Is There ANY Chance Hilary Will Do the Honorable Thing and Suspend Her Campaign?

"cover for MY party?" You REALLY are a moron. Let me make this as clear as I can so even a hack puppet like you can understand it. I've NEVER voted for a democrat candidate in my life..EVER!

That must explain why every post by you promoted democrats and/or attacks conservatives.

You THINK you are smart and know what my party is but obviously you do not. People that make claims as you constantly do over the clear objection by the only person that is responsible for my vote, me, are just sad willfully ignorant bullies. You think if you say something enough times it will be true. Sorry Sparky reality doesn't conform to your bullshit.

I know that I'm smart.

So can you link to the last three posts where you criticized democrats?

I could be wrong about the e-mails but I don't think so. I think YOU get your talking points from some hack RW sites that feed morons like you your marching orders.

One thing that is obvious is if you were correct the FBI would have found the broken laws you ramble on about and charged her with these crimes. Mrs Clinton is not above the law. She holds no office that could protect her as in the case of other investigations of sitting elected officials that hide behind their offices to stalemate investigations. Hillary enjoys no such privilege. I think the FBI is smarter than you. So far the FBI hasn't charged her with anything. If they do I will be the first to give you credit for this amazing discovery you seem so proud of. Until that happens it is you that is out on a limb with NOTHING but your hate fueling this nonsense.

If it wasn't obvious, I do this for a living. What she did was criminal and dangerous, but she is a powerful democrat, hence above the law.

Our laws are only meant for commoners and Republicans.
The words "Hillary" and "Honor" can NEVER be used in the same sentence.

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