is the lack of fathers in the home a major reason for violent crime in the inner cities ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
we hear the left spout that guns are the reason for the high crime rates in the inner cities constantly ... but they have no answer for communities that have high gun ownership that dont have the skyhigh crime rates as the inner cities .... the question i have for democrats is do they believe a lack of fathers in the home is the major reason many young men become violent criminals ... PolitiFact - Rep. John Duncan Jr. says 90 percent of felons grew up in fatherless households
It doesn't help, but if their Father is present and is like the rest of the blacks in the exact same environment thinking the country is riddled with systemic racism and large chips on each shoulder then it's not really going to make much difference in my opinion. The kids will lap it up and everything will be the same anyway.

I think black kids look up to their Mothers more anyway. I don't think it's any coincidence that the blacks in America from the hoods/ghetto's who's made something of themselves were really inspired by their Mothers who were amazing people who were hard working and respectful and not some junkie, unwashed, slut that hates the world and drinks all day
It's part of the problem, certainly.

The biggest problem, however, is that a large segment of the population makes excuses for bad behavior. The very notion of taking responsibility for one's own behavior is anathema to much of black culture in our country, and far too many guilt-ridden white people feed in to the pathology by lowering the bar for them.

It's actually a form of racism as far as I'm concerned, as the double standards being enabled are basically saying that blacks are just animals who cannot do any better. This is, of course, wrong, but since it is a politically correct racism, it prevails among all those who merely parrot but do not think.
we hear the left spout that guns are the reason for the high crime rates in the inner cities constantly ... but they have no answer for communities that have high gun ownership that dont have the skyhigh crime rates as the inner cities .... the question i have for democrats is do they believe a lack of fathers in the home is the major reason many young men become violent criminals ... PolitiFact - Rep. John Duncan Jr. says 90 percent of felons grew up in fatherless households

I think I have an advantage on this subject given my suburb turned black in the 35 years I've lived here. It's without a doubt single-parent homes are a huge contributor to crime and violence. Usually the kids are okay until they reach that certain age. Boys in particular looking to become men challenge the line in the sand repeatedly. After a while the mother gives up because she can no longer handle him, and the child ends up doing whatever they want.

I listen to the police scanner in my city. Most of the complaints are about the kids. Not too surprisingly, it's the mother calling the police on her own kids because they are out of control. In fact our city had to institute policy that after three calls a year to a residence, they charge the home owner for each additional call because our police don't have the resources to be surrogate fathers.
we hear the left spout that guns are the reason for the high crime rates in the inner cities constantly ... but they have no answer for communities that have high gun ownership that dont have the skyhigh crime rates as the inner cities .... the question i have for democrats is do they believe a lack of fathers in the home is the major reason many young men become violent criminals ... PolitiFact - Rep. John Duncan Jr. says 90 percent of felons grew up in fatherless households

It's a huge part of the problem. Yet the DemoKKKrats elected the guy who's responsible for putting away more black men than just about anyone in history. Are they just stupid, or is the self-destructive impulse genetic?
Poverty doesn't help either even when there are two parents.

That's a bunch of bullshit. My grandfathers came to this country without pots to urinate in. But they didn't turn to a life of crime.
though poverty may pay a role it isnt nearly as big a reason as growing up without a father in the home ..
Poverty doesn't help either even when there are two parents.

That's a bunch of bullshit. My grandfathers came to this country without pots to urinate in. But they didn't turn to a life of crime.
If the shoe fits wear it. Crime is not ethnically based like you are inferring because you hate black people.
not pointing out the main reason that people grow up to be violent killers is hatred in and of itself ..
Depends on the father.
that is mute when there bad fathers do exist but if the father isnt in the home there is no chance of him being good father to his children is no father in the home ...please dont reflect .


If you are a linguistic expert the fact that "mute " and "moot" sound the same to the poster would indicate where in the English speaking world they are coming from.
If the shoe fits wear it. Crime is not ethnically based like you are inferring because you hate black people.

Then explain the statistics. Black males which makeup 7% of our total population are responsible for 53% of the murders in our country.
It's part of the problem, certainly.

The biggest problem, however, is that a large segment of the population makes excuses for bad behavior. The very notion of taking responsibility for one's own behavior is anathema to much of black culture in our country, and far too many guilt-ridden white people feed in to the pathology by lowering the bar for them.

It's actually a form of racism as far as I'm concerned, as the double standards being enabled are basically saying that blacks are just animals who cannot do any better. This is, of course, wrong, but since it is a politically correct racism, it prevails among all those who merely parrot but do not think.
Then why is there more whites in prison than blacks if all you can recognize is blacks committing crimes, every segment of the nation is represented in prison or in the court system.

Let us then discuss why white collar crime is so well represented by whites and Asians...Did these executives not have a daddy? Did they live in the inner cities growing up?

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