Is saving for College worth it?

Quit whining because Warren gets low cost education

Not Fair!

She charges $400k to teach one class, uses her papaw’s cheeks to get preferential treatment, and fucks those who WORK and RISK money to put their kids through college. Low cost education has nothing to with it. If it did, her costs would have been low.

Warren is now a Super Star lecturer

She is fighting for free and low cost education
Something all Americans should be entitled to

She is fighting for free education which will be paid for by working Americans. As for low-cost education, how are corrupt professors teaching one class going to make $400,000?

We already provide free public school education K-12
Why not extend it?

We already provide free public school education K-12
Why not extend it?

Have you seen the products of these free public schools?
Why not shorten it?
Quit whining because Warren gets low cost education

Not Fair!

She charges $400k to teach one class, uses her papaw’s cheeks to get preferential treatment, and fucks those who WORK and RISK money to put their kids through college. Low cost education has nothing to with it. If it did, her costs would have been low.

Warren is now a Super Star lecturer

She is fighting for free and low cost education
Something all Americans should be entitled to

She is fighting for free education which will be paid for by working Americans. As for low-cost education, how are corrupt professors teaching one class going to make $400,000?

We already provide free public school education K-12
Why not extend it?

Good point. The question is not WHY but HOW? First, the overhead that is associated with Big Education needs to be eliminated. Make state and community colleges for commuters free. Limit degrees under the program majors and certification
Quit whining because Warren gets low cost education

Not Fair!

What needs to be said is that she is a liar and a fraud. She KNOWS that her absurd pipedream will never happen, but she depends on the gullibility of Democrat primary voters to believe her shit and vote for her.

She is a lawyer and knows fully that the obstacles of "loan forgiveness," INCLUDING COMPENSATION for those defrauded are insurmountable.

Kudos for this guy for exposing her phony plot. He's probably a Trump voter anyway.
Why not?

Other countries provide free higher education. Why does our nation make you go tens of thousand in debt?

Those "other countries" also have 20% VATs. We're not interested.

If you want to lower tuition rates, simply make student loans more expensive and difficult to obtain. That lowers the demand at Universities and other institutions of higher education and that lowers tuition.

Anything free has no value to the consumer and therefore, no appreciation and massive abuse.

The High Price of a Free College Education in Sweden
Here's why Swedish college students still graduate with a ton of debt.

But remember: Free. College in Sweden is free. That's not even all that common in Europe anymore. While the costs of education are far lower than in the US, over the past two decades sometimes-hefty fees have become a fact of life for many European students. Britain got them in 1998. Some German states instituted them after a federal ban on student fees was overturned in the courts. In fact, since 1995 more than half of the 25 OECD countries with available data on higher education have overhauled their college tuition policies at public institutions, with many adding or raising fees.

And yet, students in Germany and the UK have far lower debts than in Sweden. And 85% of Swedish students graduate with debt, versus only 50% in the US. Worst of all, new Swedish graduates have the highest debt-to-income ratios of any group of students in the developed world (according to estimates of what they're expected to earn once they get out of school)--somewhere in the neighborhood of 80%. The US, where we're constantly being told that student debt is hitting crisis proportions, the average is more like 60%. Why?

The High Price of a Free College Education in Sweden
Part of the problem is we have people taking unwater basket weaving and wonder why they are working at McDonalds.
Then you have those that have even better credentials like Medieval English as a major with an Ancient Greek language minor.

You can actually find good paying jobs without a college education in something that no one has a use for or there is only five openings every ten years for.
More lies from Conservatives

Students are not taking basket weaving. The most popular majors are Business, Education, Healthcare, STEM and Liberal Arts
Exactly how many liberal arts majors does the country employ?
How many of those majors are working in the fields that they have a major in?

I guess I should have labeled that part of my comment as sarcasm just for low IQ leftists like you. I will have to remember that the left only have a subpar education.

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