Is the French healthcare system a good model for the U.S.?

That is exactly what Taiwan has done.

FRONTLINE: sick around the world | PBS

then why are they not sitting down and looking at the big picture,and seeing what is working and what isnt?....instead they wanna just shove something down our throats,that apparently not many have read, that just might be a fucking disaster....

Because we have one party that would do absolutely nothing, the Republicans do not give a damn about the health of anyone that is not wealthy. And many in the other party have been purchased body and soul by the health insurance industry.

And, no matter how they did it, you would not support it in any case. Personally, I would just jam it down your throat. We need to change the broken system we have, and those that are trying to preserve the present system are damaging this nation.

Do that to Chrissy a lot, do ya?
That is exactly what Taiwan has done.

FRONTLINE: sick around the world | PBS

then why are they not sitting down and looking at the big picture,and seeing what is working and what isnt?....instead they wanna just shove something down our throats,that apparently not many have read, that just might be a fucking disaster....

Because we have one party that would do absolutely nothing, the Republicans do not give a damn about the health of anyone that is not wealthy. And many in the other party have been purchased body and soul by the health insurance industry.

And, no matter how they did it, you would not support it in any case. Personally, I would just jam it down your throat. We need to change the broken system we have, and those that are trying to preserve the present system are damaging this nation.

Where do you get your talking points from, Roxie? I know you don't have an IQ to come up with such blather. All you do is make yourself a fool by telling lies like this. :lol:
Our system isn't broken needs some tweaking, but it isn't broken....quite to the contrary as a matter of fact. You are quite the socialist aren't you? Maybe communist?
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then why are they not sitting down and looking at the big picture,and seeing what is working and what isnt?....instead they wanna just shove something down our throats,that apparently not many have read, that just might be a fucking disaster....

Because we have one party that would do absolutely nothing, the Republicans do not give a damn about the health of anyone that is not wealthy. And many in the other party have been purchased body and soul by the health insurance industry.

And, no matter how they did it, you would not support it in any case. Personally, I would just jam it down your throat. We need to change the broken system we have, and those that are trying to preserve the present system are damaging this nation.

Where do you get your talking points from, Roxie? I know you don't have an IQ to come up with such blather. All you do is make yourself a fool by telling lies like this. :lol:
Our system isn't broken needs some tweaking, but it isn't broken....quite to the contrary as a matter of fact. You are quite the socialist aren't you? Maybe communist?

He says he volunteered during the Cuban Missile Crisis. His job must have been to make sure Nikita's missiles were operational before we could invade.

None of you whining little bitches has the spine to get the fuck out and go live in those European socialist worker's paradises.

thats because they have it good over here....and they know it....L.K.Eder one of our posters is from his posts on their health care system....he says that they are finding to be viable they must make some kind of a profit,and he said it is starting to go from the patients health to profit orientated...sound familiar?....

hehe, what do i find here, no i did not search for my screen name.

our health care system has a lot of problems, but it is better than yours, YES! lol, no for real, what i read, and i realize i can be a victim of cherry-picked news, you US Americans would very much like it here, so much, that we'd have to build a wall to keep you out, if you knew, so forget what i wrote.

None of you whining little bitches has the spine to get the fuck out and go live in those European socialist worker's paradises.

thats because they have it good over here....and they know it....L.K.Eder one of our posters is from his posts on their health care system....he says that they are finding to be viable they must make some kind of a profit,and he said it is starting to go from the patients health to profit orientated...sound familiar?....

hehe, what do i find here, no i did not search for my screen name.

our health care system has a lot of problems, but it is better than yours, YES! lol, no for real, what i read, and i realize i can be a victim of cherry-picked news, you US Americans would very much like it here, so much, that we'd have to build a wall to keep you out, if you knew, so forget what i wrote.

I think Eastern Germany is still weighing on your economy quite heavily and the unions are killing the industries there.
Because we have one party that would do absolutely nothing, the Republicans do not give a damn about the health of anyone that is not wealthy. And many in the other party have been purchased body and soul by the health insurance industry.

