Is The DNC Too Powerful?

For asking if your Reich is too powerful>

You mean a mindless cocksucker intent on ending America?

Yep, you sure were....
LOL. You do understand that your time and the time of your ilk is at an end..right?
There aren't enough of you cucks to make a majority anymore.
I will relish in your demise...and laugh as you scream incessantly to the sky. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump challenged their power and they reacted with awesome power.

Someone want to explain that?:confused-84:

With our 2 party system, there is a see-saw mechanism that reads when one party is "down" the other party is "up". Currently the Democrats are "up" as is evidenced by the major pieces of legislation being passed by the congress on a bi-partisan basis, the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections, and the brutal in-fighting of the GOP over something as mundane as appointing the next Speaker of the House. It looks like McConnell may be in trouble as minority leader in the Senate as well.

It may get worse for the GOP before it gets better. With a single digit majority, there isn't going to be much wiggle room by whomever ends up as Speaker. The result will be a form of one-party gridlock which will be something of a new phenomenon for this generation. And that is before they may have to negotiate with Democrats to pass anything. So you're likely to see our old friend--the government shutdown--during the next 2 years. Don't make your vacation plans for Yosemite or Yellowstone just yet.

This; on top of a primary season that kicks off in about 8 months where the leader of the GOP has reduced himself to a Pokemon character, is looking more and more unhinged every day, and still commands (I mean that literally) a voting block of tens of millions of neanderthals who will vote for him no matter what. The prince-in-waiting, InSantis, is just as likely to wait it out until 2028 when he fares a much better chance of winning the Presidency against a non incumbent, without having to worry about alienating the Pikachu voting base who will not have a candidate or will simply fold their arms and stay home because nobody running is sick enough to appeal to them. That would leave, in 2024, the blob, and a bunch of other hopefuls who he has previously railed against. Does anyone really give Mike Pence a shot...what about Noem or Haley? The first time they get in the blob's crosshairs, the misogyny that is latent in every Trump supporter will come out in force; like shingles. If the party does coalesce around another candidate, few sober observers would expect Trump to be a gracious loser which will almost certainly result in a split GOP and an easy win for Biden. Welcome to Bernie-ism; GOP style!!!

The GOP shouldn't look for much help from the Democrats either. They seem to have found a backbone that was long missing. The almost Machiavellian way they are approaching elections with the Bernie take-down in 2020 and the midterm strategy of elevating every hate-fueled right wing loon are good signs from the standpoint of power politics. As a member of the left (I'm not a Democrat), it's good to see the DNC leadership actually going for the jugular against the right; something the likes of Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove were famous for doing. Who was Trump's Karl Rove? Steve Bannon--the guy who Trump fired? Kellyanne Conway--the "alternate facts" lady? For once, the dirtiest player in the game is a Democrat. And it's refreshing to see--AS FAR AS THE ALL OR NOTHING world of politics is concerned. There are no medals for 2nd place in a our government. There is no either win or you lose.

My prediction for 2024 is that you don't always need power politics. In fact, I don't expect the Democrats to have to resort to elevating the MAGA turds since the midterms sort of rendered the verdict that they were no longer ready for prime-time. I expect them to go a different way. If anyone remembers the 1996 campaign, one of the big issues the Clinton Campaign (not a 501-3c, not soft money) was anti-tobacco legislation.

I wonder how many of those kids took up smoking. Anyway...
In 2012, Obama did the same thing with Romney attacking Sesame Street.

Look for the Democrats to run that same strategy this time around. To where the GOP's only counter would be to become pro-tobacco. It won't be tobacco of course but it may be something as popular as being able to shield yourself from big tech or something like that. If the GOP want to run an attack ad on the subject; they will look like fools.

Sidebar::: If you look at my record, I'm actually in favor of cutting the subsidy to PBS and NPR. Arts and Entertainment are a multi billion dollar industry in this nation. Adding a nickel to every ticket sold to a play, a musical, an exhibit, movie, installation, etc... and reducing that from these ticket platforms could not only help fund NPR, PBS, but completely replace the entire NEA. The point of the NEA and the Smithsonian is to show government support for the culture...not to fund the entire enterprise so it's not apples to apples but the dollars behind the art would be staggering if the A&E society could just get organized and stop pulling against one another.

Anyway, is the DNC too powerful? No. The DNC is as powerful as the RNC is lame. And right now the RNC is quite lame. That will change over time. Until we get viable 3rd, 4th and hopefully 5th parties, we'll always have this "my side is up, your side is down" phenomenon.

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Is The DNC Too Powerful?​

LMAO those fools are morons. Even with massive RIGGING of elections, outright fraud, 95% of the so called news media in their pocket even with all those advantages those blithering idiots lose half the time.

Hell look who their leader is in the White House :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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