Is the Bible the inerrent word of God?

Yet when it was written, everyone thought that the events depicted were real and actually happened. And if the stories about Creation and the Flood... aren't real, what makes you think that the stories about what Jesus said are real?

1. When was it written?
2. Who is "everyone"?

I believe the flood actually happened, but that it was a regional, horizon-to-horizon flood, as far as the eye could see. Unlike you, I don't believe the original author of the story envisioned Noah loading kangaroos onto the ark. It was your later interpretations that change the story.

Because I do believe the Great Flood actually happened and that God is involved in creation, it naturally follows that I believe Jesus is real as well.
So you don't believe in the Flood, but you believe what they say about Jesus? So you're a cherry-picker. Got it.

So what about Jesus' resurrection? Do you believe that?

"everyone" meaning that until the 20th century and the advances of science, people who followed the bible believed that the events actually happened. So all the goalpost moving only started fairly recently.
lol....Is this your first day here? How many times have we had this discussion before? 5? !0?

What gives? No memory? You're stuck in some type of deficient intellectual loop? Science proves it false. snakes can't talk, oh its like a fairy tale? science proves it false. snakes cant talk, oh its like a fairy tale? snakes cant talk. science proves it false.. Oh its like a fairy tale? :lmao:

And some people don't believe they can be struck with blindness by the invisible hand of a sky fairy.

Imagine that!
The people who wrote the bible believed every word to be taken literally, as an event that actually happened. It's people like you who realize that the bible is a false scientifically that feel the need to move the goalposts. So now there's no Adam and Eve, god talking, flood, walking on water, resurrection, nailing to the cross... Or are you a cherry picker and keep only what you like?
No, the people who wrote the bible used well known sophisticated figurative literary expressions., metaphors, allegories, parables, homonyms, hyperbole, etc.

Hate to break the news to you but a talking donkey 5000 years ago had the same implications a talking donkey has in any story written today - in any language.

I'm sure your mudda tried to warn you.

If you stay of Pleasure Island for too long, those donkey ears are there to stay.....(Pinocchio 3:14)

Remember? I guess not.
Now you're trying to rewrite history. Mudda is correct. But, I'm not gonna bother giving you a history lesson. However, you have yet to tell us why, if the bible is nothing more than a fairy tale, should we treat the Bible any different than any other book? You seem to be indicating that the Bible is absolutely not the word of God, but is the creation of Men.

The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
The people who wrote the bible believed every word to be taken literally, as an event that actually happened. It's people like you who realize that the bible is a false scientifically that feel the need to move the goalposts. So now there's no Adam and Eve, god talking, flood, walking on water, resurrection, nailing to the cross... Or are you a cherry picker and keep only what you like?
No, the people who wrote the bible used well known sophisticated figurative literary expressions., metaphors, allegories, parables, homonyms, hyperbole, etc.

Hate to break the news to you but a talking donkey 5000 years ago had the same implications a talking donkey has in any story written today - in any language.

I'm sure your mudda tried to warn you.

If you stay of Pleasure Island for too long, those donkey ears are there to stay.....(Pinocchio 3:14)

Remember? I guess not.
Now you're trying to rewrite history. Mudda is correct. But, I'm not gonna bother giving you a history lesson. However, you have yet to tell us why, if the bible is nothing more than a fairy tale, should we treat the Bible any different than any other book? You seem to be indicating that the Bible is absolutely not the word of God, but is the creation of Men.

The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?
No, the people who wrote the bible used well known sophisticated figurative literary expressions., metaphors, allegories, parables, homonyms, hyperbole, etc.

Hate to break the news to you but a talking donkey 5000 years ago had the same implications a talking donkey has in any story written today - in any language.

I'm sure your mudda tried to warn you.

If you stay of Pleasure Island for too long, those donkey ears are there to stay.....(Pinocchio 3:14)

Remember? I guess not.
Now you're trying to rewrite history. Mudda is correct. But, I'm not gonna bother giving you a history lesson. However, you have yet to tell us why, if the bible is nothing more than a fairy tale, should we treat the Bible any different than any other book? You seem to be indicating that the Bible is absolutely not the word of God, but is the creation of Men.

The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.
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Now you're trying to rewrite history. Mudda is correct. But, I'm not gonna bother giving you a history lesson. However, you have yet to tell us why, if the bible is nothing more than a fairy tale, should we treat the Bible any different than any other book? You seem to be indicating that the Bible is absolutely not the word of God, but is the creation of Men.

