Is the Main Stream Media Burning Itself Down to Get Trump?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​

God bless our mainstream media. You NaziCons seem to be in a major panic. You should be...
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​

Yes...they are......anything to defeat the anti left wing agenda of Trump and his supporters.....

See.....they were sooooo close....if hilary had won, they would have had a left wing Supreme Court for generations, the 2nd Amendment would be gone.....they would have had single payer healthcare......they would have had completely open borders with immigrants from around the world shipped into red states to prevent Republicans from ever winning office again...........and then Trump won......they will do anything to stop him from setting back their goals....
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​

Yes to the OP title. (shortest FlaCalTenn reply --- ever)
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​

The legacy media keeps trying the same thing and expecting a different result. It will be a good business school case in a few years
The legacy media is in tears, because they can't figure out how to spin this into a reason to hate Democrats.

Anyone who thinks the media is liberal is either profoundly stupid or profoundly corrupt. The media despised Clinton and lovingly tongue-bathed Trump. But then, TheParty has given orders to attack the media, and the usual Stalinist apparatchiks here aren't going to disobey an order from TheParty. After all, they never have before.

Face it, Trump fans. You backed the most corrupt and treasonous politician in US history. Everyone knows it. You've now got a choice to make. Choose Trump and open treason, or leave your cult and remain loyal to the USA.
The legacy media is in tears, because they can't figure out how to spin this into a reason to hate Democrats.

Anyone who thinks the media is liberal is either profoundly stupid or profoundly corrupt. The media despised Clinton and lovingly tongue-bathed Trump. But then, TheParty has given orders to attack the media, and the usual Stalinist apparatchiks here aren't going to disobey an order from TheParty. After all, they never have before.

Face it, Trump fans. You backed the most corrupt and treasonous politician in US history. Everyone knows it. You've now got a choice to make. Choose Trump and open treason, or leave your cult and remain loyal to the USA.
The media got ratings from Clinton because the retarded audience didn't want to know policy, they wanted to hear about blow jobs.
Just the facts please. Commentary isn't appreciated. Why do these newscasters think I am interested in their opinion?
The legacy media is in tears, because they can't figure out how to spin this into a reason to hate Democrats.

Anyone who thinks the media is liberal is either profoundly stupid or profoundly corrupt. The media despised Clinton and lovingly tongue-bathed Trump. But then, TheParty has given orders to attack the media, and the usual Stalinist apparatchiks here aren't going to disobey an order from TheParty. After all, they never have before.

Face it, Trump fans. You backed the most corrupt and treasonous politician in US history. Everyone knows it. You've now got a choice to make. Choose Trump and open treason, or leave your cult and remain loyal to the USA.
You smoking medical or street variety?
The legacy media is in tears, because they can't figure out how to spin this into a reason to hate Democrats.

Anyone who thinks the media is liberal is either profoundly stupid or profoundly corrupt. The media despised Clinton and lovingly tongue-bathed Trump. But then, TheParty has given orders to attack the media, and the usual Stalinist apparatchiks here aren't going to disobey an order from TheParty. After all, they never have before.

Face it, Trump fans. You backed the most corrupt and treasonous politician in US history. Everyone knows it. You've now got a choice to make. Choose Trump and open treason, or leave your cult and remain loyal to the USA.
Why do I need a reason to hate a Democrat? Because you say so? I will hate who I want the way I want and I don't need to give you a reason. Got that shit for brains?
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​

Trump is soooo f...king stupid. No President in the history of this nation has been stupid enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, intelligence agencies and the DOJ.

The more he calls them FAKE--the more they're going to write and report. The more he denies intelligence coming out of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security the more he implicates himself in wrongdoing and the more they're going to dig. :dig:

When he fired Comey--the DOJ was put on alert that he's definitely hiding something.

Then the dumbass gets on T.V and admits Obstruction of Justice in this video.

Trump throws himself under the bus everyday with his crazy ass tweets and what comes out of his mouth.

