Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

Dont mind me, just doing my thing...

Oh God, please, let them fail, make them fail, wait, my prayers have been answered

They have failed big time!

Biggest freaking fail in the history of politics!!!!

Thank you God!
Do you deny the Red Baiting which has been on-going since President Obama recieved the nominaitoin? Calls of "Socialist" and "Marxist" and "Commie" not only from the intellectually challenged who frequent this MB, but from the mouth of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Republcians elected to national office?

So calling someone a Marxist is "racism?" And opposing the left-wing policies of a Marxist president is racist?

Who knew?

They like to call themselves Progressives; it makes them feel better.
At least since Liberal has fallen out of favor with the US public.

A true Marxist is more honest and tells you the truth about what they want and believe

The Progressives have to hide from the US public their real intentions or no one
would vote for them. They all want some type of CPE, perhaps at different levels.

The difference with Progressives, they think they will be able to control
the State from over reaching on individual liberties like many other failed socialist utopias.

Good luck with that....
So calling someone a Marxist is "racism?" And opposing the left-wing policies of a Marxist president is racist?

Who knew?

No genius, calling someone a "Marxist" is Red Baiting.

But you're accusing Republicans of being racists. However, it's not "baiting" when it's a fact.

The Progressive do not like being called out on their socialism; socialism does not sell
They can call themselves anything they want; in the end, they are just
run of the mill socialists, non revolutionary but socialists nonetheless

Watching this video
I am sure the Progressives see nothing in common with it

[ame=]‪Socialist World Republic - Sozialistische Weltrepublik‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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Here you go...what?

I'm glad that the Bank Of New York is following Sweden's lead.

Customers don't have excess reserves at commercial banks.
Commercial banks can have excess reserves at central banks.

Let me know if you need me to explain what a bank is or how they work, moron.
Negative interest rates, Todd. Try to pay attention. If you want to park huge sums of money in a bank, it's going to cost you.

When you learn the difference between customer deposits and excess reserves, get back to me.
Do you deny the Red Baiting which has been on-going since President Obama recieved the nominaitoin? Calls of "Socialist" and "Marxist" and "Commie" not only from the intellectually challenged who frequent this MB, but from the mouth of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Republcians elected to national office?

So calling someone a Marxist is "racism?" And opposing the left-wing policies of a Marxist president is racist?

Who knew?

No genius, calling someone a "Marxist" is Red Baiting.
So it IS about color! :eek:
Bush inherited a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later he left us with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Now the GOP is trying to prevent our economy from recovering.

First they destroyed it, and now they are trying to prevent it from recovering.
Bush inherited a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later he left us with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Now the GOP is trying to prevent our economy from recovering.

First they destroyed it, and now they are trying to prevent it from recovering.

Some people are saying no, see the 'argument' against, here:

Schumer's conspiracy theory: GOP sabotaging recovery | David Freddoso | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

The evidence suggests Schumer's on to something. The House of Representatives has offered no debate on the issue of unemployment and has passed only 18 bills since taking control in January. 15 of those bills were passed to name federal buildings after someone. This do-nothing congress sees no urgency as millions of Americans are out of work, work one or two or three part time jobs simply to pay rent or the morgage on a home underwater.

The GOP leadership in both houses of congress has opposed all efforts by the president, and even turned down an offer by President Obama to reduce the payroll tax for businees. It seems ideology is only an excuse, the real reason is their lust for power.

Two years before the GOP took back the house there were the democrats. What happen to their job bill? What happen to the shovel ready jobs?
Some people are saying no, see the 'argument' against, here:

Schumer's conspiracy theory: GOP sabotaging recovery | David Freddoso | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

The evidence suggests Schumer's on to something. The House of Representatives has offered no debate on the issue of unemployment and has passed only 18 bills since taking control in January. 15 of those bills were passed to name federal buildings after someone. This do-nothing congress sees no urgency as millions of Americans are out of work, work one or two or three part time jobs simply to pay rent or the morgage on a home underwater.

The GOP leadership in both houses of congress has opposed all efforts by the president, and even turned down an offer by President Obama to reduce the payroll tax for businees. It seems ideology is only an excuse, the real reason is their lust for power.