The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.
You are for sure the World Extreme Cherry Picking Champion. Or do you follow a Chief Cherry Picker? Is there a name for this Extreme Cherry Picking Denomination?
The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.
You are for sure the World Extreme Cherry Picking Champion. Or do you follow a Chief Cherry Picker? Is there a name for this Extreme Cherry Picking Denomination?

lol.. Thanka you,very much. I will now take a bow. :spinner:

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

You can call me Sir...
No, the people who wrote the bible used well known sophisticated figurative literary expressions., metaphors, allegories, parables, homonyms, hyperbole, etc.

Hate to break the news to you but a talking donkey 5000 years ago had the same implications a talking donkey has in any story written today - in any language.

I'm sure your mudda tried to warn you.

If you stay of Pleasure Island for too long, those donkey ears are there to stay.....(Pinocchio 3:14)

Remember? I guess not.
Now you're trying to rewrite history. Mudda is correct. But, I'm not gonna bother giving you a history lesson. However, you have yet to tell us why, if the bible is nothing more than a fairy tale, should we treat the Bible any different than any other book? You seem to be indicating that the Bible is absolutely not the word of God, but is the creation of Men.

The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?
Yeah...I don't bother with hobelim. He has his own 100% interpretive approach to the bible where not a single word in the Bible actually means what the word means that literally no one else in the entire world subscribes to, so, no matter what you discuss with him, "It didn't happen", because it wasn't about the actual words, and events, it was all allegorical. It's a rather inventive way to insulate himself from reason: Oh, science says the sun can't stand still for 6 hours? That's okay, because the sun was just a metaphor for..,.

So, since his only rational response to any claim that science says that couldn't happen, his response is that's because it didn't, there is no point in discussing the matter with him.

On the other hand, hobelim is the quintessential example of the problem with the interpretive approach to the Bible. If any of it doesn't mean what it says, the none of it does. Ironically, that's exactly what hobelim says- that none of the Bible really means what it actually says.
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.
You are for sure the World Extreme Cherry Picking Champion. Or do you follow a Chief Cherry Picker? Is there a name for this Extreme Cherry Picking Denomination?

lol.. Thanka you,very much. I will now take a bow. :spinner:

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

You can call me Sir...
See, this is exactly what I mean. I looked up "the Yahad of God" to see if maybe he was getting his bullshit from somewhere. Nothing. Apparently hobelim's unique approach to the Bible is just that - unique. He made it up completely in his own head.
Now you're trying to rewrite history. Mudda is correct. But, I'm not gonna bother giving you a history lesson. However, you have yet to tell us why, if the bible is nothing more than a fairy tale, should we treat the Bible any different than any other book? You seem to be indicating that the Bible is absolutely not the word of God, but is the creation of Men.

The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?
Yeah...I don't bother with hobelim. He has his own 100% interpretive approach to the bible where not a single word in the Bible actually means what the word means that literally no one else in the entire world subscribes to, so, no matter what you discuss with him, "It didn't happen", because it wasn't about the actual words, and events, it was all allegorical. It's a rather inventive way to insulate himself from reason: Oh, science says the sun can't stand still for 6 hours? That's okay, because the sun was just a metaphor for..,.

So, since his only rational response to any claim that science says that couldn't happen, his response is that's because it didn't, there is no point in discussing the matter with him.

On the other hand, hobelim is the quintessential example of the problem with the interpretive approach to the Bible. If any of it doesn't mean what it says, the none of it does. Ironically, that's exactly what hobelim says- that none of the Bible really means what it actually says.

You are wrong professor. The bible means exactly what it says when it says that Jesus rose from the dead.

What I have done is merely shown the only way to interpret that claim that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding subtracting or altering a single written word.
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In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.
You are for sure the World Extreme Cherry Picking Champion. Or do you follow a Chief Cherry Picker? Is there a name for this Extreme Cherry Picking Denomination?

lol.. Thanka you,very much. I will now take a bow. :spinner:

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

You can call me Sir...
See, this is exactly what I mean. I looked up "the Yahad of God" to see if maybe he was getting his bullshit from somewhere. Nothing. Apparently hobelim's unique approach to the Bible is just that - unique. He made it up completely in his own head.

Hermeneutics of Holiness
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.
You are for sure the World Extreme Cherry Picking Champion. Or do you follow a Chief Cherry Picker? Is there a name for this Extreme Cherry Picking Denomination?

lol.. Thanka you,very much. I will now take a bow. :spinner:

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

You can call me Sir...
See, this is exactly what I mean. I looked up "the Yahad of God" to see if maybe he was getting his bullshit from somewhere. Nothing. Apparently hobelim's unique approach to the Bible is just that - unique. He made it up completely in his own head.

