Is There ANY Chance Hilary Will Do the Honorable Thing and Suspend Her Campaign?

The Ruskies would much rather debate an amateur US/Russian policy negotiator like Trump than a seasoned veteran at dealing with world issues like a former secretary of state.

Only a fool would allow the Russians to dictate our voting. No matter if it is Trump or Clinton it would be wise to ignore any attempted influence by Putin.
so you could care less that Russia could've hacked classified information from Hillary's illegal email account?

Show me the evidence that they did.

Even if they did so what? We have people smart enough to hack ANYTHING and they probably do too. Are we going to start blaming the victims of hacking now? THAT is a VERY slippery path you want to go down.
Is the AP a legitimate enough source for you guys? Let's make it clear. Do you libs categorically deny that Hilary clintons email server was not hacked by any foreign govt? Or will you just say there is no evidence. If it walks like a duck,...........

REPORT: Hillary’s Emails Hacked by Russia – Kremlin Deciding Whether to Release 20,000 Stolen Emails (VIDEO)


Click the links, clown shoes. The "source" is still "Sorcha Faal".

I know how much you want to believe it, but you'd think you'd be sick of being made fools of yourselves by now.

I have no problem with the Doctor having his,or her opinion or it being opposite of mine or her expressing it, but when th msenior mod calls someone clown shoes, does not dispute the claim but the source of the claim, one has to ask if we are in a Facebook,situation, and whether we have objective oversight. For the doctors information even the national enquirer has exposed scandals. When I posted another article with an AP reference written by a person from,the Washington times, I guess th Doctor discounts those too. What is a agreed upon fact is that Hilary had spam on her server that could have been used for hacking connected to somewhere in Russia. The doctor has disproved nothing but resorted to behavior that involves ad hominems and personal attacks. I can use the same insults about you will believe anything if Hilary says it, but I choose not to behave like that. We will have a clear picture when the fbi finally turns in its report, and we will see who has been wearing the clown shoes.

Skylar is another story. He claims an article with anonymous sources put out by the New York Times is the last word on the email scandal. Talk about questionable sources. And what is another fact is that the Clinton machine has a history of planting stories in the friendly media to deflect from reality.

Here's where we are. I can't prove for a fact that her emails have been hacked by a foreign power and the doctor and skylar can't prove that they haven't. I will form an opinion on what I know and they will form an opinion on what they know, and we all have our biases. That's why we have a message board.
Is the AP a legitimate enough source for you guys? Let's make it clear. Do you libs categorically deny that Hilary clintons email server was not hacked by any foreign govt? Or will you just say there is no evidence. If it walks like a duck,...........

REPORT: Hillary’s Emails Hacked by Russia – Kremlin Deciding Whether to Release 20,000 Stolen Emails (VIDEO)


Click the links, clown shoes. The "source" is still "Sorcha Faal".

I know how much you want to believe it, but you'd think you'd be sick of being made fools of yourselves by now.

I have no problem with the Doctor having his,or her opinion or it being opposite of mine or her expressing it, but when th msenior mod calls someone clown shoes, does not dispute the claim but the source of the claim, one has to ask if we are in a Facebook,situation, and whether we have objective oversight.

Your source is just some dude with a website typing shit.

That's not evidence. That's accusation. You may not be able to tell the difference. But a rational person could.

Factually establish your claims first. Until you do, what is there to dispute?
Ruh's hitting the bigger news....Gateway Pundit, The Blaze, Political Insider, etc.....

Does The Kremlin Have Hillary Clinton’s Emails?
Not only did she have a private unauthorized server....they're now saying that she NEVER USED a government email address at all. That ALL OF her work went through the private email server. All of it. And now the Kremlin has it.

If anyone else....a military officer or FBI agent or GOP Senator on the Intel Committee.....did this....they be in handcuffs already.
Oh my God...... the source of this story says a planet was ejected from the center of the galaxy and is coming to kill us all!!! :eek:

Mysterious Planet Ejected From Black Hole At Center Of Galaxy Warned Could Soon Impact Earth
I am so glad you saw that, now I need to loot and pillage until doomsday...
Does that mean it wasn't hacked?

