Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

The GOP idolizes Ayn Rand. In Atlas Shrugged the rich sacked the economy. Ergo the GOP are just following her dogma by destroying the economy.

A little tongue-in-cheek for you.
If Congress Just Cut Future Spending In The Debt Limit Bill, Then Why Are The Unfunded Liabilities Climbing?

See: US Debt Clock

Social Security, Prescription Drug, Medicare & Total US Unfunded Liabilities are all still climbing rapidly. They are currently around $115 Trillion.

Social Security would be fine if it had been placed in a locked box and not spent by The Congress. It seems the RX drug act was one more effort to get money from hard working Americans, many who had retired, and redistriubte their incomes to the shareholders of and executives employed by Big Pharma.

Income taxe paid by working Americans - and those who are retired - fund fiascos like the invasion and occupation of Iraq and failures such as the war on drugs, the war on poverty and the war on terror.

The Republican Party is now under the command and control of radicals who hold this truth to be self evident: I got mine, screw eveyone else. Don't think for a minute Boehner's first priority is you, his focus is on keeping the Speaker's gavel; Cantor's goal is taking it from him.

Social Security was placed in a locked box. Democrats should never have let LBJ unify the budget. This is exactly why you can't trust the government with your money.

It is only an example of why government needs to be transparent; we have changed government eight times counting presidents and Congress every two years since LBJ assumed office in 1963.
Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

If they are , they are using tools given to them by those , like you, who are of the fascist/socialist persuasion.

When Hitler came to power he used the same interventionist laws which have been adopted by previous administrations.

Those who cannot learn from history are condemned to repeat it?

George Santayana

I updtated George:

My the Delusional thinking in this thread is astounding.

Really! Hard to believe some can be deluded to believe the GOP is fiscally conservative, yet some do. Or that the GOP is stronger on defense. Considering the incongrous beliefs of the GOP such as, throwing money at education is wasteful, but throwing money to the defense industry is not.
Given we have the best military in the entire world, and our education is far down the scale compared to the rest of the looks like the GOP is right, and you're wrong.

And stop confusing the GOP with conservatives. The GOP turned into Dem Lite years ago. The TEA Party reminded them of their principles.
Some people are saying no, see the 'argument' against, here:

Schumer's conspiracy theory: GOP sabotaging recovery | David Freddoso | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

The evidence suggests Schumer's on to something. The House of Representatives has offered no debate on the issue of unemployment and has passed only 18 bills since taking control in January. 15 of those bills were passed to name federal buildings after someone. This do-nothing congress sees no urgency as millions of Americans are out of work, work one or two or three part time jobs simply to pay rent or the morgage on a home underwater.

The GOP leadership in both houses of congress has opposed all efforts by the president, and even turned down an offer by President Obama to reduce the payroll tax for businees. It seems ideology is only an excuse, the real reason is their lust for power.

Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

One thing is for sure, if the Democrats continue to avoid a balanced budget approach and spending cuts, we will get more bond downgrades.
Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?


Obamacrats should have focused on recovery & job creation instead
of that job killing healthcare plan when he first got into office.


CBO Says ObamaCare Will Kill 800,000 Jobs
[ame=]CBO Admits Health Care Law Will Kill 800,000 Jobs[/ame]
A balanced budget amendment isn't an answer to our current situation, it is a Trojan Horse created by radicals and demagogues to influence fools to support them. Never for a minute believe that such an amendment would pass or is necessary. The checks and balances written into our Constittuion have the necessary and sufficient power to constrain elected officials who act in good faith.

There is plenty of blame to go around, but to believe what has happened to our economy was an accident seems incredulous to me. A coalition of Americans wanted the newly elected president to fail; even before he took the oath of office right wing media lead by Murdioch, the cabal lead by Grover Norquist. Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, etc used hate, fear and demoagoguery to discredit the President and his legitimacy to lead. Such tactics are not uncommon in our nations history but with the instant spread of lies and propaganda by all aspect of medium a firestorm was created.

