Is the MSM becoming more "fair and balanced" after seeing evidence against the Bidens? (Poll)

Is the "free press" becoming more "fair and balanced" or not?

  • Yes, the pressers are becoming less partisan, there is hope for a "free press"

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • No, as the 2024 election season approaches the MSM will show their true DNC colors

    Votes: 21 95.5%

  • Total voters
No they aren't. The Democrats don't have a criminal like Trump for the DOJ to go after.
Did the "hard core democrats" go after Bush like they go after Trump? Nope. We could have. Heck, even Trump agrees we should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq.
In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq
No fucking way Navy dropout, druggie, dead beat dad Hunter Biden gets to have a net worth of $230,000,000 legally.
You have seen that text to the Chinese oil guy threatening his dad's wrath?
Then you also know that Sinopec got US oil from the SPR? Criminals criminal.
Explain how VP Biden had classified docs without stealing them from a SCIF.

It seems the only other option is that Obama gave them to him.
Not sure what the legal ramifications would be from that - If they were not Democrats of course.
It would be wonderful if we had a press that actually did its job instead of shilling for the Democrat party, but alas. It is refreshing to see a couple of brave reporters representing foreign press actually doing some credible journalism, but you can also see KJP shutting them down. The vast majority of mainstream MSM continue to refuse to report what is actually happening and spend most of their time reporting dirt or imaginary dirt on anybody right of center. KJP is not even allowing Peter Doocy to ask any questions lately.

Because most of the MSM is now made up of those who only pretend to be journalists and who report only what they are allowed to report, I don't see the situation changing in the next year and a half. And that means we go into yet another election with at least half the country not having a clue about what the real situation is re the economy, the border, foreign saber rattling, corruption among government officials etc.

Those who can control the message can claim the power. And that does not look good for the Republican Party.
It's been that way since fucking FDR. When's the last time the Lamestream media said ANYTHING favorably towards Republicans? Answer is ZERO! Ike, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, both Bushes (especially W) and Trump. Reagan and Trump were both especially crucified by the media.
No fucking way Navy dropout, druggie, dead beat dad Hunter Biden gets to have a net worth of $230,000,000 legally.
You have seen that text to the Chinese oil guy threatening his dad's wrath?
Then you also know that Sinopec got US oil from the SPR? Criminals criminal.
Hunter may be a scumbag for all I know. Seems like one. But I don't think him and Joe are colluding.

If you can prove collusion then prove it. Just like Trump and Russia. It's hard to prove.

Did you see Trump's kids met with Russians who said they had dirt on Hillary? Trump and Joe get away with a lot by having other people do their dirty work. Look at Trump's Fixer Michael Cohen.
MLK was a Conservative Republican -
Then how come when I was growing up it was conservative Republicans who bashed him so much? And voted against having a national holiday in his honor? Makes no sense what you are saying.

MLK was a liberal. Social liberal.

Ok he cheated on his wife. That may make him seem like a conservative Republican. Him and Trump both loved raw dogging whores.
Explain how VP Biden had classified docs without stealing them from a SCIF.
I'll explain. From 1991 to 2008, as an adjunct professor, Biden co-taught a seminar on constitutional law at Widener University School of Law.

At UPenn, Biden took on the position of “Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor” in February 2017 just after leaving the vice presidency. He took leave from the role when he launched his presidential campaign.

The classified documents found were things he used teaching these classes. These students are going into politics and their program teaches them about top secret/classified documents.

What was Trump doing with what he had? I mean besides showing them off to his guests at Mara Lago?
No they don't. He plead guilty.
They treat Hunter the same way they treated Bill Clinton's shady brother.
On FNC they were discussing that the Judge has the discretion to nix the plea deal and impose normal sentences on Hunter.

My point was that Hunter got off easy on two charges. Other charges are like Manafort, not registering as a foreign lobbyist. Not to mention the extortion.
The DOJ/IRS let the Hunter tax charge for his Burisma cash EXPIRE! How many of us can get that?
On FNC they were discussing that the Judge has the discretion to nix the plea deal and impose normal sentences on Hunter.

My point was that Hunter got off easy on two charges. Other charges are like Manafort, not registering as a foreign lobbyist. Not to mention the extortion.
The DOJ/IRS let the Hunter tax charge for his Burisma cash EXPIRE! How many of us can get that?
I suggest you don't do that.
I'll explain. From 1991 to 2008, as an adjunct professor, Biden co-taught a seminar on constitutional law at Widener University School of Law.
At UPenn, Biden took on the position of “Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor” in February 2017 just after leaving the vice presidency. He took leave from the role when he launched his presidential campaign.
The classified documents found were things he used teaching these classes. These students are going into politics and their program teaches them about top secret/classified documents.
What was Trump doing with what he had? I mean besides showing them off to his guests at Mara Lago?
1. Stealing real classified docs ids a crime. Fake classified docs would have worked just as well, unless he was selling them.

2. Trump said he didn't have time to go thru the boxes of classified docs. One item he wanted them for was to research FBI Gestapo Operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane to see how FISA and falsified evidence were used to injure his presidency.

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