Is there an alternative search engine to Google, the firing of Mr. Damore is authoritarian

He was on Tucker Carlson tonight and he was fired for "perpetuating gender stereotypes". I mean, is this real? Is this the level of totalitarianism that is accepted? God help the next generation if true. Noone stood up for him either, it's like everyone in these cults are Mini Jacks from Lord of the Flies.

Tucker asked a very important question, "if this is how they conduct business publicly, how do they conduct business privately"? A valid question.
Orbot. Safe, secure, and anonymous.
Google need to be broken up, it's search engine made an independent company.

There is no alternative to Google. Bing isn't competitive and only has some market share because it's preloaded with Windows. Google is too big for anyone else to crack the market. DuckDuckGo is an amateur job with no detectable market share. Yahoo is just a portal to Google or Bing.
Google need to be broken up, it's search engine made an independent company.

There is no alternative to Google. Bing isn't competitive and only has some market share because it's preloaded with Windows. Google is too big for anyone else to crack the market. DuckDuckGo is an amateur job with no detectable market share. Yahoo is just a portal to Google or Bing.
The same argument can be made against YouTube. Though with so many people searching for alternatives to both... How can the market remain so void?
The same argument can be made against YouTube. Though with so many people searching for alternatives to both... How can the market remain so void?

Every video you want is on Youtube, and if you go anywhere else, you'll have relative trouble finding videos, and so you stay with Youtube and upload your own videos to Youtube. This causes Youtube's success to be self-perpetuating. Google would almost have to deliberately destroy it to make Youtube lose it's top spot.

Youtube doesn't stand alone. It's part of Google's web of internet dominance. So, even you magically could match Youtube's content, you still wouldn't be able to compete. You'd have no advertisers to keep your site going, but Google controls most of the internet's advertisement revenue. If content and money were magically taken care of, Google still runs the mother of all search engines, and could tweak searches to direct people to Youtube rather than your site, causing you to gradually fade away. Even if you also produced a great search engine to take care of searches, in addition to content and money, you still couldn't get any search users as most people stick whatever comes default with their browser (Chrome) or OS (Android). And, if you made the world's best OS to get search users, Google would send a self-driving car to run you over.
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You better just stay off the Internet. Microsoft owns Bing and Bill Gates is one of those pesky liberals too.
So its fascism now for a private company to fire an employee because they complained about company's policy in a work email?

You clearly do not know the meaning of fascism.

1) Anyone who supports a large publicly-traded company suppressing even moderate-right speech supports the government doing at least the same with far-right speech.

2) Google's size and dominance in several markets gives it quasi-government control. Not to mention that Google's dominance is protected by anti-competitive government laws, such excessively strong patent laws and extensive government regulation.

Google should be broken up. At the very least, its search business spun-off -- even without factoring in Google's leftwing bigotry. But, Republicans are too busy being worthless to pursue this.

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