Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?

Fake news as usual. as for Angola that was another Country where you supported terrorism, now the Cubans did get involved there and smashed the South African Apartheid forces, the Nazi Apartheid forces your Country supported.

Oh my sweet summer child, you actually do not know any history at all and just ape Marxist talking points, don't you?

To start with, the Angola Independence and Civil War was an ugly mess involving three different Marxist Communist groups, each of which claims it was the "real Communist Army". And when Portugal left, the three immediately started fighting amongst themselves. That lasted for several years, until the 1975 Alvor Agreement agreed to a cease fire, a coalition government, and free elections. That however never happened, as the FNLA was soon attacking everybody else all over again.

Oh, and guess who it was that supported the majority MPLA? That was the side that South Africa supported.

Oh, but the MPLA was also the faction supported by Cuba and the Soviet Union!

The thing is, I am aware of that. You apparently have no idea about that at all, and as always just spout off your typical nonsense that is in complete defiance of actual historical facts. It was only after the MPLA defeated the FLNA and the atrocities started that South Africa moved to support the more moderate National Union (UNITA). They were initially a Marxist organization, but after over a decade of fighting became much more moderate.

Oh, and yes, South Africa after 1975 supported UNITA. Know who else supported UNITA? The People's Republic of China.

That is the problem when all you can do is spout off nonsense and can't even bother to learn the real history.

Have a nice day.
for almost 80 years after WW2 where the Finns sided with Hitler

Are you even aware that it was because Germany was the only country in the world to give any meaningful support to Finland after the Soviets invaded in the Winter War?

In 1939 when the Soviets attacked and tried to take over Finland, Germany alone gave them equipment and weapons. Of course, Germany and Finland had good relations going back over a century, and they also did not want the Soviets to get a clear shot at their northern borders.

So yeah, would you not expect a nation to be grateful to another that helped keep them alive after they were invaded by an overwhelming military force?

You know, the more you try to make some kind of strange points, the more you prove that you really do not know what you are talking about at all, and are just babbling almost nonsensical propaganda.
Are you even aware that it was because Germany was the only country in the world to give any meaningful support to Finland after the Soviets invaded in the Winter War?

In 1939 when the Soviets attacked and tried to take over Finland, Germany alone gave them equipment and weapons. Of course, Germany and Finland had good relations going back over a century, and they also did not want the Soviets to get a clear shot at their northern borders.

So yeah, would you not expect a nation to be grateful to another that helped keep them alive after they were invaded by an overwhelming military force?

You know, the more you try to make some kind of strange points, the more you prove that you really do not know what you are talking about at all, and are just babbling almost nonsensical propaganda.
It's never as simple as you make out, also the Finns allowed the Nazis to base troops in the Country before Barbarossa in which they took part, after the war Stalin could have occupied Finland but the Finns owned up to their mistake as a Hitler Ally, so the Soviets made a deal with them to leave the Country providing they remained neutral and had good relations with Russia to which they agreed, well so much for that they decided not to be neutral and joined the US foreign Legion Nato to be an enemy of Russia.
Oh my sweet summer child, you actually do not know any history at all and just ape Marxist talking points, don't you?

To start with, the Angola Independence and Civil War was an ugly mess involving three different Marxist Communist groups, each of which claims it was the "real Communist Army". And when Portugal left, the three immediately started fighting amongst themselves. That lasted for several years, until the 1975 Alvor Agreement agreed to a cease fire, a coalition government, and free elections. That however never happened, as the FNLA was soon attacking everybody else all over again.

Oh, and guess who it was that supported the majority MPLA? That was the side that South Africa supported.

Oh, but the MPLA was also the faction supported by Cuba and the Soviet Union!

The thing is, I am aware of that. You apparently have no idea about that at all, and as always just spout off your typical nonsense that is in complete defiance of actual historical facts. It was only after the MPLA defeated the FLNA and the atrocities started that South Africa moved to support the more moderate National Union (UNITA). They were initially a Marxist organization, but after over a decade of fighting became much more moderate.

Oh, and yes, South Africa after 1975 supported UNITA. Know who else supported UNITA? The People's Republic of China.

That is the problem when all you can do is spout off nonsense and can't even bother to learn the real history.