Hermeneutics of Holiness
Soooo...your entire approach to the Bible comes from one minor ostracon that has been deemed insignificant by every scholar, and archaeologist who has ever laid eyes on it? Hey. you do you, Sparky.
No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.
You are for sure the World Extreme Cherry Picking Champion. Or do you follow a Chief Cherry Picker? Is there a name for this Extreme Cherry Picking Denomination?

lol.. Thanka you,very much. I will now take a bow. :spinner:

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

You can call me Sir...
See, this is exactly what I mean. I looked up "the Yahad of God" to see if maybe he was getting his bullshit from somewhere. Nothing. Apparently hobelim's unique approach to the Bible is just that - unique. He made it up completely in his own head.

Hermeneutics of Holiness
Soooo...your entire approach to the Bible comes from one minor ostracon that has been deemed insignificant by every scholar, and archaeologist who has ever laid eyes on it? Hey. you do you, Sparky.

Nooo, I went directly to the source when that proverbial light went on in my head after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library long before the personal computer or the internet even existed.

You are the stugotz who did an internet search on the Yahad of God and came up with nothing.
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The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?
Yeah...I don't bother with hobelim. He has his own 100% interpretive approach to the bible where not a single word in the Bible actually means what the word means that literally no one else in the entire world subscribes to, so, no matter what you discuss with him, "It didn't happen", because it wasn't about the actual words, and events, it was all allegorical. It's a rather inventive way to insulate himself from reason: Oh, science says the sun can't stand still for 6 hours? That's okay, because the sun was just a metaphor for..,.

So, since his only rational response to any claim that science says that couldn't happen, his response is that's because it didn't, there is no point in discussing the matter with him.

On the other hand, hobelim is the quintessential example of the problem with the interpretive approach to the Bible. If any of it doesn't mean what it says, the none of it does. Ironically, that's exactly what hobelim says- that none of the Bible really means what it actually says.

You are wrong professor. The bible means exactly what it says when it says that Jesus rose from the dead.

What I have done is merely shown the only way to interpret that claim that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding subtracting or altering a single written word.
Did you tell the Pope that you've figured out the bible and why it seems like total nonsense?
You are for sure the World Extreme Cherry Picking Champion. Or do you follow a Chief Cherry Picker? Is there a name for this Extreme Cherry Picking Denomination?

lol.. Thanka you,very much. I will now take a bow. :spinner:

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

You can call me Sir...
See, this is exactly what I mean. I looked up "the Yahad of God" to see if maybe he was getting his bullshit from somewhere. Nothing. Apparently hobelim's unique approach to the Bible is just that - unique. He made it up completely in his own head.

Hermeneutics of Holiness
Soooo...your entire approach to the Bible comes from one minor ostracon that has been deemed insignificant by every scholar, and archaeologist who has ever laid eyes on it? Hey. you do you, Sparky.

Nooo, I went directly to the source when that proverbial light went on in my head after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library long before the personal computer or the internet even existed.

You are the stugotz who did an internet search on the Yahad of God and came up with nothing.
So your god only makes sense "after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library"? What about people who don't have that kind of time to spare? They go to hell?
lol.. Thanka you,very much. I will now take a bow. :spinner:

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

You can call me Sir...
See, this is exactly what I mean. I looked up "the Yahad of God" to see if maybe he was getting his bullshit from somewhere. Nothing. Apparently hobelim's unique approach to the Bible is just that - unique. He made it up completely in his own head.

Hermeneutics of Holiness
Soooo...your entire approach to the Bible comes from one minor ostracon that has been deemed insignificant by every scholar, and archaeologist who has ever laid eyes on it? Hey. you do you, Sparky.

Nooo, I went directly to the source when that proverbial light went on in my head after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library long before the personal computer or the internet even existed.

You are the stugotz who did an internet search on the Yahad of God and came up with nothing.
So your god only makes sense "after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library"? What about people who don't have that kind of time to spare? They go to hell?

No, I could explain it all to you in about 6 days.

Why would you care about time? How much time have you already wasted trying to prove false what scripture is not about with people who departed from reality many years ago? Anyway, the odds are that hell isn't any worse than life has already been for you.

BTW, your reluctance to aspire to a higher sphere of intelligent life in no way detracts from my experience of it.

Do whatever you want to do or not do.
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You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?
Yeah...I don't bother with hobelim. He has his own 100% interpretive approach to the bible where not a single word in the Bible actually means what the word means that literally no one else in the entire world subscribes to, so, no matter what you discuss with him, "It didn't happen", because it wasn't about the actual words, and events, it was all allegorical. It's a rather inventive way to insulate himself from reason: Oh, science says the sun can't stand still for 6 hours? That's okay, because the sun was just a metaphor for..,.

