Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

Did you get that banality from a fortune cookie?
No, are you an atheist?

No. I know better, on both counts.
Okay, because I can explain this both ways.

It isn't natural for man to believe in God. Itis natural for us to be selfish and think ourselves gods.

You are called, 1 Peter 2:21.

So you can use your favorite new word "benelity" to dismiss this statement. Continue with your egotistical dumbassery or you can realize that people have to choose to follow down a path that is narrow and difficult.

I really don't get the high and mighty attitude some people have. Why so defensive? God doesn't really require such behavior.

Believe in God or believe God exists? Those are not the same beliefs are they?

Where is the rude, petulant attitude coming from? Dumbassery? What dumbassery, son? You have no idea what has been demonstrated on this thread by me and other theists. NONE! If you're going to call something dumbassery than state what it is and why you think it's wrong. Address specific things, quote specific things and explain why they're wrong. Thus far, the only "high and mighty", the only "defensiveness" has been coming from you.

Further, the Bible does not teach that it is unnatural for man to believe that God exists or that God has not proven His existence to mankind. False! On the contrary, the Bible teaches the opposite is true on both counts. What it teaches in this regard is that man's nature is inherently corrupt and contrary to the things of God, that only a comparatively small portion of the human race will choose to believe in God's testimony, place their destiny in His hands, follow and obey Him as persons who do not merely believe that God exists, but as persons who believe in God and obey.

Inevitably, most men give themselves over to false gods in name only. Oh they will say they believe in God, for only a very small fraction of the world's population has ever held that God does not exist. Atheist and agnostics make up a very small fraction of the world's population regarding the issue of God's existence. Ultimately, the god they believe in, as you say, is themselves, including atheists and agnostics.

The topic of this OP is not about belief in God, but about the evidence and the proofs for God's existence by which men may come to believe in God with the help of God.

I am not talking about the belief in God, but the facts of the latter. And you have yet to come to terms with the facts of the latter or refute a single one of them.

Why the hostility, son? Do you believe in God? If so then why are you hostile to the claims of God regarding the objective facts of the latter that are in your mind and in the universe according to God's word, the Bible? Why are you hostile to the enterprise of divulging what these facts of human cognition are regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence?
By dumbassery I am referring to your childish behavior. And your conceited attitude. Not very Christ like.

Further I don't really care what you want to think the bible teaches. The nature of man is sin. Not everything comes from the bible. I am a Christian I worship Christ, not the bible. Christ asks of us to take a leap of faith, to ignore our fear and defy our nature. It is not in our nature to do this.

Further the bible cannot prove God exists or that he loves you. It's just a book. But it also is a map to those willing to put aside their arrogant tendencies. It holds no proof, it is up to the reader to take the leap. Once you have made that leap the bible is still inadequate. I came to my faith not by reading dusty old books. But through perils and spiritual turbulence. And the leap of faith.

That is why it is unshakeable. I also don't feel the need to condescend to people on the internet. I am not your damned son. I have a father and a mother, they are the best people I know, they call me son.

I think you've been hanging around the atheists too long. Stick to the issues.
Is the noise of popular culture stocking your ego? Listen to God instead.
Why preach to me? Just post your proof our admit you don't have any.

Actually, why preach to me? I just gave the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin. Are you saying those things aren't true? Are you making an argument or just being rude? You asked me to provide information to you.

This is the first time I've talked you, but is this your pattern? You ask a question. I answer it with things you've never considered or thought about before. That's obvious! It looks like your mind's made up about things to which you obviously gave absolutely no serious consider.

It's your position that God has not proven His existence to mankind? Are you Christian? I see that there's a cross on your signature. If you don't believe me at this point then read the first chapter of Romans, beginning with verse 18. Then read the post on The Seven Things again . . . for reals. God is speaking to all of us all the time in our minds about Himself and His creation. That's a fact, not a sermon. You're saying you don't believe that? Your refusal to open you mind and seriously consider the things I've shared with you = there is no proof, or = an admission that there is no proof?


How's that?

How do you figured you've refuted something you haven't seriously considered at all? How do you figure you've refuted something when you haven't even dared to put anything into evidence regarding the things you imply to have refuted?

Hmm. The only reason I spoke to you in the first place is because Emily said you were an open-minded, thoughtful and tolerant person. Looks like she is wrong about you.
God asked me to take a leap of faith. That was extremely difficult for me. But if there is proof why would I need to take a leap of faith? What value would faith have if there was fact?

