Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional? (Poll)

Is the new Disinformation Governance Board constitutional?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • No

    Votes: 57 96.6%

  • Total voters
Will Republicans fight it or let it stay so they can abuse it when idiot Democrats lose power?
This may be the Republican strategy since they expect to take power in the next two elections.
Which only shows how pols think, more power trumps constitutionality.
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This may be their strategy since they expect to take power in the next two elections.
Which only shows how pols think, more power trumps constitutionality.
Here is my thing and I question how stupid can the left be to think creating stuff like this will not backfire on them down the road?

Do they truly believe they will never lose power and let remember it was those like Biden and Clinton that gave us the Patriot Act while know the GOP would lose power and they could abuse the new powers granted in that act…

So it amazes me the stupidity on all sides but America has become the land of retardation…
Here is my thing and I question how stupid can the left be to think creating stuff like this will not backfire on them down the road?
Do they truly believe they will never lose power and let remember it was those like Biden and Clinton that gave us the Patriot Act while know the GOP would lose power and they could abuse the new powers granted in that act…
So it amazes me the stupidity on all sides but America has become the land of retardation…
Can you imagine if Trump created this new "truth board" to fight actual "fake news" and put Steve Miller or Rudy Giuliani in charge of "truth"? I could just imagine the hostile press reaction.
The US is supposed have a "free press". The press are supposed to be publishers of truth.

I missed the part in the US Constitution where the Federal Government was given the Power to control "The Truth".

So I'm questioning the constitutionality of the new "Disinformation Governance Board". Is it constitutional?

How is it unconstitutional? They're not saying people can't publish whatever lies they like. They're merely saying "we think this is the truth".
How is it unconstitutional? They're not saying people can't publish whatever lies they like. They're merely saying "we think this is the truth".
1. Show me where in the US Constitution the Federal Government was given the "power" to define "truth". Remember, all Powers not reserved for the Federal government remain with the States.
2. You don't understand the power they are taking. Unlimited censorship power. A.I. will be unleashed to remove all posts they don't like, Hunter's Laptop, Ashley's showers with Joe , inflation, gas prices, border concerns, all unflattering posts and all news stories could be censored. That is not what a "free press" according to the Constitution means.
Twitter banned posters they didn't like. Facebook banned posts they didn't like. The government can control ALL POSTS the don't like. You will not be allowed to post whatever you want, it will be censored.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Biden and the democrats are playing to their base with this nonsense that they know they can't legally do. It's all about the optics leading up to November; they don't give a damn about the truth, honesty, and integrity. Hell, they've been shamelessly spreading misinformation and disinformation for many years. For them it's all about winning and they'll say or do anything however unscrupulous it might be.
The US is supposed have a "free press". The press are supposed to be publishers of truth.

I missed the part in the US Constitution where the Federal Government was given the Power to control "The Truth".

So I'm questioning the constitutionality of the new "Disinformation Governance Board". Is it constitutional?
It's essentially extending the Woker's beloved safe spaces to a national level.
Will Republicans fight it or let it stay so they can abuse it when idiot Democrats lose power?
I say Pubbies abuse the shit out of it and then dump it if they lose an election before the Jan 20 deadline. Can the Pubbies just use it for a week or two just to get even???? Huh huh huh!!!!?

OK; but it IS unconstitutional imo so no; disband it asap.

Ministry of Truth, eh? That's good! Finally, an organization of truth seekers who will bring the people like tony, rochellle, and other "respected" professionals to debate their claims on primetime television with scientists, medical professionals, and other qualified people who know that they are full of shyt.

Without a public forum in which the alleged good guys can debate the points of contention with those who disagree with them, why would we believe what they have to say? tony has been caught spreading disinformation and omission of facts. And the CDC lied right from the get-go.

But there will be no public debate concerning their lies because tony and rochelle and company have no intentions of subjecting themselves to that kind of humiliation.
The US is supposed have a "free press". The press are supposed to be publishers of truth.

I missed the part in the US Constitution where the Federal Government was given the Power to control "The Truth".

So I'm questioning the constitutionality of the new "Disinformation Governance Board". Is it constitutional? way
I say Pubbies abuse the shit out of it and then dump it if they lose an election before the Jan 20 deadline. Can the Pubbies just use it for a week or two just to get even???? Huh huh huh!!!!?

OK; but it IS unconstitutional imo so no; disband it asap.

It is the beginning of government seizure of all information venues.
It's very existence destroys the concept of private ownership. Like all government entities it's decisions will be available to the highest bidder and it will form a platform upon which the seizure of places like Twitter, Facebook and Google will become legal.
The US is supposed have a "free press". The press are supposed to be publishers of truth.

I missed the part in the US Constitution where the Federal Government was given the Power to control "The Truth".

So I'm questioning the constitutionality of the new "Disinformation Governance Board". Is it constitutional?

On its face, it feels like it would be unconstitutional. But the objective is not what we might initially think. Combating foreign propaganda warfare is a legitimate aim and activity for the federal government, and it does not in any way infringe upon Americans' free speech rights.

That being said, it's a very dangerous undertaking. On paper it's fine, but practice will be an entirely different matter. This board will likely turn into an exercise in balancing an anvil on a sewing needle, with tyranny being the result of a fall.
I'm sorry, since when did the Dem party begin obeying the US Constitution? Or the law for that matter. Now you know what a corrupt bastard of a party you are fighting.
It's essentially extending the Woker's beloved safe spaces to a national level.
It started when the "news" channels banned conservatives, so all the whiny libs heard was one point of view, theirs. So they called the real truth "fake news" and kept up promoting their own "fake news".
Then FXN kicked their asses when the real truth came out, so now they need to stop the true news.

I'm waiting for the "Ministry of Truth" to shut down Fox News, OAN, and all other conservative news outlets.
It is the beginning of government seizure of all information venues.
It's very existence destroys the concept of private ownership. Like all government entities it's decisions will be available to the highest bidder and it will form a platform upon which the seizure of places like Twitter, Facebook and Google will become legal.
I'm betting that the "Ministry of Truth" will shutdown Fox News.
On its face, it feels like it would be unconstitutional. But the objective is not what we might initially think. Combating foreign propaganda warfare is a legitimate aim and activity for the federal government, and it does not in any way infringe upon Americans' free speech rights.
That being said, it's a very dangerous undertaking. On paper it's fine, but practice will be an entirely different matter. This board will likely turn into an exercise in balancing an anvil on a sewing needle, with tyranny being the result of a fall.
I think we agree that the new "Ministry of Truth", aka "government censorship" is unconstitutional.
The best way to combat foreign propaganda is what we were doing under Trump, having real pressers with tough questions, not the shitty Biden ones, where real questions can get real answers.
What this Board will do is add official legitimacy to any effort to silence opposing points of view about any policy proposed by Biden and the democrats. Hunter Biden's laptop for example, that Board will claim that the story was mis- or dis-information and therefore it would be correct to bury the story. They'll simply say it's a story that originated in or by the Russians, Chinese, or whoever. It is a brazen attempt to control the political narrative about anything.

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