Is the Bible the inerrent word of God?

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.

"Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word."

No thanks, that sounds terminally boring. And besides, literally hundreds of thousands of others have done it. But, hey ... you're "special", right? ;)

Dude, you're a dime-a-dozen. You present your own opinions, then say they are facts. You presuppose the very things you have the burden of arguing. You're a snake oil salesman, nothing more. No different than any magically-thinking goober who STARTS from a position of his own, personal fetishes being "absolute truth!" And then you run into the same brick wall every single time...the fact that your bullshit has nothing going for it, except "cause I said so". Damn, that must be frustrating.

I know its a hard pill to swallow being bested but damn, have you no sense of self awareness, no shame??

Oh,right, you see only what you want to see.

Thats OK.. I'm a nut job who makes no rational sense if that makes you feel better. I don't mind.

You lack the fundamental foundation of humility and honesty required to survive outside of the confines of space and time.

Not to worry, you won't know what you are missing either now or after you are permanently dead..

You would never admit it but even that is evidence of a merciful God.

That is not evidence of anything, but that you love to read your own pap. You misuse the word "evidence" quite often.

Yes, you're kind of a nut.... the kind that somehow lost touch with the idea that his opinions are his own, and therefore lost any intent (and then ability, if it ever existed in the first place) to argue well any of his own claims. Another result of this is what a sensitive little baby you are, as you have internalized your nonsense. Having nothing better than "'cause I say so" makes one internalize their nonsense... in this way, an attack on this nonsense becomes an attack on them, personally. That's you, in a nutshell.
Your entire derision is based on your dishonest claim that I have presented nothing to back up or confirm what I have said.

Thats because you can't see. You have been blinded. Maybe it was because hatred filed your head when sister Mary Elizabeth whacked you with a ruler or something...Maybe you find the law which prohibits scumbags from prospering unfairly singles you out?

Who can say? You go on and just believe whatever it is that makes you feel better. Its all magical nonsense, sure it is, even after you were shown how it is not.

And you didn't believe that you would go blind if you didn't stop masturbating...

You havent presented shit, except for a constant stream of authoritative declarations, all relying on yourself as the authority. Now THAT'S public masturbation.
You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.

"Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word."

No thanks, that sounds terminally boring. And besides, literally hundreds of thousands of others have done it. But, hey ... you're "special", right? ;)

Dude, you're a dime-a-dozen. You present your own opinions, then say they are facts. You presuppose the very things you have the burden of arguing. You're a snake oil salesman, nothing more. No different than any magically-thinking goober who STARTS from a position of his own, personal fetishes being "absolute truth!" And then you run into the same brick wall every single time...the fact that your bullshit has nothing going for it, except "cause I said so". Damn, that must be frustrating.

I know its a hard pill to swallow being bested but damn, have you no sense of self awareness, no shame??

Oh,right, you see only what you want to see.

Thats OK.. I'm a nut job who makes no rational sense if that makes you feel better. I don't mind.

You lack the fundamental foundation of humility and honesty required to survive outside of the confines of space and time.

Not to worry, you won't know what you are missing either now or after you are permanently dead..

You would never admit it but even that is evidence of a merciful God.

That is not evidence of anything, but that you love to read your own pap. You misuse the word "evidence" quite often.

Yes, you're kind of a nut.... the kind that somehow lost touch with the idea that his opinions are his own, and therefore lost any intent (and then ability, if it ever existed in the first place) to argue well any of his own claims. Another result of this is what a sensitive little baby you are, as you have internalized your nonsense. Having nothing better than "'cause I say so" makes one internalize their nonsense... in this way, an attack on this nonsense becomes an attack on them, personally. That's you, in a nutshell.
Your entire derision is based on your dishonest claim that I have presented nothing to back up or confirm what I have said.

Thats because you can't see. You have been blinded. Maybe it was because hatred filed your head when sister Mary Elizabeth whacked you with a ruler or something...Maybe you find the law which prohibits scumbags from prospering unfairly singles you out?

Who can say? You go on and just believe whatever it is that makes you feel better. Its all magical nonsense, sure it is, even after you were shown how it is not.

And you didn't believe that you would go blind if you didn't stop masturbating...

You havent presented shit, except for a constant stream of authoritative declarations, all relying on yourself as the authority. Now THAT'S public masturbation.

No,As I have said, reality itself including scientific discoveries,historical facts, not to mention a 5000 year old tradition of Jewish literary expressions and teaching techniques all support my conclusions.

Don't you pretend to respect science logic and reason?

Yeah, right....
Soooo...your entire approach to the Bible comes from one minor ostracon that has been deemed insignificant by every scholar, and archaeologist who has ever laid eyes on it? Hey. you do you, Sparky.

Nooo, I went directly to the source when that proverbial light went on in my head after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library long before the personal computer or the internet even existed.

