Is the US Supreme Court still Legitimate? (Poll)

Is the US Supreme Court still legitimate, especially considering their Roe v Wade decision?

  • Yes

    Votes: 65 73.9%
  • No

    Votes: 23 26.1%

  • Total voters
So you can not point to ANYTHING Republicans will do on gas and groceries?
Kinda thought so.
If Republicans don't lower the price of gas and groceries they will get bounced like the dems are about to be.

OBVIOUSLY, Republicans would "drill baby drill" to lower the price of oil & gas. Return to energy independence. (as before)
Then Republicans would cut wasteful regulations increasing supply of goods and services (as before)
Then Republicans would seal the border and deport those here illegally lowering demand for goods and services (as before)

Increasing supply, and reducing demand, leads to lower prices. Simple.
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Let me correct your statement:
All 5 are being criticized as "illegitimate" because of the "correct" Dodd decision on abortion.
So the downward spiral continues. If the Dems pack the court, you'll just refer to it as Schumer's interpretation?
1. correct is correct, no correction warranted. Agreed.
2. There is no downward spiral, duh. Try to pack the court, I dare you. I double-dare you.
Conservatives: It stinks when they're used against us, but it's important to uphold the institutions of American Government.
Leftists: If institutions are against us, they are evil adn must be torn down. If they are for us, they are amazing, patriotic, and as pure as the white snow!
Two Wings of the Same Vulture

It's pathetic that the Liberal claw of anti-populist tyranny has dominated the Judicial Supremacist clique since 1953 (started by a Republican Chief Justice) and our only recourse is to have Conservative justices repeal all those degenerate elitist mandates. Since the ruling class always punches real Americans in the face with a Left-Right combination, expect the Conservative SCROTUS to go beyond destroying Liberalism and start imposing anti-majority ultra-Right decrees.
The neo-soviet bed wetters want a global collectivist government, and a population that can be managed like livestock. Perhaps most vacuous democrook voters believe the DNC's bullshit, but these people are even dumber than AOC, and that takes effort...

Confused Grammar, Followed Blindly by Both Ideologies, Creates Confused Thought

Using "they" with a singular antecedent, as in "If someone lives in a glass house, they shouldn't throw stones" has been an effective way for the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords to sneak in collectivist grammar, which sets up collectivist thinking. I call out hypocrisy on anyone who continues to parrot this initial verbal attack on individualism.
Never happen, duh. There are way more small states, like RI, than large ones.
You would NEVER get 38 state legislatures to approve an Amendment to replace the EC with a popular vote, duh.
I agree that nothing will change, especially with the right wing on the supreme court in charge for a long time. Just commenting on why this nation is going down the tubes.
Let me get this straight....
1. The liberals want to get rid of the Supreme Court
2. The liberals want to get rid of the electoral College
3. ?

It sounds like they want to get rid of our Constitution, and run this country as a mob rule government.
I'm pretty sure you are not supposed to notice that.
If Republicans don't lower the price of gas and groceries they will get bounced like the dems are about to be.

OBVIOUSLY, Republicans would "drill baby drill" to lower the price of oil & gas. Return to energy independence. (as before)
Then Republicans would cut wasteful regulations increasing supply of goods and services (as before)
Then Republicans would seal the border and deport those here illegally lowering demand for goods and services (as before)

Increasing supply, and reducing demand, leads to lower prices. Simple.
"Then Republicans would seal the border and deport those here illegally lowering demand for goods and services (as before)"

I heard it a little differently. Deportations would far more likely be the deportation of hardened criminals who are addicted to trouble and misery to other human beings, and do not change when they cross the border. Why would we deport a person who engages in an education that will benefit others when they graduate? There's a time when you just can't put the baby back into the mother's belly. Many of us have religious backgrounds that require us to welcome the stranger, to be good neighbors, to choose peace over retaliation and above all, to do the right thing.
I agree that nothing will change, especially with the right wing on the supreme court in charge for a long time. Just commenting on why this nation is going down the tubes.
Just commenting? Just bullshitting. You didn't list any reasons why you think the US is going down the tubes.
My reasons are:
democrat policies
woke bullshit
gender bullshit
open borders
runaway inflation
an idiot president
a bigger idiot VP
teacher's unions pushing woke bullshit to our kids (CRT)
Colleges pushing the Leftist agenda
The Liberal World Order agenda
Our 401Ks are going to shit because of democrat largess caused high inflation, reminds me of Jimmy Carter's bad economy.

