilla groups throughout South American and the Caribbean, patrol planes and bombers
A small island like Grenada that already has a six-thousand-foot airstrip capable of handling medium jets and prop planes (feeder airline type planes like the Fokker F-27) doesn't need an expensive nine-thousand-foot airstrip capable of handling international jumbo jets and large bombers. With a communist government that seized power almost as soon as the UK released Grenada, Grenada had little to no tourism prior to the invasion so there was no need for the long and heavily built airstrip except as a place for Soviet long rang transports carrying supplies to pro-Soviet terrorist and guerilla groups throughout South American and the Caribbean, patrol planes and bombers
Cool story, they could have what airport they wanted without being invaded, is there no US outrage you will go against? it's ridiculous to say Grenada could be a threat to the US.
Cool story, they could have what airport they wanted without being invaded, is there no US outrage you will go against? it's ridiculous to say Grenada could be a threat to the US.
Cuba and the Soviets were the threat RETARD. or perhaps you can explain why Cuba had thousands of armed troops in Grenada?
Because Russia could have as easily based the bombers in Cuba. In my mind, someone, even someone hostile to the USA, building a bomber runway isn't justification for going to war against them. The other reason was a fear that the communist government was going to pull an Iran and seize the 600 or so Americans as hostages.
The agreements the U.S. made in the aftermath of the Cuban missile crisis precludes nuclear capable bomber or submarines being based in Cub.
The agreements the U.S. made in the aftermath of the Cuban missile crisis precludes nuclear capable bomber or submarines being based in Cub.
And as the invasions of ex-Warsaw Pact countries have shown, the Soviets/Russians would only keep those agreements as long as it suited them.
Crimea voted. They hate Ukraine. Always have.
You mean the Russian immigrants that the Russians moved into Crimea voted along with all the “little green men” Russian soldiers. A Russian run “election” with no supervision and probably armed soldiers inspecting the ballots to insure the people voted properly for the desired outcome.
You mean the Russian immigrants that the Russians moved into Crimea voted along with all the “little green men” Russian soldiers. A Russian run “election” with no supervision and probably armed soldiers inspecting the ballots to insure the people voted properly for the desired outcome.
We're you there? Did you speak with anyone from Crimea?
Originally posted by Mushroom
Can you please speak in English and not mindless nonsensical political speak?

My statement was typed in perfectly clear English:

When you commit an act of national prostitution, when you rent your national territory to serve the geopolitical interests of foreign powers in exchange for protection, endangering the national security of your neighbors you run the risk of finding yourself on the receiving end of their bombs, specially when all the diplomatic efforts are exhausted.

Stop playing dumb and admit you don't have an answer.
You mean the Russian immigrants that the Russians moved into Crimea voted along with all the “little green men” Russian soldiers. A Russian run “election” with no supervision and probably armed soldiers inspecting the ballots to insure the people voted properly for the desired outcome.
You have made an art form out of stupidity, Russians have been in Crimea for centuries you idiot because it's Russian, it's not like Israel where the Zionist have imported jews from god knows where, talk about weaponised ignorance.
And as the invasions of ex-Warsaw Pact countries have shown, the Soviets/Russians would only keep those agreements as long as it suited them.
You forget some of those what became Warsaw pact Countries had sided with Hitler, Hungary, Romania the Baltics so cry me a river, and the Waraw pact was formed five years after Nato and it is no more, so why is Nato still there and expanding?
India just safely landed on the Moon. Putin's rocket thought the moon was another Ukrainian orphanage and tried to blow it up.

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