These people have sworn an oath to this country, to protect this nation against foreign and domestic enemies and they very well may consider Trump to be the enemy. They don't give a rats ass if you've got a R or D behind you're name.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post

EXAMPLE: There were only 3 other Americans in that meeting with Trump when he met with the Russians in the Oval office. The national security adviser H.R. McMaster, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security advisor, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. He blocked American media from the meeting, and only allowed Russian media in. So which one of these people leaked it?
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? -
Analysis | Trump sharing highly classified information with Russia shows his extreme hubris
Trump reportedly revealed highly classified information to the Russians last week that the US hasn't even 'shared with our own allies'


Then the dumbass goes into a rage when the Russians tweeted out this picture. What in the hell did he expect?
White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos -


When you elect a clown, the circus is going to show up.

This Trump--Russia investigation has now turned into a Criminal Investigation as of last week 05/17/2017.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

Last edited:
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​

Why is the lamestream conservative media are sacrificing their standards and reputations to protect Trump? The Seth Rich garbage is a good example of this. How Fox News would allow Gingrich and Hannity to use this garbage is beyond me. When Russian bots on social media spread the word that the CIA was responsible for the DNC hacks rather than the Russians, Rush Limbaugh defames our intelligence community by pushing the storyline. Then we have fake news people like Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and no Corzi. I do not listen to any of them because they are dishonest liars.
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​

Why is the lamestream conservative media are sacrificing their standards and reputations to protect Trump? The Seth Rich garbage is a good example of this. How Fox News would allow Gingrich and Hannity to use this garbage is beyond me. When Russian bots on social media spread the word that the CIA was responsible for the DNC hacks rather than the Russians, Rush Limbaugh defames our intelligence community by pushing the storyline. Then we have fake news people like Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and no Corzi. I do not listen to any of them because they are dishonest liars.

Dishonest liars??? Wouldn't that technically be someone that tells the truth
They are making themselves irrelevant and don't see it or don't care the more they keep running the constant anti Trump stories based on largely on nothing but anonymous sources more and more people will just tune them out.
Why would the main stream media target Trump so aggressively, way beyond anything I can recall? If one believes in Jewish control of the news media then could the answer be the inclusion of Steve Bannon within the administration? All I know is something is happening and nobody's talking. This goes beyond reasonable explanation.
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​

Society of Professional Journalists
Improving and protecting journalism since 1909

Anonymous sources certainly have a checkered journalistic history. None is more famous and perhaps none was more important than Watergate’s “Deep Throat,” the FBI source who helped The Washington Post unravel the White House cover-up of the Watergate break-in

SPJ Ethics Committee Position Papers: Anonymous Sources | Society of Professional Journalists | Improving and protecting journalism since 1909


Granny don't watch MSM...

... she watches Rev. Pat Robinson...

... onna 700 Club news.
Why is the lamestream conservative media are sacrificing their standards and reputations to protect Trump?
Apparently you have never watched FOX. That freak Shep Smith never has a good thing to say about Trump EVER and FOX has plenty of other NEVERTrumpers right along with him..
This article asks some good questions about why the mainstream major media are sacrificing their own standards and reputations to slander our President.

Why is this happening, how do we correct it with respect to the First amendment and how do we push back against it?

Mainstream Media Burning Down Their Own House to ‘Get Trump’

The New York Times and The Washington Post have tripped over one another in the last week to get damning stories about the president on the front page.

But in so doing, they violated their own guidelines and made several serious journalistic errors.

“They know darn well that who these people are would make a big difference in how they are perceived.”

The first is the use of anonymous sources.

In the past week, The New York Times used anonymous sources in four front-page stories about President Trump. In all of these cases, the stories relied on an anonymous source for the central gist of the story. In other words, if there were no anonymous source, there would have been no story.

In March of 2016, the newspaper laid down new guidelines for using anonymous sources, a few months after the front-page article by Michael Schmidt about the San Bernardino shooting, which was based on information relayed by an anonymous source, who told the Times that the wife of the shooter, Tashfeen Maklik, had “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.” She hadn’t. The story was totally wrong.

“Systemic Change Needed After Faulty News Article,” the Times public editor, Liz Spayd, wrote following the incident, and executive editor Dean Baquet referred to it as a “system failure that we have to fix.”​

They're doing what their told to do.

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