And, no matter how they did it, you would not support it in any case. Personally, I would just jam it down your throat. We need to change the broken system we have, and those that are trying to preserve the present system are damaging this nation.

how the hell do you know what i wont or will support?.....i have been hammering away at guys like you and Chris and anyone else that is for this being shoved down our throats....asking a question that none of you fuckers wanna i will ask it those of us who have major,serious medical the UHC plan going to cover those people or are they going to say sorry its to comprehensive and expensive,we cant cover you for what you dollars have to be spent wisely after all....are old people going to get help or are they still up shit creek? to answer Rocks or are you going to impersonate fred astaire and dance around everyone has so far....
thats because they have it good over here....and they know it....L.K.Eder one of our posters is from his posts on their health care system....he says that they are finding to be viable they must make some kind of a profit,and he said it is starting to go from the patients health to profit orientated...sound familiar?....

hehe, what do i find here, no i did not search for my screen name.

our health care system has a lot of problems, but it is better than yours, YES! lol, no for real, what i read, and i realize i can be a victim of cherry-picked news, you US Americans would very much like it here, so much, that we'd have to build a wall to keep you out, if you knew, so forget what i wrote.

I think Eastern Germany is still weighing on your economy quite heavily and the unions are killing the industries there.

eastern germany is definitely weighing heavily still. at least the skies are clear and the rivers clean now.

can't talk about the unions, but as usual they are not as evil as they are portrayed by some. to me it looks like a lot of the unions are in cahoots with the corporations.

None of you whining little bitches has the spine to get the fuck out and go live in those European socialist worker's paradises.

thats because they have it good over here....and they know it....L.K.Eder one of our posters is from his posts on their health care system....he says that they are finding to be viable they must make some kind of a profit,and he said it is starting to go from the patients health to profit orientated...sound familiar?....

hehe, what do i find here, no i did not search for my screen name.

our health care system has a lot of problems, but it is better than yours, YES! lol, no for real, what i read, and i realize i can be a victim of cherry-picked news, you US Americans would very much like it here, so much, that we'd have to build a wall to keep you out, if you knew, so forget what i wrote.
so in other words your post was a crock of shit?.....why tell a lie if someone can just go over to that thread and check out what you said?....i said what you said,and in your next post you agreed with what i got from do you have any credibility or not L.K.?
Any system has to be better than any US model. Even patients with health insurance are getting ripped off and when people are queuing in fields for free health care you know the shits hit the fan.

America will never have a good health, education etc. untill it stops spending trillions on war and weapons, stops all the fat cats bleeding the country dry and all the other turds that are running the show or should that be ruining it.

Health care in the EU is generally very good and it could be so in the US if the people just got up off their fat arses and did something about it.

I don't know if anyone else has said this, but what the fuck are you babbling about, aside from the standard leftist wet dreams of the European Utopia?
Chrissy and his ilk keep moving the goal posts, then claim things are "unfair".
The only reason he doesn't eat shit sandwiches is because he doesn't like bread.

Chrissey is a one track pony.....and im willing to bet, if what he wants comes to be...if it is a will never hear from this dipshit again.....

God, it would almost be worth it just for that. Almost.
When faced with the truth the right either insults or changes the subject.

That's when I know they have nothing.
The truth here is that you're a fucking pussy whiner, who sees the "greener grass" but is too much of a coward or lazy ass to go over to the other side of the fence.

What's stopping you?

well, he'd be a long way from Old Rocks if he moved to France.

I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say he's welcome to take Old Rocks with him.
I love my current health care and health coverage.

I say lets throw out this hr3200 bill that wont give us better care but reduce quality and availablity and pass a new bill that deals with ONLY insurance coverage.

Give the insurance companies tax break incentives to give out heavily discounted plans to lower income people...those who make too much for medicare but not enough to buy their own insurance.

Then pass tort reform.

We dont need over 1000 pages to do this. We need over 1000 pages to drastically alter the sytem instead of just simply extending coverage to more americans.

No, let's continue with the current system.

I love to see people bankrupted by cancer!

Is this a great country or what?

My insurance covers cancer treatment, thats why i pay 40 bucks a week for it.

Like i said lets get everyone quality coverage....why dont you want to give everyone good insurance that covers their use of the health system?

Why are you for people not having quality care or readily available service?

Besides, people with serious, potentially terminal illnesses like cancer qualify for Medicaid already. It's amazing how many serious, expensive illnesses and diseases qualify you for Medicaid regardless of income. I knew a woman who was a teacher at a tech school, her ex-husband had some godawfully high-paying job, and their son had cystic fibrosis. They both had health insurance, but the kid qualified for Medicaid to fill in any and all gaps that weren't already covered, just because he had cystic fibrosis.
I'd love to know how many on here make more than $1million a year.
I'd love to know how many people that sob sister story could've happened to, and not been wiped out.

