Is the Bible the inerrent word of God?

So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?
Yeah...I don't bother with hobelim. He has his own 100% interpretive approach to the bible where not a single word in the Bible actually means what the word means that literally no one else in the entire world subscribes to, so, no matter what you discuss with him, "It didn't happen", because it wasn't about the actual words, and events, it was all allegorical. It's a rather inventive way to insulate himself from reason: Oh, science says the sun can't stand still for 6 hours? That's okay, because the sun was just a metaphor for..,.

So, since his only rational response to any claim that science says that couldn't happen, his response is that's because it didn't, there is no point in discussing the matter with him.

On the other hand, hobelim is the quintessential example of the problem with the interpretive approach to the Bible. If any of it doesn't mean what it says, the none of it does. Ironically, that's exactly what hobelim says- that none of the Bible really means what it actually says.

You are wrong professor. The bible means exactly what it says when it says that Jesus rose from the dead.

What I have done is merely shown the only way to interpret that claim that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding subtracting or altering a single written word.
Did you tell the Pope that you've figured out the bible and why it seems like total nonsense?

lol...Nah I never bothered. Even so the odds are that the poor sod is feeling a little bit silly right about now..wearing that costume and all.

Hmmm, I wonder if he will know which is the right course to take..

Tune in next week for some more of the adventures of Captain Strangerthanfiction.
Who's that? You? Pope Hob the first?
No, I am a vile and contemptible creature rising out of the depths of the sea eating the flesh of fat beasts and throwing away their broken bones for the birds of the air to feast on..

Who are you? Private Numbnuts?

Oh yeah, I remember. You're doing a bid in purgatory for eating a baloney sandwich on Friday when you were still just a supple and tender little boy..
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Now you're trying to rewrite history. Mudda is correct. But, I'm not gonna bother giving you a history lesson. However, you have yet to tell us why, if the bible is nothing more than a fairy tale, should we treat the Bible any different than any other book? You seem to be indicating that the Bible is absolutely not the word of God, but is the creation of Men.

The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.
You are for sure the World Extreme Cherry Picking Champion. Or do you follow a Chief Cherry Picker? Is there a name for this Extreme Cherry Picking Denomination?

lol.. Thanka you,very much. I will now take a bow. :spinner:

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

You can call me Sir...
See, this is exactly what I mean. I looked up "the Yahad of God" to see if maybe he was getting his bullshit from somewhere. Nothing. Apparently hobelim's unique approach to the Bible is just that - unique. He made it up completely in his own head.

Hermeneutics of Holiness

I would like to resurrect you from the tomb of equivocated, contrived bullshit. Rise, my dead brother. Rise.
So you don't believe in the Flood, but you believe what they say about Jesus? So you're a cherry-picker. Got it.

So what about Jesus' resurrection? Do you believe that?

"everyone" meaning that until the 20th century and the advances of science, people who followed the bible believed that the events actually happened. So all the goalpost moving only started fairly recently.

First Evangelicals wrote their thesis (or whatever you want to call it) on Bible Inerrancy in 1978. Meanwhile, years prior to that Catholic teaching on the Bible included pointing out that the Bible is not a single book. Bible comes from a word meaning a collection or library of books. Catholics were being taught that the Bible contains books on history, law, songs, poetry, even a play, prophecy, letters, biography, etc. Further these books were written by various authors to very different audience for many different purposes.

So, yes, I grew up "cherry picking" (if that's the only term you understand). Sure, we learned that fundamentalist had decided everything in the Bible was literally true, but that was not the position of the Catholic Church.

Adult Bible Study encouraged studying the original languages, and for the Old Testament reading what Jewish Rabbis and Jewish scholars (past and present) interpreted their scriptures. This led into study of the different cultures mentioned in the Bible.

People who choose to go with 1978 Evangelical statements that the Bible is literally true and inerrant have picked the most shriveled cherry of all.

Each book, indeed each story, deserves its own semester of study. They deserve being compared and contrasted with other books written at the same time--and--about the same issues. It is a fascinating study for those who have both a lot of time and a lot of inclination.

You should try it. It could lead you to believing Jesus indeed did rise from the dead.
So you don't believe in the Flood, but you believe what they say about Jesus? So you're a cherry-picker. Got it.

So what about Jesus' resurrection? Do you believe that?

"everyone" meaning that until the 20th century and the advances of science, people who followed the bible believed that the events actually happened. So all the goalpost moving only started fairly recently.

