Is there anything worse than selling US uranium to Russia?

What is worse, the Trump hush money, or the deep state ignoring congressional oversight?

  • The Trump hush money

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • The deep state cabal in the DOJ and FBI

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
The Uranium One deal had to be approved by SEVEN different agencies...none of which had final say. The State Department was only one of those

The deal was a world wide deal that concerned uranium ORE all over the world. Only a small amount of which was in the US. The ore in the US was (at that time) 20% or our ore in the ground. More has since been discovered so it actually only concerned about 10-15% of our domestic ore reserves (in the ground) We actually import MOST of our ore from overseas...

You might as well be talking about oranges for all the strategic import it has.

But even there...when the deal went through the amount of ore involved (that 20%) was a drop in the bucket compared to how much worldwide was part of the deal (which we had NO control over).

And even pat of the deal as approved...NONE of that ore could be shipped out of the country because the LICENSES to do so were not sold as part of it.

Subsequently some of that ore was mined and licenses were purchased to ship to Canada for processing. Some of that processed uranium was sent to Europe. There is no evidence that ANY of it went to Russia and it really wouldn't have mattered if it did.

They had plenty of other sources as do we.

The whole kerfuffle is just plain stupid
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The answer is NO

I watched the dems on TV whining about all of the suspected Trump misdeeds, and every time I asked the simple question, which is worse, what Trump did or selling uranium to the Russians and getting kickbacks? Obviously its selling uranium.

Recently the FBI raided a Uranium One whistle-blower's home, and now refuses to respond to Congressional oversight

Why is the DOJ stonewalling a congressional subpoena? WTF is Whitaker doing at DOJ?
Did Wray approve the raid on the whistle-blower by the FBI?

Is the only hope that Trump and the rest of us have against the Deep State cabal the heroes at Judicial Watch?

The thread premise is a lie.
From FOX

Through the deal, Russia is able to own about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity. However, Colin Chilcoat, an energy affairs specialist who has written extensively about Russia's energy deals, said that the company only extracts about 11 percent of uranium in the U.S.

The deal also “doesn’t allow for that uranium to be exported at all,” Chilcoat told Fox News. “It’s not like it’s leaving the U.S. or somehow finding its way to more insidious players.”

The agreement was approved by nine government agencies with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), an inter-agency group that reviews how certain foreign investments can impact national security. The State Department under Clinton was one of those agencies, though Clinton told WMUR-TV in 2015 that she was not “personally involved” in the agreement.
Why is this thread in politics? This is nothing more than a weak and lame conspiracy theory.

Did you actually watch the video? If you did you'd see the truth.

I think this April 2015 article by a WaPo writer explains the deal so everyone can see what the Uranium One deal was all about.

The truth about the Hillary Clinton-Russia-Uranium 'scandal'

The Clinton foundation has now acknowledged mistakes in its accounting and has pledged greater transparency into its foreign donations, after the author of a forthcoming book on the foundation's finances — and their alleged connections to Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State — did a tour on the Sunday shows promoting his forthcoming revelations.

The first glimpse of these came at the end of last week, when the New York Times came out with an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, the State Department, and some very nefarious-sounding players (Russians! Uranium!), growing out of the book, "Clinton Cash" by Peter Schweizer.

There are some rather outlandish allegations being made (Mitt Romney said "It looks like bribery"), so we thought it would be good to break this story down, clarify what's known and what isn't, and understand what we should take away from it, because it could be a topic of discussion for some time.

The truth about the Hillary Clinton-Russia-Uranium 'scandal'

Great source. Here is what your quoted article says (with some artwork added by yours truly)...

No, Hillary owned emails until Putin hacked them. Now Putin owns Hillary.

Trump is a Putin whore, BOUGHT and PAID for........LOL

Putin confirms he wanted Trump to win election - CNN Video -
upload_2018-12-16_21-11-43.jpeg▶ 0:40

Jul 16, 2018
When Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked if he wanted Trump to win the US presidential election or ...

Putin says he wanted Trump to win the presidential election - NBC News
upload_2018-12-16_21-11-43.jpeg▶ 0:16

Jul 16, 2018
Russian President Vladimir Putin says he favored Donald Trump because he talked about bringing the ...
Through its subsidiaries and joint ventures Uranium One owns Akdala, South Inkai, Karatau, Akbastau and Kharasan uranium mines in Kazakhstan, the conserved Willow Creek uranium mine in the United States, and the Mkuju River uranium project in Tanzania.