Maybe about 95+% of the population??

Guess what??....Life's tough, shit happens, wear a helmet.

I was just thinking the same thing. I must know a half dozen or more cancer survivors and not one of them lost their house. Go figure.

Correct me if I'm wrong (because I've never had a mortgage), but don't they come with this stuff called "mortgage insurance", which kicks in and pays off your house if you die or become seriously ill and can't work? Granted, you have to be smart enough to buy it, which is probably where the leftists are missing out.
thats because they have it good over here....and they know it....L.K.Eder one of our posters is from his posts on their health care system....he says that they are finding to be viable they must make some kind of a profit,and he said it is starting to go from the patients health to profit orientated...sound familiar?....

hehe, what do i find here, no i did not search for my screen name.

our health care system has a lot of problems, but it is better than yours, YES! lol, no for real, what i read, and i realize i can be a victim of cherry-picked news, you US Americans would very much like it here, so much, that we'd have to build a wall to keep you out, if you knew, so forget what i wrote.
so in other words your post was a crock of shit?.....why tell a lie if someone can just go over to that thread and check out what you said?....i said what you said,and in your next post you agreed with what i got from do you have any credibility or not L.K.?

sorry harry. i don't think we have any disagreement, neither on this nor on the other thread.
our health care system has problems, but nevertheless i think (opinion) it is better than yours.

you don't know my style of writing, but the part of building a wall and keeping you out and bragging about our system was tongue-in-cheek.

apparently i need to use more smileys or other forms to highlight when i am not totally serious.
then why are they not sitting down and looking at the big picture,and seeing what is working and what isnt?....instead they wanna just shove something down our throats,that apparently not many have read, that just might be a fucking disaster....

Because we have one party that would do absolutely nothing, the Republicans do not give a damn about the health of anyone that is not wealthy. And many in the other party have been purchased body and soul by the health insurance industry.

And, no matter how they did it, you would not support it in any case. Personally, I would just jam it down your throat. We need to change the broken system we have, and those that are trying to preserve the present system are damaging this nation.

Where do you get your talking points from, Roxie? I know you don't have an IQ to come up with such blather. All you do is make yourself a fool by telling lies like this. :lol:
Our system isn't broken needs some tweaking, but it isn't broken....quite to the contrary as a matter of fact. You are quite the socialist aren't you? Maybe communist?

You're right. You'd think by now Rocks would have figured out that Republicans don't care about the health of rich people, either. We don't take it upon ourselves to worry about ANYONE else's life but our own, and extend them the courtesy of assuming they're smart enough to do the same for themselves.
Here's a thought, take it slow and use the marketplace.

Do one thing and wait and determine how this one change has effected the calculus of the problem. A year or so? Why must the entire system be scrapped all at once and rebuilt. I don't mind the whole thing being scrapped, per se, but I do have a problem with it being done all at once. The law of unintended consequences will always raise its head and screw things up. The more things are changed at once, the more there is a chance for things to be worse than they are now.

So. Go slow. Make one change or two. Evaluate how that changes the equation before changing another part of the issue. For the first change, I would propose opening up the competition across state lines and allowing individuals and businesses purchase from different states. Allowing more competition has lowered costs and increased the scope of offerings in almost every instance and industry it has been tried in.

Then we wait at least 6 months, preferably a year, and see what else can be changed for the better.

The reason why no politician has suggested this? Politicians are in love with "big ideas" cause they sell well with constituents and get them elected. And the big idea now is overhauling healthcare. Not small incremental changes.
I'd love to know how many people that sob sister story could've happened to, and not been wiped out.

Maybe about 95+% of the population??

Guess what??....Life's tough, shit happens, wear a helmet.

I was just thinking the same thing. I must know a half dozen or more cancer survivors and not one of them lost their house. Go figure.

Correct me if I'm wrong (because I've never had a mortgage), but don't they come with this stuff called "mortgage insurance", which kicks in and pays off your house if you die or become seriously ill and can't work? Granted, you have to be smart enough to buy it, which is probably where the leftists are missing out.

No, thats not mortgage insurance.

Mortgage insurance doesn't protect the buyer, it protects the lender.

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