First Evangelicals wrote their thesis (or whatever you want to call it) on Bible Inerrancy in 1978. Meanwhile, years prior to that Catholic teaching on the Bible included pointing out that the Bible is not a single book. Bible comes from a word meaning a collection or library of books. Catholics were being taught that the Bible contains books on history, law, songs, poetry, even a play, prophecy, letters, biography, etc. Further these books were written by various authors to very different audience for many different purposes.

So, yes, I grew up "cherry picking" (if that's the only term you understand). Sure, we learned that fundamentalist had decided everything in the Bible was literally true, but that was not the position of the Catholic Church.

Adult Bible Study encouraged studying the original languages, and for the Old Testament reading what Jewish Rabbis and Jewish scholars (past and present) interpreted their scriptures. This led into study of the different cultures mentioned in the Bible.

People who choose to go with 1978 Evangelical statements that the Bible is literally true and inerrant have picked the most shriveled cherry of all.

Each book, indeed each story, deserves its own semester of study. They deserve being compared and contrasted with other books written at the same time--and--about the same issues. It is a fascinating study for those who have both a lot of time and a lot of inclination.

You should try it. It could lead you to believing Jesus indeed did rise from the dead.
...or not. It was that very study that led me to to the understanding that Christianity is simply not rational.
So you don't believe in the Flood, but you believe what they say about Jesus? So you're a cherry-picker. Got it.

So what about Jesus' resurrection? Do you believe that?

"everyone" meaning that until the 20th century and the advances of science, people who followed the bible believed that the events actually happened. So all the goalpost moving only started fairly recently.

First Evangelicals wrote their thesis (or whatever you want to call it) on Bible Inerrancy in 1978. Meanwhile, years prior to that Catholic teaching on the Bible included pointing out that the Bible is not a single book. Bible comes from a word meaning a collection or library of books. Catholics were being taught that the Bible contains books on history, law, songs, poetry, even a play, prophecy, letters, biography, etc. Further these books were written by various authors to very different audience for many different purposes.

So, yes, I grew up "cherry picking" (if that's the only term you understand). Sure, we learned that fundamentalist had decided everything in the Bible was literally true, but that was not the position of the Catholic Church.

Adult Bible Study encouraged studying the original languages, and for the Old Testament reading what Jewish Rabbis and Jewish scholars (past and present) interpreted their scriptures. This led into study of the different cultures mentioned in the Bible.

People who choose to go with 1978 Evangelical statements that the Bible is literally true and inerrant have picked the most shriveled cherry of all.

Each book, indeed each story, deserves its own semester of study. They deserve being compared and contrasted with other books written at the same time--and--about the same issues. It is a fascinating study for those who have both a lot of time and a lot of inclination.

You should try it. It could lead you to believing Jesus indeed did rise from the dead.

........oooooor the evil and sheer absurdity could make someone stop believing in that magical nonsense.
...or not. It was that very study that led me to to the understanding that Christianity is simply not rational.

The only study that comes across in your posts is that you think most Christians believe the Bible is literal and inerrant in all matters. That's a huge error right there. Other errors are equally as obvious.
........oooooor the evil and sheer absurdity could make someone stop believing in that magical nonsense.

Labeling something "absurd" or "magical" or "nonsense" is another sure indicator of a superficial purview of the Bible.

I get people who are sincere in recognizing they have no belief in God. The huge difference between these atheists and others is they do not try to rationalize or excuse their non-belief by creating straw men and reinterpreting Bible stories. Nor do believers frustrate them. It's a simple, "I don't (or can't) believe as you do."
........oooooor the evil and sheer absurdity could make someone stop believing in that magical nonsense.

Labeling something "absurd" or "magical" or "nonsense" is another sure indicator of a superficial purview of the Bible.

I get people who are sincere in recognizing they have no belief in God. The huge difference between these atheists and others is they do not try to rationalize or excuse their non-belief by creating straw men and reinterpreting Bible stories. Nor do believers frustrate them. It's a simple, "I don't (or can't) believe as you do."

"Labeling something "absurd" or "magical" or "nonsense" is another sure indicator of a superficial purview of the Bible. "

No, it is precisely why only about 40% of American Christians now take the Bible literally. So basically, you are running around trying to use the fruit of the efforts of people like me as a cudgel against me. I think not.

I created no straw men, nor did I "reinterpret" anything. It is you Christians that have had to repeatedly reinterpret this set of bronze age fairy tales, as our scientific knowledge kicked your God out of philosophy and science. 40% ... used to be about 100%, 200 years ago... there's your MOUNTAIN of "reinterpretation".
...or not. It was that very study that led me to to the understanding that Christianity is simply not rational.

