Is the Pope a Communist?

Vatican politics seems to be flexible depending on the threat. The notorious Nazi Pope is a perfect example. The Catholic church would turn radical progressive in a heartbeat if it kept the Popes in luxury.
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

The Vatican News website celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Cuba. That is the revolution people flee from at risk of being eaten by sharks. It is the one that impoverished the entire country except for the few elites and made Cuba a dark and dismal place. A Cuban friend of mine was imprisoned by Castro for signing a petition and only released after Carter brokered a deal. That revolution.

Ultimate Offense! Pope Honors 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution

Yes the pope is a communist but not for the stupid and illogical reasons you stated.

First off, communism is an economic policy. Not political or social.

Second communism is an economic policy where the state owns everything. All the land. All the business. Everyone works for the government or leader of that government.

The Catholic Church owns all their churches. They don't sell anything and don't have any stores. Everyone who works in their churches and or lives in Vatican City works for the government/church. They are all paid by the government/church. All monies collected at their churches are the property of the government/church. There are no private businesses nor private ownership.

The catholic government is the pope, bishops and cardinals in Vatican City.

So yes for those reasons, the pope is a communist. Not because he celebrated an anniversary in Cuba.
So if he celebrates the election of Hitler he’s not a lover of Nazism? If he celebrated the Red Revolution and Stalins rise to power he’s not a lover of communism?

Yet, you seem to have no evidence that Pope Francis supports either of these, no?
He only celebrates the tyranny and torture camps of Cuba. Obviously people being eaten by sharks is something he applauds.
This had nothing to do with the Pope at all, super dupers.
Vatican politics seems to be flexible depending on the threat. The notorious Nazi Pope is a perfect example. The Catholic church would turn radical progressive in a heartbeat if it kept the Popes in luxury.
This Pope lives in a small apartment and is driven in a tiny car... He is a socialist like all intelligent people.
Vatican politics seems to be flexible depending on the threat. The notorious Nazi Pope is a perfect example. The Catholic church would turn radical progressive in a heartbeat if it kept the Popes in luxury.
There was no Nazi Pope, he did what he could without being thrown in a concentration camp himself LOL.
Jesus was a socialist by today's definition. He was not for a dictatorship that owns all property and Industry and businesses. And no one else is anymore really are they? Only in Cold War dinosaur GOP propaganda...

communist and socialist is not SYNONYMS. ------socialist is barely
an ideology
So many GOP dupes believe they are synonyms. And you certainly confuse them... Take my word for it or ask any socialist, socialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. The GOP fights that as only the greedy idiot insane can.

wrong -------virtually the entire Midwest and south EQUATES communism and socialism---------lots of USA people is stupid. HOWEVER your statement that socialism is ALWAYS HOLY------is BS ----think
All their Aryan racism was certainly not communist or socialist either. 30 million dead must be revolving in their graves at this new GOP garbage idiocy.

So, there were no Racists, or as we could call it Prejudices in the Soviet Union, or the Soviet bloc?

Many ethnic groups were targeted by the Soviets, not much different than done with Nazis.

Including Jews.

Soviet war crimes - Wikipedia

Antisemitism in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Doctors' plot - Wikipedia

1968 Polish political crisis - Wikipedia

Including Poles.

Polish Operation of the NKVD - Wikipedia

Katyn massacre - Wikipedia

Including Islamic Tatars.

Deportation of the Crimean Tatars - Wikipedia

Including Cossacks.

Decossackization - Wikipedia

Including Germans.

NKVD Order No. 00439 - Wikipedia

Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–50) - Wikipedia

Including Greeks.

Greek Operation of the NKVD - Wikipedia

Including Koreans.

Deportation of Koreans in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

The Vatican News website celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Cuba. That is the revolution people flee from at risk of being eaten by sharks. It is the one that impoverished the entire country except for the few elites and made Cuba a dark and dismal place. A Cuban friend of mine was imprisoned by Castro for signing a petition and only released after Carter brokered a deal. That revolution.

Ultimate Offense! Pope Honors 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution

Yes the pope is a communist but not for the stupid and illogical reasons you stated.

First off, communism is an economic policy. Not political or social.

Second communism is an economic policy where the state owns everything. All the land. All the business. Everyone works for the government or leader of that government.