There's no evidence of it.
says who? Not the FBI...

Show us the evidence of a hack. The security logs show none.

reality is irrelevant to the trolls. so many right wing 'outrages', its not what they can prove. Its what they can *allege*. As its not like they're going to fact check it, nor give a fiddler's fuck of the outcome. Of all of the RW 'outrages'......which was worth a shit?

Benghazi? Nothing.

The IRS? Nothing.

Hillary and her email server? Nothing.

With the last being especially Powell and Rice did the exact same thing. And these same conservatives said jack shit. They just don't care about the issue. They care about the accusations. As to many of our most feckless right wingers, an accusation is evidence.

Whitewater, 15 conviction on 40 different charges. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton was never served her indictment, too big to jail. the establishment takes care of their own.
The Ruskies would much rather debate an amateur US/Russian policy negotiator like Trump than a seasoned veteran at dealing with world issues like a former secretary of state.

Only a fool would allow the Russians to dictate our voting. No matter if it is Trump or Clinton it would be wise to ignore any attempted influence by Putin.
so you could care less that Russia could've hacked classified information from Hillary's illegal email account?

There isn't an e-mail server or personal account in the world that cannot be hacked. So yes, I could care less. A lot less. If she did something intentional that would be a different story. Blaming someone because some criminal steals into their e-mail is ridiculous.

I get it that this stupid e-mail thing is all you have to work with. One would think that as much as you hate her there would be something with some meat on it. I don't HATE Hillary with the mindless fervor that some of you do. I REALLY do hate her husband. I wouldn't and won't vote for her. But e-mails ?? Really?

I don't blame her for what happened at Benghazi either. The reasons given why it happened were lame and she had egg on her face and had to correct herself. I think some of you can't tell the difference between someone getting murdered and someone being interviewed afterwards on TV and getting the reason it happened wrong.

I think the mindless hatred you people exhibit makes your brains stop functioning.

If you don't like Clinton for what color nail polish she uses by all means DON'T vote for her. She is a shrill professional politician. Her voice is irritating. If her politics is anything like Bill's she could really fuck up our country like he did.

No, I'll just call her out for her proven lies as seen in any of the links in my signature line.

There isn't an e-mail server or personal account in the world that cannot be hacked. So yes, I could care less. A lot less. If she did something intentional that would be a different story. Blaming someone because some criminal steals into their e-mail is ridiculous.

I get it that this stupid e-mail thing is all you have to work with. One would think that as much as you hate her there would be something with some meat on it. I don't HATE Hillary with the mindless fervor that some of you do. I REALLY do hate her husband. I wouldn't and won't vote for her. But e-mails ?? Really?

I don't blame her for what happened at Benghazi either. The reasons given why it happened were lame and she had egg on her face and had to correct herself. I think some of you can't tell the difference between someone getting murdered and someone being interviewed afterwards on TV and getting the reason it happened wrong.

I think the mindless hatred you people exhibit makes your brains stop functioning.

If you don't like Clinton for what color nail polish she uses by all means DON'T vote for her. She is a shrill professional politician. Her voice is irritating. If her politics is anything like Bill's she could really fuck up our country like he did.

Huggy, you may be a hack who will do anything or say anything to promote your party, but you don't know shit about systems and are talking out of your ass.

Hillary commission an Exchange 2007 box to escape the archiving and ediscovery of the federal system so that she could violate FOA requests, she is a career criminal, obscuring the audit trail is part of the nature of a crook like Hillary.

One of the features of Exchange 2007 is encryption. It uses AES 256 bit PKI to encrypt. Despite your ignorant bullshit above, this is exceedingly difficult to crack, with 4 quintillion (that is thousand trillion) combinations, even a super computer would take year to crack the encryption with brute force.

But Hillary didn't enable encryption. Her outdated blackberry didn't support it, so she ordered it kept off, hence the email of the SOS was completely unsecured.

Not only did she violate dozens of laws, that any system administrator would go to jail for under SOX, but she insisted on a vulnerable server so that she didn't have to bother to learn a new phones. (Both iPhone and Android fully support encryption.)