The only study that comes across in your posts is that you think most Christians believe the Bible is literal and inerrant in all matters. That's a huge error right there. Other errors are equally as obvious.
Never have I said that. However the data says that a full quarter of Americans do, in fact, take the Bible Literally. That's over 16 million Americans; not exactly an insignificant number.

And frankly, I'm not worried about the Christians who don't take the Bible literally. Because, whether they want to admit it, or not, as soon as they insist that the Bible can be "interpreted" then they admit that it is bullshit. Because that means that no one has any more authority to insist that "their version" is any more accurate than any one else's.
...or not. It was that very study that led me to to the understanding that Christianity is simply not rational.

The only study that comes across in your posts is that you think most Christians believe the Bible is literal and inerrant in all matters. That's a huge error right there. Other errors are equally as obvious.
Never have I said that. However the data says that a full quarter of Americans do, in fact, take the Bible Literally. That's over 16 million Americans; not exactly an insignificant number.

And frankly, I'm not worried about the Christians who don't take the Bible literally. Because, whether they want to admit it, or not, as soon as they insist that the Bible can be "interpreted" then they admit that it is bullshit. Because that means that no one has any more authority to insist that "their version" is any more accurate than any one else's.

" However the data says that a full quarter of Americans do, in fact, take the Bible Literally. That's over 16 million Americans"

If only talking about adults, try 50 million.
........oooooor the evil and sheer absurdity could make someone stop believing in that magical nonsense.

Labeling something "absurd" or "magical" or "nonsense" is another sure indicator of a superficial purview of the Bible.

I get people who are sincere in recognizing they have no belief in God. The huge difference between these atheists and others is they do not try to rationalize or excuse their non-belief by creating straw men and reinterpreting Bible stories. Nor do believers frustrate them. It's a simple, "I don't (or can't) believe as you do."

"Labeling something "absurd" or "magical" or "nonsense" is another sure indicator of a superficial purview of the Bible. "

No, it is precisely why only about 40% of American Christians now take the Bible literally. So basically, you are running around trying to use the fruit of the efforts of people like me as a cudgel against me. I think not.

I created no straw men, nor did I "reinterpret" anything. It is you Christians that have had to repeatedly reinterpret this set of bronze age fairy tales, as our scientific knowledge kicked your God out of philosophy and science.
Actually the study I checked has it down to 25%, but your point is still valid. And "absurd", "magical", and "nonsense" is still valid for all of the rest. After all, the majority of even the one's who "interpret" the Bible all still insist that the Jesus stories, unlike the rest of the Bible, are absolutely true, and accurate, as written. Jesus was apparently an alchemist (turned water to wine), a water walker, and, after dying, was put in the ground for three days, and suddenly got back up. But, you know, nothing absurdly magical about the Bible.
...or not. It was that very study that led me to to the understanding that Christianity is simply not rational.

The only study that comes across in your posts is that you think most Christians believe the Bible is literal and inerrant in all matters. That's a huge error right there. Other errors are equally as obvious.
Never have I said that. However the data says that a full quarter of Americans do, in fact, take the Bible Literally. That's over 16 million Americans; not exactly an insignificant number.

And frankly, I'm not worried about the Christians who don't take the Bible literally. Because, whether they want to admit it, or not, as soon as they insist that the Bible can be "interpreted" then they admit that it is bullshit. Because that means that no one has any more authority to insist that "their version" is any more accurate than any one else's.

" However the data says that a full quarter of Americans do, in fact, take the Bible Literally. That's over 16 million Americans"

If only talking about adults, try 50 million.
Actually, it is taking into account that there are approximately 66,275,082 Christians of varying denominations as of the last census.
........oooooor the evil and sheer absurdity could make someone stop believing in that magical nonsense.

Labeling something "absurd" or "magical" or "nonsense" is another sure indicator of a superficial purview of the Bible.

I get people who are sincere in recognizing they have no belief in God. The huge difference between these atheists and others is they do not try to rationalize or excuse their non-belief by creating straw men and reinterpreting Bible stories. Nor do believers frustrate them. It's a simple, "I don't (or can't) believe as you do."

"Labeling something "absurd" or "magical" or "nonsense" is another sure indicator of a superficial purview of the Bible. "

No, it is precisely why only about 40% of American Christians now take the Bible literally. So basically, you are running around trying to use the fruit of the efforts of people like me as a cudgel against me. I think not.

I created no straw men, nor did I "reinterpret" anything. It is you Christians that have had to repeatedly reinterpret this set of bronze age fairy tales, as our scientific knowledge kicked your God out of philosophy and science.
Actually the study I checked has it down to 25%, but your point is still valid. And "absurd", "magical", and "nonsense" is still valid for all of the rest. After all, the majority of even the one's who "interpret" the Bible all still insist that the Jesus stories, unlike the rest of the Bible, are absolutely true, and accurate, as written. Jesus was apparently an alchemist (turned water to wine), a water walker, and, after dying, was put in the ground for three days, and suddenly got back up. But, you know, nothing absurdly magical about the Bible.

