Is Russia toying with US? Missile sale to Iran raises question


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
"Russia and the United States may have found common ground on Syria’s chemical weapons, giving President Barack Obama a way to avoid threatened missile strikes and President Vladimir Putin a way to support longtime ally Syria......................But the Russians may be playing a more complicated game than the Americans realize, possibly reviving talk of the arms deal with Iran to create added leverage in their ongoing dispute with the US over what to do about Syria."

September 11, 2013
Is Russia toying with US? Missile sale to Iran raises question -
Is this the first Russian missile sale to Iran? Was this sale negotiated in the last two days?

Do we not sell missiles to anyone in the Middle East?
This is realpolitik, boys and girls. An ancient game. Watch and learn how things are done.

Come out of your little delusional world where everything is black and white and live in the one which has infinite shades.
Is this the first Russian missile sale to Iran? Was this sale negotiated in the last two days?

Do we not sell missiles to anyone in the Middle East?

Can you get your head any farther up Obama's ass?

We have our best men working on a cure for Obama Derangement Syndrome. So hang in there!

If anyone needs a cure concerning misplaced beliefs about Obama you and your ilk need it bad, he has fucked up Foreign affairs so bad I don;t see how it can be fixed and you deflect.
Is this the first Russian missile sale to Iran? Was this sale negotiated in the last two days?

Do we not sell missiles to anyone in the Middle East?

Can you get your head any farther up Obama's ass?

We have our best men working on a cure for Obama Derangement Syndrome. So hang in there!

I though Obama only appointed women to positions of importance. Perhaps they call tell us if Putin is toying with us or not.
This is realpolitik, boys and girls. An ancient game. Watch and learn how things are done.

Come out of your little delusional world where everything is black and white and live in the one which has infinite shades.

Says the man who thought that Kerry and Obama squeezed Syria into a chemical weapon confession. :lmao:
If I read others sources right Putin has OFFERED to sell them the SA-300's...he has had Iran on the hook for them for a few years, we asked him not to and so far he hasn't, BUT, he did this as a subtle reminder to us that, IF he sold them to Iran, Israel would find it infinitely harder to bomb the sites protected by them, big time.

That the road to a peace or disarmament in the region runs thru Moscow, is beyond surreal. Its dissociative pathology.

He has the whip hand here and he knows it. And now Jay the Carney barker wants to sell us on the play that Obama has cleverly brought this about ( whatever this is or turns out to be). :lol:
This is realpolitik, boys and girls. An ancient game. Watch and learn how things are done.

Come out of your little delusional world where everything is black and white and live in the one which has infinite shades.

from a Geo-political standpoint, dispassionately and objectively- we have taken a huge hit, if you're arguing otherwise, lets get it on;), why/how, exactly? :eusa_eh:
Is this the first Russian missile sale to Iran? Was this sale negotiated in the last two days?

Do we not sell missiles to anyone in the Middle East?

That would be TODAY.

Russia confirms sale of advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran

According to the Kommersant daily, Russia has also agreed to build additional nuclear reactor at Bushehr nuclear site; Israel staunchly opposed possible Russian sale of advanced S-300 missiles to Assad earlier this year.

By Haaretz | Sep. 11, 2013 | 2:58 PM | 24
Good for Russia. .. :thup:

Iran needs the missiles to protect the country from the aggressive criminal state of Israel. .. :cool:

:lol: how does that compute?

I mean here we are listening to obama admin. tell us hes just pulled some jui jitsu move that will render assads wmds mute becasue he will give them up or put them under guard, yet this move, if Putin sells the SA-300's to Iran will most likely allow them to complete their march to the Big Kahuna of WMD's.....which will create a new regional chessboard that is incalculably dangerous.
Good for Russia. .. :thup:

Iran needs the missiles to protect the country from the aggressive criminal state of Israel. .. :cool:

:lol: how does that compute?

I mean here we are listening to obama admin. tell us hes just pulled some jui jitsu move that will render assads wmds mute becasue he will give them up or put them under guard, yet this move, if Putin sells the SA-300's to Iran will most likely allow them to complete their march to the Big Kahuna of WMD's.....which will create a new regional chessboard that is incalculably dangerous.

I think it computes because they arm Iran in the same manner that we arm Israel. It's the cold war chess match all over again..

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