So cut the bullshit.
[ so many right wing 'outrages', its not what they can prove. Its what they can *allege*. As its not like they're going to fact check it, nor give a fiddler's fuck of the outcome. Of all of the RW 'outrages'......which was worth a shit?

Benghazi? Nothing.

The IRS? Nothing.

Hillary and her email server? Nothing.

With the last being especially Powell and Rice did the exact same thing. And these same conservatives said jack shit. They just don't care about the issue. They care about the accusations. As to many of our most feckless right wingers, an accusation is evidence.

The law simply does not apply to powerful party members.

With you, it is party above all. Truth is simply that which serves the party.
Your source is just some dude with a website typing shit.

That's not evidence. That's accusation. You may not be able to tell the difference. But a rational person could.

Factually establish your claims first. Until you do, what is there to dispute?

Well not everyone can have the "credible" sources you use..


Did I forget Stormfront? Wait, is that one of the hate sites you use? I get hate sites mixed up, since they all spew vile shit...
Whitewater, 15 conviction on 40 different charges. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton was never served her indictment, too big to jail. the establishment takes care of their own.

But at least the McDougals went to prison for the same acts on the same evidence.

Party members of a certain rank are simply not subject to the laws that govern commoners and Republicans.

Hillary is above the law.
Is the AP a legitimate enough source for you guys? Let's make it clear. Do you libs categorically deny that Hilary clintons email server was not hacked by any foreign govt? Or will you just say there is no evidence. If it walks like a duck,...........

REPORT: Hillary’s Emails Hacked by Russia – Kremlin Deciding Whether to Release 20,000 Stolen Emails (VIDEO)


Click the links, clown shoes. The "source" is still "Sorcha Faal".

I know how much you want to believe it, but you'd think you'd be sick of being made fools of yourselves by now.

I have no problem with the Doctor having his,or her opinion or it being opposite of mine or her expressing it, but when th msenior mod calls someone clown shoes, does not dispute the claim but the source of the claim, one has to ask if we are in a Facebook,situation, and whether we have objective oversight. For the doctors information even the national enquirer has exposed scandals. When I posted another article with an AP reference written by a person from,the Washington times, I guess th Doctor discounts those too. What is a agreed upon fact is that Hilary had spam on her server that could have been used for hacking connected to somewhere in Russia. The doctor has disproved nothing but resorted to behavior that involves ad hominems and personal attacks. I can use the same insults about you will believe anything if Hilary says it, but I choose not to behave like that. We will have a clear picture when the fbi finally turns in its report, and we will see who has been wearing the clown shoes.

Skylar is another story. He claims an article with anonymous sources put out by the New York Times is the last word on the email scandal. Talk about questionable sources. And what is another fact is that the Clinton machine has a history of planting stories in the friendly media to deflect from reality.

Here's where we are. I can't prove for a fact that her emails have been hacked by a foreign power and the doctor and skylar can't prove that they haven't. I will form an opinion on what I know and they will form an opinion on what they know, and we all have our biases. That's why we have a message board.

Whine whine whine. Why are you trying to shut down my freedom of speech, clown shoes?

There's no need for me to "dispute the claim", since it's pure fiction written by a documented nutjob.

The fact that you believe it anyway is your problem, not mine - I feel no need to "prove" it to you.

As for "even the National Enquirer breaks scandals" - yes, that's true. A broken clock is right twice a day. Does that mean I should believe that Sarah Palin has serviced entire NBA teams? I'm pretty sure I read that in the National Enquirer, too.

As for you "choosing not to behave like that" - being a passive aggressive, whiny bitch is a lot worse than being honestly aggressive. Your moral high ground is bullshit, just like your deep desire to believe anything that makes you feel good.

There isn't an e-mail server or personal account in the world that cannot be hacked. So yes, I could care less. A lot less. If she did something intentional that would be a different story. Blaming someone because some criminal steals into their e-mail is ridiculous.