So, since his only rational response to any claim that science says that couldn't happen, his response is that's because it didn't, there is no point in discussing the matter with him.

On the other hand, hobelim is the quintessential example of the problem with the interpretive approach to the Bible. If any of it doesn't mean what it says, the none of it does. Ironically, that's exactly what hobelim says- that none of the Bible really means what it actually says.

You are wrong professor. The bible means exactly what it says when it says that Jesus rose from the dead.

What I have done is merely shown the only way to interpret that claim that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding subtracting or altering a single written word.
Did you tell the Pope that you've figured out the bible and why it seems like total nonsense?

lol...Nah I never bothered. Even so the odds are that the poor sod is feeling a little bit silly right about now..wearing that costume and all.

Hmmm, I wonder if he will know which is the right course to take..

Tune in next week for some more of the adventures of Captain Strangerthanfiction.
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See, this is exactly what I mean. I looked up "the Yahad of God" to see if maybe he was getting his bullshit from somewhere. Nothing. Apparently hobelim's unique approach to the Bible is just that - unique. He made it up completely in his own head.

Hermeneutics of Holiness
Soooo...your entire approach to the Bible comes from one minor ostracon that has been deemed insignificant by every scholar, and archaeologist who has ever laid eyes on it? Hey. you do you, Sparky.

Nooo, I went directly to the source when that proverbial light went on in my head after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library long before the personal computer or the internet even existed.

You are the stugotz who did an internet search on the Yahad of God and came up with nothing.
So your god only makes sense "after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library"? What about people who don't have that kind of time to spare? They go to hell?

No, I could explain it all to you in about 6 days.

Why would you care about time? How much time have you already wasted trying to prove false what scripture is not about with people who departed from reality many years ago? Anyway, the odds are that hell isn't any worse than life has already been for you.

BTW, your reluctance to aspire to a higher sphere of intelligent life in no way detracts from my experience of it.

Do whatever you want to do or not do.
Not to worry, your self-delusion doesn't alter actual reality. Carry on.
In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?
Yeah...I don't bother with hobelim. He has his own 100% interpretive approach to the bible where not a single word in the Bible actually means what the word means that literally no one else in the entire world subscribes to, so, no matter what you discuss with him, "It didn't happen", because it wasn't about the actual words, and events, it was all allegorical. It's a rather inventive way to insulate himself from reason: Oh, science says the sun can't stand still for 6 hours? That's okay, because the sun was just a metaphor for..,.

So, since his only rational response to any claim that science says that couldn't happen, his response is that's because it didn't, there is no point in discussing the matter with him.

On the other hand, hobelim is the quintessential example of the problem with the interpretive approach to the Bible. If any of it doesn't mean what it says, the none of it does. Ironically, that's exactly what hobelim says- that none of the Bible really means what it actually says.

You are wrong professor. The bible means exactly what it says when it says that Jesus rose from the dead.

What I have done is merely shown the only way to interpret that claim that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding subtracting or altering a single written word.
Did you tell the Pope that you've figured out the bible and why it seems like total nonsense?

lol...Nah I never bothered. Even so the odds are that the poor sod is feeling a little bit silly right about now..wearing that costume and all.

Hmmm, I wonder if he will know which is the right course to take..

Tune in next week for some more of the adventures of Captain Strangerthanfiction.
Who's that? You? Pope Hob the first?
Soooo...your entire approach to the Bible comes from one minor ostracon that has been deemed insignificant by every scholar, and archaeologist who has ever laid eyes on it? Hey. you do you, Sparky.

Nooo, I went directly to the source when that proverbial light went on in my head after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library long before the personal computer or the internet even existed.

You are the stugotz who did an internet search on the Yahad of God and came up with nothing.
So your god only makes sense "after spending many long hours reading many books on related subjects in a graduate research library"? What about people who don't have that kind of time to spare? They go to hell?

No, I could explain it all to you in about 6 days.

Why would you care about time? How much time have you already wasted trying to prove false what scripture is not about with people who departed from reality many years ago? Anyway, the odds are that hell isn't any worse than life has already been for you.

BTW, your reluctance to aspire to a higher sphere of intelligent life in no way detracts from my experience of it.

Do whatever you want to do or not do.
Not to worry, your self-delusion doesn't alter actual reality. Carry on.

What actual reality? That the dead don't come out of their graves except in the way that I explained?

Why would I want to alter actual reality when the actual reality is exactly as I said?

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