Is the Pope a Communist?

What's the problem exactly, brainwashed functional Cold War dinosaur idiot...

have you spoken to Cubans lately------the expats with relatives still there?
That is communism, dumbass, not socialism get it? Of course not.
Explain to the class the differences between Communism, Socialism, and the Democratic Party platform.

I look forward to your short response, if any at all.

the differences between communism, socialism, present democratic party
platform exist based on just who and what is doing it. All three
involve a COSMIC PLAYGROUND filled with interacting human
beans. All three can be or not be-----ruled by playground bitches
and alpha apes.........or not
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry. Socialism is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Democratic policy is working on that...
"We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. But he didn't know GOP power to sabotage and screw up... Nor do you dupes...
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

The Vatican News website celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Cuba. That is the revolution people flee from at risk of being eaten by sharks. It is the one that impoverished the entire country except for the few elites and made Cuba a dark and dismal place. A Cuban friend of mine was imprisoned by Castro for signing a petition and only released after Carter brokered a deal. That revolution.

Ultimate Offense! Pope Honors 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution
Is the Pope a communist? Who cares?
Millions care. A billion actually care.
Is the pope a communist? Since Jesus was, I guess that is to be expected.

Jesus Rivera?

Never mind, Frank, Jesus's lifestyle was definitely republican. He always wore white sandals on the golf course.

In fact-----Jesus WAS quite republican. he was not a refugee or an
immigrant and he played only with the LITERATE -----

Come on, Rosie, quit horsing around. People are tying to talk here!
What's the problem exactly, brainwashed functional Cold War dinosaur idiot...

have you spoken to Cubans lately------the expats with relatives still there?
That is communism, dumbass, not socialism get it? Of course not.
Explain to the class the differences between Communism, Socialism, and the Democratic Party platform.

I look forward to your short response, if any at all.

the differences between communism, socialism, present democratic party
platform exist based on just who and what is doing it. All three
involve a COSMIC PLAYGROUND filled with interacting human
beans. All three can be or not be-----ruled by playground bitches
and alpha apes.........or not
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry. Socialism is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Democratic policy is working on that...
"We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. But he didn't know GOP power to sabotage and screw up... Nor do you dupes...

you are delirious NATIONAL SOCIALISM depends on Oligarchy and
TOTALITARIANISM -------the local produce market is not the issue
Is the pope a communist? Since Jesus was, I guess that is to be expected.

Jesus Rivera?

Never mind, Frank, Jesus's lifestyle was definitely republican. He always wore white sandals on the golf course.

In fact-----Jesus WAS quite republican. he was not a refugee or an
immigrant and he played only with the LITERATE -----

Come on, Rosie, quit horsing around. People are tying to talk here!

"We are all socialists now!"-- Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. But he didn't know GOP power to sabotage and screw up... Nor do you dupes...
Yeah, those damn republicans messed up Obama's and Hillary's plan to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM AMERICA.
.Actually, it wasn't the spineless Republicans, but TRUMP almost single handedly! No wonder you guys hate him so much.
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

The Vatican News website celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Cuba. That is the revolution people flee from at risk of being eaten by sharks. It is the one that impoverished the entire country except for the few elites and made Cuba a dark and dismal place. A Cuban friend of mine was imprisoned by Castro for signing a petition and only released after Carter brokered a deal. That revolution.

Ultimate Offense! Pope Honors 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution
Yes, the Pope is communist. He came from a communist country, then rubbed shoulders with Obama, and demands that the worlds people all be the same, unless you are a Muslim of course.

Pope Francis’s Communist Mentor
Pope Francis grew up in socialist Argentina, an experience that left a deep impression on his thinking. He told the Latin American journalists Javier Camara and Sebastian Pfaffen that as a young man he “read books of the Communist Party that my boss in the laboratory gave me” and that “there was a period where I would wait anxiously for the newspaper La Vanguardia, which was not allowed to be sold with the other newspapers and was brought to us by the socialist militants.”
When he talked about US not having walls, but should allow anyone in, while hiding behind his Vatican Walls, holding onto billions of dollars, and eating quite well, while others get pittance, his Climate Change talk, certified his commie values...

wrong----the Nazis were socialists---------a SOCIALISM FOR THE
ARYAN RACE. The Baathists are socialists SOCIALISM FOR
THE ARAB RACE. see? national socialism. --
You can lead a tard to facts, but you cannot make him think.
Jesuits are one of the original GLOBALISTS!

Check out Jesuit writer Pierre Teihard de Chardin and priest who wrote 'The Omega Man'. Pope Francis quoted him in 2015!

