Is the US Supreme Court still Legitimate? (Poll)

Is the US Supreme Court still legitimate, especially considering their Roe v Wade decision?

  • Yes

    Votes: 65 73.9%
  • No

    Votes: 23 26.1%

  • Total voters
Apparently you are pathologically unable to tell the truth.

Your original claim is that Justice Thomas was taking money.
That claim is a lie..
My original claim was that he was corrupt because his WIFE is taking money from orgs that come before his Court and refuses to recuse

But hay asshole...prove me wrong.

Post my "original claim"
Those are primarily the concerns of The Following

The Following...are NOT "most voters" and women are STILL pissed about Roe
So, they will vote to keep destroying the country to get back.
My original claim was that he was corrupt because his WIFE is taking money from orgs that come before his Court and refuses to recuse
This is a lie.

Your original claim:


And, you followed up with:


In both, you falsely claim that Justice Thomas is taking money.

Thus, asshole, you have been proven wrong, and, again, asshole, proven a liar.
Apparently you are pathologically unable to tell the truth.

I suspect you will now tuck your tail and skulk away.
As usual.
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Of course Roberts was nominated by the GOP
Many would agree with your opinion but many would not.
Did Biden say that or are you and McConnell putting your own corollary on it?
1. Yep, Roberts was nominated by the GOP, and his deciding non-partisan vote saved Obamacare. Dems now call the Roberts court "partisan, racist, biased, hacks, liars" and need to be balanced by court packing. Just showing that no "balanced political" act goes unpunished.

2. Justice Kavanaugh is qualified, period. Yale + experience = qualified.

3. I'm stating a FACT. The "Biden Rule" only works when the opposition has a nominee in an election year. Biden never held up a democrat nominee in an election year.
I guess you feel the government should not represent "popular opinion". I think that is its job.
We have about 250 years of "if it ain't broke don't fix it" to look rely on.
For example, "Prohibition" was apparently "popular" until it wasn't.
If you can get 38 state legislatures to approve an Amendment, then it happens, if not it doesn't. Simple.
Those are primarily the concerns of The Following
The Following...are NOT "most voters" and women are STILL pissed about Roe
We'll see in November and in 2024 who "most voters" are, meaning "most LEGITIMATE voters".
Women can vote on abortion, or they can vote on the price of groceries and the price of gas, and the 300 kids a day dying from Fentanyl, and open borders...

Stupid question based on Democrats not getting their way.

It's not a matter any more of if the USSC is 'legitimate' but rather if the Democrat Party is 'relevant' and should be taken seriously.

The answer is 'no'.

The Democrat Party has proven itself to be both a criminal organization run by criminals and traitors and a threat to the US.
That's just a baseless assertion.

Unlike Republicans, Democrats generally have just a little bit of shame still.

They had the votes to stack the court already in response to Republican stack, but they didn't.
Do you think anyone is taking your post seriously?
Your camp placed a Justice on the Court who couldn't even define what a female is. :auiqs.jpg:
Repubs did not stack the court, they placed a Constitutionalist on the existing court,
just like your camp would have placed a activist Justice on the court if given the chance.
Just look at the last three Justices placed by a democrat president.

I didn't say that the democrats would have stacked the Court, I said if more justices were added, that is stacking the Court.

Your comprehension sucks at times, Anton
I didn't say that the democrats would have stacked the Court, I said if more justices were added, that is stacking the Court.

Republicans stacked the court, Democrats DIDN'T in response, even though you've said that they would do so given any chance. Thats the point.

Adding justices to the court is completely constitutional, it's the same brute might-make-right tactics, but at least it's not as shameless as Republican lies were to install 6th conservative on the court a month before general election, while refusing Obama's nomination for almost a year under excuses that it was too close to election.
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And you are flat wrong.

Adding justices to the court is completely constitutional, it's the same coarse might-make-right tactics, but at least it's not as shameless as Republican lies were to install 6th conservative on the court a month before general election, while refusing Obama's nomination for almost a year under excuses that it was too close to election.
Mindless nonsense, driven by hyper-partisan butt-hurt.
If the Democrats had done what the GOP did, you would have stood up and applauded.
If the Democrats had done what the GOP did, you would have stood up and applauded.
THEY DIDN'T dummy, thats the point.

And NO, I would certainly not applaud such shameless lying, I would call it what it is. Unlike most of you rightwingers I still have some intelectual integrity left, so take your projection and shove it.
1. Yep, Roberts was nominated by the GOP, and his deciding non-partisan vote saved Obamacare. Dems now call the Roberts court "partisan, racist, biased, hacks, liars" and need to be balanced by court packing. Just showing that no "balanced political" act goes unpunished.
Is it Roberts being criticized or Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, and Barret?

3. I'm stating a FACT. The "Biden Rule" only works when the opposition has a nominee in an election year. Biden never held up a democrat nominee in an election year.
If it is Biden's rule it must be documented somewhere. I'll wait...

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