Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

I see contractors and the trades at work everyday in the SF Bay Area. A bridge being built across SF bay; tunnels being dug between the East Bay and San Francisco; Construction south of AT&T park in The City; BART being extended and highways widened.

Maybe the Governor of your state turned the money down, some did for solely political reasons. A big shout out and thank you to moron Gov. of Florida for turning down money for high speed rail. we'll like get it (and the jobs that go with it).

again where are the shovel ready jobs that the stimulus was supposed to start?

That rail you speak of is a waste of money.
San Francisco and other communities are grateful to the governor of Florida for the funds.

Obama admits there were no “shovel ready jobs,”

[ame=]‪Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Two years before the GOP took back the house there were the democrats. What happen to their job bill? What happen to the shovel ready jobs?

They not only introduced a job bill but they passed it. It was the repeal of osamacare.
YES TRUE the republicans were given their orders. But what I want to know is, what happen to those shovel ready jobs?

LOL Shovel ready.

I have extensive knowledge in the trade. 3 on a shovel with the state sleeping in the car.

Only a fraction of the stimulus went to infrastructure. The stimulus was the largest crony pay off in the history of the World.
They not only introduced a job bill but they passed it. It was the repeal of osamacare.
YES TRUE the republicans were given their orders. But what I want to know is, what happen to those shovel ready jobs?

LOL Shovel ready.

I have extensive knowledge in the trade. 3 on a shovel with the state sleeping in the car.

Only a fraction of the stimulus went to infrastructure. The stimulus was the largest crony pay off in the history of the World.

you're preaching to the choir brother
When are the Republicans in the House going to introduce a jobs bill, Dave?

Yes, Dave; inquiring minds want to know.
A GOP jobs bill would entail removing much of the burdensome and redundant government regulation of business. And before you both start screeching mindlessly, no, that doesn't mean I want companies to be able to poison the air and water to kill their customers and maximize profit.

A GOP jobs bill would entail removing this Administration's hostility towards business. I don't know how they could do that.

Because those are two issues keeping companies from hiring.
When are the Republicans in the House going to introduce a jobs bill, Dave?

Yes, Dave; inquiring minds want to know.
A GOP jobs bill would entail removing much of the burdensome and redundant government regulation of business. And before you both start screeching mindlessly, no, that doesn't mean I want companies to be able to poison the air and water to kill their customers and maximize profit.

A GOP jobs bill would entail removing this Administration's hostility towards business. I don't know how they could do that.

Because those are two issues keeping companies from hiring.

Perhaps if the Papa Obama and the Left stopped looking at the productive
forces in this country as something to loot and as something to promote, we would all be better off

The Left should call themselves the "Looting Class"
Schmuck Schumer is the epitome of ugly and dirty politics and the fact he keeps getting reelected doesn't say positive things about New York.

It's some form of masochism exhibited by New Yorkers. They were clinging to their Weiner also.

I heard that Anthony Weiner was going to run for President and has chosen Eric Holder as his VP running mate.

Do you have your Weiner-Holder bumper sticker yet?
When are the Republicans in the House going to introduce a jobs bill, Dave?

Yes, Dave; inquiring minds want to know.
A GOP jobs bill would entail removing much of the burdensome and redundant government regulation of business. And before you both start screeching mindlessly, no, that doesn't mean I want companies to be able to poison the air and water to kill their customers and maximize profit.

A GOP jobs bill would entail removing this Administration's hostility towards business. I don't know how they could do that.

Because those are two issues keeping companies from hiring.

Dave don't waste your common sense approach on the partisan morons
Do you deny the Red Baiting which has been on-going since President Obama recieved the nominaitoin? Calls of "Socialist" and "Marxist" and "Commie" not only from the intellectually challenged who frequent this MB, but from the mouth of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Republcians elected to national office?

Criticizing a black isn't racist, treating a black differently BECAUSE they are black is racist. OMG, you just called a black a socialist, you're racists. Um...we call the white liberals socialists too because they are. If you advocate socialism, you just might get called a socialist regardless of if you are a white male or not. You are here saying we have to not call him a socialist because he's black, we need to treat him differently then whites, and you call US racists?
Radical Republicans manufactured the debt ceiling crisis; It is not an accident that this occured, this crisis is a direct result of the power and influence of Grover Norquist and those who support or control him.


Need another saltine?

If you want to be taken seriously you'll need to forego idiotgrams and posting emoticons and offer something of substance. If not continue to be seen as a fool.
Good luck with that.
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Shovel ready projects were not shovel ready as the President acknowledged. Too many delays are caused by NIMBY groups and the permit processes which are state laws not federal. The funds allocated in states which had not planned ahead have not applied for funds, even today, so much of the 'stimulus money' appropriated has not been spent. Some of it was misused, allowing states to use the funds to pay currently working employees rather than putting the unemployed to work. Others, like the Governors of NJ and Florida refused funds on transportation projects.