Communist?...don't know....but a Globalist, fer' sure!!
He's a Jesuit piece of South American Slime.........OF COURSE that grinning, muslim-foot-sucking pig is a communist. And further evidence that NOTHING good ever came from the Cocaine Continent. Really, even tropical fruits and coffee from the American state of Hawaii are far, far superior than any biological life from the second-most-failed continent after Africa. Fuck Central and South America with every last quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul. A continent of pure failure and pure worthless savages. And FUCK Pope Frannie. Up his asshole. With that ridiculous golden scepter that these Catholipederast papal scumbags love to brandish like a kind of religious phallic symbol.

try to get a grip-----some people might be offended

NOBODY is born with some special right to never be offended. You know what offends me? The extreme, exploitive, greedy corruption and massive, MASSIVE pederast epidemic, extreme pederast ENABLERS of your dreary, sewer rat Catholicrap religion. Which wallows in guilt, suffering and misery. There is NOTHING about your scumbag Catholic criminal enterprise that is positive, hopeful, joyful, etc......everything about your institutionalized, HORRIBLY ABUSIVE, stupid, dictatorial fairy-tale Catholic sewer is 100% negative, that horrid Vatican is humanity's hemmorhoid.

Make no mistake, your criminal religion is SECOND only to Pisslam for being my most hated, destested, despised, abhorrent piece of religious bullshit on this planet. It is my sadistic JOY in life to offend you Catholics and your mafia-like criminal, crooked religious enterprise.

You're really dumb, rabid & feral, a typical Protestant.
Is the pope a communist? Since Jesus was, I guess that is to be expected.

Jesus Rivera?
Jesus was a socialist by today's definition. He was not for a dictatorship that owns all property and Industry and businesses. And no one else is anymore really are they? Only in Cold War dinosaur GOP propaganda...

communist and socialist is not SYNONYMS. ------socialist is barely
an ideology
So many GOP dupes believe they are synonyms. And you certainly confuse them... Take my word for it or ask any socialist, socialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. The GOP fights that as only the greedy idiot insane can.

wrong -------virtually the entire Midwest and south EQUATES communism and socialism---------lots of USA people is stupid. HOWEVER your statement that socialism is ALWAYS HOLY------is BS ----think

Yes, the South & Mid-West tend to see Socialism / Communism as Socialized Medicine & high taxes, in reality neither of these are particularly Socialist, as in controlling the means of production.
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He's a Jesuit piece of South American Slime.........OF COURSE that grinning, muslim-foot-sucking pig is a communist. And further evidence that NOTHING good ever came from the Cocaine Continent. Really, even tropical fruits and coffee from the American state of Hawaii are far, far superior than any biological life from the second-most-failed continent after Africa. Fuck Central and South America with every last quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul. A continent of pure failure and pure worthless savages. And FUCK Pope Frannie. Up his asshole. With that ridiculous golden scepter that these Catholipederast papal scumbags love to brandish like a kind of religious phallic symbol.

try to get a grip-----some people might be offended

NOBODY is born with some special right to never be offended. You know what offends me? The extreme, exploitive, greedy corruption and massive, MASSIVE pederast epidemic, extreme pederast ENABLERS of your dreary, sewer rat Catholicrap religion. Which wallows in guilt, suffering and misery. There is NOTHING about your scumbag Catholic criminal enterprise that is positive, hopeful, joyful, etc......everything about your institutionalized, HORRIBLY ABUSIVE, stupid, dictatorial fairy-tale Catholic sewer is 100% negative, that horrid Vatican is humanity's hemmorhoid.

Make no mistake, your criminal religion is SECOND only to Pisslam for being my most hated, destested, despised, abhorrent piece of religious bullshit on this planet. It is my sadistic JOY in life to offend you Catholics and your mafia-like criminal, crooked religious enterprise.

You're really dumb, rabid & feral, a typical Protestant.

fret not Sobie----the Pope IS A SOCIALIST------a national socialist for the
RACE called "catholics"------or THE HOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

The Vatican News website celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Cuba. That is the revolution people flee from at risk of being eaten by sharks. It is the one that impoverished the entire country except for the few elites and made Cuba a dark and dismal place. A Cuban friend of mine was imprisoned by Castro for signing a petition and only released after Carter brokered a deal. That revolution.

Ultimate Offense! Pope Honors 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution
Yes, the Pope is communist. He came from a communist country, then rubbed shoulders with Obama, and demands that the worlds people all be the same, unless you are a Muslim of course.

Pope Francis’s Communist Mentor
Pope Francis grew up in socialist Argentina, an experience that left a deep impression on his thinking. He told the Latin American journalists Javier Camara and Sebastian Pfaffen that as a young man he “read books of the Communist Party that my boss in the laboratory gave me” and that “there was a period where I would wait anxiously for the newspaper La Vanguardia, which was not allowed to be sold with the other newspapers and was brought to us by the socialist militants.”
When he talked about US not having walls, but should allow anyone in, while hiding behind his Vatican Walls, holding onto billions of dollars, and eating quite well, while others get pittance, his Climate Change talk, certified his commie values...


