Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

Really? Where?

Really? You want me to post all the times she has called for elimination of the EPA and the FDA?

The right wing doesn't recognize a connection between the EPA and clean water or the FDA and safe food. They insist, "let the market sort it out". But who wants their baby to be the one to find the poison?
Yes, dean. Evil rich companies want all their customers dead. Think of the profits then!

Moron. :cuckoo:
What does the GOP want? "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."
Grover Norquist

And what does that mean? No meat inspections, No environmental protections, No civil rights protections, no consumer protections, no banking regulations (look where that's gotten us). It means the death of our Republic and a new nation conceived and dedicated to profit under the rule of Plutocrats.
No, it doesn't, you idiot.

I'd be ashamed of myself if I needed the government to make all my decisions for me.

Some people revel in it.

Are you crazy? I'd put money on it that you would have a very hard time convincing one of those folks that accidentally poisoned their pet that they should be ashamed for counting on a government agency to make sure our pet food was safe. Now just stretch that out to consider their children and e coli and you'll just see yourself standing mostly alone.

We had a whooping cough epidemic in some places in the last few years. I guess those good folks that lost a child should feel ashamed that they "needed" the government to help them out.

Yep, you're crazy.
Yep, you're a moonbat.

No one is calling for no government, you moron, except for idiot anarchists.

But you big government nanny statists are terrified of not having your hands held, so you oppose any call for decreasing the size of government. You make emotional and hysterical claims that we'll all die if government is downsized.
Really? You want me to post all the times she has called for elimination of the EPA and the FDA?

The right wing doesn't recognize a connection between the EPA and clean water or the FDA and safe food. They insist, "let the market sort it out". But who wants their baby to be the one to find the poison?
Yes, dean. Evil rich companies want all their customers dead. Think of the profits then!

So short-sighted.

It's not about them wanting people dead, it's about profit. Like you said. If Company A has to pay $5M a year to clean up its waste, or $3M a year in lawsuits, they will choose lawsuits and pocket the $2M in additional profit. Hell, with no EPA to police them, there may not even be that many lawsuits as it'll be that much harder for a person to police them and sue them.
They always defend stupidity... look at the fervor used to defend Obama, Gore, Kerry, Biden, Carter, etc.

Democrats really do make a good case that they don't just defend stupidity but they really are that stupid. The answer to any failed policy is that we didn't do enough. We didn't spend enough, we didn't regulate enough. Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Ah, but if you do MORE of the same thing...

A large stimulus well planned would not be doing the same thing. Obama erred, he seems to have actually believed the oppositon was honorable and would put country first. First mistake he made, and one he keeps making.

why yes becasue HES so honorable....:rolleyes:

hey I thought his big mistake wasn't he spent enough?

That aside, the Republicans seem to be the insane crowd, as they continue to harp the same old theme: cut taxes, cut regulations, cut government. It too has never been done, for a different reason. Obama was too willing to compromise; Republicans only hate entitlements and earmarks that go to someone else, The ones they get are good and benefit the economy - they trickle down, don't they?

:lol::lol:get your banjo, telegraph ave....
15 out of 18 bills passed are for naming new buildings?

Fire them all.

Of cousre partisan hacks on both sides will be busy re-electing them.

Can any of you hacks address this ....

15 out of 18 bills were passed for naming new buildings....SERIOUSLY, DEAL WITH THIS FOR A SECOND PLEASE.

thats why every single one of them should be physically picked up and removed from the building......and then kicked down the steps......head first......
It's worse then that, they dig up the dead so they can vote for us to pay more taxes. Which is why the left is against checking ID. They are the party of election fraud, and they know it. Whatever it takes to elect a liberal...

Could someone dig up the founders so we could have a redo?

You don't want them...they were Liberals.
They were liberals. Progressives aren't liberals.
When did I talk about borrowing? Putting words in my mouth is an indication of weakness and not strength in your argument. But as for consumer spending, it's good in the sense that consumers are voting with their wallet, they are buying the things that matter to them. Wealth by the way is defined by the market.

Again, when did I talk about borrowing? Again putting words in my mouth. But businesses investing is good since they only invest if they believe they can create wealth and they will hire people to perform the tasks and make a profit which will either be reinvested or distributed to shareholders who will put it back in the economy through spending and investment.

Again you said "borrow." And you used the word "worst." I said it destroys (net) jobs. Yes, because we owe Canada the money and that will be paid by future taxpayers. When the money is removed from the economy may change the timing on the damage, but it doesn't change the inevitability of it. When money is earned, it can be kept in the economy or removed from it by government. Companies create wealth which drives the economy and creates jobs, government creates nothing, the money is spent.

