Is the GOP giving up on stopping Trump?

The GOP is done. If not this election, very soon. If Trump has done ANYTHING, it is showing the Establishment that the people are tired of it.. Well not all people. Millions of Democrat dumbfucks are supporting the corporatist Hillary..
I don't support Bernie but I would have more respect for the bedwetters if he was in the lead. At least he seems to care about America..
The GOP establishment is basically telling the establishment candidates to start lying and pretend to be like Trump. This is nothing new people. They did the same thing to the tea party and conservatives. The GOP establishment candidates ran around claiming to be conservative and tea party supporters then the GOP establishment candidates took a giant shit on both groups after the elections.
I don't support Bernie but I would have more respect for the bedwetters if he was in the lead. At least he seems to care about America..

I agree, in fact if it were between Jeb and Bernie, I'd be voting moonbat for the first time ever.

The only reason I have any respect for the man, and I do believe his politics are as looney as Charlie Manson's fiance, is because he is the only person on the Hill who hasn't enriched himself to the tune of millions of dollars.

He believes socialist nonsense will benefit the country, the rest of the democrooks know better but enjoy the power and wealth it provides corrupt political whores.


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