We have very little to fear from the insasne elements in our society. Yes they can inflict local harm and carnage, but unabombers, Rudolphs and McVeigs are rare and the harm they do is generally is condemned. Loosly connected (or not so) groups well fixed with money and intent on changing our system of government are dangerous and reside within our boarders; they are more dangerous than other nations and are protected by the Constitution and our laws. laws which they are changing for the benefit of the few and not the many.

We have the power to change government every two years; we have no control over the rich and powerful who control those we have elected to represent us. Between Nov 2008 and Nove 2010 the enemies within our boarders infuenced a majority of voters to believe the form of government elected in Nov. 2008 was to be destructive, would change America's economic system into one under the control of the newly elected government with new regulations and the goal of creating a worker's paradise.

The greatest fear of the rich and powerful was happening - a new government which promised transparency would ruin their ability to influence - and in some cases - write the laws. Government was the enemy and needed to be brought back under their control at any cost.
A balanced budget amendment isn't an answer to our current situation, it is a Trojan Horse created by radicals and demagogues to influence fools to support them. Never for a minute believe that such an amendment would pass or is necessary. The checks and balances written into our Constittuion have the necessary and sufficient power to constrain elected officials who act in good faith.

There is plenty of blame to go around, but to believe what has happened to our economy was an accident seems incredulous to me. A coalition of Americans wanted the newly elected president to fail; even before he took the oath of office right wing media lead by Murdioch, the cabal lead by Grover Norquist. Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, etc used hate, fear and demoagoguery to discredit the President and his legitimacy to lead. Such tactics are not uncommon in our nations history but with the instant spread of lies and propaganda by all aspect of medium a firestorm was created.

We have very little to fear from the insasne elements in our society. Yes they can inflict local harm and carnage, but unabombers, Rudolphs and McVeigs are rare and the harm they do is generally is condemned. Loosly connected (or not so) groups well fixed with money and intent on changing our system of government are dangerous and reside within our boarders; they are more dangerous than other nations and are protected by the Constitution and our laws. laws which they are changing for the benefit of the few and not the many.

We have the power to change government every two years; we have no control over the rich and powerful who control those we have elected to represent us. Between Nov 2008 and Nove 2010 the enemies within our boarders infuenced a majority of voters to believe the form of government elected in Nov. 2008 was to be destructive, would change America's economic system into one under the control of the newly elected government with new regulations and the goal of creating a worker's paradise.

The greatest fear of the rich and powerful was happening - a new government which promised transparency would ruin their ability to influence - and in some cases - write the laws. Government was the enemy and needed to be brought back under their control at any cost.

"Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, etc used hate, fear and demoagoguery to discredit the President and his legitimacy to lead"

Obama's actions discredited Obama's presidency.
The only one who is happy about his performance is Jimmy Carter.
I'm in favor of saying "invest it or it will be taxed".

Maybe we need to follow Sweden's lead and have a negative interest rate for excess bank reserves.

Here you go, dim one.
Here you go...what?

I'm glad that the Bank Of New York is following Sweden's lead.

Customers don't have excess reserves at commercial banks.
Commercial banks can have excess reserves at central banks.

Let me know if you need me to explain what a bank is or how they work, moron.
One line idiotgrams provide nothing of substance, Todd, and being thanked by Kaz shouldn't give you the sense your post was anything near substantive or a successful retort to my premise that the Republican Party is actively working to slow recovery for political advantage.

The fact is Obama has been under attack by the New Right because he is not white, attended a black church, and spoke of reform; the power elite in our country does not want reform. They will and have protected the Golden Goose of the Old Boy's Network via hate, fear and demoagoguery. Had Hilary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination and been elected she too would have felt the wrath of the leaders of the New Right as did her husband, President Clinton. The New Right does not want reform, they fear change and are not partriots by any stretch of the imagination.