Seriously, you don't get this? A farm community hires someone from the city to do cartwheels all day until he gets tired. They pay him, which he buys a house, goes to the store. But he doesn't create anything. He only consumes the community's resources. There is no possible way you can not get that the community paying that person to do nothing adds to the community whereas if his wages were kept by the people who earned it they would either invest it in their farms/businesses or at least buy something they want. It's not that hard.

Again I conceded if you want to argue that your liberal sense of fairness dictates that government is good and you want to destroy jobs growing it then fine. But to argue that the sky is not blue isn't rational or productive to anything.

Exports are good, imports are good, any free market transaction is good. What have I said counter to that ever? I haven't, I support free markets. Sniff glue much?

I'm really curious...when has there ever been a well run country that used a free market system? Has it ever worked anywhere? And if it did, where is it?

The more free market countries are the better they do. As we've become less free market we're continually doing worse. I always enjoy the argument that if a country's not completely free market then we don't need any freedom in our markets at all, while socialism isn't challenged in any such way.

I have been seeing this all over the place. But so far no one has been able to give me a solid answer. I've thought a lot about it and I've come to the conclusion it's because you all believe in magic. You know, the invisible hand that guides the markets if only men would keep their hands off of it. Sadly, the more regulations that the GOP got rid of the more fraud. If it isn't magic thinking to continue to believe in it, I don't know what is.

And how about the Laffer curve? I've contended that it's spelled wrong, it should be laugher curve. Written down on a napkin and magically it became an economic fact. So far I haven't seen any proof there is any validity in it at all.

You can't and won't be able to name any place where the free market has worked because it can't work. First, it's based on magic and then, as soon as the first product is bought men's hands are on it therefore getting rid of the invisible hand.

And one other thing, it's just as much magic thinking to believe that communism could ever come to this country. When I see the right throw this idea out I know just how much you're in the magic thinking mode. It also tells me just how ignorant people are to think that calling names, like commie is anyway helpful to back up your argument or show how bright you fact, just the opposite.
No, it doesn't, you idiot.

I'd be ashamed of myself if I needed the government to make all my decisions for me.

Some people revel in it.

Are you crazy? I'd put money on it that you would have a very hard time convincing one of those folks that accidentally poisoned their pet that they should be ashamed for counting on a government agency to make sure our pet food was safe. Now just stretch that out to consider their children and e coli and you'll just see yourself standing mostly alone.

We had a whooping cough epidemic in some places in the last few years. I guess those good folks that lost a child should feel ashamed that they "needed" the government to help them out.

Yep, you're crazy.
Yep, you're a moonbat.

No one is calling for no government, you moron, except for idiot anarchists.

But you big government nanny statists are terrified of not having your hands held, so you oppose any call for decreasing the size of government. You make emotional and hysterical claims that we'll all die if government is downsized.
...So says daveman...with an emotional and hysterical claim..:cuckoo:
The right wing doesn't recognize a connection between the EPA and clean water or the FDA and safe food. They insist, "let the market sort it out". But who wants their baby to be the one to find the poison?
Yes, dean. Evil rich companies want all their customers dead. Think of the profits then!

So short-sighted.

It's not about them wanting people dead, it's about profit. Like you said. If Company A has to pay $5M a year to clean up its waste, or $3M a year in lawsuits, they will choose lawsuits and pocket the $2M in additional profit. Hell, with no EPA to police them, there may not even be that many lawsuits as it'll be that much harder for a person to police them and sue them.

"ZOMGWTFBBQ!! EEEEEvil KKKorporations are gonna kill us all!!!"

Come back when you have a less hysterical argument.
The Stimulus Failed! We need more Stimulus!


no no, it succeeded thats why we need more!!!!!
Are you crazy? I'd put money on it that you would have a very hard time convincing one of those folks that accidentally poisoned their pet that they should be ashamed for counting on a government agency to make sure our pet food was safe. Now just stretch that out to consider their children and e coli and you'll just see yourself standing mostly alone.

We had a whooping cough epidemic in some places in the last few years. I guess those good folks that lost a child should feel ashamed that they "needed" the government to help them out.

Yep, you're crazy.
Yep, you're a moonbat.

No one is calling for no government, you moron, except for idiot anarchists.

But you big government nanny statists are terrified of not having your hands held, so you oppose any call for decreasing the size of government. You make emotional and hysterical claims that we'll all die if government is downsized.
...So says daveman...with an emotional and hysterical claim..:cuckoo:
Yes, the one where I was stating what you nanny-statists feel...note I don't use the word "think".
I'm really curious...when has there ever been a well run country that used a free market system? Has it ever worked anywhere? And if it did, where is it?