I didn't know that Argentina was an offical Communist country?
He's a Jesuit piece of South American Slime.........OF COURSE that grinning, muslim-foot-sucking pig is a communist. And further evidence that NOTHING good ever came from the Cocaine Continent. Really, even tropical fruits and coffee from the American state of Hawaii are far, far superior than any biological life from the second-most-failed continent after Africa. Fuck Central and South America with every last quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul. A continent of pure failure and pure worthless savages. And FUCK Pope Frannie. Up his asshole. With that ridiculous golden scepter that these Catholipederast papal scumbags love to brandish like a kind of religious phallic symbol.

try to get a grip-----some people might be offended

NOBODY is born with some special right to never be offended. You know what offends me? The extreme, exploitive, greedy corruption and massive, MASSIVE pederast epidemic, extreme pederast ENABLERS of your dreary, sewer rat Catholicrap religion. Which wallows in guilt, suffering and misery. There is NOTHING about your scumbag Catholic criminal enterprise that is positive, hopeful, joyful, etc......everything about your institutionalized, HORRIBLY ABUSIVE, stupid, dictatorial fairy-tale Catholic sewer is 100% negative, that horrid Vatican is humanity's hemmorhoid.

Make no mistake, your criminal religion is SECOND only to Pisslam for being my most hated, destested, despised, abhorrent piece of religious bullshit on this planet. It is my sadistic JOY in life to offend you Catholics and your mafia-like criminal, crooked religious enterprise.

You're really dumb, rabid & feral, a typical Protestant.

fret not Sobie----the Pope IS A SOCIALIST------a national socialist for the
RACE called "catholics"------or THE HOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE

Because every Nazi does this.

Pope Francis: Attacks on Jews are anti-Semitism, as are attacks on Israel
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

The Vatican News website celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Cuba. That is the revolution people flee from at risk of being eaten by sharks. It is the one that impoverished the entire country except for the few elites and made Cuba a dark and dismal place. A Cuban friend of mine was imprisoned by Castro for signing a petition and only released after Carter brokered a deal. That revolution.

Ultimate Offense! Pope Honors 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution

Yes the pope is a communist but not for the stupid and illogical reasons you stated.

First off, communism is an economic policy. Not political or social.

Second communism is an economic policy where the state owns everything. All the land. All the business. Everyone works for the government or leader of that government.

The Catholic Church owns all their churches. They don't sell anything and don't have any stores. Everyone who works in their churches and or lives in Vatican City works for the government/church. They are all paid by the government/church. All monies collected at their churches are the property of the government/church. There are no private businesses nor private ownership.

The catholic government is the pope, bishops and cardinals in Vatican City.

So yes for those reasons, the pope is a communist. Not because he celebrated an anniversary in Cuba.
So if he celebrates the election of Hitler he’s not a lover of Nazism? If he celebrated the Red Revolution and Stalins rise to power he’s not a lover of communism?

Yet, you seem to have no evidence that Pope Francis supports either of these, no?
Is the pope a communist? Since Jesus was, I guess that is to be expected.

Jesus Rivera?
Jesus was a socialist by today's definition. He was not for a dictatorship that owns all property and Industry and businesses. And no one else is anymore really are they? Only in Cold War dinosaur GOP propaganda...

communist and socialist is not SYNONYMS. ------socialist is barely
an ideology
Socialists would disagree with you. Socialist Party in France has been doing the same thing for over a hundred years.
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?

The Vatican News website celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Communist Revolution in Cuba. That is the revolution people flee from at risk of being eaten by sharks. It is the one that impoverished the entire country except for the few elites and made Cuba a dark and dismal place. A Cuban friend of mine was imprisoned by Castro for signing a petition and only released after Carter brokered a deal. That revolution.

Ultimate Offense! Pope Honors 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution

Yes the pope is a communist but not for the stupid and illogical reasons you stated.

First off, communism is an economic policy. Not political or social.

Second communism is an economic policy where the state owns everything. All the land. All the business. Everyone works for the government or leader of that government.

The Catholic Church owns all their churches. They don't sell anything and don't have any stores. Everyone who works in their churches and or lives in Vatican City works for the government/church. They are all paid by the government/church. All monies collected at their churches are the property of the government/church. There are no private businesses nor private ownership.

The catholic government is the pope, bishops and cardinals in Vatican City.

So yes for those reasons, the pope is a communist. Not because he celebrated an anniversary in Cuba.
So if he celebrates the election of Hitler he’s not a lover of Nazism? If he celebrated the Red Revolution and Stalins rise to power he’s not a lover of communism?

Yet, you seem to have no evidence that Pope Francis supports either of these, no?
He only celebrates the tyranny and torture camps of Cuba. Obviously people being eaten by sharks is something he applauds.

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