Is the MSM becoming more "fair and balanced" after seeing evidence against the Bidens? (Poll)

Is the "free press" becoming more "fair and balanced" or not?

  • Yes, the pressers are becoming less partisan, there is hope for a "free press"

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • No, as the 2024 election season approaches the MSM will show their true DNC colors

    Votes: 21 95.5%

  • Total voters
You mean like "Russia collusion, Russia collusion!!!"?

Russian “collusion” led to nine Americans being convicted and most of them went to jail. You may remember that Donald Trump pardoned several of them and to thank him they helped him carry out the January 6 insurrection.

Paul Manafort pled guilty to giving Republican polling data to a Russian spy. The only people in the entire world who don’t believe the Donald Trump was actively colluding with Russia are members of the Trump Cult.

We sit back every day in other countries, and watching in wonder as Trump voters deny reality, facts, videotape, interviews, and the law in order to plead that Donald Trump is innocent of anything and everything.

You people are the laughingstock of the world because you keep defending this guy who fucked you over in the worst ways possible.

Get off the Internet. Get outside, stop, living your life to “own the libs”. Elect competent managers, not crazy book banning fascists.
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Russian “collusion” led to nine Americans being convicted and most of them went to jail. You may remember that Donald Trump pardoned several of them and to thank him they helped him carry out the January 6 insurrection.

Paul Manafort pled guilty to given giving Republican polling data to a Russian spy. The only people in the entire world who don’t believe the Donald Trump was actively colluding with Russia are members of the Trump Cult.
And yet, after years of incessant drumbeating and millions of dollars spent, you couldn't get him on that. So sad.
We sit back every day in other countries, and watching wonder as Trump voters deny reality, fax, videotape, interviews, and the law in order to plead that Donald Trump is innocent of anything and everything.

You people are the laughingstock of the world because you keep defending this guy who fucked you over in the worst ways possible.

Get off the Internet. Get outside, stop, living your life to “own the libs”. Elect competent managers, not crazy book banning fascists.
It would be nice if we could see a Bible on a teacher's desk in school again, I'll agree with that.
On FNC they were discussing that the Judge has the discretion to nix the plea deal and impose normal sentences on Hunter.

My point was that Hunter got off easy on two charges. Other charges are like Manafort, not registering as a foreign lobbyist. Not to mention the extortion.
The DOJ/IRS let the Hunter tax charge for his Burisma cash EXPIRE! How many of us can get that?

Do you even read what you post. Hunter Biden failed to file income tax. That’s not tax evasion. In fact, It is highly unusual for any first time offender who cooperates with the IRS and pays by any taxes owing, and any penalties and fines assessed, to be charged at all.

Paul Manafort was pled guilty to tax evasion. Paul Manafort intentionally lied to the IRS about his income to avoid paying taxes on the money.

The reason Manafort was charged for failing to file as a foreign agent was because its failure to file as a foreign agent of foreign government. Manafort worked for the Ukrainian government. Flynn worked for the Turkish government. You don’t have to file as a “foreign agent” unless you’re working for a foreign government.

Additionally, Paul Manafort pled guilty to lying to the FBI, and giving Republican polling data to a Russian agent. 17 charged in all, including bank and wire fraud.

Hunter Biden didn’t lie to the IRS and he didn’t lie about his income. He didn’t try to evade paying taxes, and cooperated fully with the IRS. He had a medical problem which are mitigating circumstances to his failure to file.

Hunter Biden did not work for any foreign governments and was therefore not required to file notice that he was an agent of a foreign government.

He didn’t lie to his bankers nor did he commit bank and/or wire fraud.

Last, but not least Hunter Biden Publicly and openly work as the Director of a private corporation, for which he was paid money. He filed his taxes and paid his fines and if his last name was anything but Biden, he would never had been charged.

Every time you try to pull this “what aboutism” between stupid shit that Democrats have done to the open and blatant criminal behaviour of members of the Trump administration or the Trump family, you’re going to end up looking like the partisan hack you are.

You see the rest of the world isn’t watching your crazy right wing media or reading your confirmation-bias blogs, and websites.