The USSC didn't make my list of why the US is in trouble.
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Right, you were just mindlessly rambling because you couldn't actually address what I said.
You can’t even acknowledge who and what you are.

Try this. It might help. Try to be clear in making your so-called “points.” Communication skills are very helpful. Try them someday.
You can’t even acknowledge who and what you are.

Try this. It might help. Try to be clear in making your so-called “points.” Communication skills are very helpful. Try them someday.

I was clear with my points. You weren't. You can't even explain what you said. You said My side. I'm asking you to define what side that is. It's not a tough question.
The democrats, the Left, and now their propaganda arm, the MSM, are mounting a campaign to hurt the USSC's "legitimacy".

On Friday, June 24, an extremist majority of the U.S. Supreme Court overruled more than 50 years of legal precedent, taking away a previously recognized fundamental right for the first time in the court's history. In doing so, it unleashed the full force of a regressive, coordinated state-by-state attack on the already perilously eroded right to access an abortion, on women's rights, the human right to bodily autonomy, privacy, and control over our own lives and dignity, and to life-saving healthcare and freedoms.

It’s time to say it: the US supreme court has become an illegitimate institution​

You can read all of the Leftist tripe about "precedent" or "women's rights", but you won't read anything about how the Dobbs decision was technically wrong as to the USSC's "mis"interpretation of the US Constitution. Even RBG said that Roe was poorly decided.
I do have a serious problem with the way the Republicans refused to even debate Obama's last nominee to the court, making some bullshit non-existent claim that an appointment should not be done in an election year.

And yet when Orange Jesus nominated a judge in an election year, the very same Republicans confirmed the appointment in record time.

The organization formerly known as the Republican Party has become a parody of itself. It's not even hypocritical any more. It is just plain evil.

With that said, the Supreme Court is not "constitutionally illegitimate" as claimed in the links you provided.

The GOP is totally illegitimate, but the Court isn't.

I find this bit in one of your links to be utterly ridiculous:

The immediate and long-term impact of this decision in Dobbs v. Jackson will be disproportionately felt by poor women, women of color, transgender, and gender non-confirming people, all of whom already face increased healthcare disparities and economic insecurity.

I sure would like some leftie to explain to me how the Dobbs decision will affect transgender and gender non-confirming people (whatever that is).

And then there's this:
In over 20 states today, women have lost or are likely to lose the right to control their bodies and reproductive health.

I have an idea for the people whose thinking is this fucked up:

I was clear with my points. You weren't. You can't even explain what you said. You said My side. I'm asking you to define what side that is. It's not a tough question.
No you weren’t clear. You always seem to imagine that you are. But you’re wrong.

Why would you ask me? Don’t you know what side you’re on? :cuckoo:

You truly aren’t very bright.
I do have a serious problem with the way the Republicans refused to even debate Obama's last nominee to the court, making some bullshit non-existent claim that an appointment should not be done in an election year.

Ffs. Get over it. Meritless Garland has long since shown that he would have been an unmitigated disaster on the SCOTUS.
And yet when Orange Jesus nominated a judge in an election year, the very same Republicans confirmed the appointment in record time.
The organization formerly known as the Republican Party has become a parody of itself. It's not even hypocritical any more. It is just plain evil.

Lil g is crying!
With that said, the Supreme Court is not "constitutionally illegitimate" as claimed in the links you provided.
The GOP is totally illegitimate,
Nope. Perfectly legit.
but the Court isn't.
Only assholes think the SCOTUS is illegitimate.
Ffs. Get over it. Meritless Garland has long since shown that he would have been an unmitigated disaster on the SCOTUS.

Yes, you have long demonstrated your tolerance of the stench of hypocrisy you carry with you everywhere you go.

It's funny how the tard herd is okay with ACTUALLY rigging the Supreme Court.

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