I came to my faith by asking these questions. And realizing nobody knew the answers beyond speculation.

All I have done is ask questions. If my questions make you feel like I am persecuting you, perhaps it's because I already know the answer as do you and you are attempting to give me falsehoods because it is something you would like to know.

I personally don't need proof, I don't need to see angles, I don't need to hear God speak. Frankly I don't really want to. Faith is good enough for me. I don't feel the need to call people phoney Christians frankly that isn't my place. If you ask me, I am Christian. Given things about who I am you probably wouldn't think that I am. So take it or leave it.

Back to the point, if you have proof that God exists please show it to the atheists. Or tell me so that I can deliver the message. Why wouldn't you?

Yes. I agree. We must all take the leap of faith. This thread is about the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence so that men may come to believe in God with God's help. One must necessary choose to believe what God has revealed or not. God is speaking to all of us all the time, telling us that I AM!

#6 of The Seven Things: I AM!
Thank you, one must choose to believe. I know that already and I have repeatedly said that. If it was a fact believe would be irrelevant as would faith.

So than there is no proof.


Let's try this again. . . .

Yes. I agree. We must all take the leap of faith. This thread is about the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence so that men may come to believe in God with God's help. One must necessary choose to believe what God has revealed or not. God is speaking to all of us all the time, telling us that I AM!

#6 of The Seven Things: I AM!

Romans 1: 18 - 20:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

What is wrong with you, Inevitable?

You're saying God is a liar?

Of course, there's proof! I just gave you the proof. READ! THINK! BELIEVE! HEAR! If you believe in God, why are you having such a difficult time believing Him and hearing Him?
No, are you an atheist?

No. I know better, on both counts.
Okay, because I can explain this both ways.

It isn't natural for man to believe in God. Itis natural for us to be selfish and think ourselves gods.

You are called, 1 Peter 2:21.

So you can use your favorite new word "benelity" to dismiss this statement. Continue with your egotistical dumbassery or you can realize that people have to choose to follow down a path that is narrow and difficult.

I really don't get the high and mighty attitude some people have. Why so defensive? God doesn't really require such behavior.

Believe in God or believe God exists? Those are not the same beliefs are they?

Where is the rude, petulant attitude coming from? Dumbassery? What dumbassery, son? You have no idea what has been demonstrated on this thread by me and other theists. NONE! If you're going to call something dumbassery than state what it is and why you think it's wrong. Address specific things, quote specific things and explain why they're wrong. Thus far, the only "high and mighty", the only "defensiveness" has been coming from you.

Further, the Bible does not teach that it is unnatural for man to believe that God exists or that God has not proven His existence to mankind. False! On the contrary, the Bible teaches the opposite is true on both counts. What it teaches in this regard is that man's nature is inherently corrupt and contrary to the things of God, that only a comparatively small portion of the human race will choose to believe in God's testimony, place their destiny in His hands, follow and obey Him as persons who do not merely believe that God exists, but as persons who believe in God and obey.

Inevitably, most men give themselves over to false gods in name only. Oh they will say they believe in God, for only a very small fraction of the world's population has ever held that God does not exist. Atheist and agnostics make up a very small fraction of the world's population regarding the issue of God's existence. Ultimately, the god they believe in, as you say, is themselves, including atheists and agnostics.

The topic of this OP is not about belief in God, but about the evidence and the proofs for God's existence by which men may come to believe in God with the help of God.

I am not talking about the belief in God, but the facts of the latter. And you have yet to come to terms with the facts of the latter or refute a single one of them.

Why the hostility, son? Do you believe in God? If so then why are you hostile to the claims of God regarding the objective facts of the latter that are in your mind and in the universe according to God's word, the Bible? Why are you hostile to the enterprise of divulging what these facts of human cognition are regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence?
By dumbassery I am referring to your childish behavior. And your conceited attitude. Not very Christ like.

Further I don't really care what you want to think the bible teaches. The nature of man is sin. Not everything comes from the bible. I am a Christian I worship Christ, not the bible. Christ asks of us to take a leap of faith, to ignore our fear and defy our nature. It is not in our nature to do this.

