Is the US above the law ?

John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?

The US Senate never ratified any kind of treaty to allow an International Kangaroo Court to try its citizens.

Mr. Bolton is spot on correct here.

America is a sovereign nation, and doesn't bend a knee to foreign despots pretending to have authority over us.
If the U.S. respected its own laws, no outside judgement would be necessary. The war crimes perpetrated in the name of America have always gone unpunished, even here. The moral compass of the nation is and has been askew.
---------------------------------------------------------- OUTSIDE Judgement and finger wagging is possible but that just leads to the tears and the realization by the 'judges' and finger waggers that their outside Judgement means nothing '4eye' .
Law is a human concept and, thus, relative. Laws are made for those who can be made to conform. Who can force the U.S. to abide to anything it decides not to?
Nobody can force us to abide. We`re not a whole lot different than North Korea in a lot of ways.

How so?
It`s self explanatory. Just like NK, we give the civilized nations the finger when we withdraw from things like climate accords and the Iran deal for no other reason than to say FU! When our allies tried to talk us out of going to Iraq to look for mythical WMDs we said FU and came up with egg on our face along with 28,000 killed and wounded.
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?

Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?

Yes we do , don't you watch movies...

View attachment 215721
Is that the one where Demi Moore actually keeps her clothes on ?
But that one deals with internal matters not todays subject.
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?

Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?

Yes we do , don't you watch movies...

View attachment 215721
Is that the one where Demi Moore actually keeps her clothes on ?
But that one deals with internal matters not todays subject.

Of course it does, we are the biggest kids on the block what we says goes, just like when the king of England was in charge .

Law is a human concept and, thus, relative. Laws are made for those who can be made to conform. Who can force the U.S. to abide to anything it decides not to?
Nobody can force us to abide. We`re not a whole lot different than North Korea in a lot of ways.

How so?
It`s self explanatory. Just like NK, we give the civilized nations the finger when we withdraw from things like climate accords and the Iran deal for no other reason than to say FU! When our allies tried to talk us out of going to Iraq to look for mythical WMDs we said FU and came up with egg on our face along with 28,000 killed and wounded.

The mythical WMDs that ISIS used and we found are those the ones you talking about????

Law is a human concept and, thus, relative. Laws are made for those who can be made to conform. Who can force the U.S. to abide to anything it decides not to?
Nobody can force us to abide. We`re not a whole lot different than North Korea in a lot of ways.

How so?
It`s self explanatory. Just like NK, we give the civilized nations the finger when we withdraw from things like climate accords and the Iran deal for no other reason than to say FU! When our allies tried to talk us out of going to Iraq to look for mythical WMDs we said FU and came up with egg on our face along with 28,000 killed and wounded.

Climate accords/glowarm/ are all rackets. The weather/climate changes occurring on earth and other planets are being physically influenced by other celestial bodies in our solar system. Humans are but a pinprick. There was no iran deal. That all favors iran to continue their exploration into nuclear weapons. I agree on iraq. We should have never gone over there. We should have used hussein as a hedge against iran.
Law is a human concept and, thus, relative. Laws are made for those who can be made to conform. Who can force the U.S. to abide to anything it decides not to?
Nobody can force us to abide. We`re not a whole lot different than North Korea in a lot of ways.

How so?
It`s self explanatory. Just like NK, we give the civilized nations the finger when we withdraw from things like climate accords and the Iran deal for no other reason than to say FU! When our allies tried to talk us out of going to Iraq to look for mythical WMDs we said FU and came up with egg on our face along with 28,000 killed and wounded.

"We" never entered any climate accords, so "we" really didn't withdraw at all.

According to the Constitution, any binding treaty has to be ratified by the Senate.

The Paris Climate Accord was just unilaterally agreed to by B. Hussein O., so when he was deposed so was the agreement.
The U.S. had no problem judging other soldiers after WWII in International proceedings.
The lesson America is displaying to the world, once again, is that rights are made through might.
The U.S. had no problem judging other soldiers after WWII in International proceedings.
The lesson America is displaying to the world, once again, is that rights are made through might.

Two differences. One, the other soldiers in WWII lost the war.

Two, Germany didn't have an intact judicial system, like we have her in the United States today.
The U.S. had no problem judging other soldiers after WWII in International proceedings.
The lesson America is displaying to the world, once again, is that rights are made through might.

A note about WWII and there are plenty of examples.

After German SS Troops machine gunned 80 American captured soldiers
during the Battle of the Bulge, AND American forces found out about it...
The smart move for other German SS troops was to fight to the death.

Over 200 of them laid down their weapons to surrender and were shot
by American forces. Now those already in American Captivity were
left alone, but on the battlefield it was a different matter.

The Difference they started the War and we won the War.

William Calley and The Americal Division in Vietnam. His entire
Company engaged in a slaughter of a suspected Viet Cong Village.

Calley was the only soldier tried, and although he was sentenced to
Like In Prison, he, in fact only served 3 years under House Arrest.
And that slaughter was stopped by American Helicopter crews.

Might makes right. Always has...always will.
Is the US above the law ?

Yes, we certainly have the history that demonstrates that we believe we are.

The March, 2003 G. W. Bush Iraq War is likely the perfect example but there are other examples.
that was voted on in congress, isn't bush's after that.
John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?
Sure they do, moron. It's called the American justice system. You want a system run by a bunch of third world dictators to have jurisdiction over Americans. I can't imagine anything more unjust than that.
...It's called the UCMJ.

John Bolton to castigate ICC in Washington speech

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, will adopt an aggressive posture against the international criminal court (ICC), threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

Bolton is to make the announcement to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington on Monday. It will be his first major address since joining Donald’s Trump White House.

“The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech.

I dont think it is appropriate that only one side is brought to justice. Does the US have a process for dealing with its soldiers who commit atrocities ?
There’s a reason the UK is a third world shithole.
...The US does not have to conform to any civilised code...
Back in the day when Englishmen actually had balls and an Empire, they kept their own counsel regarding justice for their military.

But that was long ago, in a time of Lost Empires, and we understand why you cower today under internationalist umbrellas.

The weak always band together to try to coerce or pull-down the strong, and you certainly fall under the former category in our present age.

Consequently, you may be safely ignored in this matter, as a cause for considerable derisive laughter. :21:

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