The more free market countries are the better they do. As we've become less free market we're continually doing worse. I always enjoy the argument that if a country's not completely free market then we don't need any freedom in our markets at all, while socialism isn't challenged in any such way.

I have been seeing this all over the place. But so far no one has been able to give me a solid answer. I've thought a lot about it and I've come to the conclusion it's because you all believe in magic. You know, the invisible hand that guides the markets if only men would keep their hands off of it. Sadly, the more regulations that the GOP got rid of the more fraud. If it isn't magic thinking to continue to believe in it, I don't know what is.

And how about the Laffer curve? I've contended that it's spelled wrong, it should be laugher curve. Written down on a napkin and magically it became an economic fact. So far I haven't seen any proof there is any validity in it at all.

You can't and won't be able to name any place where the free market has worked because it can't work. First, it's based on magic and then, as soon as the first product is bought men's hands are on it therefore getting rid of the invisible hand.

And one other thing, it's just as much magic thinking to believe that communism could ever come to this country. When I see the right throw this idea out I know just how much you're in the magic thinking mode. It also tells me just how ignorant people are to think that calling names, like commie is anyway helpful to back up your argument or show how bright you fact, just the opposite.

No one ever thought Rome would burn either......especially after they had conquered everyone and sacked boundless amounts of treasuries, loots, stole private properties, and so on.............................................but they failed BIG in the end.
The more free market countries are the better they do. As we've become less free market we're continually doing worse. I always enjoy the argument that if a country's not completely free market then we don't need any freedom in our markets at all, while socialism isn't challenged in any such way.

I have been seeing this all over the place. But so far no one has been able to give me a solid answer. I've thought a lot about it and I've come to the conclusion it's because you all believe in magic. You know, the invisible hand that guides the markets if only men would keep their hands off of it. Sadly, the more regulations that the GOP got rid of the more fraud. If it isn't magic thinking to continue to believe in it, I don't know what is.

And how about the Laffer curve? I've contended that it's spelled wrong, it should be laugher curve. Written down on a napkin and magically it became an economic fact. So far I haven't seen any proof there is any validity in it at all.

You can't and won't be able to name any place where the free market has worked because it can't work. First, it's based on magic and then, as soon as the first product is bought men's hands are on it therefore getting rid of the invisible hand.

And one other thing, it's just as much magic thinking to believe that communism could ever come to this country. When I see the right throw this idea out I know just how much you're in the magic thinking mode. It also tells me just how ignorant people are to think that calling names, like commie is anyway helpful to back up your argument or show how bright you fact, just the opposite.

No one ever thought Rome would burn either......especially after they had conquered everyone and sacked boundless amounts of treasuries, loots, stole private properties, and so on.............................................but they failed BIG in the end.

Was that before they were a free market country or after.
Democrats really do make a good case that they don't just defend stupidity but they really are that stupid. The answer to any failed policy is that we didn't do enough. We didn't spend enough, we didn't regulate enough. Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Ah, but if you do MORE of the same thing...

why yes becasue HES so honorable....:rolleyes:

hey I thought his big mistake wasn't he spent enough?

That aside, the Republicans seem to be the insane crowd, as they continue to harp the same old theme: cut taxes, cut regulations, cut government. It too has never been done, for a different reason. Obama was too willing to compromise; Republicans only hate entitlements and earmarks that go to someone else, The ones they get are good and benefit the economy - they trickle down, don't they?

:lol::lol:get your banjo, telegraph ave....

I'll queue up the other banjo and we'll meet WC out by the bay. We're sure to be enamored with tales of fruitful endeavors by everything leftist.
Yes, dean. Evil rich companies want all their customers dead. Think of the profits then!

So short-sighted.

It's not about them wanting people dead, it's about profit. Like you said. If Company A has to pay $5M a year to clean up its waste, or $3M a year in lawsuits, they will choose lawsuits and pocket the $2M in additional profit. Hell, with no EPA to police them, there may not even be that many lawsuits as it'll be that much harder for a person to police them and sue them.

"ZOMGWTFBBQ!! EEEEEvil KKKorporations are gonna kill us all!!!"

Come back when you have a less hysterical argument.

So businesses will always operate to maximize profits, except when they choose to not operate to maximize profits?

Wow dude. Wow.
Funny how this thread is at 12 pages and still no one has shown what the GOP has done to help the economy improve.

I would be amazed if it didn't happen all the time.

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