Is Russia toying with US? Missile sale to Iran raises question

Barry and Kerry have given the Russians WAY too many options and way too much time. There's no way for this to wind up well.

Well anything right now that keeps AQ or the FSA radicals from getting their hands on the stockpiles is good.

It's just absurd to even think that these morons in Washington are contemplating weakening Assad's military.

LOL ya that's the next little problem---How can Assad cooperate while he's having to fight off US trained rebels.....

Putting the pipeline aside for a moment, I'm beginning to believe Buchanan is right.

This is a back door plan to hit Iran. And omg this is one hell of a dangerous plan. I mean when I'm witnessing people suggesting that all we have to do is take out Assad and worry about AQ later, I'm thinking the world has gone mad.
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becasue they don't talk, they MOVE when they need to.

Obama should have , after 5 minutes on stage last night announced at that very moment, we were going in- enacting full strikes on all Syrian airfields, holing them beyond repair, ammo dumps, artillery sites we can reach, etc. Thats what the Israelis do.

the Israelis know one thing for sure today, they probably refused or didn't want to believe for a few years, they are alone.

BUT this SA-300 deal? Thats bad, ( if its true).

see above, no, they aren't.

Israel can adjust much quicker than the US can. I predict that they will manage to get Assad deposed without them having to fire a shot.

they can try and will, I am sure, But their job has been made infinitely harder now.

And the stakes go up if Iran gets the bomb, what if say iran, says once they have nukes, that any attack on Syria will be seen as an attack upon them and they would respond by using them, and then say, Syria starts shit on the Golan heights? Or invades Lebanon? Iran says same regards Hezbollah and then Nasrallah has another IDF soldier kidnapped?

If I were Netanyahu, and if I were ever serious about attacking Irans sites, I'd be very seriously thinking about doing it soon, very soon. Especially if they don't see a way to topple assad.
Barry and Kerry have given the Russians WAY too many options and way too much time. There's no way for this to wind up well.

Well anything right now that keeps AQ or the FSA radicals from getting their hands on the stockpiles is good.

It's just absurd to even think that these morons in Washington are contemplating weakening Assad's military.

LOL ya that's the next little problem---How can Assad cooperate while he's having to fight off US trained rebels.....

if assad feels hes really losing, a couple of things could happen, he could decide to transport ( if they aren't there already) major stockpiles of wmd to the alawite population centers/strongholds in the NW of his country, or he could use them again.....its a sure bet he will never ever give them all up willingly, if he does, he loses that ace in the hole. He'd be nuts to do so.
Well anything right now that keeps AQ or the FSA radicals from getting their hands on the stockpiles is good.

It's just absurd to even think that these morons in Washington are contemplating weakening Assad's military.

LOL ya that's the next little problem---How can Assad cooperate while he's having to fight off US trained rebels.....

if assad feels hes really losing, a couple of things could happen, he could decide to transport ( if they aren't there already) major stockpiles of wmd to the alawite population centers/strongholds in the NW of his country, or he could use them again.....its a sure bet he will never ever give them all up willingly, if he does, he loses that ace in the hole. He'd be nuts to do so.

I'm thinking he will simply claim that he would love to comply and as soon as there is a truce, the UN is welcome to come in and help him find it all.
LOL ya that's the next little problem---How can Assad cooperate while he's having to fight off US trained rebels.....

if assad feels hes really losing, a couple of things could happen, he could decide to transport ( if they aren't there already) major stockpiles of wmd to the alawite population centers/strongholds in the NW of his country, or he could use them again.....its a sure bet he will never ever give them all up willingly, if he does, he loses that ace in the hole. He'd be nuts to do so.

I'm thinking he will simply claim that he would love to comply and as soon as there is a truce, the UN is welcome to come in and help him find it all.

sure he could do that, smart actually, and what does Barry do?
And the Russkies also offered to build Iran another nuke reactor. You people still want to support Pooten.

There is a difference between supporting and negotiating. I would expect you to know that.

Obama prefers mocking Putin and publicly calling him names. That is OK for me and you to do, but Heads of State with a nickels worth of class usually refrain from personal attacks on each other.