Have a nice day.
Bottom line is the US and Britain supported the Apartheid Nazis and their puppet Savimbi in Angola, the MPLA and Cuba stopped them after the Apartheid Nazis invaded Angola, then after Mandela was freed the same bastards wanted to be Mandelas best friend.
They have not provided stability they have caused instability as we now see with the War in Ukraine.
Ukraine is only unstable because Russia first interfered with its internal matters by importing the "little green men" who were Russian active-duty troops to support the separatists and when that failed invaded it TWICE. Poland, the Chech Republic, Hungary and the Baltics are all perfectly stable since they are protected from being invaded by Russia by being NATO members.
As for Finland their leadership are insane, for almost 80 years after WW2 where the Finns sided with Hitler there had been zero problems between the Soviet Union and later Russia and Finland, they had big trading relationship, now for some insane reason they want to be an enemy of Russia, same with Sweden,after the War the Soviet Union actually allowed Finland to exist, they didn't occupy the Country, but now they have made the same mistake they did in WW2 by joining a gang that's hostile to Russia on a deranged level.
The Finns also sided with Russia. You "forgot" to mention that Russia invaded and tried to conquer Finland in November 1939 and the Finns handed the Red Army its ass on a platter. Russia took a fairly big chunk of Finland (9%) both before the Winter War and after WWII war (10%) as "reparations". Plus a large monetary settlement that took a decade for Finland to pay off. Oh yeah, Russia and Finland had a non-aggression pact before Russia invaded it in the Winter War. Another agreement Russia violated as soon as it suited it. Peddle yourt pro-Russian lies somewghere else.
also the Finns allowed the Nazis to base troops in the Country before Barbarossa

Well no duh! What part of the historical timeline that I just laid out were you not paying attention to?

The Winter War was from November 1930 to March 1940. Staling correctly predicted that with the rest of the world would do nothing as they were so busy gearing up for war against Germany that they would do nothing. Just as he predicted they would not care that he also invaded Poland two weeks after Germany did in September 1939.

Operation Barbarossa was on 22 June 1941, very clearly after the Winter War. As they saw it as the only way to keep the Soviets from invading them again.

I pretty clearly laid out the timeline, yet you ignore it and go off on a completely different tangent ignoring key events and when they happened.

And the aftermath is nothing like you are trying to claim. You might want to look up a word I have used in here multiple times, "Finlandization".

That is the situation Ukraine was in for the past decade or more. However, that was not enough for Russia and they did not just want a compliant Ukraine, they wanted a puppet like they had in the old Warsaw Pact nations. And when Ukraine would not give in to them 100% upon demand they invaded. Multiple times.

This is what shocked Finland so much that they got off the fence and are no longer "Finlandized".

You really need to learn some of the real issues here, and not just spout off mindless propaganda that a child should be able to see is mostly nonsense.
The Finns also sided with Russia. You "forgot" to mention that Russia invaded and tried to conquer Finland in November 1939 and the Finns handed the Red Army its ass on a platter.

And it must be admitted a lot of that was with the help of Germany. They provided them munitions, equipment, as well as trained mountain and winter fighters to assist them in throwing out the Soviets. It was the only nation to give them aid in their fighting off the Soviet invasion.

And funny, I actually stated that already, but he completely ignored it not once but twice. So I have had to inform him once again a third time. Not to mention correcting his completely horrible timeline that tried to place the Winter War after Operation Barbarossa.

That is the problem when people only try to speak from bad propaganda and do not know the actual history of the conflict.

Well no duh! What part of the historical timeline that I just laid out were you not paying attention to?

The Winter War was from November 1930 to March 1940. Staling correctly predicted that with the rest of the world would do nothing as they were so busy gearing up for war against Germany that they would do nothing. Just as he predicted they would not care that he also invaded Poland two weeks after Germany did in September 1939.

Operation Barbarossa was on 22 June 1941, very clearly after the Winter War. As they saw it as the only way to keep the Soviets from invading them again.

I pretty clearly laid out the timeline, yet you ignore it and go off on a completely different tangent ignoring key events and when they happened.

And the aftermath is nothing like you are trying to claim. You might want to look up a word I have used in here multiple times, "Finlandization".

That is the situation Ukraine was in for the past decade or more. However, that was not enough for Russia and they did not just want a compliant Ukraine, they wanted a puppet like they had in the old Warsaw Pact nations. And when Ukraine would not give in to them 100% upon demand they invaded. Multiple times.

This is what shocked Finland so much that they got off the fence and are no longer "Finlandized".

You really need to learn some of the real issues here, and not just spout off mindless propaganda that a child should be able to see is mostly nonsense.
As the German offensive against the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) approached, the cooperation between the two countries intensified. German troops arrived in Finland and took up positions, mostly in Lapland, from where they would invade the Soviet Union.

Operation Barbarossa began on 22 June 1941. On 25 June the Soviet Union launched an air raid against Finnish cities, after which Finland declared war and also allowed German troops stationed in Finland to begin offensive

The bottom line is the Soviets allowed Finland to exist after the War they didn't occupy it as long as Finland was neutral, well they were for years now they have decided to throw that status out of the window.
And it must be admitted a lot of that was with the help of Germany. They provided them munitions, equipment, as well as trained mountain and winter fighters to assist them in throwing out the Soviets. It was the only nation to give them aid in their fighting off the Soviet invasion.

And funny, I actually stated that already, but he completely ignored it not once but twice. So I have had to inform him once again a third time. Not to mention correcting his completely horrible timeline that tried to place the Winter War after Operation Barbarossa.