I get it that this stupid e-mail thing is all you have to work with. One would think that as much as you hate her there would be something with some meat on it. I don't HATE Hillary with the mindless fervor that some of you do. I REALLY do hate her husband. I wouldn't and won't vote for her. But e-mails ?? Really?

I don't blame her for what happened at Benghazi either. The reasons given why it happened were lame and she had egg on her face and had to correct herself. I think some of you can't tell the difference between someone getting murdered and someone being interviewed afterwards on TV and getting the reason it happened wrong.

I think the mindless hatred you people exhibit makes your brains stop functioning.

If you don't like Clinton for what color nail polish she uses by all means DON'T vote for her. She is a shrill professional politician. Her voice is irritating. If her politics is anything like Bill's she could really fuck up our country like he did.

Huggy, you may be a hack who will do anything or say anything to promote your party, but you don't know shit about systems and are talking out of your ass.

Hillary commission an Exchange 2007 box to escape the archiving and ediscovery of the federal system so that she could violate FOA requests, she is a career criminal, obscuring the audit trail is part of the nature of a crook like Hillary.

One of the features of Exchange 2007 is encryption. It uses AES 256 bit PKI to encrypt. Despite your ignorant bullshit above, this is exceedingly difficult to crack, with 4 quintillion (that is thousand trillion) combinations, even a super computer would take year to crack the encryption with brute force.

But Hillary didn't enable encryption. Her outdated blackberry didn't support it, so she ordered it kept off, hence the email of the SOS was completely unsecured.

Not only did she violate dozens of laws, that any system administrator would go to jail for under SOX, but she insisted on a vulnerable server so that she didn't have to bother to learn a new phones. (Both iPhone and Android fully support encryption.)

So cut the bullshit.

I seriously doubt ANY top level politician or cabinet member of ANY party is a top notch computer wiz. My guess is that there are people on the payroll who's sole job is to make those kind of decisions. Do you REALLY think the NSA wasn't aware of what methods Mrs Clinton communicated with? If her e-mails were open to the public like you swear they are then there would be NSA and CIA people with their hair on fire screaming at her computer wiz kid to tighten up his shit. Sorry. I just don't buy into your premise. First it isn't HER job or anyone's job in the cabinet of ANY administration to be a computer genius. What? you think she just toddled into Best Buy and bought herself a Backberry and nobody in this countries' security bizwiz didn't have ANY say in it? That's just ludicrous.

You are the one that needs to pare down the bullshit.
I seriously doubt ANY top level politician or cabinet member of ANY party is a top notch computer wiz.

Irrelevant, had Hillary obeyed the law, he email would have been secure. Of course it would also be traceable, per the law.

My guess is that there are people on the payroll who's sole job is to make those kind of

Hillary violated the law to get away from the professionals, who by law would archive all email per ediscovery statutes. BECAUSE she is a criminal, she wanted to keep her email out of FOA reach.

Do you REALLY think the NSA wasn't aware of what methods Mrs Clinton communicated with?

No idea, I do know that the IT firm who set up her private system suggested she enable encryption, which she refused to do because her ancient blackberry didn't support it. She placed her own convenience ahead of national security.

If her e-mails were open to the public like you swear they are then there would be NSA and CIA people with their hair on fire screaming at her computer wiz kid to tighten up his shit.

What the fuck?

You pay no attention at all to real life, do you? What do you think the issue is about?

I know you only care about your party, but really.

Sorry. I just don't buy into your premise.

That's because you're an ignorant hack.

First it isn't HER job or anyone's job in the cabinet of ANY administration to be a computer genius.

Her job was to use the federal government servers. She violated the law and set up and off the books system.

What? you think she just toddled into Best Buy and bought herself a Backberry and nobody in this countries' security bizwiz didn't have ANY say in it? That's just ludicrous.

You are the one that needs to pare down the bullshit.

You may be an ignorant hack, but at least you'll say anything to cover for you party. Technology changes. When Clinton was in the Senate and bought the Blackberry, it was a popular platform. Security was not nearly as sophisticated. By the time she was anointed as SOS, major advances in security had been made. She employed 1997 technology in a very different world.