Further the bible cannot prove God exists or that he loves you. It's just a book. But it also is a map to those willing to put aside their arrogant tendencies. It holds no proof, it is up to the reader to take the leap. Once you have made that leap the bible is still inadequate. I came to my faith not by reading dusty old books. But through perils and spiritual turbulence. And the leap of faith.

That is why it is unshakeable. I also don't feel the need to condescend to people on the internet. I am not your damned son. I have a father and a mother, they are the best people I know, they call me son.

I think you've been hanging around the atheists too long. Stick to the issues.
No, are you an atheist?

No. I know better, on both counts.
Okay, because I can explain this both ways.

It isn't natural for man to believe in God. Itis natural for us to be selfish and think ourselves gods.

You are called, 1 Peter 2:21.

So you can use your favorite new word "benelity" to dismiss this statement. Continue with your egotistical dumbassery or you can realize that people have to choose to follow down a path that is narrow and difficult.

I really don't get the high and mighty attitude some people have. Why so defensive? God doesn't really require such behavior.

Believe in God or believe God exists? Those are not the same beliefs are they?

Where is the rude, petulant attitude coming from? Dumbassery? What dumbassery, son? You have no idea what has been demonstrated on this thread by me and other theists. NONE! If you're going to call something dumbassery than state what it is and why you think it's wrong. Address specific things, quote specific things and explain why they're wrong. Thus far, the only "high and mighty", the only "defensiveness" has been coming from you.

Further, the Bible does not teach that it is unnatural for man to believe that God exists or that God has not proven His existence to mankind. False! On the contrary, the Bible teaches the opposite is true on both counts. What it teaches in this regard is that man's nature is inherently corrupt and contrary to the things of God, that only a comparatively small portion of the human race will choose to believe in God's testimony, place their destiny in His hands, follow and obey Him as persons who do not merely believe that God exists, but as persons who believe in God and obey.

Inevitably, most men give themselves over to false gods in name only. Oh they will say they believe in God, for only a very small fraction of the world's population has ever held that God does not exist. Atheist and agnostics make up a very small fraction of the world's population regarding the issue of God's existence. Ultimately, the god they believe in, as you say, is themselves, including atheists and agnostics.

The topic of this OP is not about belief in God, but about the evidence and the proofs for God's existence by which men may come to believe in God with the help of God.

I am not talking about the belief in God, but the facts of the latter. And you have yet to come to terms with the facts of the latter or refute a single one of them.

Why the hostility, son? Do you believe in God? If so then why are you hostile to the claims of God regarding the objective facts of the latter that are in your mind and in the universe according to God's word, the Bible? Why are you hostile to the enterprise of divulging what these facts of human cognition are regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence?
By dumbassery I am referring to your childish behavior. And your conceited attitude. Not very Christ like.

Further I don't really care what you want to think the bible teaches. The nature of man is sin. Not everything comes from the bible. I am a Christian I worship Christ, not the bible. Christ asks of us to take a leap of faith, to ignore our fear and defy our nature. It is not in our nature to do this.

Further the bible cannot prove God exists or that he loves you. It's just a book. But it also is a map to those willing to put aside their arrogant tendencies. It holds no proof, it is up to the reader to take the leap. Once you have made that leap the bible is still inadequate. I came to my faith not by reading dusty old books. But through perils and spiritual turbulence. And the leap of faith.

That is why it is unshakeable. I also don't feel the need to condescend to people on the internet. I am not your damned son. I have a father and a mother, they are the best people I know, they call me son.

I think you've been hanging around the atheists too long. Stick to the issues.
I think you are blaming your short comings on the wrong people.

Let's try this again. . . .
You do understand the distance between genius and insanity right?

Yes. I agree. We must all take the leap of faith. This thread is about the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence so that men may come to believe in God with God's help. One must necessary choose to believe what God has revealed or not. God is speaking to all of us all the time, telling us that I AM!
What you are posting here is paradoxical you have to first assume a conclusion to then have proof? That is completely backward. perhaps it is why you are having such difficulty with this subject.

Why is faith too much to ask from you?

#6 of The Seven Things: I AM!

Romans 1: 18 - 20:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
Save the preaching. I have told you already faith does not come from Dusty old books.

What is wrong with you, Inevitable?

You're saying God is a liar?
I am saying you have it wrong. Not God. Unless you believe yourself to be God.

There is nothing wrong with me, clearly you are one again projecting your short comings onto other people.

