Is there a terrorist training camp near you?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Okay, won't take long for libs to show up and bash me for hating Muslims. This is about terrorists. We have a lot of groups here in the U.S. who are associated with well-known terrorist organizations. Let's focus on that and try to ignore the fact that most of them just happen to be Muslims.

Even the Obama administration has people who have strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB has long been considered a terrorist organization, at least until Obama got in office and declared them a valid form of government and started treating them with undeserved repsect. CAIR has terrorist ties, yet that doesn't stop them from being heavily involved in public policy, even in our schools.

We also have terrorist training camps with strong ties to some of the worst terrorist organizations. And yet, little is done.

When anyone even brings up Muslim terrorists, the left immediately cries about how profiling is wrong and only committed by Islamaphobes. They do this to discourage people from taking a hard look at what is actually going on in our own country. Don't let the left ridicule you to the point where you are afraid to speak out. That is their intent.

Terrorist Training Camps in the U.S.

Interesting how just one word in a news headline reveals the agenda of the media. This morning, the Washington Post reported an AP story "Judge: Spying on NJ Muslims by NYPD was legal."

Someone once asked me about "racial profiling" of Muslims. I responded that the issue was not "profiling" which is the PC word liberal progressives love to use to make you uncomfortable. The issue is trend analysis. In combat, as well as in law enforcement investigations, you study trends in order to understand the adversaries.
But woe betide you if your trends point in one particular direction.

In 2012, eight Muslims sued the New York Police Department of spying on ordinary people at mosques, restaurants and schools in New Jersey since 2002. However, US District Judge William Martini dismissed the lawsuit saying it was a lawful effort to prevent terrorism, not a civil rights violation.

I’m quite sure President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are trying to figure out what they can do to reverse the decision. I can almost hear all the individuals associated with the Muslim Brotherhood working within the Obama administration making the calls right now. Funny thing though, it’s apparently ok to conduct wide-open blanket surveillance – spying — on the general American public despite that pesky Fourth Amendment thing about "unreasonable search and seizure."
We had a terrorist around here until he was caught. Not training -- he had already killed and maimed people. He was hiding out.

His name was Eric Rudolph. Wasn't Muslim though, sorry.

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