Is Seattle going to pick up Colin Kaepernick?

So the Browns trading away multiple draft picks and offering a guaranteed contract to someone facing 22 sexual harassment/assault law suits was not enough to do it for you, but some guy kneels during a song and that is the final straw??

Final straw? Nope, I've already gave up on the NFL, I just follow college ball now. I'll try FOX's USFL next month though.

As for that piece of shit Deshaun Watson, I've already lit up Cleveland's page about it. It's damn disgraceful, and the fucker should be drummed out of the league!
You really think you know more about Watson and his legal troubles then the team paying him 200 Million.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say those girls are most likely full of shit just like you.

I think they do not care if he is being sued by 22 women as long as he can throw the ball and run with it part of the time. I think they do not care one iota if he raped all 22 of them as long as he can win some games. The NFL will suspend him for part of this coming season in an effort to pretend they care and that it means something, but once again everyone but you it seems knows they do not give a fuck and as long as he is not in jail they will let him play
Lions? Hah.

He was rated 7th in the NFL. Took SF to a championship.

I can't see Pete Carroll signing a 35 year old QB that hasn't played since 2016 that will undoubtedly loose them some fans. Especially since Russell Wilson was so popular in Seattle. But, never say never with the NFL. Cleveland just signed Deshaun Watson to a record deal. Watson has 22 active law suits against for sexual assault and will most likely face a suspension.
I'm not watching the NFL anymore anyway, but if they pick up this clown, I'll be making a video of me burning my Seahawk apparel.

There Appears To Be 1 Team Gaining Momentum For Colin Kaepernick​

The fact that you cucks let us take from you so many things that you used to enjoy is what makes me confident we will eventually take everything from you. Surrender just seems to be in your nature. 😂
You can extra boycott the NFL if they pick up Kaep lol.

He’s not a good QB though. He has a very specific skillset and needs an offense to revolve around what he does. And he’s not good enough to warrant so much dedication.
The fact that you cucks let us take from you so many things that you used to enjoy is what makes me confident we will eventually take everything from you. Surrender just seems to be in your nature. 😂

"Surrender"? Lol!! No dude, I just CHOOSE to no longer support a league that has become infested with YOUR woke sickness.
By the way, mother fucker, anytime you want to come to my house and TRY and take anything just let me know, I'll be waiting at my door for you.
You can extra boycott the NFL if they pick up Kaep lol.

He’s not a good QB though. He has a very specific skillset and needs an offense to revolve around what he does. And he’s not good enough to warrant so much dedication.

Plus he's 5 years older.
He might get a try out.
He seems unlikely to get signed.

But, if he does get signed, it will be fun to watch all your heads explode.
Even the ones that have said they already gave up on the NFL years ago, they still care and will get all worked up over nothing, except your obvious racism.

Go Hawks.
"Surrender"? Lol!! No dude, I just CHOOSE to no longer support a league that has become infested with YOUR woke sickness.
By the way, mother fucker, anytime you want to come to my house and TRY and take anything just let me know, I'll be waiting at my door for you.
I don't need to come to your house, I took Football from you anyway. 😄
The Seahawks are not going to sign Kaepernick. They're in business to make money, which is why no one is going to sign Kaepernick. He can't even get a job in Canada.
The Seahawks are not going to sign Kaepernick. They're in business to make money, which is why no one is going to sign Kaepernick. He can't even get a job in Canada.
Seattle is a 'woke' town. This would be right down their liberal alley. Now they'll certainly turn off the few people left in town that are conservative, but they might actually put more people overall in the stands.
Their and the NFL's real danger is, nationwide they could lose some viewership when they are on TV.
Who knows, this isn't the America I grew up in any more, and turning your back on your country and flag goes over pretty well with millions of so-called "Americans".
Let's start out by saying I don't give a shit where this SJW works at, but if he ends up in Seadawgs Dawghouse, it's because they deserve each other...
Seattle is a 'woke' town. This would be right down their liberal alley. Now they'll certainly turn off the few people left in town that are conservative, but they might actually put more people overall in the stands.
Their and the NFL's real danger is, nationwide they could lose some viewership when they are on TV.
Who knows, this isn't the America I grew up in any more, and turning your back on your country and flag goes over pretty well with millions of so-called "Americans".
Seattle is woke, but not the entire state. Lots of fans in eastern Washington, Idaho and Western Montana are conservative.
er fandLet's start out by saying I don't give a shit where this SJW works at, but if he ends up in Seadawgs Dawghouse, it's because they deserve each other...

9er fans absolutely hate the Seahawks and their fans, and vice versa. This will piss them off like you won't believe! :laugh:
"Surrender"? Lol!! No dude, I just CHOOSE to no longer support a league that has become infested with YOUR woke sickness.
By the way, mother fucker, anytime you want to come to my house and TRY and take anything just let me know, I'll be waiting at my door for you.
Jesus...breathe dude.

It's fucking football

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