In the heat of battle mistakes are made. Had the economic crisis occured two years earlier what would President Bush have done? Cut taxes more, or do what others (Ford for example, google: CETA) have done before him, put people to work?

(My cynical thought is Bush, influenced by the Neo-cons, would have invaded Iran).
If you want to be taken seriously you'll need to forego idiotgrams and posting emoticons and offer something of substance. If not continue to be seen as a fool.
Good luck with that.

You guys are so stupid, I just put it on a level you can understand.

You have yet to refute the things Ive said.

If you ever post something of substance, I'll respond. "ain't if awful" is about the most substantial as you seem to get.
YES TRUE the republicans were given their orders. But what I want to know is, what happen to those shovel ready jobs?

I see contractors and the trades at work everyday in the SF Bay Area. A bridge being built across SF bay; tunnels being dug between the East Bay and San Francisco; Construction south of AT&T park in The City; BART being extended and highways widened.

Maybe the Governor of your state turned the money down, some did for solely political reasons. A big shout out and thank you to moron Gov. of Florida for turning down money for high speed rail. we'll like get it (and the jobs that go with it).

again where are the shovel ready jobs that the stimulus was supposed to start?

That rail you speak of is a waste of money.

Here in Illinois they used that stimulus money to bailout public sector pensions (loyal progressive voters)..

Oh then they start doing all this construction bullshit - fixing roads that don't need to be fixed and neglecting the ones that do just so they can look like they're doing something and then our state government has the fucking audacity to raise tolls (as in toll road) while stating that its because of the road construction.. Yeah, they want to charge the residents of Illinois $2.40 every 10 miles...

Of course the fucking retard progressives didn't question the hike.

Then they got these "stimulus created jobs" signs...

Really? then why the fuck are they raising tolls then???

I've had it up to my eyeballs with the greedy lying progressive elitism here in Illinois.
I see contractors and the trades at work everyday in the SF Bay Area. A bridge being built across SF bay; tunnels being dug between the East Bay and San Francisco; Construction south of AT&T park in The City; BART being extended and highways widened.

Maybe the Governor of your state turned the money down, some did for solely political reasons. A big shout out and thank you to moron Gov. of Florida for turning down money for high speed rail. we'll like get it (and the jobs that go with it).

again where are the shovel ready jobs that the stimulus was supposed to start?

That rail you speak of is a waste of money.

Here in Illinois they used that stimulus money to bailout public sector pensions (loyal progressive voters)..

Oh then they start doing all this construction bullshit - fixing roads that don't need to be fixed and neglecting the ones that do just so they can look like they're doing something and then our state government has the fucking audacity to raise tolls (as in toll road) while stating that its because of the road construction.. Yeah, they want to charge the residents of Illinois $2.40 every 10 miles...

Of course the fucking retard progressives didn't question the hike.

Then they got these "stimulus created jobs" signs...

Really? then why the fuck are they raising tolls then???

I've had it up to my eyeballs with the greedy lying progressive elitism here in Illinois.

In my area they panicked and started doing wholesale road repaving projects because it was the only "shovel ready" job that was actually shovel ready a year after the stimulus started. Some big out of State paving companies made out like bandits and it didn't do a thing for the local economy.
Two other major transportation projects in the Bay Area include a tunnel connecting the coast south of The City so 'Devils Slide' can be avoided allowing for an easier and safer commute and faster and safer travel to some great surfing (Mavericks and Santa Cruz) and the connector between downtown San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge.
again where are the shovel ready jobs that the stimulus was supposed to start?

That rail you speak of is a waste of money.

Here in Illinois they used that stimulus money to bailout public sector pensions (loyal progressive voters)..

Oh then they start doing all this construction bullshit - fixing roads that don't need to be fixed and neglecting the ones that do just so they can look like they're doing something and then our state government has the fucking audacity to raise tolls (as in toll road) while stating that its because of the road construction.. Yeah, they want to charge the residents of Illinois $2.40 every 10 miles...

Of course the fucking retard progressives didn't question the hike.

Then they got these "stimulus created jobs" signs...

Really? then why the fuck are they raising tolls then???

I've had it up to my eyeballs with the greedy lying progressive elitism here in Illinois.

In my area they panicked and started doing wholesale road repaving projects because it was the only "shovel ready" job that was actually shovel ready a year after the stimulus started. Some big out of State paving companies made out like bandits and it didn't do a thing for the local economy.

Because the "stimulus" was nothing more than a union bailout....
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If you ever post something of substance, I'll respond

I like your philosophy, but it would be more effectively carried out if you responded to substance with substance. When you respond to substance with the inane drivel you generally do it's sort of lost that you actually recognized the post you responded to had substance.
Because the "stimulus" was nothing more than a union bailout....

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. I always love how the left do what they want for their own purposes then blame other people for why they had to do it and claim it was for someone else.

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