Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

Funny how this thread is at 12 pages and still no one has shown what the GOP has done to help the economy improve.

I would be amazed if it didn't happen all the time.

We stopped the Progressive Jihad from Single payer ObamaCare and giving Illegal Aliens the right to vote.

Not a bad start at all
Funny how this thread is at 12 pages and still no one has shown what the GOP has done to help the economy improve.

I would be amazed if it didn't happen all the time.

I've been a little surprised at how ignorant some of the RWers appear to be. They post BS post after post just repeating themselves.

They can't show how the GOP has helped the economy because they haven't. They got elected last year stating jobs, jobs, jobs and as far as I can find out haven't submitted one bill devoted to jobs. I have a feeling they won't be able to get away with is next year.
Really? You want me to post all the times she has called for elimination of the EPA and the FDA?

The right wing doesn't recognize a connection between the EPA and clean water or the FDA and safe food. They insist, "let the market sort it out". But who wants their baby to be the one to find the poison?
Yes, dean. Evil rich companies want all their customers dead. Think of the profits then!

Moron. :cuckoo:

Companies only think about profits. What are you? A GEICO man?
It's some form of masochism exhibited by New Yorkers. They were clinging to their Weiner also.

I left NYC in the nineties... fuck that place. Between the taxes and regulations, you have to make $80k a year to just live in poverty.

I make more now than I made when I lived there and the cost of living is 50% less. Shit, my 3,000 ft home would have cost me $1.5 million... it cost me $300k here.

I was in NYC in 2008 and it seemed like I was in another country.

strange, the same thing happened to me, too.
No, it doesn't, you idiot.

I'd be ashamed of myself if I needed the government to make all my decisions for me.

Some people revel in it.

Are you crazy? I'd put money on it that you would have a very hard time convincing one of those folks that accidentally poisoned their pet that they should be ashamed for counting on a government agency to make sure our pet food was safe. Now just stretch that out to consider their children and e coli and you'll just see yourself standing mostly alone.

We had a whooping cough epidemic in some places in the last few years. I guess those good folks that lost a child should feel ashamed that they "needed" the government to help them out.

Yep, you're crazy.
Yep, you're a moonbat.

No one is calling for no government, you moron, except for idiot anarchists.

But you big government nanny statists are terrified of not having your hands held, so you oppose any call for decreasing the size of government. You make emotional and hysterical claims that we'll all die if government is downsized.

Downsized to what. Completely ineffective? You have no plan moonbat. You are just "whistling in the wind".
Laugh my balls off................

Wry Catcher is a fraud, just like the city he lives in.

In which states are ALL the jobs being created over the last two years????

States with Republican governors!!!! Texas......North Dakota.........Ohio.........New Jersey..........Wisconsin.

Lefty states? Zero..............:D:D:D:fu:

Which leads to one question regarding the authenticity of the thread topic..............

The right wing doesn't recognize a connection between the EPA and clean water or the FDA and safe food. They insist, "let the market sort it out". But who wants their baby to be the one to find the poison?
Yes, dean. Evil rich companies want all their customers dead. Think of the profits then!

Moron. :cuckoo:

Companies only think about profits. What are you? A GEICO man?

No they don't.
So short-sighted.

It's not about them wanting people dead, it's about profit. Like you said. If Company A has to pay $5M a year to clean up its waste, or $3M a year in lawsuits, they will choose lawsuits and pocket the $2M in additional profit. Hell, with no EPA to police them, there may not even be that many lawsuits as it'll be that much harder for a person to police them and sue them.

"ZOMGWTFBBQ!! EEEEEvil KKKorporations are gonna kill us all!!!"

Come back when you have a less hysterical argument.

So businesses will always operate to maximize profits, except when they choose to not operate to maximize profits?

Wow dude. Wow.

I don't think it's occurred to you that businesses are owned by people who very often live and work in the same neighborhoods as their employees, drinking the same water, breathing the same air.

You do know that people own businesses, right? They're not inanimate objects seeking only to kill people.

You do know that, right?
We never had clean water before the EPA.

Not once.

Noe ever.

And without the EPA, we know for a fact we won't have clean water.

It worries me now that they are fracking to mine coal. I don't understand it very well, but I have a friend in PA that tells me that some people up in her neck of the woods now have water in their wells that can catch on fire. Wouldn't that just blow your mind?

Baffled About Fracking? You're Not Alone -
The right wing doesn't recognize a connection between the EPA and clean water or the FDA and safe food. They insist, "let the market sort it out". But who wants their baby to be the one to find the poison?
Yes, dean. Evil rich companies want all their customers dead. Think of the profits then!

Moron. :cuckoo:

Companies only think about profits. What are you? A GEICO man?
Not only have you never owned a business, you don't even know any business owners, do you?

You really need to stop letting DailyKOS and DU do your thinking for you -- because they suck at it.
OMG, You guys are so fucking arrogant and Ignorant. When your own God Damn Policies Fail you are unable to admit it, and seek to blame others. Shame on you!
Yep, you're a moonbat.

No one is calling for no government, you moron, except for idiot anarchists.

But you big government nanny statists are terrified of not having your hands held, so you oppose any call for decreasing the size of government. You make emotional and hysterical claims that we'll all die if government is downsized.
...So says daveman...with an emotional and hysterical claim..:cuckoo:
Yes, the one where I was stating what you nanny-statists feel...note I don't use the word "think".

Right, it's different when you do it...:cuckoo:
Republicans are just weird.

On liberals they say, "The liberals of the past were a "different kind" of liberal".

Not really. The conservatives of today are just like conservatives of the past. Read the definition of conservative:

con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv)
1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
2. Traditional or restrained in style: a conservative dark suit.
3. Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate.
a. Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.
b. Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.
5. Conservative Of or belonging to the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom or the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada.
6. Conservative Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism.
7. Tending to conserve; preservative: the conservative use of natural resources.
1. One favoring traditional views and values.
2. A supporter of political conservatism.
3. Conservative A member or supporter of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom or the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada.
4. Archaic A preservative agent or principle.

conservative [kənˈsɜːvətɪv]
1. favouring the preservation of established customs, values, etc., and opposing innovation
2. of, characteristic of, or relating to conservatism
3. tending to be moderate or cautious a conservative estimate
4. conventional in style or type a conservative suit
5. (Medicine) Med (of treatment) designed to alleviate symptoms Compare radical [4]
6. (Physics / General Physics) Physics a field of force, system, etc., in which the work done moving a body from one point to another is independent of the path taken between them electrostatic fields of force are conservative
1. a person who is reluctant to change or consider new ideas; conformist
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a supporter or advocate of conservatism
adj & n
(Cookery) a less common word for preservative
conservatively adv


That's "conservative". Afraid of change. Why do you think they are anti education. Anti science. Anti innovation. Afraid of ideas.

They use fear mongering because they are all scared. They have always been scared people. They live afraid and die afraid.

A cornered dog attacks. Republicans and conservatives are cornered by fear. That's why they only know attack and have only one policy, cut taxes for the rich.
Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

Can there be any doubt? Seriously?

were is your Link saying they are INTENTIONALLY trying to prevent a Recovery?......
because im sure MANY on the Right think the same of the Democrats.....

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