"Actually the study I checked has it down to 25%"

25% of American adults = about 50 million people. Not 16 million.

IN the most recent study of only American Christians, about 40% of them take the word of the bible literally.

"Actually, it is taking into account that there are approximately 66,275,082 Christians of varying denominations as of the last census."

That's the number of CATHOLICS, not all Christians
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...or not. It was that very study that led me to to the understanding that Christianity is simply not rational.

The only study that comes across in your posts is that you think most Christians believe the Bible is literal and inerrant in all matters. That's a huge error right there. Other errors are equally as obvious.
Never have I said that. However the data says that a full quarter of Americans do, in fact, take the Bible Literally. That's over 16 million Americans; not exactly an insignificant number.

And frankly, I'm not worried about the Christians who don't take the Bible literally. Because, whether they want to admit it, or not, as soon as they insist that the Bible can be "interpreted" then they admit that it is bullshit. Because that means that no one has any more authority to insist that "their version" is any more accurate than any one else's.

" However the data says that a full quarter of Americans do, in fact, take the Bible Literally. That's over 16 million Americans"

If only talking about adults, try 50 million.
Actually, it is taking into account that there are approximately 66,275,082 Christians of varying denominations as of the last census.

As of 2014, 70%+ of Americans adults identified as Christian.

There are 250 million adults in America. 70% of 250MM = 175 MM
The Word of God like manna from heaven is symbolic of teaching from above, a higher realm of conscious existence, in the same way the flesh of Jesus represents teaching from God as shown in the verse, and the word became flesh, a new metaphor for enlightened teaching.

Of course it is the creation of men who learned something from and about life.

Why should "we" treat it differently than any other book?

No other book is the basis for how billions of people perceive reality, their very notion of good and evil, right and wrong, the basis for ideas of crime and punishment, war and peace, and for so many nations...

We both agree that the professed beliefs of organized religions based on scripture are perverse. You see the detrimental effect it has on the mental health of people who do not think very deeply about the subject.

Why wouldn't you treat it differently?
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.
You don't believe the stories in the bible to be true. But now you believe the stories in the bible about Jesus? Please explain.

In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.

"Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word."

No thanks, that sounds terminally boring. And besides, literally hundreds of thousands of others have done it. But, hey ... you're "special", right? ;)

Dude, you're a dime-a-dozen. You present your own opinions, then say they are facts. You presuppose the very things you have the burden of arguing. You're a snake oil salesman, nothing more. No different than any magically-thinking goober who STARTS from a position of his own, personal fetishes being "absolute truth!" And then you run into the same brick wall every single time...the fact that your bullshit has nothing going for it, except "cause I said so". Damn, that must be frustrating.
In the same way that the fantastical stories of the OT convey hidden teaching, even the law itself, the gospels covey hidden teaching using what were in the first century updated metaphors for those used in the OT and reburied in figurative language and fantastical stories about Jesus turning water into wine, raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc...
So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.

"Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word."

No thanks, that sounds terminally boring. And besides, literally hundreds of thousands of others have done it. But, hey ... you're "special", right? ;)

Dude, you're a dime-a-dozen. You present your own opinions, then say they are facts. You presuppose the very things you have the burden of arguing. You're a snake oil salesman, nothing more. No different than any magically-thinking goober who STARTS from a position of his own, personal fetishes being "absolute truth!" And then you run into the same brick wall every single time...the fact that your bullshit has nothing going for it, except "cause I said so". Damn, that must be frustrating.

I know its a hard pill to swallow being bested but damn, have you no sense of self awareness, no shame??

Oh,right, you see only what you want to see.

Thats OK.. I'm a nut job who makes no rational sense if that makes you feel better. I don't mind.

You lack the fundamental foundation of humility and honesty required for a living being to survive outside of the confines of space and time.

Not to worry, you won't know what you are missing either now or after you are permanently dead..

You would never admit it but even that is evidence of a merciful God.
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So Jesus wasn't actually resurrected?

No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.

"Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word."

No thanks, that sounds terminally boring. And besides, literally hundreds of thousands of others have done it. But, hey ... you're "special", right? ;)

Dude, you're a dime-a-dozen. You present your own opinions, then say they are facts. You presuppose the very things you have the burden of arguing. You're a snake oil salesman, nothing more. No different than any magically-thinking goober who STARTS from a position of his own, personal fetishes being "absolute truth!" And then you run into the same brick wall every single time...the fact that your bullshit has nothing going for it, except "cause I said so". Damn, that must be frustrating.

