Is the Obama/Biden, Clinton, FBI coup on Trump the biggest political scandal since Nixon?

Our government has become one enormous scandal, but nothing is done about it.
Clinton, Obama & Biden, virtually scandal free.

Even if you were president for 4 years I doubt you would avoid scandal. Can you name one president in US history who didn't have a scandal?

And Clinton's, Obama's and Biden's scandals, are pretty lame. I've read articles about all of Trump's Benghazi's. Only Democrats never Benghazi'ed him. In fact for 4 years we hardly heard how the war on terror was going overseas during Trump's time in office. Lots of risky missions where high level covert best of the best military types died because Trump is a risk taker and takes chances.
I would say it easily is. For the wire tapping and clear conspiring with knowingly false information being obtained and spread by the FBI to attack an incoming president is unprecedented.

Conservatives should never let this event right here rest.. just like the Kavanaugh hearings.. examples of horrible, corrupt actions by the left/Democrats.

Trump was treated the same way Al Capone would have been treated if he ran for President and won.
Nope. They were given lies just like you and me. Bush lied us into Iraq. No one else. Even Trump admitted it several times. He even once famously said it would be great if Pelosi impeached him for lying us into Iraq. There were no WMD's and they knew it. What's not clear about what he said? And you voted for him after he said it. If you think that's nuts, why did you vote for him?

God you're a sheep.

Sealybooboo. Democrats are honest, kaz, they are! Democrats are pure as the driven snow, kaz, they are! Democrats are virginal, pure, innocent.

Sure they are, dumb ass. Democrats and Republicans stood side by side saying the same thing. Grow the fuck up. This is DC, no party can hoax the other to that extent

Is the Obama/Biden, Clinton, FBI coup on Trump the biggest political scandal since Nixon?​

It's tbe biggest criminal politicsl scandal EVER in US history.

Nixon involved 1 party spying on another, election interference involving a President.

The FBI defrauding thr FISA Court, violating the Constitution and Patriot Act repeatedly, and illegally spying on Americans is a bigger scandal than Nixon. It involves an entire corrupt, criminal Federal law enforcement agency going after Americans.

Now add in the failed Coup...

President Obama,
VP Biden,
Obama's Cabinet,
Obama's US National Security Agency & Director - Clapper,
Obama's US Central Intelligence Agency & Director - Brennan,
Obama's Federal Bureau of Investigation & Director - Comey,
and Obama's Department of Justice & US Attorney General - Lynch



Durham stated it clearly - there was NEVER any evidrnce to support the hoax, and the investigation should have NEVER happened.

Obama, Biden, and all of them are now, in history, TRAITORS.

Obama's legagacy, his administration's legacy, is being a TRAITOR and attempting a FAILED COUP.


CLAPPER will be remembered for lying - committing perjury - TWICE before Congress and being protected both times from indictment / prison.

BRENNAN will be remembered for briefing them all in advance of Hillary's hoax AND for being caught illegally spying on Congress, turned in by D-Diane Feinstein.

COMEY, McCabe, Strzok, Baker, etc... willl be remembered for defrauding tbe FISA Court, violating both Constitution and Patriot Act, illegally spying on Americans, and running the failed coup...for engaging in the coup after tbeir internal investigation proved there was nothing to Hillary's hoax.

** The Durham report is supported by FBI Agent Paige's testimony in which she stated the FBI conducted its own internal investigation BEFORE MUELLER WAS NAMED SPECIAL COUNSEL and found there was no evidrnce to support 'Russian Collusion'.

The Obama administration's attempted failed coup, the Democrats' attempt to overthrow the US government - to include 2 criminal Impeachments - by illegally attempting to remove a sitting elected US President from office is THE biggest criminal political scandal in US history!

Trump was treated the same way Al Capone would have been treated if he ran for President and won.
Except Obama and the Democrats were Capome & Trump was more like Elliot Ness. In this case 'the mob' did its best to take down tbe 'G-man'.
I'll explain it to you. Dadoalex like all leftists is incredibly stupid. He hates Republicans, so anything he says bad about a Republican it's automatically true. Anything bad about Democrats is automatically a lie. I know you were hoping for more from him, but that's as deep as the waters go I'm afraid
Ah yes. The Tiny Minded ape like poop thrower pisses himself and thinks it's raining.
You're comparing jaywalking to vehicular homicide
Nixon was jaywalking while the coup was destroying all trust in America's justice system
Trump’s continual peddling of lies, conspiracies and hoaxes destroyed your trust in America’s justice system.

Things are much better when you stop believing their lies.
It's the biggest conspiracy in American history.
You guys constantly make a big deal about this supposed intelligence about the “Clinton plan” but fail to acknowledge that the intelligence was never verified.

And we know how you guys feel about the government acting on unverified intelligence.
Trump’s continual peddling of lies, conspiracies and hoaxes destroyed your trust in America’s justice system.

Things are much better when you stop believing their lies.
Are you a dembot? Why are you gaslighting nobody believes retard.
Trump’s continual peddling of lies, conspiracies and hoaxes destroyed your trust in America’s justice system.

Things are much better when you stop believing their lies.
Ironic that you project to much
You guys constantly make a big deal about this supposed intelligence about the “Clinton plan” but fail to acknowledge that the intelligence was never verified.

And we know how you guys feel about the government acting on unverified intelligence.
Projecting little bitch
You guys constantly make a big deal about this supposed intelligence about the “Clinton plan” but fail to acknowledge that the intelligence was never verified.

And we know how you guys feel about the government acting on unverified intelligence.
Dude, you're either a retarded idiot, or an evil scumbag.
It's one or the other.
Because political hack Durham released that report which is a crock of shit from start to finish? Yea, tomorrow. Schiff will resign tomorrow because Trump's dyed in the wool asseater McCarthy demands that he do.

Who knew that Trump's mob & his lackeys like McCarthy would go off the deep end over a report written by a political douche bag?
You should get a grip on your emotions snowflake boy, have a budlite, take your riddlin and turn on rupauls drag queens, it is your pride party marxist democrats fucking up your life
Are you a dembot? Why are you gaslighting nobody believes retard.
I know you don’t believe it.

That doesn’t make it less true given your proclivity for believing whatever is convenient.

Truth is that Durham was supposedly going to be indicting all these people in the DoJ that investigated Trump. That didn’t happen because it was all a hoax.
Gee, if it is as bad as you say it is (it isn't, not even close), then where are the arrests of Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice you all were expecting these past five years?
Thats like asking why isn't Putin and the people under him arrested.

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