Avarice, bigotry and a callous disregard for the average citizen is the creed of the New Right. That they are able to delude many average Americans is sad and reprehensible. If you really are a patriot Todd, engage in some critical thinking and stop parroting the bull shit.
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One line idiotgrams provide nothing of substance, Todd, and being thanked by Kaz shouldn't give you the sense your post was anything near substantive or a successful retort to my premise that the Republican Party is actively working to slow recovery for political advantage.

The fact is Obama has been under attack by the New Right because he is not white, attended a black church, and spoke of reform; the power elite in our country does not want reform. They will and have protected the Golden Goose of the Old Boy's Network via hate, fear and demoagoguery. Had Hilary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination and been elected she too would have felt the wrath of the leaders of the New Right as did her husband, President Clinton. The New Right does not want reform, they fear change and are not partriots by any stretch of the imagination.

Avarice, bigotry and a callous disregard for the average citizen is the creed of the New Right. That they are able to delude many average Americans is sad and reprehensible. If you really are a patriot Todd, engage in some critical thinking and stop parroting the bull shit.

It's true, the "New Right" doesn't want reform that involves putting huge swaths of the economy further under control of the government. No matter what the race, creed or color of the big government clown involved.
One line idiotgrams provide nothing of substance, Todd, and being thanked by Kaz shouldn't give you the sense your post was anything near substantive or a successful retort to my premise that the Republican Party is actively working to slow recovery for political advantage.

The fact is Obama has been under attack by the New Right because he is not white, attended a black church, and spoke of reform; the power elite in our country does not want reform. They will and have protected the Golden Goose of the Old Boy's Network via hate, fear and demoagoguery. Had Hilary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination and been elected she too would have felt the wrath of the leaders of the New Right as did her husband, President Clinton. The New Right does not want reform, they fear change and are not partriots by any stretch of the imagination.

Avarice, bigotry and a callous disregard for the average citizen is the creed of the New Right. That they are able to delude many average Americans is sad and reprehensible. If you really are a patriot Todd, engage in some critical thinking and stop parroting the bull shit.

Here you go, dim one.
Here you go...what?

I'm glad that the Bank Of New York is following Sweden's lead.

Customers don't have excess reserves at commercial banks.
Commercial banks can have excess reserves at central banks.

Let me know if you need me to explain what a bank is or how they work, moron.
Negative interest rates, Todd. Try to pay attention. If you want to park huge sums of money in a bank, it's going to cost you.
One line idiotgrams provide nothing of substance, Todd, and being thanked by Kaz shouldn't give you the sense your post was anything near substantive or a successful retort to my premise that the Republican Party is actively working to slow recovery for political advantage.

The fact is Obama has been under attack by the New Right because he is not white, attended a black church, and spoke of reform; the power elite in our country does not want reform. They will and have protected the Golden Goose of the Old Boy's Network via hate, fear and demoagoguery. Had Hilary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination and been elected she too would have felt the wrath of the leaders of the New Right as did her husband, President Clinton. The New Right does not want reform, they fear change and are not partriots by any stretch of the imagination.

Avarice, bigotry and a callous disregard for the average citizen is the creed of the New Right. That they are able to delude many average Americans is sad and reprehensible. If you really are a patriot Todd, engage in some critical thinking and stop parroting the bull shit.


Emoticons and silly cartoons don't dispute the facts. Anyone who has followed this MB for a time has read both covert and overt examples of racism. Much like those who respond to fair and appropriate criticism of GWB by posting the idiotgram, "booooooooooooooosh", such a retort is nothing but a dishonest response by those too dumb to present a reasoned argument.

Some on the right incite racism in others, for those who are truly racists are ignorant, and the ignorant are easy to manipulate. Emotional arguments are powerful especially when the target of the propaganda is predisposed to dislike or even hate someone soley based on the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, their religion or their politics.

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