Instead of looking for facts, you’re looking for cover for the fascism and criminal behaviour of Republicans. Stop apologizing for these incompetent criminals.
Do you even read what you post. Hunter Biden failed to file income tax. That’s not tax evasion. In fact, It is highly unusual for any first time offender who cooperates with the IRS and pays by any taxes owing, and any penalties and fines assessed, to be charged at all.
Paul Manafort was pled guilty to tax evasion. Paul Manafort intentionally lied to the IRS about his income to avoid paying taxes on the money.
The reason Manafort was charged for failing to file as a foreign agent was because its failure to file as a foreign agent of foreign government. Manafort worked for the Ukrainian government. Flynn worked for the Turkish government. You don’t have to file as a “foreign agent” unless you’re working for a foreign government.
Additionally, Paul Manafort pled guilty to lying to the FBI, and giving Republican polling data to a Russian agent. 17 charged in all, including bank and wire fraud.
Hunter Biden didn’t lie to the IRS and he didn’t lie about his income. He didn’t try to evade paying taxes, and cooperated fully with the IRS. He had a medical problem which are mitigating circumstances to his failure to file.
Hunter Biden did not work for any foreign governments and was therefore not required to file notice that he was an agent of a foreign government.
He didn’t lie to his bankers nor did he commit bank and/or wire fraud.
Last, but not least Hunter Biden Publicly and openly work as the Director of a private corporation, for which he was paid money. He filed his taxes and paid his fines and if his last name was anything but Biden, he would never had been charged.
Every time you try to pull this “what aboutism” between stupid shit that Democrats have done to the open and blatant criminal behaviour of members of the Trump administration or the Trump family, you’re going to end up looking like the partisan hack you are.
You see the rest of the world isn’t watching your crazy right wing media or reading your confirmation-bias blogs, and websites.
Instead of looking for facts, you’re looking for cover for the fascism and criminal behaviour of Republicans. Stop apologizing for these incompetent criminals.
Here are the items I wrote about. Hunter got free Burisma cash, and did not get indicted for lobbying without being registered.

Hunter Biden failed to disclose $400,000 in income on his 2014 tax returns from the Ukrainian natural gas company he sat on the board of, according to a 2017 email from his former business partner, reports NBC News.

In D.C. Manafort was also charged with failure to register as a foreign agent and for making false statements about his foreign lobbying work.
The war in the Ukraine is one of those situations where if you’re not with us you’re against us.

Anything that doesn’t support your government and their work to prevent Putin from taking over the Ukraine, supports Putin.

Because he talked about there being evidence that Joe Biden was corrupt.

There hasn’t been a shred of evidence produced just a lot of excuses about missing witnesses and unsupported claims that “need to be looked into” because they “appear to” involve criminal activity and they “look like”something nefarious is going on and it “could be” that it is.

In the meantime, the Senate is investigating Jared Kushner’s $2 billion payday from the Saudi’s. Donald Trump is said to be really pissed about that because he didn’t get a cut so they threw him a bone with Liv golf tournaments.

This is all evidence of corruption of Donald Trump and his family. This isn’t “looks like”,could be” or “appears to”. Donald Trump admitted that he took $11 million from his secret Chinese bank after he was elected. Donald Junior really did get a $500 million loan approved by the Chinese government while his father was in office. It was in all the papers along with his sisters, dozens of personal trademarks which were gifts from Chairman Xi. Not a whisper about any of this from you people

But we have a half a dozen threads every day about the corruption of Hunter, Biden, and the Biden crime family, but so far there are no charges other than failing to file taxes.

Donald Trump and his businesses have already been convicted/found liable for of tax evasion, sexual abuse, illegal fundraising, illegal campaign contributions, and Trump is currently under investigation in multiple jurisdictions for the fake electors schemes, illegal fundraising from the fake court cases, trying to overturn the election, the Mar-a-Lago, document, skis, A fraud case in New York, filed by Mary Trump and her brother over her father’s share of her grandfathers estate, Another slander suit from E. Jean Carroll.

Another round of Trump, lawyers his quit, which means another round of new hires.

Each round of new hires gets less competent than last as Trump goes deeper and deeper into the barrel. Anyone competent with any kind of professional ethics won’t even take him on as a client. When your client goes on national television, several times a week and admits, he’s done everything he’s been charged with, it’s pretty hard to mount any sort of reasonable defence for him

No, we have no business over there.
Do you even read what you post. Hunter Biden failed to file income tax. That’s not tax evasion. In fact, It is highly unusual for any first time offender who cooperates with the IRS and pays by any taxes owing, and any penalties and fines assessed, to be charged at all.

