Is Russia toying with US? Missile sale to Iran raises question

I agree and disagree. ^^^^^^^^

Because now, a new crisis has developed due to Obama's flip flopping and indecisiveness!
Putin's agreement to supply S 300 to Iran means it is going to be much more difficult to mount an attack against Iran nuclear facilities.

There's always a price to pay for not knowing how to play the game your playing. Folks voted for 'the one they were waiting for...' now they're paying the price.

I'm not being facetious, there are repercussions for electing someone who really has no track record and indeed seems to be an ideologue without a shred of practicality. He has surrounded himself with sycophants who reinforce his opinions are always correct; he's always the 'smartest man in the room.' Really.

He'll take a hit in his 'legacy' the US will take the hit directly. Already have with huge borrowing and downgrading of credit. Now it's becoming clear that the incompetence isn't just domestic.

This is all very nice and much of it true . Nevertheless the issues at hand must be dealt with then the mudslinging and happy horse shit can ensue. To demonize the guy who is in charge is just not very smart or productive, especially when we cannot get him out.
I agree and disagree. ^^^^^^^^

Because now, a new crisis has developed due to Obama's flip flopping and indecisiveness!
Putin's agreement to supply S 300 to Iran means it is going to be much more difficult to mount an attack against Iran nuclear facilities.

There's always a price to pay for not knowing how to play the game your playing. Folks voted for 'the one they were waiting for...' now they're paying the price.

I'm not being facetious, there are repercussions for electing someone who really has no track record and indeed seems to be an ideologue without a shred of practicality. He has surrounded himself with sycophants who reinforce his opinions are always correct; he's always the 'smartest man in the room.' Really.

He'll take a hit in his 'legacy' the US will take the hit directly. Already have with huge borrowing and downgrading of credit. Now it's becoming clear that the incompetence isn't just domestic.

This is all very nice and much of it true . Nevertheless the issues at hand must be dealt with then the mudslinging and happy horse shit can ensue. To demonize the guy who is in charge is just not very smart or productive, especially when we cannot get him out.

I'm not demonizing, I haven't from the start. Being from Chicago suburb, I was very familiar with him before the 2004 speech. I said to my significant other at the time, "Hells, bells, he may ride this in 2008..." So he did.

He won twice. Why? Polls showed that the people didn't like his positions, not as much as Romney's. But, the people did like Obama, did not like Romney. That's the facts. No one should be shocked by what has happened or will happen.
There's always a price to pay for not knowing how to play the game your playing. Folks voted for 'the one they were waiting for...' now they're paying the price.

I'm not being facetious, there are repercussions for electing someone who really has no track record and indeed seems to be an ideologue without a shred of practicality. He has surrounded himself with sycophants who reinforce his opinions are always correct; he's always the 'smartest man in the room.' Really.

He'll take a hit in his 'legacy' the US will take the hit directly. Already have with huge borrowing and downgrading of credit. Now it's becoming clear that the incompetence isn't just domestic.

This is all very nice and much of it true . Nevertheless the issues at hand must be dealt with then the mudslinging and happy horse shit can ensue. To demonize the guy who is in charge is just not very smart or productive, especially when we cannot get him out.

I'm not demonizing, I haven't from the start. Being from Chicago suburb, I was very familiar with him before the 2004 speech. I said to my significant other at the time, "Hells, bells, he may ride this in 2008..." So he did.

He won twice. Why? Polls showed that the people didn't like his positions, not as much as Romney's. But, the people did like Obama, did not like Romney. That's the facts. No one should be shocked by what has happened or will happen.

My point is he is the guy we are stuck with for better or worse. Easy to knock down that to deal with the realities which always has a positive and negative side.
This is all very nice and much of it true . Nevertheless the issues at hand must be dealt with then the mudslinging and happy horse shit can ensue. To demonize the guy who is in charge is just not very smart or productive, especially when we cannot get him out.

I'm not demonizing, I haven't from the start. Being from Chicago suburb, I was very familiar with him before the 2004 speech. I said to my significant other at the time, "Hells, bells, he may ride this in 2008..." So he did.

He won twice. Why? Polls showed that the people didn't like his positions, not as much as Romney's. But, the people did like Obama, did not like Romney. That's the facts. No one should be shocked by what has happened or will happen.

My point is he is the guy we are stuck with for better or worse. Easy to knock down that to deal with the realities which always has a positive and negative side.

Indeed he's in place for the next 3+ years, the reality is that 30% is going to love him, even if he took out Kerry the next time he opened his mouth. Hell, they'd probably clap. They 'like' the guy.

The rest of us will just have to endure, but no way am I going to applaud all the things he's done and will do. I am glad he killed bin Laden, btw.
Obama is not in a better place with Congress or the people than he was before Kerry stuck his foot in his mouth and the Russians pulled it out of his ***.

"Diplomatic solution possible." An hour later, "Syria considering." "So is the US, who 'forced' this to come to pass." Early next day, "Accepted." An hour later, "US, France, UK want to get quick proposal to Security Council." An hour later, "Force use in proposal must be removed-Russia." Shortly before President's speech, "No meeting of Security Council, Russia postpones."

President comes out and says, "We are principled people. I am humanitarian. Chemicals are bad for children and other living things. We almost went to war to demonstrate how humanitarian we are."

NYT next morning: "Obama saves us through diplomacy."

No one can see through this, right?
Wesley can:

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.' [147]"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, so? Did that ever happen? I once discussed being a pro golfer.
Ask Saddam and Gaddafi how it's worked out so far.
FWIW, in a 2007 interview Wesley Clark revealed he was in the Pentagon days after 911 when he learned Bush had already committed to invading Iraq; two months later that plan had morphed into overthrowing six additional sovereign states in the next five years.

"Currently Iran's only golf course, it is situated in Tehran on the Enghelab Sports complex. The Enghelab course (which translates as 'Revolution') is the only 13 hole golf course in the world. Previously 18 holes, 5 of them were confiscated in 1992. The course is in dramatic surroundings with the towering Alborz mountains to the north and the sprawling city of Tehran to the South. The course plays as 18 holes with 3 to 7 being also played as 12 to 16."

The Islamic Republic Of Iran Inaugural Amateur Golf Open • Tehran 20th-22nd April 2012

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