So Putin has never called Obama names?
Yet the Israeli's seem to always get the upper hand at the end of the day.

becasue they don't talk, they MOVE when they need to.

Obama should have , after 5 minutes on stage last night announced at that very moment, we were going in- enacting full strikes on all Syrian airfields, holing them beyond repair, ammo dumps, artillery sites we can reach, etc. Thats what the Israelis do.

the Israelis know one thing for sure today, they probably refused or didn't want to believe for a few years, they are alone.

BUT this SA-300 deal? Thats bad, ( if its true).

If it's anything like the SCUD missiles, it doesn't work too well.
Obama is not in a better place with Congress or the people than he was before Kerry stuck his foot in his mouth and the Russians pulled it out of his ***.

"Diplomatic solution possible." An hour later, "Syria considering." "So is the US, who 'forced' this to come to pass." Early next day, "Accepted." An hour later, "US, France, UK want to get quick proposal to Security Council." An hour later, "Force use in proposal must be removed-Russia." Shortly before President's speech, "No meeting of Security Council, Russia postpones."

President comes out and says, "We are principled people. I am humanitarian. Chemicals are bad for children and other living things. We almost went to war to demonstrate how humanitarian we are."

NYT next morning: "Obama saves us through diplomacy."

No one can see through this, right?
Yet the Israeli's seem to always get the upper hand at the end of the day.

becasue they don't talk, they MOVE when they need to.

Obama should have , after 5 minutes on stage last night announced at that very moment, we were going in- enacting full strikes on all Syrian airfields, holing them beyond repair, ammo dumps, artillery sites we can reach, etc. Thats what the Israelis do.

the Israelis know one thing for sure today, they probably refused or didn't want to believe for a few years, they are alone.

BUT this SA-300 deal? Thats bad, ( if its true).

If it's anything like the SCUD missiles, it doesn't work too well.

uhmmmmm, dude...

The S-300 systems have been modernized repeatedly to remain state-of-the-art airplane- and rocket-destruction machines. The S-300PMU2 Favorit can launch six missiles at once and engage 12 targets simultaneously, both at high and low altitude. The missile interceptors (effectors) used by the S-300 PMU2 outmaneuver any modern fighter, including F-16, F-15, F-18 and F-22, these missiles can also effectively hit cruise missiles at ranges of 40-70km. The same unit can also employ the latest 48N6E2 missiles to intercept short and medium range ballistic missiles that would be targeting the site. This missile having a maximum range of 195km is what makes the system ‘strategic’ When covered by by point defense missile systems, such as the SA-15 Tor or SA-22 Pantsir S1, an S-300 PMU2 would be virtually immune to standoff attack by precision guided weapons. The system is also designed to operate effectively even when subjected to severe countermeasures and electronic attack, which makes it especially difficult to suppress.

more at
How Dangerous is the S-300 Syria is About to Receive? - Defense Update - Military Technology & Defense News
Obama is not in a better place with Congress or the people than he was before Kerry stuck his foot in his mouth and the Russians pulled it out of his ***.

"Diplomatic solution possible." An hour later, "Syria considering." "So is the US, who 'forced' this to come to pass." Early next day, "Accepted." An hour later, "US, France, UK want to get quick proposal to Security Council." An hour later, "Force use in proposal must be removed-Russia." Shortly before President's speech, "No meeting of Security Council, Russia postpones."

President comes out and says, "We are principled people. I am humanitarian. Chemicals are bad for children and other living things. We almost went to war to demonstrate how humanitarian we are."

NYT next morning: "Obama saves us through diplomacy."

No one can see through this, right?
Wesley can:

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.' [147]"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Russia and the United States may have found common ground on Syria’s chemical weapons, giving President Barack Obama a way to avoid threatened missile strikes and President Vladimir Putin a way to support longtime ally Syria......................But the Russians may be playing a more complicated game than the Americans realize, possibly reviving talk of the arms deal with Iran to create added leverage in their ongoing dispute with the US over what to do about Syria."

September 11, 2013
Is Russia toying with US? Missile sale to Iran raises question -

WHY is it a big deal when Russia sells missiles to Iran but no so when the US arms Israel to the teeth?!?!?!?!?!!?