Paul Manafort was pled guilty to tax evasion. Paul Manafort intentionally lied to the IRS about his income to avoid paying taxes on the money.

The reason Manafort was charged for failing to file as a foreign agent was because its failure to file as a foreign agent of foreign government. Manafort worked for the Ukrainian government. Flynn worked for the Turkish government. You don’t have to file as a “foreign agent” unless you’re working for a foreign government.

Additionally, Paul Manafort pled guilty to lying to the FBI, and giving Republican polling data to a Russian agent. 17 charged in all, including bank and wire fraud.

Hunter Biden didn’t lie to the IRS and he didn’t lie about his income. He didn’t try to evade paying taxes, and cooperated fully with the IRS. He had a medical problem which are mitigating circumstances to his failure to file.

Hunter Biden did not work for any foreign governments and was therefore not required to file notice that he was an agent of a foreign government.

He didn’t lie to his bankers nor did he commit bank and/or wire fraud.

Last, but not least Hunter Biden Publicly and openly work as the Director of a private corporation, for which he was paid money. He filed his taxes and paid his fines and if his last name was anything but Biden, he would never had been charged.

Every time you try to pull this “what aboutism” between stupid shit that Democrats have done to the open and blatant criminal behaviour of members of the Trump administration or the

Trump family, you’re going to end up looking like the partisan hack you are.

You see the rest of the world isn’t watching your crazy right wing media or reading your confirmation-bias blogs, and websites.

Instead of looking for facts, you’re looking for cover for the fascism and criminal behaviour of Republicans. Stop apologizing for these incompetent criminals.

Hunter lied and evaded. Simple as that.
KJP and Admiral Kirby were getting pummeled by the press corp about the new release of Hunter's extortion schemes.

The barrage was so intense that Admiral Kirby abruptly ended the presser and walked away from the podium.

Is this an indication that the "free press" will be less fawning over the Biden admin, and actually start holding them accountable, or is this a temporary blip before the 2024 election propaganda season begins?
A lot to late for their forgiveness
It would be wonderful if we had a press that actually did its job instead of shilling for the Democrat party, but alas. It is refreshing to see a couple of brave reporters representing foreign press actually doing some credible journalism, but you can also see KJP shutting them down. The vast majority of mainstream MSM continue to refuse to report what is actually happening and spend most of their time reporting dirt or imaginary dirt on anybody right of center. KJP is not even allowing Peter Doocy to ask any questions lately.

Because most of the MSM is now made up of those who only pretend to be journalists and who report only what they are allowed to report, I don't see the situation changing in the next year and a half. And that means we go into yet another election with at least half the country not having a clue about what the real situation is re the economy, the border, foreign saber rattling, corruption among government officials etc.

Those who can control the message can claim the power. And that does not look good for the Republican Party.

one encouraging thing, though

More Americans than ever are seeing just how rotten 'the message" of the left is

Only problem is: will there be another steal? The dims cannot win w/o a steal like 2020. And they know that.
one encouraging thing, though

More Americans than ever are seeing just how rotten 'the message" of the left is

Only problem is: will there be another steal? The dims cannot win w/o a steal like 2020. And they know that.
I don't know. I do agree more Americans are seeing the problem but possibly not enough more Americans. Most of the MSM refuses to report the negatives in this administration, ignore the Hunter corruption, refuse to report on the humanitarian crisis re the open border, refuse to ignore incompetence in foreign affairs etc. And unless people are on social media or access the more fringe new groups, they are completely uninformed on all that. And far too many are so blindly partisan they don't WANT to be informed on all that.
Here are the items I wrote about. Hunter got free Burisma cash, and did not get indicted for lobbying without being registered.

Hunter Biden failed to disclose $400,000 in income on his 2014 tax returns from the Ukrainian natural gas company he sat on the board of, according to a 2017 email from his former business partner, reports NBC News.

In D.C. Manafort was also charged with failure to register as a foreign agent and for making false statements about his foreign lobbying work.

Manafort was charged with lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. Hunter Biden was not a lobbyist. He was a director of a private company.

One of these things is not like the other.

Instead of just blindly parroting, the lies and the idiocies being promoted by right wing media, why don’t you do a little research and find out what, if anything, that they’re telling you has any validity and fact or law.
Manafort was charged with lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. Hunter Biden was not a lobbyist. He was a director of a private company.

One of these things is not like the other.