The Catholic Church owns all their churches. They don't sell anything and don't have any stores. Everyone who works in their churches and or lives in Vatican City works for the government/church. They are all paid by the government/church. All monies collected at their churches are the property of the government/church. There are no private businesses nor private ownership.

The catholic government is the pope, bishops and cardinals in Vatican City.

So yes for those reasons, the pope is a communist. Not because he celebrated an anniversary in Cuba.
So if he celebrates the election of Hitler he’s not a lover of Nazism? If he celebrated the Red Revolution and Stalins rise to power he’s not a lover of communism?

Yet, you seem to have no evidence that Pope Francis supports either of these, no?
He only celebrates the tyranny and torture camps of Cuba. Obviously people being eaten by sharks is something he applauds.

Oh yeah?
Surely you have a source for that?
He's a Jesuit piece of South American Slime.........OF COURSE that grinning, muslim-foot-sucking pig is a communist. And further evidence that NOTHING good ever came from the Cocaine Continent. Really, even tropical fruits and coffee from the American state of Hawaii are far, far superior than any biological life from the second-most-failed continent after Africa. Fuck Central and South America with every last quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul. A continent of pure failure and pure worthless savages. And FUCK Pope Frannie. Up his asshole. With that ridiculous golden scepter that these Catholipederast papal scumbags love to brandish like a kind of religious phallic symbol.

try to get a grip-----some people might be offended

NOBODY is born with some special right to never be offended. You know what offends me? The extreme, exploitive, greedy corruption and massive, MASSIVE pederast epidemic, extreme pederast ENABLERS of your dreary, sewer rat Catholicrap religion. Which wallows in guilt, suffering and misery. There is NOTHING about your scumbag Catholic criminal enterprise that is positive, hopeful, joyful, etc......everything about your institutionalized, HORRIBLY ABUSIVE, stupid, dictatorial fairy-tale Catholic sewer is 100% negative, that horrid Vatican is humanity's hemmorhoid.

Make no mistake, your criminal religion is SECOND only to Pisslam for being my most hated, destested, despised, abhorrent piece of religious bullshit on this planet. It is my sadistic JOY in life to offend you Catholics and your mafia-like criminal, crooked religious enterprise.

You're really dumb, rabid & feral, a typical Protestant.

fret not Sobie----the Pope IS A SOCIALIST------a national socialist for the
RACE called "catholics"------or THE HOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE

Because every Nazi does this.

Pope Francis: Attacks on Jews are anti-Semitism, as are attacks on Israel
Nothing wrong with complaining about right-wing assholes like netanyahu though LOL
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

The Vatican News website celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Cuba. That is the revolution people flee from at risk of being eaten by sharks. It is the one that impoverished the entire country except for the few elites and made Cuba a dark and dismal place. A Cuban friend of mine was imprisoned by Castro for signing a petition and only released after Carter brokered a deal. That revolution.

Ultimate Offense! Pope Honors 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution

Yes the pope is a communist but not for the stupid and illogical reasons you stated.

First off, communism is an economic policy. Not political or social.

Second communism is an economic policy where the state owns everything. All the land. All the business. Everyone works for the government or leader of that government.

The Catholic Church owns all their churches. They don't sell anything and don't have any stores. Everyone who works in their churches and or lives in Vatican City works for the government/church. They are all paid by the government/church. All monies collected at their churches are the property of the government/church. There are no private businesses nor private ownership.

The catholic government is the pope, bishops and cardinals in Vatican City.

So yes for those reasons, the pope is a communist. Not because he celebrated an anniversary in Cuba.
There is a difference between the words Communist vrs communist much like there is a difference between the words Cowboy vrs cowboy, the first being a proper noun representing a singular entity, and the second being simply an adjective.

The first century church was a communist organization in the sense that they donated all their possessions to the church coffers and then lived on the charity of the church while still working and continuing to donate. Many 'communes' were established in the American frontier areas during the 1800's that were very successful, though some were not successes. The difference between the successful ones is that they were faith centered, unlike Robert Owens communes that mostly all failed after two or three years as there was no binding faith among them.

List of American Utopian communities - Wikipedia

Of these communes the following lasted more than 20 years:
1. Old Economy Village Pennsylvania
George Rapp 1824-1906 A Harmonites Village. The Harmony Society is a Christian theosophy and pietist society founded in Iptingen, Germany, in 1785.

