Is the Caravan Threat


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
Over now that the fear mongering for the Mid-terms is no longer needed?

Sure has gotten quiet on this subject huh?
The caravan is a threat to the mental health of Republicans.
I made a thread already about this guys.

I said that one day after the elections, it would no longer be a story for Republicans.

And look at what happened, although rightwing hacks like Grampa Murked U said otherwise...crickets.
How stupid is the left when it comes to immigration. Any one has to do is look at Europe, & what it has done to them.....
Look at how many billons of dollars it cost the people of the US. Even the left can not hide from that. Yes I know we
are all immigrates. But our fore fathers came here the right way & we knew who was coming in. But in those days
our government did not support them & give them the support they get today. Our fore fathers came here to build
this nation. They did not expect us to learn there language & so on. We can not become the dumping ground for
every south American country. As been said many times before a country with out a boarder is no longer a country.
If you disagree with the above than you must be a fool.
How stupid is the left when it comes to immigration. Any one has to do is look at Europe, & what it has done to them.....
Look at how many billons of dollars it cost the people of the US. Even the left can not hide from that. Yes I know we
are all immigrates. But our fore fathers came here the right way & we knew who was coming in. But in those days
our government did not support them & give them the support they get today. Our fore fathers came here to build
this nation. They did not expect us to learn there language & so on. We can not become the dumping ground for
every south American country. As been said many times before a country with out a boarder is no longer a country.
If you disagree with the above than you must be a fool.
I agree, but learn to write.
How stupid is the left when it comes to immigration. All one has to do is look at Europe, & what it has done to them.....
Look at how many billons of dollars it cost the people of the US. Even the left can not hide from that. Yes I know we
are all immigrates. But our fore fathers came here the right way & we knew who was coming in. But in those days
our government did not support them & give them the support they get today. Our fore fathers came here to build
this nation. They did not expect us to learn there language & so on. We can not become the dumping ground for
every south American country. As been said many times before a country with out a boarder is no longer a boarder.
If you disagree with the above than you must be a fool.
Let's pause here...

Expound on that a bit. Years, process, etc. specifically, what is meant by "came here the right way?"
This is not a one shot event. There are already other caravans forming behind the extremely large and DIVERSE caravan making it's way through Central Mexico. This cannot continue this way, immigration needs to be an orderly and slow process not just throw open the gates and let in thousands at a time. Who thinks that is a good idea and why? Anyone? Anyone want to own that one?
How stupid is the left when it comes to immigration. Any one has to do is look at Europe, & what it has done to them.....
Look at how many billons of dollars it cost the people of the US. Even the left can not hide from that. Yes I know we
are all immigrates. But our fore fathers came here the right way & we knew who was coming in. But in those days
our government did not support them & give them the support they get today. Our fore fathers came here to build
this nation. They did not expect us to learn there language & so on. We can not become the dumping ground for
every south American country. As been said many times before a country with out a boarder is no longer a country.
If you disagree with the above than you must be a fool.
Look what European immigration did to this nation.

As been said many times before a country with out a boarder is no longer a country.

Yeah that country will go broke from a lack of people living in the country. So let's patrol the border..
How stupid is the left when it comes to immigration. Any one has to do is look at Europe, & what it has done to them.....
Look at how many billons of dollars it cost the people of the US. Even the left can not hide from that. Yes I know we
are all immigrates. But our fore fathers came here the right way & we knew who was coming in. But in those days
our government did not support them & give them the support they get today. Our fore fathers came here to build
this nation. They did not expect us to learn there language & so on. We can not become the dumping ground for
every south American country. As been said many times before a country with out a boarder is no longer a country.
If you disagree with the above than you must be a fool.
Look what European immigration did to this nation.

As been said many times before a country with out a boarder is no longer a country.

Yeah that country will go broke from a lack of people living in the country. So let's patrol the border..

I've always wondered how many people of a country you need to kill or exile, to make a country bankrupt. I think even if you kill all of them, bankruptcy will never follow, because there will be nobody to spend the loans.

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