Is "Squaw-Ka-Hontas" Warren a Woman of Color?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
If she is, should she be afforded the special privileges accorded to such people?

Got paid $300k per year to teach one class and wage class warfare to mold the young minds incurring lifetimes of debt to Big Education. She is a 1 percenter that takes from the Middle Class.
Got paid $300k per year to teach one class and wage class warfare to mold the young minds incurring lifetimes of debt to Big Education. She is a 1 percenter that takes from the Middle Class.
Look, she is a female Democrat, the most corrupt demographic in the most corrupt party in politics. We get that.

The question was if she is a woman of color, and if any reference to her being Indian as in the "Pacahontas" meme, in this case, is racist.
She claimed she was an Indian to get a job at that looney-bin shit-hole Harvard, when they were running short of Nutty Minority Professors.

Indian name is "Raving Loon".

Needs aggressive mental treatment, but joined the Democratic Party instead, and in that setting, is considered rational and even presidential material.

When you are Bat-Shit Crazy, you either go into a Mental Institution to be cured, or you join the Democratic Party and become Senator or President.

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