Is the muslim brotherhood religious extremist?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Is the Muslim brotherhood a religious extremist that want to send Egypt back to the 5th century? I feel that religious extremism holds back a country and only holds people down.

I hope the non-religious leftist control Egypt for a long time to come.
The Egyptian mlitary just slaughtered about 43 of them, as they prayed, something Mubarak never even stooped to. The evil man embraces! I will not ever stop being bothered by that.
Is the Muslim brotherhood a religious extremist that want to send Egypt back to the 5th century? I feel that religious extremism holds back a country and only holds people down.

I hope the non-religious leftist control Egypt for a long time to come.

I don't know if they want to take Egypt back to the 5th century, more like the 14th century.
The Egyptian mlitary just slaughtered about 43 of them, as they prayed, something Mubarak never even stooped to. The evil man embraces! I will not ever stop being bothered by that.

Well, I was reading another account of that story that leads me to simply say I do not really know what is happening in Egypt right now. It is not clear numbers being reported as dead really died or who killed those who have died. So much Propaganda is presently being reported from both sides, I think figuring out the truth right now about what is really happening in Egypt would be impossible.
Egypt Islamists urge uprising after 42 killedCAIRO (AFP) --" Forty-two loyalists of Egypt's ousted president were killed on Monday while demonstrating against last week's military coup, triggering an Islamist uprising call and dashing the army's hopes for an interim civilian administration.The Muslim Brotherhood, which has led demonstrations against the overthrow of Islamist President Mohamed Mursi last Wednesday, said its supporters were "massacred" when police and troops fired on them during dawn prayers outside an elite army headquarters in Cairo.The military blamed "terrorists" while witnesses, including Brotherhood supporters at the scene, told AFP the armed forces fired only warning shots and tear gas, and that "thugs" in civilian clothes had carried out the deadly shooting." Egypt Islamists urge uprising after 42 killed | Maan News Agency. That is the story being reported by Maan.
that story makes LOTS OF SENSE-----some muslims did the muslim
thing---that muslims in lots and lots of muslim countries do regularly---
ie ---line up-----go head down and ass up ------quietly and peacefully--- and for no reason
at all some "thugs" killed them. I can understand something like
that happening in pakistan if the the quiet heads down/ass ups were
shiites and the thugs were sunnis------but what group of
"thugs" would be so inclined in Egypt? Thugs in egypt attack
kneeling copts. The story seems to be missing important details
Is the Muslim brotherhood a religious extremist that want to send Egypt back to the 5th century? I feel that religious extremism holds back a country and only holds people down.

WORSE---it wants to create shariah adherent cesspits wherever
it can -----MUCH MUCH WORSE-----it is a large organization and
not confined to Egypt
Is the Muslim brotherhood a religious extremist that want to send Egypt back to the 5th century? I feel that religious extremism holds back a country and only holds people down.

WORSE---it wants to create shariah adherent cesspits wherever
it can -----MUCH MUCH WORSE-----it is a large organization and
not confined to Egypt

Why do some people have so little belief in their faith that they want it enforced by the government?
Is the Muslim brotherhood a religious extremist that want to send Egypt back to the 5th century? I feel that religious extremism holds back a country and only holds people down.

I hope the non-religious leftist control Egypt for a long time to come.

I don't know if they want to take Egypt back to the 5th century, more like the 14th century.
I pick the 5th C in a landslide.
Pre-Arab/Muslim invasion. Egypt was Coptic Christian.. now they're a Persecuted and Cleansed Minority.
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Like a great many groups, it contains members along all levels of support and belief.

So saying that the organization is "religious extremist" would be like saying all Democrats support abortion (or that all Republicans oppose it), or that all Muslims hate Jews.

It does tend to attract the extremists in the region more then others, but I do not classify the group as a whole "extremist".

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