You are the stugotz who did an internet search on the Yahad of God and came up with nothing.
So your god only makes sense "after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library"? What about people who don't have that kind of time to spare? They go to hell?

No, I could explain it all to you in about 6 days.

Why would you care about time? How much time have you already wasted trying to prove false what scripture is not about with people who departed from reality many years ago? Anyway, the odds are that hell isn't any worse than life has already been for you.

BTW, your reluctance to aspire to a higher sphere of intelligent life in no way detracts from my experience of it.

Do whatever you want to do or not do.
Not to worry, your self-delusion doesn't alter actual reality. Carry on.

What actual reality? That the dead don't come out of their graves except in the way that I explained?

Why would I want to alter actual reality when the actual reality is exactly as I said?
The actual reality is that you don't know if and how people come out of their graves. You're speculating. It's a THEORY.
So you don't believe in the Flood, but you believe what they say about Jesus? So you're a cherry-picker. Got it.

So what about Jesus' resurrection? Do you believe that?

"everyone" meaning that until the 20th century and the advances of science, people who followed the bible believed that the events actually happened. So all the goalpost moving only started fairly recently.

First Evangelicals wrote their thesis (or whatever you want to call it) on Bible Inerrancy in 1978. Meanwhile, years prior to that Catholic teaching on the Bible included pointing out that the Bible is not a single book. Bible comes from a word meaning a collection or library of books. Catholics were being taught that the Bible contains books on history, law, songs, poetry, even a play, prophecy, letters, biography, etc. Further these books were written by various authors to very different audience for many different purposes.

So, yes, I grew up "cherry picking" (if that's the only term you understand). Sure, we learned that fundamentalist had decided everything in the Bible was literally true, but that was not the position of the Catholic Church.

Adult Bible Study encouraged studying the original languages, and for the Old Testament reading what Jewish Rabbis and Jewish scholars (past and present) interpreted their scriptures. This led into study of the different cultures mentioned in the Bible.

People who choose to go with 1978 Evangelical statements that the Bible is literally true and inerrant have picked the most shriveled cherry of all.

Each book, indeed each story, deserves its own semester of study. They deserve being compared and contrasted with other books written at the same time--and--about the same issues. It is a fascinating study for those who have both a lot of time and a lot of inclination.

You should try it. It could lead you to believing Jesus indeed did rise from the dead.
I have no doubt that Jesus and everyone else rose/will rise from the dead. It's called re-incarnation. So the bible's got it somewhat wrong, no matter who is doing the cherry picking.
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.
According to a cherry picker like you, anyone can come up with a different meaning for any story. So it doesn't really matter what you read, you simply make up your own interpretation of it until you're satisfied. Did I get that right?
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.

"Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word."

No thanks, that sounds terminally boring. And besides, literally hundreds of thousands of others have done it. But, hey ... you're "special", right? ;)

Dude, you're a dime-a-dozen. You present your own opinions, then say they are facts. You presuppose the very things you have the burden of arguing. You're a snake oil salesman, nothing more. No different than any magically-thinking goober who STARTS from a position of his own, personal fetishes being "absolute truth!" And then you run into the same brick wall every single time...the fact that your bullshit has nothing going for it, except "cause I said so". Damn, that must be frustrating.

I know its a hard pill to swallow being bested but damn, have you no sense of self awareness, no shame??

Oh,right, you see only what you want to see.

Thats OK.. I'm a nut job who makes no rational sense if that makes you feel better. I don't mind.

You lack the fundamental foundation of humility and honesty required for a living being to survive outside of the confines of space and time.

Not to worry, you won't know what you are missing either now or after you are permanently dead..

You would never admit it but even that is evidence of a merciful God.
"Oh,right, you see only what you want to see."

Kinda like you. :biggrin:
In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.
According to a cherry picker like you, anyone can come up with a different meaning for any story. So it doesn't really matter what you read, you simply make up your own interpretation of it until you're satisfied. Did I get that right?

No, not even close.

Let me put it this way. To get at any buried treasure you have to dig through a lot of dirt. What you call cherry picking I call intelligent discernment.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again."

Can you dig it?
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.
According to a cherry picker like you, anyone can come up with a different meaning for any story. So it doesn't really matter what you read, you simply make up your own interpretation of it until you're satisfied. Did I get that right?

No, not even close.

Let me put it this way. To get at any buried treasure you have to dig through a lot of dirt. What you call cherry picking I call intelligent discernment.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again."

Can you dig it?
So basically, if you don't study as much as you did, you don't find heaven. Sounds like it'll be a pretty lonely place since you seem to be the only one who found his treasure.
So the bible's got it somewhat wrong, no matter who is doing the cherry picking.

Again, since "cherry picking" is a term you understand: The first thing to "cherry pick" is the author's intent and the message he was giving to his original audience. From there, people often apply the lesson to other issues (more "cherry picking").