Instead of just blindly parroting, the lies and the idiocies being promoted by right wing media, why don’t you do a little research and find out what, if anything, that they’re telling you has any validity and fact or law.
And what company was that?
The company being investigated and the big guy had the investigator fired? Why isn't hunter on the board now? Why did he leave after his father no longer had any say in the affairs of America?

No, the company was not being investigated. The guy who was refusing to do the investigation was fired by the Obama administration’s emissary, Joe Biden.

Biden didn’t fire Shokin because he was investigating Burisma. Biden fire choking because he WASN’T investigating Burisma, or anybody else.

The World Bank, the IMF, NATO, the European Union, and the Obama Administration ordered Biden to fire the Russian prosecutor and Joe Biden did it, even though his son worked for Burisma.

After Shokin was fired, Burisma was investigated by the British and no charges were filed.

It was in all the newspapers when it happened but of course, being an accomplishment by a democratic administration, Fox News didn’t carry the story.

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No, the company was not being investigated. The guy who was refusing to do the investigation was fired by the Obama administration’s emissary, Joe Biden.

Biden didn’t fire Shokin because he was investigating Burisma. Biden fire choking because he WASN’T investigating Burisma, or anybody else.

The World Bank, the IMF, NATO, the European Union, and the Obama Administration ordered Biden to fire the Russian prosecutor and Joe Biden did it, even though his son worked for Burisma.

After Shokin was fired, Burisma was investigated by the British and no charges were filed.

It was in all the newspapers when it happened but of course, being an accomplishment by a democratic administration, Fox News didn’t carry the story.
When did Biden get the authority to fire anyone in Ukraine? See, that's the point, he didn't have it, so he resorted to extortion to force Ukraine to do the firing.

Let's put it this way. Say that your Justice Minister America can't stand David Lametti and wants him gone. America sends the Vice President to Ottawa to launch a joint project developing safe nuclear power for Canada, bringing with him billions of dollars in loan guarantees and technology sharing that will ensure the project gets off the ground with no difficulties, but states categorically that he will NOT release the funds until you get rid of Lametti.

Do you cheer and laud the VP as he gloats on TV that he successfully forced Canada to do his bidding, or do you say that he extorted you?
When did Biden get the authority to fire anyone in Ukraine? See, that's the point, he didn't have it, so he resorted to extortion to force Ukraine to do the firing.

Let's put it this way. Say that your Justice Minister America can't stand David Lametti and wants him gone. America sends the Vice President to Ottawa to launch a joint project developing safe nuclear power for Canada, bringing with him billions of dollars in loan guarantees and technology sharing that will ensure the project gets off the ground with no difficulties, but states categorically that he will NOT release the funds until you get rid of Lametti.

Do you cheer and laud the VP as he gloats on TV that he successfully forced Canada to do his bidding, or do you say that he extorted you?

I posted this upthread so the link is still open on my phone. From this letter from Mitch McConnell and the Senate, and from everyone else who participated in sending Biden to the Ukraine.

I posted this upthread so the link is still open on my phone. From this letter from Mitch McConnell and the Senate, and from everyone else who participated in sending Biden to the Ukraine.

That doesn't even address the question I asked you. Would you applaud an American VP that forced Canada to get rid of a high-ranking official by withholding crucial loan guarantees (let's say you had a very bad wheat harvest and your people were facing starvation, if you don't like my original scenario) until you buckled and did his bidding, or would you say he extorted you?
Manafort was charged with lobbying on behalf of a foreign government. Hunter Biden was not a lobbyist. He was a director of a private company. One of these things is not like the other.
Instead of just blindly parroting, the lies and the idiocies being promoted by right wing media, why don’t you do a little research and find out what, if anything, that they’re telling you has any validity and fact or law.
Typing lies never gets old, eh? You have yet to prove anything you type.
No, the company was not being investigated. The guy who was refusing to do the investigation was fired by the Obama administration’s emissary, Joe Biden.

Biden didn’t fire Shokin because he was investigating Burisma. Biden fire choking because he WASN’T investigating Burisma, or anybody else.

The World Bank, the IMF, NATO, the European Union, and the Obama Administration ordered Biden to fire the Russian prosecutor and Joe Biden did it, even though his son worked for Burisma.

After Shokin was fired, Burisma was investigated by the British and no charges were filed.

It was in all the newspapers when it happened but of course, being an accomplishment by a democratic administration, Fox News didn’t carry the story.

You lying bitch

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