Is the Democrat Party the CPUSA in Disguise?

Politics1 - Guide to American Political Parties

COMMUNIST PARTY USA - ...........While the party has not directly run any candidates since the late 1980s, the CPUSA sometimes backs some candidates in various local elections (often in Northeastern industrial communities) and engages in grassroots political and labor union organizing. In the 1998 elections,

longtime CPUSA leader Hall actually urged party members to vote for all of the Democratic candidates for Congress -- arguing that voting for any progressive third party candidates would undermine the efforts to oust the "reactionary" Republicans from control of Congress.

As for issues, the CPUSA

calls for free universal health care,

elimination of the federal income tax on people earning under $60,000 a year, free college education,

drastic cuts in military spending, "massive" public works programs,

the outlawing of "scabs and union busting,"

huge tax hikes for corporations and the wealthy,

Any of this crap sound familiar to you liberal Dim assholes.....


grow up you dimwitted dolt
Originally Posted by editec
I don't think a windfall tax is a good idea. At least I haven't heard any argument for why it would be.

Now nationalizing our oil resources might actually be a good idea least to the extent that any oil pumped out of American lands must be sold in the american market.

But there's no need to nationalize the companies who actually get that oil out of our lands.

Just OUR is after all, already THE NATION'S OIL, right?

That makes no sense at all. Say we open offshore, AMWR and Colorado for Shale oil? In five years, with an all-out effort, we could produce another 3million barrels of oil. Your restriction has a net ZERO effect. We would be adding the same 3million barrels a day to the world's supply whether we kept all of it home or shipped it to the world.

The reality is, much of the untapped oil we have here, cannot be refined here, because it's not the right KIND of crude for our refineries.

I'm not at all sure I understand your objection.

We would be adding 3 million barrels a day to the US supply.

If we cannot refine it that oil, why not?

Are we incapable of building refineries or something?
22 posts into this thread any YOU are the only one to mention Obama....
don't know what you're talking about do you ?
22 posts into this thread any YOU are the only one to mention Obama....
don't know what you're talking about do you ?

um dimwit? you mention Obama in your is in every post you make.

so in effect, you mentioned Obama from day one.

schtupid is as schtupid does
Well no, they are NOT Communists, but they are ever increasingly Socialistic. And those two are NOT the same.

True, there are some differences, but both communism and socialism are based upon public ownership of the means of production. Socialism is basically a transition stage towards communism. In fact, the establishment of socialism is one of the goals of communist parties. Communism was originally envisioned by Marx and Engels as the last stages of their socialist revolution. Pure Marxism has no central government, no private property, and no religion.
True, there are some differences, but both communism and socialism are based upon public ownership of the means of production. Socialism is basically a transition stage towards communism. In fact, the establishment of socialism is one of the goals of communist parties. Communism was originally envisioned by Marx and Engels as the last stages of their socialist revolution. Pure Marxism has no central government, no private property, and no religion.

and "Living in the past" is the name of a Jethro Tull album.

move on is more than just a dot org.
It is really funny to hear that the Democrats are all the sudden tied to the Communist party. You Republicans seem to have a bizarre love with Ronald Regan, the same way gays have a love for Barbra Streisand. It's kind of funny to hear so much love for one man, when all you do is project hate towards gays and advocate hate towards people with different skin colors or from different countries. Too often we honor swagger. Eisenhower warned the nation against the military industrial complex. And yet we have fallen deep within it's clutches. One family in particular has actively pursued the love of war profiteering to unbelievable profits at the detriment to the US. Unfortunately the information has been sealed for the last 50 years. But it has become available in it's entirety. Who is that family; you might ask??? Suprisingly, the Bush family. See, at the same time George H.W. Bush was fighting the Nazi's in World War Two. George's grandfather Prescott Bush, was helping Adolph Hitlers rise to power and the Nazi war machine. George H.W. Bush stood to gain from Prescott Bush's banking for the Nazi's. If this information were known at the time during WWI, it would be considered treason, and UN-American activities. So to listen to all of this bullshit about how the Democrats are Communists and Socialists, is really fucking stupid! So if you really love America so much, then why do you defend or support a man, and a family that made it's wealth off of the Nazi's, and the Nazi war machine? Bush is more of a fascist, than a well educated black man in a suit!:eusa_whistle:


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It is really funny to hear that the Democrats are all the sudden tied to the Communist party. You Republicans seem to have a bizarre love with Ronald Regan, the same way gays have a love for Barbra Streisand. It's kind of funny to hear so much love for one man, when all you do is project hate towards gays and advocate hate towards people with different skin colors or from different countries. Too often we honor swagger. Eisenhower warned the nation against the military industrial complex. And yet we have fallen deep within it's clutches. One family in particular has actively pursued the love of war profiteering to unbelievable profits at the detriment to the US. Unfortunately the information has been sealed for the last 50 years. But it has become available in it's entirety. Who is that family; you might ask??? Suprisingly, the Bush family. See, at the same time George H.W. Bush was fighting the Nazi's in World War Two. George's grandfather Prescott Bush, was helping Adolph Hitlers rise to power and the Nazi war machine. George H.W. Bush stood to gain from Prescott Bush's banking for the Nazi's. If this information were known at the time during WWI, it would be considered treason, and UN-American activities. So to listen to all of this bullshit about how the Democrats are Communists and Socialists, is really fucking stupid! So if you really love America so much, then why do you defend or support a man, and a family that made it's wealth off of the Nazi's, and the Nazi war machine? Bush is more of a fascist, than a well educated black man in a suit!:eusa_whistle:

stop embarrassing yourself.

a leftist idiocy is no balance to right wing-nut nitwittisms

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