What Clinton did was criminal and dangerous, you don't care because party is all to you. But reality doesn't change to match your partisanship.
Is the AP a legitimate enough source for you guys? Let's make it clear. Do you libs categorically deny that Hilary clintons email server was not hacked by any foreign govt? Or will you just say there is no evidence. If it walks like a duck,...........

REPORT: Hillary’s Emails Hacked by Russia – Kremlin Deciding Whether to Release 20,000 Stolen Emails (VIDEO)


Click the links, clown shoes. The "source" is still "Sorcha Faal".

I know how much you want to believe it, but you'd think you'd be sick of being made fools of yourselves by now.

I have no problem with the Doctor having his,or her opinion or it being opposite of mine or her expressing it, but when th msenior mod calls someone clown shoes, does not dispute the claim but the source of the claim, one has to ask if we are in a Facebook,situation, and whether we have objective oversight. For the doctors information even the national enquirer has exposed scandals. When I posted another article with an AP reference written by a person from,the Washington times, I guess th Doctor discounts those too. What is a agreed upon fact is that Hilary had spam on her server that could have been used for hacking connected to somewhere in Russia. The doctor has disproved nothing but resorted to behavior that involves ad hominems and personal attacks. I can use the same insults about you will believe anything if Hilary says it, but I choose not to behave like that. We will have a clear picture when the fbi finally turns in its report, and we will see who has been wearing the clown shoes.

Skylar is another story. He claims an article with anonymous sources put out by the New York Times is the last word on the email scandal. Talk about questionable sources. And what is another fact is that the Clinton machine has a history of planting stories in the friendly media to deflect from reality.

Here's where we are. I can't prove for a fact that her emails have been hacked by a foreign power and the doctor and skylar can't prove that they haven't. I will form an opinion on what I know and they will form an opinion on what they know, and we all have our biases. That's why we have a message board.

Whine whine whine. Why are you trying to shut down my freedom of speech, clown shoes?

There's no need for me to "dispute the claim", since it's pure fiction written by a documented nutjob.

The fact that you believe it anyway is your problem, not mine - I feel no need to "prove" it to you.

As for "even the National Enquirer breaks scandals" - yes, that's true. A broken clock is right twice a day. Does that mean I should believe that Sarah Palin has serviced entire NBA teams? I'm pretty sure I read that in the National Enquirer, too.

As for you "choosing not to behave like that" - being a passive aggressive, whiny bitch is a lot worse than being honestly aggressive. Your moral high ground is bullshit, just like your deep desire to believe anything that makes you feel good.

I seriously doubt ANY top level politician or cabinet member of ANY party is a top notch computer wiz.

Irrelevant, had Hillary obeyed the law, he email would have been secure. Of course it would also be traceable, per the law.

My guess is that there are people on the payroll who's sole job is to make those kind of

Hillary violated the law to get away from the professionals, who by law would archive all email per ediscovery statutes. BECAUSE she is a criminal, she wanted to keep her email out of FOA reach.

Do you REALLY think the NSA wasn't aware of what methods Mrs Clinton communicated with?

No idea, I do know that the IT firm who set up her private system suggested she enable encryption, which she refused to do because her ancient blackberry didn't support it. She placed her own convenience ahead of national security.

If her e-mails were open to the public like you swear they are then there would be NSA and CIA people with their hair on fire screaming at her computer wiz kid to tighten up his shit.

What the fuck?

You pay no attention at all to real life, do you? What do you think the issue is about?

I know you only care about your party, but really.

Sorry. I just don't buy into your premise.

That's because you're an ignorant hack.

First it isn't HER job or anyone's job in the cabinet of ANY administration to be a computer genius.

Her job was to use the federal government servers. She violated the law and set up and off the books system.

What? you think she just toddled into Best Buy and bought herself a Backberry and nobody in this countries' security bizwiz didn't have ANY say in it? That's just ludicrous.

You are the one that needs to pare down the bullshit.

You may be an ignorant hack, but at least you'll say anything to cover for you party. Technology changes. When Clinton was in the Senate and bought the Blackberry, it was a popular platform. Security was not nearly as sophisticated. By the time she was anointed as SOS, major advances in security had been made. She employed 1997 technology in a very different world.