2. Hopedale Community[2] Massachusetts
Adin Ballou 1842-1868 A community based on "Practical Christianity", which included ideas such as temperance, abolitionism, Women's rights, spiritualism and education.[3]

3.Oneida Community New York
John H. Noyes 1848-1880 A Utopian socialism community. Oneida Community practices included Communalism, Complex Marriage, Male Continence, Mutual Criticism and Ascending Fellowship.

4. Icarians Louisiana, Texas,Nauvoo, Illinois,Iowa, Missouri, California
Étienne Cabet 1848-1898 A group of egalitarian communes based on the French utopian movement, founded by Étienne Cabet, after led his followers to the United States.

5. Amana Colonies Iowa
the Community of True Inspiration 1850's 1932 The Amana villages were built one hour apart when traveling by ox cart. Each village had a church, a farm, multi-family residences, workshops and communal kitchens. The communal system continued until 1932.

6. Aurora Colony Oregon
William Keil 1853-1883 Christian utopian community

7. Nucla Colorado
Colorado Cooperative Company 1896-present Established following the Panic of 1893. Originally called Piñon.[8][9]

8.Arden Village Delaware Frank Stephens
Will Price 1900 Currently Active An art colony founded as a Georgist single-tax art community.

9. Fairhope Single Tax Corporation, Fairhope, AL Alabama
Fairhope Industrial Association 1894- present, currently still in operation Fairhope was first settled in 1894 by Georgist. The Single tax experiment was incorporated as the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation under Alabama law in 1904. The municipality of Fairhope was incorporated in 1908.[10]

10. Twin Oaks Virginia 1967 currently active

In addition to this list were thousands of small churches that ran on a first century style of communal economics though they did not much publicize their ideas, seeing them as normal Christian charity and mutual support. The Catholic church also operated in much this way at the parish level.

This is early American Christian communalism, or communism, and it was so successful that secularists have often tried to emulate them, and various ideologies sprouted like Robert Owens Owenite movement.

This is of course much different than Marxism or Marxist Leninism which many use the proper word Communist to designate.

So yes, the Pope is a communist but not a Communist, lol.

Explain to the class the differences between Communism, Socialism, and the Democratic Party platform
You have listed all proper nouns that designate specific ideologies but is ambiguous because so many use those same proper nouns as part of their own proper names.

So may I answer your question using my own adjective based categories?

1. Marxist-Leninism is most often labeled Communism, though it has splinted into various branches of ideology from Maoism to Anarcho-Communism, and many of them deny all association to the other forms of Marxist-Leninist thought, lol. 'It hasnt really been tried yet' is the most common defense though hundreds of millions of slaughtered human beings, mostly Christian, might protest it has been tried, if they could speak.

2. Marxism is more of a secular philosophy that Utopianist, Secularist, Collectivist and Transnationalist. It is the underlying world view of our Globalist elite and excuses its failures by attacking religion and competing systems of thought as undermining its efforts, thus it is completely hostile to religion of almost any kind except Bhudism which is an atheistic religion.

3. Socialism is an ideology that predates Marxism and is tied to economic theorists that left religion largely unmolested though most of its leaders are atheistic and/or hostile to organized religion. Most Socialist ideology variations demand the state own heavy industry and capitalism can co-exist in the manner of service related industry. Fabian Socialism is the typical view though it is a bit outdated now. Not sure if there is much of a standard Socialist ideology any more now that Unionism has morphed into merely a special interest group and no longer tries to speak for the Working Class as a whole.

4. A different non-ideological variant of 'socialism' is simply the concept of a Capitalist system that has as its over-arching top-most goal not to increase the profits of its companies but to maximise the happiness of its citizenry. It is sort of an 'all for one' kind of economics that places a Utilitarianish priority to maximizing the happiness of the broader public. Nordic Model Socialism is an example of this sort of socialism, and the PPP average net incomes of the average person in the nations that pursue such thinking (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland) competitive with or higher than that of US citizens.