Of course, there's proof! I just gave you the proof.
Where? If God supplied you with proof but denies it to atheists than he clearly doesn't love everybody, and you are not only saying that God is a liar but that he is also evil.

READ! THINK! BELIEVE! HEAR! If you believe in God, why are you having such a difficult time believing Him and hearing Him?
You aren't God. I am not having any difficulty with God. It's with what you call proof and the implications of your statements.
No. I know better, on both counts.
Okay, because I can explain this both ways.

It isn't natural for man to believe in God. Itis natural for us to be selfish and think ourselves gods.

You are called, 1 Peter 2:21.

So you can use your favorite new word "benelity" to dismiss this statement. Continue with your egotistical dumbassery or you can realize that people have to choose to follow down a path that is narrow and difficult.

I really don't get the high and mighty attitude some people have. Why so defensive? God doesn't really require such behavior.

Believe in God or believe God exists? Those are not the same beliefs are they?

Where is the rude, petulant attitude coming from? Dumbassery? What dumbassery, son? You have no idea what has been demonstrated on this thread by me and other theists. NONE! If you're going to call something dumbassery than state what it is and why you think it's wrong. Address specific things, quote specific things and explain why they're wrong. Thus far, the only "high and mighty", the only "defensiveness" has been coming from you.

Further, the Bible does not teach that it is unnatural for man to believe that God exists or that God has not proven His existence to mankind. False! On the contrary, the Bible teaches the opposite is true on both counts. What it teaches in this regard is that man's nature is inherently corrupt and contrary to the things of God, that only a comparatively small portion of the human race will choose to believe in God's testimony, place their destiny in His hands, follow and obey Him as persons who do not merely believe that God exists, but as persons who believe in God and obey.

Inevitably, most men give themselves over to false gods in name only. Oh they will say they believe in God, for only a very small fraction of the world's population has ever held that God does not exist. Atheist and agnostics make up a very small fraction of the world's population regarding the issue of God's existence. Ultimately, the god they believe in, as you say, is themselves, including atheists and agnostics.

The topic of this OP is not about belief in God, but about the evidence and the proofs for God's existence by which men may come to believe in God with the help of God.

I am not talking about the belief in God, but the facts of the latter. And you have yet to come to terms with the facts of the latter or refute a single one of them.

Why the hostility, son? Do you believe in God? If so then why are you hostile to the claims of God regarding the objective facts of the latter that are in your mind and in the universe according to God's word, the Bible? Why are you hostile to the enterprise of divulging what these facts of human cognition are regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence?
By dumbassery I am referring to your childish behavior. And your conceited attitude. Not very Christ like.

Further I don't really care what you want to think the bible teaches. The nature of man is sin. Not everything comes from the bible. I am a Christian I worship Christ, not the bible. Christ asks of us to take a leap of faith, to ignore our fear and defy our nature. It is not in our nature to do this.

Further the bible cannot prove God exists or that he loves you. It's just a book. But it also is a map to those willing to put aside their arrogant tendencies. It holds no proof, it is up to the reader to take the leap. Once you have made that leap the bible is still inadequate. I came to my faith not by reading dusty old books. But through perils and spiritual turbulence. And the leap of faith.

That is why it is unshakeable. I also don't feel the need to condescend to people on the internet. I am not your damned son. I have a father and a mother, they are the best people I know, they call me son.

I think you've been hanging around the atheists too long. Stick to the issues.
No. I know better, on both counts.
Okay, because I can explain this both ways.

It isn't natural for man to believe in God. Itis natural for us to be selfish and think ourselves gods.

You are called, 1 Peter 2:21.

So you can use your favorite new word "benelity" to dismiss this statement. Continue with your egotistical dumbassery or you can realize that people have to choose to follow down a path that is narrow and difficult.

I really don't get the high and mighty attitude some people have. Why so defensive? God doesn't really require such behavior.

Believe in God or believe God exists? Those are not the same beliefs are they?

Where is the rude, petulant attitude coming from? Dumbassery? What dumbassery, son? You have no idea what has been demonstrated on this thread by me and other theists. NONE! If you're going to call something dumbassery than state what it is and why you think it's wrong. Address specific things, quote specific things and explain why they're wrong. Thus far, the only "high and mighty", the only "defensiveness" has been coming from you.