That is the problem when people only try to speak from bad propaganda and do not know the actual history of the conflict.

Both the US and UK sent aid to Finland. The Finns operated British Gladiator fighters and Brewster Buffalo fighters. They were the only country to be successful in operating Buffalos against modern aircraft. The Finns also received aid from all the Scandanavian countries as well as Ukraine. Volunteer combat troops from Scandanavia, Eastern Europe and many other countries fought for Finland.
Has Russia invaded a NATO country yet? ... The West allowed Russia to take over Syria, both sides have much to gain eliminating terrorism in the world ... but frankly, it looks like Russia is no match for Turkey and/or Israel, and that's without USA direct intervention ...

We don't want WWIII ... so we're tip-toeing around The Ukraine ... the first Russia tank crossing into Lithuania and all hell breaks lose ... all of Europe loses ...
If by Tip-Toeing you mean giving unlimited $billions of U.S. hard earned tax dollars to prop up a failed leader who likely, if audited, couldn't produce enough evidence to show where half of it went - then I guess so.
Both the US and UK sent aid to Finland. The Finns operated British Gladiator fighters and Brewster Buffalo fighters. They were the only country to be successful in operating Buffalos against modern aircraft. The Finns also received aid from all the Scandanavian countries as well as Ukraine. Volunteer combat troops from Scandanavia, Eastern Europe and many other countries fought for Finland.

I never said nobody else helped them, just that the majority of the aid came from Germany.

But really, the Ukrainian SSR sent aid to Finland?
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The bottom line is the Soviets allowed Finland to exist after the War

The Soviets did not "allow" anything.

Holy crap, you just continue to talk out your arse, don't you?

More detailed history is obviously needed. In August 1944 the President of Finland resigned, and Parliament started negotiating with the Soviets to end the war between them. That was done with the Moscow Armistice in September 1944. Among that treaty signed in 1944 the Soviets recognized the sovereignty of Finland and not to invade them again.

Gee, funny how you seem to ignore that, as if you are not even aware it existed.

However, just as in Italy, when Finland exited the war Germany refused to leave and attacked Finland. This started another war known as the Lapland War, and resulted in Finland joining the Allied Powers and fighting Germany until the end of the War in Europe in April 1945. Once again, something you either ignored or seem completely unaware of.

Finland at the end of the war was an Allied Power. And if the Soviets had attacked or tried to absorb them into the Warsaw Pact, the US, UK, France, and the other Western Powers would have unquestionably fought the Soviets in support of Finland.

God, you really know almost no history, do you? If you like, I can suggest some good history books so you might take the time and educate yourself before spouting such nonsense.
Yes seriously, what evidence do you have that any of those people in that image were killed by Putin ? you don't have any, also i can see one or two of them who were probably killed by Western intelligence as false flags, one Berezovsky was a jewish Oligarch living in London and a anti Putin big mouth he was never off the TV here, however he lost a legal battle with Abramovich another Russian Oligarch living in London it cost Berezovsky a lot of his money, it's reported he had made contact with the Russian authorities to return home to Russia, not long after he was found dead in his home, the point is if he had returned to Russia he knew where the bodies were, it would have been very embarrassing for the British as he could have given the Russians a lot of information about his links with MI6, he also had a close and murky relationship with Litvenenko another Russian MI6 asset, i believe he was taken out by British intelligence, and he was not the only one, some of these people are worth more dead than alive once they have served their purpose, you need to start looking more into events instead of just following the official narrative and accepting it as a given.
The Soviets did not "allow" anything.

Holy crap, you just continue to talk out your arse, don't you?

More detailed history is obviously needed. In August 1944 the President of Finland resigned, and Parliament started negotiating with the Soviets to end the war between them. That was done with the Moscow Armistice in September 1944. Among that treaty signed in 1944 the Soviets recognized the sovereignty of Finland and not to invade them again.

Gee, funny how you seem to ignore that, as if you are not even aware it existed.

However, just as in Italy, when Finland exited the war Germany refused to leave and attacked Finland. This started another war known as the Lapland War, and resulted in Finland joining the Allied Powers and fighting Germany until the end of the War in Europe in April 1945. Once again, something you either ignored or seem completely unaware of.

Finland at the end of the war was an Allied Power. And if the Soviets had attacked or tried to absorb them into the Warsaw Pact, the US, UK, France, and the other Western Powers would have unquestionably fought the Soviets in support of Finland.

God, you really know almost no history, do you? If you like, I can suggest some good history books so you might take the time and educate yourself before spouting such nonsense.
Of course they allowed it you fool or they would have occupied the Country, they didn't do that because Finland said they would remain neutral so you educate yourself clown.

Is Russia Now the World's Leading Military Power?​

In regards to factual and sustainable military losses - undoubtedly the World # 1, military power

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