You really don't know?
Is Russia toying with the US? But of course, they've been doing it for 75 years. It just a LOT easier now that Barry is trying to be a "big boy". :lol:

Barry and Kerry have given the Russians WAY too many options and way too much time. There's no way for this to wind up well.

Agreed. You trust a Russian - you are about to get taken to the cleaners. I dealt with those folks for many years. I have a deep respect for the people, but their leaders are dangerous.
Obama is not in a better place with Congress or the people than he was before Kerry stuck his foot in his mouth and the Russians pulled it out of his ***.

"Diplomatic solution possible." An hour later, "Syria considering." "So is the US, who 'forced' this to come to pass." Early next day, "Accepted." An hour later, "US, France, UK want to get quick proposal to Security Council." An hour later, "Force use in proposal must be removed-Russia." Shortly before President's speech, "No meeting of Security Council, Russia postpones."

President comes out and says, "We are principled people. I am humanitarian. Chemicals are bad for children and other living things. We almost went to war to demonstrate how humanitarian we are."

NYT next morning: "Obama saves us through diplomacy."

No one can see through this, right?
Wesley can:

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.' [147]"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, so? Did that ever happen? I once discussed being a pro golfer.
Toying with the U.S.? Hell, Russia, more specifically Putin, is laughing at the U.S.


Exactly! Another factor here is that whereas Obama has disgraced himself, lost credibility and enhanced the power of Islam by not standing with his allies, Putin comes out of this whole affair with a cast iron reputation for backing his allies to the hilt in the the strongest way he can!

Russia and Putin will no doubt attract more allies because of this, to the detriment of the US and the West.
Toying with the U.S.? Hell, Russia, more specifically Putin, is laughing at the U.S.


Exactly! Another factor here is that whereas Obama has disgraced himself, lost credibility and enhanced the power of Islam by not standing with his allies, Putin comes out of this whole affair with a cast iron reputation for backing his allies to the hilt in the the strongest way he can!

Russia and Putin will no doubt attract more allies because of this, to the detriment of the US and the West.

That is a matter of perspective and what the person wishes to see. The proof will be in the actions taken. So far it appears Obama is not backed by Congress however, the lynchpin argument is exactly what you OP would trigger.
I agree and disagree. ^^^^^^^^

Because now, a new crisis has developed due to Obama's flip flopping and indecisiveness!
Putin's agreement to supply S 300 to Iran means it is going to be much more difficult to mount an attack against Iran nuclear facilities.
I agree and disagree. ^^^^^^^^

Because now, a new crisis has developed due to Obama's flip flopping and indecisiveness!
Putin's agreement to supply S 300 to Iran means it is going to be much more difficult to mount an attack against Iran nuclear facilities.

I agree, but this is par for the course. Things get difficult then they will balance out, there always seems to be an ebb and flow.
I agree and disagree. ^^^^^^^^

Because now, a new crisis has developed due to Obama's flip flopping and indecisiveness!
Putin's agreement to supply S 300 to Iran means it is going to be much more difficult to mount an attack against Iran nuclear facilities.

There's always a price to pay for not knowing how to play the game your playing. Folks voted for 'the one they were waiting for...' now they're paying the price.

I'm not being facetious, there are repercussions for electing someone who really has no track record and indeed seems to be an ideologue without a shred of practicality. He has surrounded himself with sycophants who reinforce his opinions are always correct; he's always the 'smartest man in the room.' Really.

He'll take a hit in his 'legacy' the US will take the hit directly. Already have with huge borrowing and downgrading of credit. Now it's becoming clear that the incompetence isn't just domestic.
Good for Russia. .. :thup:

Iran needs the missiles to protect the country from the aggressive criminal state of Israel. .. :cool:

:lol: how does that compute?

I mean here we are listening to obama admin. tell us hes just pulled some jui jitsu move that will render assads wmds mute becasue he will give them up or put them under guard, yet this move, if Putin sells the SA-300's to Iran will most likely allow them to complete their march to the Big Kahuna of WMD's.....which will create a new regional chessboard that is incalculably dangerous.

I think what he is saying to Obumble, is Checkmate, you ass.

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