There were Jews in Jesus' time who indeed believed in reincarnation. Some take Jesus' words "I go to prepare a place for you" as suggesting reincarnation. Others have a different perspective (or in the term you understand "cherry pick") another possible alternative.

Early Christian understood (cherry picked) Jesus to mean an afterlife, not a return to this type of life. This is what they taught.
No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.
According to a cherry picker like you, anyone can come up with a different meaning for any story. So it doesn't really matter what you read, you simply make up your own interpretation of it until you're satisfied. Did I get that right?

No, not even close.

Let me put it this way. To get at any buried treasure you have to dig through a lot of dirt. What you call cherry picking I call intelligent discernment.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again."

Can you dig it?
So basically, if you don't study as much as you did, you don't find heaven. Sounds like it'll be a pretty lonely place since you seem to be the only one who found his treasure.

Lonely place...

Don't be sad, you're invited, and I'm a very generous person. Theres enough treasure here for everyone...

All you have to do is ask.
So the bible's got it somewhat wrong, no matter who is doing the cherry picking.

Again, since "cherry picking" is a term you understand: The first thing to "cherry pick" is the author's intent and the message he was giving to his original audience. From there, people often apply the lesson to other issues (more "cherry picking").

There were Jews in Jesus' time who indeed believed in reincarnation. Some take Jesus' words "I go to prepare a place for you" as suggesting reincarnation. Others have a different perspective (or in the term you understand "cherry pick") another possible alternative.

Early Christian understood (cherry picked) Jesus to mean an afterlife, not a return to this type of life. This is what they taught.
Like I said, then the bible's got it wrong, because evidence points to re-incarnation.
Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.
According to a cherry picker like you, anyone can come up with a different meaning for any story. So it doesn't really matter what you read, you simply make up your own interpretation of it until you're satisfied. Did I get that right?

No, not even close.

Let me put it this way. To get at any buried treasure you have to dig through a lot of dirt. What you call cherry picking I call intelligent discernment.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again."

Can you dig it?
So basically, if you don't study as much as you did, you don't find heaven. Sounds like it'll be a pretty lonely place since you seem to be the only one who found his treasure.

Lonely place...

Don't be sad, you're invited, and I'm a very generous person. Theres enough treasure here for everyone...

All you have to do is ask.
Can I have some treasure?

One question though, if regular schmos like me can get into heaven and you had to study really hard to do the same, aren't you a bit of a simpleton?
Like I said, then the bible's got it wrong, because evidence points to re-incarnation.

What evidence do you see as confirming reincarnation?
People knowing things from a past life that they wouldn't have known otherwise, like describing people and neighbourhoods on another continent that they've never been to... there's plenty to google...
Can I have some treasure?

One question though, if regular schmos like me can get into heaven and you had to study really hard to do the same, aren't you a bit of a simpleton?

Yes, you may have treasure. Jesus told a parable about people who came to start work in the master's vineyard at various times of the day. At the end of the day, all received the same pay--even those who worked only an hour. God is generous.
People knowing things from a past life that they wouldn't have known otherwise, like describing people and neighbourhoods on another continent that they've never been to... there's plenty to google...

I remember reading a hypothesis that some of us may possess what is termed ancestral memory. Have you heard anything about that?
People knowing things from a past life that they wouldn't have known otherwise, like describing people and neighbourhoods on another continent that they've never been to... there's plenty to google...

I remember reading a hypothesis that some of us may possess what is termed ancestral memory. Have you heard anything about that?
It's called genetic memory. As a theory it really hasn't moved much beyond science fiction; the video game Assassin's Creed relies heavily on the theory. Although, our experience in the field of genetics is still in its infancy, so who knows? We may, one day, discover a method in which DNA passes memory on to progeny.
You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.
According to a cherry picker like you, anyone can come up with a different meaning for any story. So it doesn't really matter what you read, you simply make up your own interpretation of it until you're satisfied. Did I get that right?

No, not even close.

Let me put it this way. To get at any buried treasure you have to dig through a lot of dirt. What you call cherry picking I call intelligent discernment.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it buried it again."

Can you dig it?
So basically, if you don't study as much as you did, you don't find heaven. Sounds like it'll be a pretty lonely place since you seem to be the only one who found his treasure.

Lonely place...

Don't be sad, you're invited, and I'm a very generous person. Theres enough treasure here for everyone...

All you have to do is ask.
Can I have some treasure?

One question though, if regular schmos like me can get into heaven and you had to study really hard to do the same, aren't you a bit of a simpleton?

lol... To answer your question, absolutely! I am quite the simpleton. It took me almost to the end of the second grade before I realized that all of those schoolyard insults with screaming children calling each other dogs, snakes or oinkers, drop dead, eat me, etc. were the true subject of kosher law in light of Jesus saying to eat his flesh and comparing the pharisees to a brood of vipers....not to mention the suggestion to not give what is holy to the dogs...