5. Democratic Party economics as best I can tell in the moderate wing is Capitalist with a heavy dose of regulatory supervision by the government, mostly the Federalis, but their upsurging socialist wing is predominately more of the Nordic Model. It is hard to tell as I think the Democratic Party is in kind of an internal morphasizing toward one of the two predominately.
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Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

The Vatican News website celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Cuba. That is the revolution people flee from at risk of being eaten by sharks. It is the one that impoverished the entire country except for the few elites and made Cuba a dark and dismal place. A Cuban friend of mine was imprisoned by Castro for signing a petition and only released after Carter brokered a deal. That revolution.

Ultimate Offense! Pope Honors 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution

Yes the pope is a communist but not for the stupid and illogical reasons you stated.

First off, communism is an economic policy. Not political or social.

Second communism is an economic policy where the state owns everything. All the land. All the business. Everyone works for the government or leader of that government.

The Catholic Church owns all their churches. They don't sell anything and don't have any stores. Everyone who works in their churches and or lives in Vatican City works for the government/church. They are all paid by the government/church. All monies collected at their churches are the property of the government/church. There are no private businesses nor private ownership.

The catholic government is the pope, bishops and cardinals in Vatican City.

So yes for those reasons, the pope is a communist. Not because he celebrated an anniversary in Cuba.
There is a difference between the words Communist vrs communist much like there is a difference between the words Cowboy vrs cowboy, the first being a proper noun representing a singular entity, and the second being simply an adjective.

The first century church was a communist organization in the sense that they donated all their possessions to the church coffers and then lived on the charity of the church while still working and continuing to donate. Many 'communes' were established in the American frontier areas during the 1800's that were very successful, though some were not successes. The difference between the successful ones is that they were faith centered, unlike Robert Owens communes that mostly all failed after two or three years as there was no binding faith among them.

List of American Utopian communities - Wikipedia

Of these communes the following lasted more than 20 years:
1. Old Economy Village Pennsylvania
George Rapp 1824-1906 A Harmonites Village. The Harmony Society is a Christian theosophy and pietist society founded in Iptingen, Germany, in 1785.

2. Hopedale Community[2] Massachusetts
Adin Ballou 1842-1868 A community based on "Practical Christianity", which included ideas such as temperance, abolitionism, Women's rights, spiritualism and education.[3]

3.Oneida Community New York
John H. Noyes 1848-1880 A Utopian socialism community. Oneida Community practices included Communalism, Complex Marriage, Male Continence, Mutual Criticism and Ascending Fellowship.

4. Icarians Louisiana, Texas,Nauvoo, Illinois,Iowa, Missouri, California
Étienne Cabet 1848-1898 A group of egalitarian communes based on the French utopian movement, founded by Étienne Cabet, after led his followers to the United States.

5. Amana Colonies Iowa
the Community of True Inspiration 1850's 1932 The Amana villages were built one hour apart when traveling by ox cart. Each village had a church, a farm, multi-family residences, workshops and communal kitchens. The communal system continued until 1932.

6. Aurora Colony Oregon
William Keil 1853-1883 Christian utopian community

7. Nucla Colorado
Colorado Cooperative Company 1896-present Established following the Panic of 1893. Originally called Piñon.[8][9]

8.Arden Village Delaware Frank Stephens
Will Price 1900 Currently Active An art colony founded as a Georgist single-tax art community.

9. Fairhope Single Tax Corporation, Fairhope, AL Alabama
Fairhope Industrial Association 1894- present, currently still in operation Fairhope was first settled in 1894 by Georgist. The Single tax experiment was incorporated as the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation under Alabama law in 1904. The municipality of Fairhope was incorporated in 1908.[10]

10. Twin Oaks Virginia 1967 currently active

In addition to this list were thousands of small churches that ran on a first century style of communal economics though they did not much publicize their ideas, seeing them as normal Christian charity and mutual support. The Catholic church also operated in much this way at the parish level.

This is early American Christian communalism, or communism, and it was so successful that secularists have often tried to emulate them, and various ideologies sprouted like Robert Owens Owenite movement.

This is of course much different than Marxism or Marxist Leninism which many use the proper word Communist to designate.

So yes, the Pope is a communist but not a Communist, lol.


the pope is not a little gaggle of idealists out in the woods or on the
Frontier. He is a WORLD FORCE and -----IM less than H O opinon His
ambitions are considerable for the implementation of his very own
"philosophy" I am not sure that he is not a danger

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