Uranium One had mines all around the world. The ore in the US was a drop in the bucket compared to the ore it had rights to around the world.

The ore in the US was only 20% (at the time...less now since new discoveries) of the ore reserves we had and we IMPORT most of the uranium ore we use.

This is total bullshit
The answer is NO

I watched the dems on TV whining about all of the suspected Trump misdeeds, and every time I asked the simple question, which is worse, what Trump did or selling uranium to the Russians and getting kickbacks? Obviously its selling uranium.

Recently the FBI raided a Uranium One whistle-blower's home, and now refuses to respond to Congressional oversight

Why is the DOJ stonewalling a congressional subpoena? WTF is Whitaker doing at DOJ?
Did Wray approve the raid on the whistle-blower by the FBI?

Is the only hope that Trump and the rest of us have against the Deep State cabal the heroes at Judicial Watch?


Whenever the orange clown is in deep manure, Trump ass kissers revert to this false story.....debunked more times that Trump has had orange sprayed on him.

The 2010 deal allowed Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy agency, to acquire a controlling stake in Uranium One, a Canadian-based company with mining stakes in the Western United St

Donald Trump falsely accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of giving away U.S. uranium rights to the Russians and claimed — without evidence — that it was done in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation.
Why is this thread in politics? This is nothing more than a weak and lame conspiracy theory.

Did you actually watch the video? If you did you'd see the truth.

I think this April 2015 article by a WaPo writer explains the deal so everyone can see what the Uranium One deal was all about.

The truth about the Hillary Clinton-Russia-Uranium 'scandal'

The Clinton foundation has now acknowledged mistakes in its accounting and has pledged greater transparency into its foreign donations, after the author of a forthcoming book on the foundation's finances — and their alleged connections to Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State — did a tour on the Sunday shows promoting his forthcoming revelations.

The first glimpse of these came at the end of last week, when the New York Times came out with an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, the State Department, and some very nefarious-sounding players (Russians! Uranium!), growing out of the book, "Clinton Cash" by Peter Schweizer.

There are some rather outlandish allegations being made (Mitt Romney said "It looks like bribery"), so we thought it would be good to break this story down, clarify what's known and what isn't, and understand what we should take away from it, because it could be a topic of discussion for some time.

The truth about the Hillary Clinton-Russia-Uranium 'scandal'

Great source. Here is what your quoted article says (with some artwork added by yours truly)...

View attachment 235109

That's a 3 1/2 year old article and a lot of information has surfaced since then. The biggest questions are about Bubba's outrageous "fees" for speaking and the enormous amount of money "donated" to the Foundation. Funny smell there.
"Is there anything worse than selling US uranium to Russia?"

Yes, conservatives lying about Clinton ‘selling’ uranium to Russia in a failed attempt to deflect from Trump’s crimes, corruption, and incompetence.
Why don't we wait and see what the Uranium One whistle blower has to say plus why the FBI raided his house recently when he had DOJ protection. Something fishy there.
There's nothing. It was never a real issue in the first place.

Russia had lots of places to get uranium ore...we had lots of places to get uranium ore.

None of this uranium ore ever went to Russia
The answer is NO

I watched the dems on TV whining about all of the suspected Trump misdeeds, and every time I asked the simple question, which is worse, what Trump did or selling uranium to the Russians and getting kickbacks? Obviously its selling uranium.

Recently the FBI raided a Uranium One whistle-blower's home, and now refuses to respond to Congressional oversight

Why is the DOJ stonewalling a congressional subpoena? WTF is Whitaker doing at DOJ?
Did Wray approve the raid on the whistle-blower by the FBI?

Is the only hope that Trump and the rest of us have against the Deep State cabal the heroes at Judicial Watch?

What sale of uranium to Russia?

Why do you Trumpkins follow the lead of Lying Donnie and lie so much?
Trump sold out Uncle Sam to Russia for a handful of coins.

Thank god Trump can't spell or pronounce 'Uranium' or 'nookoolar'. Apologies to Norman Dummpkoff aka Schwarzkopf.
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