Is the Bible the inerrent word of God?

That antiGodists don't understand is nothing new.

The level of their ugliness has grown.

Yet the do not have the language, logic, or symbols to disprove the existence of deity.

Tough that.

Who would ever need to do such a thing? Do you feel compelled to disprove the existence of unicorns or leprechauns?
You simply believe in faith that deity does not exist, which is fine.

That's 100% incorrect. I am not 100% certain there are no gods. I know you are guessing, but your guess was wrong. Now, living under the premise that there is no need to pay any attention to the idea of the existence of gods is not faith, anymore than is trusting that your new car will start tomorrow morning. It's simple a determination, based on evidence at hand.
I do not care whether you believe or not. But if you don't believe, then you have no logic, language, or symbols to back you up. That is faith.

That makes zero sense, and you are not using English words correctly. To "not accept a belief" requires no faith. And yes, there is plenty of logic to back up not accepting a belief in god.

You meant to rant against the assertion that there are no gods, which I clearly said I was not making.
So you're saying that it's stupid to think that god will ever prove itself, or that we'll get some kind of real proof that it exists?

And if scientists can't do anything to find god for real, who can?

I am saying that God is spirit. Some seem want God to have skin so that science (which deals solely with physical matter) can prove it to everyone. If you wish to explore what is spirit, then go by the way of the spirit--i.e., that is, start outside the physical realm.
There still has to be SOME kind of proof, otherwise it's all just made up. Wishful thinking if you wish.
There still has to be SOME kind of proof, otherwise it's all just made up. Wishful thinking if you wish.

Down through the ages, all cultures have recognized and have accounts of a Supreme Being, which is also true today. Perhaps you could start with that.
There still has to be SOME kind of proof, otherwise it's all just made up. Wishful thinking if you wish.

Down through the ages, all cultures have recognized and have accounts of a Supreme Being, which is also true today. Perhaps you could start with that.
There still has to be SOME kind of proof, otherwise it's all just made up. Wishful thinking if you wish.

Down through the ages, all cultures have recognized and have accounts of a Supreme Being, which is also true today. Perhaps you could start with that.
Down through the ages, man was an ignorant s.o.b. Got anything real or is that it?
Down through the ages, man was an ignorant s.o.b. Got anything real or is that it?

I am saying down through the ages, including modern times and today, people do have experiences of God. Yes, mankind was ignorant of physical sciences, but not so ignorant when it came to philosophy. Is there any reason why people should be against exploring the physical realm? Likewise, is there any reason why people should be against exploring the spiritual realm?
Down through the ages, man was an ignorant s.o.b. Got anything real or is that it?

I am saying down through the ages, including modern times and today, people do have experiences of God. Yes, mankind was ignorant of physical sciences, but not so ignorant when it came to philosophy. Is there any reason why people should be against exploring the physical realm? Likewise, is there any reason why people should be against exploring the spiritual realm?

You keep talking about "people" and "mankind". Let's face it: the vast majority of religious people today were brainwashed as CHILDREN. And this information came from outside, not from within. And the people having "experiences of god" are merely experiencing delusions.
You keep talking about "people" and "mankind". Let's face it: the vast majority of religious people today were brainwashed as CHILDREN. And this information came from outside, not from within. And the people having "experiences of god" are merely experiencing delusions.
Or not.
You keep talking about "people" and "mankind". Let's face it: the vast majority of religious people today were brainwashed as CHILDREN. And this information came from outside, not from within. And the people having "experiences of god" are merely experiencing delusions.
Or not.

Yes, "or not". And maybe the people who think their houseplants are talking to them are delusional...or not. That's not a very strong argument for talking houseplants.
Down through the ages, man was an ignorant s.o.b. Got anything real or is that it?

I am saying down through the ages, including modern times and today, people do have experiences of God. Yes, mankind was ignorant of physical sciences, but not so ignorant when it came to philosophy. Is there any reason why people should be against exploring the physical realm? Likewise, is there any reason why people should be against exploring the spiritual realm?
Nobody has even proven that there is an actual spiritual realm. Or do you have a link to something...?
Nobody has even proven that there is an actual spiritual realm. Or do you have a link to something...?

Have you ever studied philosophy? The reason I ask is that prior to science, philosophers spoke of mind and spirit, and the realities of both. Science, with its study of actual physical phenomenon, has awakened interest in our physical universe as well--not a bad thing.

Some people seem to have had an awful time with religion. Kind of reminds me of the east-west Interstate through Missouri. While the road is just fine all the people on the road can sometimes make it a misery.

Trying to find God through science is rather like trying to reach California via the Hudson River.
Nobody has even proven that there is an actual spiritual realm. Or do you have a link to something...?

Have you ever studied philosophy? The reason I ask is that prior to science, philosophers spoke of mind and spirit, and the realities of both. Science, with its study of actual physical phenomenon, has awakened interest in our physical universe as well--not a bad thing.

Some people seem to have had an awful time with religion. Kind of reminds me of the east-west Interstate through Missouri. While the road is just fine all the people on the road can sometimes make it a misery.

Trying to find God through science is rather like trying to reach California via the Hudson River.
So through all that fart smoke, no spiritual realm has ever been discovered by anyone. Got it.
So through all that fart smoke, no spiritual realm has ever been discovered by anyone. Got it.
No, you are still not getting the point. You want physical evidence. Stop asking for it. However, if you wish to learn of spirituality and you do not care for religion, try philosophy.
So through all that fart smoke, no spiritual realm has ever been discovered by anyone. Got it.
No, you are still not getting the point. You want physical evidence. Stop asking for it. However, if you wish to learn of spirituality and you do not care for religion, try philosophy.
Then it doesn't exist. Now, you're going to point to all of those things for which we cannot readily see. The thing is, even if we can't see any of these things, or measure them directly, or weigh them, do you know what we do have? Objective, verifiable evidence of their influence on other objects that we can measure. If the "spiritual realm" is real, surely you can point us to scientific studies that, at least, demonstrate objective, verifiable evidence of its influence on the physical world.
Of course we are. That was an analogy. Do you not understand how it is analogous? I think you do.

The problem with analogies is that they all fail at some point. That one fails sooner than most. Perhaps try the analogy of a dog whistle. While almost no human can hear a dog whistle, some can. Again, an analogy that will fail at some point. But it is closer than your house plant.
So through all that fart smoke, no spiritual realm has ever been discovered by anyone. Got it.
No, you are still not getting the point. You want physical evidence. Stop asking for it. However, if you wish to learn of spirituality and you do not care for religion, try philosophy.
Religion is made up, philosophy is people's opinions. Neither can prove your magical realm.

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