Is the Obama/Biden, Clinton, FBI coup on Trump the biggest political scandal since Nixon?

I know you don’t believe it.

That doesn’t make it less true given your proclivity for believing whatever is convenient.

Truth is that Durham was supposedly going to be indicting all these people in the DoJ that investigated Trump. That didn’t happen because it was all a hoax.
Those paying attention knew Durham was put inplace to give cover to Mueller.
He concluded Clinesmith lied but we all knew about that from the IG report.

Everyone else in the FBI behaved legally, as did the Clinton campaign.
TRUMP broke no laws, most honest POTUS in our lifetime.
I would say it easily is. For the wire tapping and clear conspiring with knowingly false information being obtained and spread by the FBI to attack an incoming president is unprecedented.

Conservatives should never let this event right here rest.. just like the Kavanaugh hearings.. examples of horrible, corrupt actions by the left/Democrats.

I'd say so, but back then the news media was different.

Thanks to Clintons bill he changed the face of news and now at this point most of the news outlets work for political parties.

With their control over social media as well this will never be a scandal. Scandals only happen now on large scales when democrats and their benefactors want there to be a scandal.
As long as everyone is held to the same standard with lying, but thats not the case, it's pathetic liberals don't care.
Bill Clinton answered OIC investigator's questions in person, under oath...on video tape.

Did Trump?

So are you now a "pathetic liberal" or do you care that your blob ducked the investigation? Because I don't recall you being outraged that Mara-Lard-Ass didn't go under oath and answer questions in person as did Clinton.

You don want everyone treated the same right?
Witch hunt is all you got with a two tier justice system. Something you'll find in a banana republic
Maybe the justice system isn’t two tiered and you just can’t accept that some of Trump’s buddies broke the law and the people you want to see prosecuted didn’t.
Maybe the justice system isn’t two tiered and you just can’t accept that some of Trump’s buddies broke the law and the people you want to see prosecuted didn’t.
Yes it is Hillary Clinton broke the law. Hillary Clinton colluded with a foreign entity using Russian disinformation and the FBI used it for a witch hunt
Also spying on the American people is illegal

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