Further, the Bible does not teach that it is unnatural for man to believe that God exists or that God has not proven His existence to mankind. False! On the contrary, the Bible teaches the opposite is true on both counts. What it teaches in this regard is that man's nature is inherently corrupt and contrary to the things of God, that only a comparatively small portion of the human race will choose to believe in God's testimony, place their destiny in His hands, follow and obey Him as persons who do not merely believe that God exists, but as persons who believe in God and obey.

Inevitably, most men give themselves over to false gods in name only. Oh they will say they believe in God, for only a very small fraction of the world's population has ever held that God does not exist. Atheist and agnostics make up a very small fraction of the world's population regarding the issue of God's existence. Ultimately, the god they believe in, as you say, is themselves, including atheists and agnostics.

The topic of this OP is not about belief in God, but about the evidence and the proofs for God's existence by which men may come to believe in God with the help of God.

I am not talking about the belief in God, but the facts of the latter. And you have yet to come to terms with the facts of the latter or refute a single one of them.

Why the hostility, son? Do you believe in God? If so then why are you hostile to the claims of God regarding the objective facts of the latter that are in your mind and in the universe according to God's word, the Bible? Why are you hostile to the enterprise of divulging what these facts of human cognition are regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence?
By dumbassery I am referring to your childish behavior. And your conceited attitude. Not very Christ like.

Further I don't really care what you want to think the bible teaches. The nature of man is sin. Not everything comes from the bible. I am a Christian I worship Christ, not the bible. Christ asks of us to take a leap of faith, to ignore our fear and defy our nature. It is not in our nature to do this.

Further the bible cannot prove God exists or that he loves you. It's just a book. But it also is a map to those willing to put aside their arrogant tendencies. It holds no proof, it is up to the reader to take the leap. Once you have made that leap the bible is still inadequate. I came to my faith not by reading dusty old books. But through perils and spiritual turbulence. And the leap of faith.

That is why it is unshakeable. I also don't feel the need to condescend to people on the internet. I am not your damned son. I have a father and a mother, they are the best people I know, they call me son.

I think you've been hanging around the atheists too long. Stick to the issues.
I think you are blaming your short comings on the wrong people.

You're going to discuss the issues with me or without me. You're not going to change the topic and draw me into your little faggot boy baby talk.

If you're going to talk to me, we're going to talk about real things that pertain to this OP. If you want to talk about me, you little hypocrite, then, as is the wont of womanish people and faggots, go gossip about me with the atheists, because that's all they ever do. That's all they've done, because they cannot refute the facts. That way you don't have to argue with anyone. You can just kiss their asses, as they kiss your ass, and you guys can have your little circle jerk.

Okay, because I can explain this both ways.

It isn't natural for man to believe in God. Itis natural for us to be selfish and think ourselves gods.

You are called, 1 Peter 2:21.

So you can use your favorite new word "benelity" to dismiss this statement. Continue with your egotistical dumbassery or you can realize that people have to choose to follow down a path that is narrow and difficult.

I really don't get the high and mighty attitude some people have. Why so defensive? God doesn't really require such behavior.

Believe in God or believe God exists? Those are not the same beliefs are they?

Where is the rude, petulant attitude coming from? Dumbassery? What dumbassery, son? You have no idea what has been demonstrated on this thread by me and other theists. NONE! If you're going to call something dumbassery than state what it is and why you think it's wrong. Address specific things, quote specific things and explain why they're wrong. Thus far, the only "high and mighty", the only "defensiveness" has been coming from you.

Further, the Bible does not teach that it is unnatural for man to believe that God exists or that God has not proven His existence to mankind. False! On the contrary, the Bible teaches the opposite is true on both counts. What it teaches in this regard is that man's nature is inherently corrupt and contrary to the things of God, that only a comparatively small portion of the human race will choose to believe in God's testimony, place their destiny in His hands, follow and obey Him as persons who do not merely believe that God exists, but as persons who believe in God and obey.

Inevitably, most men give themselves over to false gods in name only. Oh they will say they believe in God, for only a very small fraction of the world's population has ever held that God does not exist. Atheist and agnostics make up a very small fraction of the world's population regarding the issue of God's existence. Ultimately, the god they believe in, as you say, is themselves, including atheists and agnostics.

The topic of this OP is not about belief in God, but about the evidence and the proofs for God's existence by which men may come to believe in God with the help of God.