What Clinton did was criminal and dangerous, you don't care because party is all to you. But reality doesn't change to match your partisanship.

"cover for MY party?" You REALLY are a moron. Let me make this as clear as I can so even a hack puppet like you can understand it. I've NEVER voted for a democrat candidate in my life..EVER!

You THINK you are smart and know what my party is but obviously you do not. People that make claims as you constantly do over the clear objection by the only person that is responsible for my vote, me, are just sad willfully ignorant bullies. You think if you say something enough times it will be true. Sorry Sparky reality doesn't conform to your bullshit.

I could be wrong about the e-mails but I don't think so. I think YOU get your talking points from some hack RW sites that feed morons like you your marching orders.

One thing that is obvious is if you were correct the FBI would have found the broken laws you ramble on about and charged her with these crimes. Mrs Clinton is not above the law. She holds no office that could protect her as in the case of other investigations of sitting elected officials that hide behind their offices to stalemate investigations. Hillary enjoys no such privilege. I think the FBI is smarter than you. So far the FBI hasn't charged her with anything. If they do I will be the first to give you credit for this amazing discovery you seem so proud of. Until that happens it is you that is out on a limb with NOTHING but your hate fueling this nonsense.
Whew it is great to know that I have struck a nerve. It is interesting to see people like the doctor become more and more enraged as their bullying and insulting tactics fail to cower their nemesis. Your claim that it is pure fiction is your opinion not a fact. Your psychological bull shit can be boiled down to alinskys rules where people with manners can be overwhelmed by rude people. You simply cannot stand that a person of different ideology can present cogent arguments that challenge your world view, so you demean. Your ranting and raving Is just that. Your posts seem mostly full of bitterness and an extreme dislike of this poster. Too bad your elitism is so challenged by this clown poster. Take another Xanax, vent, go ahead and post another diatribe about what a tiny brained moron I am and I make no difference to you. I just hope that when the hildabeast and her ilk crash and burn that your friends at usmb monitor you closely and keep all sharp objects away from you so that you cannot hurt yourself.
Whew it is great to know that I have struck a nerve. It is interesting to see people like the doctor become more and more enraged as their bullying and insulting tactics fail to cower their nemesis. Your claim that it is pure fiction is your opinion not a fact. Your psychological bull shit can be boiled down to alinskys rules where people with manners can be overwhelmed by rude people. You simply cannot stand that a person of different ideology can present cogent arguments that challenge your world view, so you demean. Your ranting and raving Is just that. Your posts seem mostly full of bitterness and an extreme dislike of this poster. Too bad your elitism is so challenged by this clown poster. Take another Xanax, vent, go ahead and post another diatribe about what a tiny brained moron I am and I make no difference to you. I just hope that when the hildabeast and her ilk crash and burn that your friends at usmb monitor you closely and keep all sharp objects away from you so that you cannot hurt yourself.


Looks like I'm the one who struck a nerve, clown shoes. Do you need a "safe space" to get over my terrible "bullying"?

You should write another essay about how little you care.
Kremlin War Erupts Over Release Of Top Secret Hillary Clinton Emails

For those sick of the whole prediction craze lets wail on Hilary for a moment.

Foreign country holding Hilary's emails, just like was predicted all along. What more is needed. How many more hairs can the Dems split. Former state dept employees, former military, lawyers familiar with such cases on both sides of the political spectrum agree that anyone else accused of what she has done would be,prosecuted or in jail. It is also no stretch to assume that agents lost their lives because of Hilary's wide open server. We may never know because of the secrecy of black ops. No other person could even consider a run for the presidency with such criminal baggage. I suspect that shrillary would never give up the quest until someone pries the microphone from her cold dead hands, but maybe someone can point out an instance where Hilary did the honorable thing. If she truly cared about her country before herself, she would suspend her campaign. Hell will freeze over first.
Hillary Clinton didn't care about her husband's rape victim, nor her guilty clients rape victim - why would she ever care about America? This is another reason Hillary Clinton is unfit to become president.

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