I know its a hard pill to swallow being bested but damn, have you no sense of self awareness, no shame??

Oh,right, you see only what you want to see.

Thats OK.. I'm a nut job who makes no rational sense if that makes you feel better. I don't mind.

You lack the fundamental foundation of humility and honesty required to survive outside of the confines of space and time.

Not to worry, you won't know what you are missing either now or after you are permanently dead..

You would never admit it but even that is evidence of a merciful God.

That is not evidence of anything, but that you love to read your own pap. You misuse the word "evidence" quite often.

Yes, you're kind of a nut.... the kind that somehow lost touch with the idea that his opinions are his own, and therefore lost any intent (and then ability, if it ever existed in the first place) to argue well any of his own claims. Another result of this is what a sensitive little baby you are, as you have internalized your nonsense. Having nothing better than "'cause I say so" makes one internalize their nonsense... in this way, an attack on this nonsense becomes an attack on them, personally. That's you, in a nutshell.
No, he was actually resurrected from the dead, twice. He left the tomb of false religious beliefs, stopped imitating degrading religious practices and ascended bodily into heaven day by day until he was killed, "taken up" being a euphemism, just like Elijah being "taken up" in a whirlwind is a euphemism for him being killed at the center of some sort of lynch mob.

He then appeared to his disciples in dreams convincing them that he survived death and was doing fine in the realm of God, eternal life being the reward for the righteous, dreams being the medium through which God communicates with human beings.

The first resurrection is the resurrection from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil.

Both resurrections represent entry into a new existence, not the resumption of a former existence.

Blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection, the second death, death of the physical body, will not harm them.

That is the good news of the Gospels.

Haha, wow, that is quite the reach. With that kind of flexibity to just make up anything one wants, I imagine I could invent some fascinating interpretations, too.

You imagine that you could do you? lol....

Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word.

Oh right, you only think in terms of If and I imagine, and possibly without actually doing anything because you are too dishonest and lazy.

Probably too terrified to imagine that you might have overlooked something or even worse, you might be dead wrong....

Psst! The older you get the harder its going to be if not impossible to go back to the drawing board...

Judging by your brazen disregard for acknowledging valid points I suppose your fate is already a foregone conclusion.

Stay dead dear friend, It would cause you too much pain to see whats happening in the world above your head.

"Go ahead then and try to come up some other fascinating rational interpretation that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality without adding or subtracting or changing a single written word."

No thanks, that sounds terminally boring. And besides, literally hundreds of thousands of others have done it. But, hey ... you're "special", right? ;)

Dude, you're a dime-a-dozen. You present your own opinions, then say they are facts. You presuppose the very things you have the burden of arguing. You're a snake oil salesman, nothing more. No different than any magically-thinking goober who STARTS from a position of his own, personal fetishes being "absolute truth!" And then you run into the same brick wall every single time...the fact that your bullshit has nothing going for it, except "cause I said so". Damn, that must be frustrating.

I know its a hard pill to swallow being bested but damn, have you no sense of self awareness, no shame??

Oh,right, you see only what you want to see.

Thats OK.. I'm a nut job who makes no rational sense if that makes you feel better. I don't mind.

You lack the fundamental foundation of humility and honesty required to survive outside of the confines of space and time.

Not to worry, you won't know what you are missing either now or after you are permanently dead..

You would never admit it but even that is evidence of a merciful God.

That is not evidence of anything, but that you love to read your own pap. You misuse the word "evidence" quite often.

Yes, you're kind of a nut.... the kind that somehow lost touch with the idea that his opinions are his own, and therefore lost any intent (and then ability, if it ever existed in the first place) to argue well any of his own claims. Another result of this is what a sensitive little baby you are, as you have internalized your nonsense. Having nothing better than "'cause I say so" makes one internalize their nonsense... in this way, an attack on this nonsense becomes an attack on them, personally. That's you, in a nutshell.
Your entire derision is based on your dishonest claim that I have presented nothing to back up or confirm what I have said.

Thats because you can't see. You have been blinded. Maybe it was because hatred filed your head when sister Mary Elizabeth whacked you with a ruler or something...Maybe you find the law which prohibits scumbags from prospering unfairly singles you out causing a deep seated rage at God for being so bossy. lol...

Who can say? You go on and just believe whatever it is that makes you feel better. Its all magical nonsense, sure it is, even after you were shown how it is not. If thats you poison, Bottoms up!

And you didn't believe that you would go blind if you didn't stop masturbating...

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