Two years before the GOP took back the house there were the democrats. What happen to their job bill? What happen to the shovel ready jobs?

They not only introduced a job bill but they passed it. It was the repeal of osamacare.
Some people are saying no, see the 'argument' against, here:

Schumer's conspiracy theory: GOP sabotaging recovery | David Freddoso | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

The evidence suggests Schumer's on to something. The House of Representatives has offered no debate on the issue of unemployment and has passed only 18 bills since taking control in January. 15 of those bills were passed to name federal buildings after someone. This do-nothing congress sees no urgency as millions of Americans are out of work, work one or two or three part time jobs simply to pay rent or the morgage on a home underwater.

The GOP leadership in both houses of congress has opposed all efforts by the president, and even turned down an offer by President Obama to reduce the payroll tax for businees. It seems ideology is only an excuse, the real reason is their lust for power.

Two years before the GOP took back the house there were the democrats. What happen to their job bill? What happen to the shovel ready jobs?

They not only introduced a job bill but they passed it. It was the repeal of osamacare.
YES TRUE the republicans were given their orders. But what I want to know is, what happen to those shovel ready jobs?
So calling someone a Marxist is "racism?" And opposing the left-wing policies of a Marxist president is racist?

Who knew?

No genius, calling someone a "Marxist" is Red Baiting.

But you're accusing Republicans of being racists. However, it's not "baiting" when it's a fact.

There actually are practicing Marxists in the United States, though they do not actively participate in Democratic Party Politics. I suggest you open you mind and maybe a web site or two - start with a google search of political parties in the US. It would be nice if you learned something before posting.
There actually are practicing Marxists in the United States, though they do not actively participate in Democratic Party Politics. I suggest you open you mind and maybe a web site or two - start with a google search of political parties in the US. It would be nice if you learned something before posting.

You're utterly wrong about. Virtually every sitting Democrat member of Congress is a Marxist. However, none of them will admit it. So-called "liberals" and "progressives" are just Marxists under cover.

You're a Marxist, and every other libturd posting in this forum is a Marxist.

You don't actually believe the vast majority of Marxists would admit what they are up to, do you?
Two years before the GOP took back the house there were the democrats. What happen to their job bill? What happen to the shovel ready jobs?

They not only introduced a job bill but they passed it. It was the repeal of osamacare.
YES TRUE the republicans were given their orders. But what I want to know is, what happen to those shovel ready jobs?

I see contractors and the trades at work everyday in the SF Bay Area. A bridge being built across SF bay; tunnels being dug between the East Bay and San Francisco; Construction south of AT&T park in The City; BART being extended and highways widened.

Maybe the Governor of your state turned the money down, some did for solely political reasons. A big shout out and thank you to moron Gov. of Florida for turning down money for high speed rail. we'll like get it (and the jobs that go with it).
They not only introduced a job bill but they passed it. It was the repeal of osamacare.
YES TRUE the republicans were given their orders. But what I want to know is, what happen to those shovel ready jobs?

I see contractors and the trades at work everyday in the SF Bay Area. A bridge being built across SF bay; tunnels being dug between the East Bay and San Francisco; Construction south of AT&T park in The City; BART being extended and highways widened.

Maybe the Governor of your state turned the money down, some did for solely political reasons. A big shout out and thank you to moron Gov. of Florida for turning down money for high speed rail. we'll like get it (and the jobs that go with it).

again where are the shovel ready jobs that the stimulus was supposed to start?

That rail you speak of is a waste of money.
YES TRUE the republicans were given their orders. But what I want to know is, what happen to those shovel ready jobs?

I see contractors and the trades at work everyday in the SF Bay Area. A bridge being built across SF bay; tunnels being dug between the East Bay and San Francisco; Construction south of AT&T park in The City; BART being extended and highways widened.

Maybe the Governor of your state turned the money down, some did for solely political reasons. A big shout out and thank you to moron Gov. of Florida for turning down money for high speed rail. we'll like get it (and the jobs that go with it).

again where are the shovel ready jobs that the stimulus was supposed to start?

That rail you speak of is a waste of money.
San Francisco and other communities are grateful to the governor of Florida for the funds.

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