What took a long time was binding Satan hand and foot. He is one slippery dude with many little heads popping up all over the place.

Other than waiting for the secret sign from the invisible sky wizard to commence a super secret mission, shhhhh, I've been biding my time, eating forbidden food, drinking the hard stuff, and making merry with sinners and prostitutes and all sorts of really bad characters., blending in with regular clueless schmoes just like you the best I could, with little to no success.

Oh well, nobody's perfect.

As far as that treasure....aren't you even going to offer me a drink big fella? lol...

Have you no class?
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Funny how you see us in a tight spot while we, relaxed and comfortable, watch as you tie yourself up in knots over something that you say holds no meaning for you. Whatever it is you are seeking, I hope you find it.
Funny how the only way you can stay relaxed, and comfortable is by not honestly answering the question in the OP. And I'm not tied into anything. I found what I was seeking. Reason, and logic.
I’ll hop in. Considering we’re talking about people who had no concept that the sun was just a star, and the stars were just suns really really far away, that the earth was round, that disease was cause by tiny life, no concept of matter, energy, atoms, elements, the language/vocabulary to even describe this stuff, and thousands of other things we take for granted today...does it not raise eyebrows for you how close they got the creation story (especially compared to any other creation story out there)? There was a great void and emptiness, then boom, then god gave the heavens and earth shape, then the earth formed land and sea, then god created life in the sea, then the animals of the land, then finally humans...At the very least you have to be impressed with how close this spoken word, passed down for generations and finally into text, came to what we with all our knowledge know. This is people who thought the earth was flat and the sun and moon spinned around them. I mean if you explained how the universe came into existence to a 5 year old, and they went and explained it to other 5 year olds, it just might sound something like that
Yeah, except it wasn't. First, you seem to forget that Genesis isn't as clear on that order as you present. You see, in chapter 1 of Genesis, it does appear to be in the correct evolutionary order. But, then, in chapter 2, the writer of Genesis changed their mind, and insisted that Man was created first, then all of the other animals. Also, there seems to be a little trouble with the physics even in Genesis, Chapter 1, You see, God, somehow, apparently created light, before creating the sun, and stars, even though light is generated by the sun, and stars. You want to pretend that Genesis perfectly aligns with our scientific knowledge of the universe. Except it really doesn't.

The source of light is God. He gives the sun light

Amazing how you guys literally fulfill scriptures in your efforts to reject them
The Sons of God. Us. In the premortal realm as spirit sons and daughters we knew and worshipped God as our heavenly Father and accepted His plan. His plan was to create an earth where would could have a physical body and gain earthly experience in order to progress toward perfection and to ultimately realize our destiny as heirs of eternal life
You have proof for this tall tale?

The witness of the Holy Ghost. You are free to ask Him for yourself.

Somehow I expect you wont do the work necessary to learn. Perhaps I should have more faith in others
Ok, I asked him and haven't heard back. How long does it usually take for him to get back to someone?

He will get back to you when you are prepared. He is Eternal and has infinite patience. You and me, not so much.

If you want answers you get them on His terms.

"Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.

"But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.

"But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong" (D&C 9:7-9)
There are other conditions:

" Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.

"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

" And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."(Moroni 10:3-5)​

So think it out
Ask with sincerity
In the name of Christ

"And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?

"Have ye walked, keeping yourselves blameless before God? Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble? That your garments have been cleansed and made white through the blood of Christ, who will come to redeem his people from their sins?

" Behold, are ye stripped of pride? I say unto you, if ye are not ye are not prepared to meet God. Behold ye must prepare quickly; for the kingdom of heaven is soon at hand, and such an one hath not eternal life.

" Behold, I say, is there one among you who is not stripped of envy? I say unto you that such an one is not prepared; and I would that he should prepare quickly, for the hour is close at hand, and he knoweth not when the time shall come; for such an one is not found guiltless.

"And again I say unto you, is there one among you that doth make a mock of his brother, or that heapeth upon him persecutions?

" Wo unto such an one, for he is not prepared, and the time is at hand that he must repent or he cannot be saved!

"Yea, even wo unto all ye workers of iniquity; repent, repent, for the Lord God hath spoken it!

"Behold, he sendeth an invitation unto all men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, and he saith: Repent, and I will receive you." (Alma 5:26-33)
Strip yourself of your pride
Strip yourself of your envy
Don't mock your brothers.

Or else you aren't prepared to know God.

If you really want to know your Father in Heaven, seek Him the way He invites us to.
The religious books of fiction invite us to self-delude, god doesn't say anything. Ever.

He does if you listen.

You choose not to and hear nothing.

Hardly a surprise

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