I am not talking about the belief in God, but the facts of the latter. And you have yet to come to terms with the facts of the latter or refute a single one of them.

Why the hostility, son? Do you believe in God? If so then why are you hostile to the claims of God regarding the objective facts of the latter that are in your mind and in the universe according to God's word, the Bible? Why are you hostile to the enterprise of divulging what these facts of human cognition are regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence?
By dumbassery I am referring to your childish behavior. And your conceited attitude. Not very Christ like.

Further I don't really care what you want to think the bible teaches. The nature of man is sin. Not everything comes from the bible. I am a Christian I worship Christ, not the bible. Christ asks of us to take a leap of faith, to ignore our fear and defy our nature. It is not in our nature to do this.

Further the bible cannot prove God exists or that he loves you. It's just a book. But it also is a map to those willing to put aside their arrogant tendencies. It holds no proof, it is up to the reader to take the leap. Once you have made that leap the bible is still inadequate. I came to my faith not by reading dusty old books. But through perils and spiritual turbulence. And the leap of faith.

That is why it is unshakeable. I also don't feel the need to condescend to people on the internet. I am not your damned son. I have a father and a mother, they are the best people I know, they call me son.

I think you've been hanging around the atheists too long. Stick to the issues.
Okay, because I can explain this both ways.

It isn't natural for man to believe in God. Itis natural for us to be selfish and think ourselves gods.

You are called, 1 Peter 2:21.

So you can use your favorite new word "benelity" to dismiss this statement. Continue with your egotistical dumbassery or you can realize that people have to choose to follow down a path that is narrow and difficult.

I really don't get the high and mighty attitude some people have. Why so defensive? God doesn't really require such behavior.

Believe in God or believe God exists? Those are not the same beliefs are they?

Where is the rude, petulant attitude coming from? Dumbassery? What dumbassery, son? You have no idea what has been demonstrated on this thread by me and other theists. NONE! If you're going to call something dumbassery than state what it is and why you think it's wrong. Address specific things, quote specific things and explain why they're wrong. Thus far, the only "high and mighty", the only "defensiveness" has been coming from you.

Further, the Bible does not teach that it is unnatural for man to believe that God exists or that God has not proven His existence to mankind. False! On the contrary, the Bible teaches the opposite is true on both counts. What it teaches in this regard is that man's nature is inherently corrupt and contrary to the things of God, that only a comparatively small portion of the human race will choose to believe in God's testimony, place their destiny in His hands, follow and obey Him as persons who do not merely believe that God exists, but as persons who believe in God and obey.

Inevitably, most men give themselves over to false gods in name only. Oh they will say they believe in God, for only a very small fraction of the world's population has ever held that God does not exist. Atheist and agnostics make up a very small fraction of the world's population regarding the issue of God's existence. Ultimately, the god they believe in, as you say, is themselves, including atheists and agnostics.

The topic of this OP is not about belief in God, but about the evidence and the proofs for God's existence by which men may come to believe in God with the help of God.

I am not talking about the belief in God, but the facts of the latter. And you have yet to come to terms with the facts of the latter or refute a single one of them.

Why the hostility, son? Do you believe in God? If so then why are you hostile to the claims of God regarding the objective facts of the latter that are in your mind and in the universe according to God's word, the Bible? Why are you hostile to the enterprise of divulging what these facts of human cognition are regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence?
By dumbassery I am referring to your childish behavior. And your conceited attitude. Not very Christ like.

Further I don't really care what you want to think the bible teaches. The nature of man is sin. Not everything comes from the bible. I am a Christian I worship Christ, not the bible. Christ asks of us to take a leap of faith, to ignore our fear and defy our nature. It is not in our nature to do this.

Further the bible cannot prove God exists or that he loves you. It's just a book. But it also is a map to those willing to put aside their arrogant tendencies. It holds no proof, it is up to the reader to take the leap. Once you have made that leap the bible is still inadequate. I came to my faith not by reading dusty old books. But through perils and spiritual turbulence. And the leap of faith.

That is why it is unshakeable. I also don't feel the need to condescend to people on the internet. I am not your damned son. I have a father and a mother, they are the best people I know, they call me son.

I think you've been hanging around the atheists too long. Stick to the issues.
I think you are blaming your short comings on the wrong people.

You're going to discuss the issues with me or without me. You're not going to change the topic and draw me into your little faggot boy baby talk.

If you're going to talk to me, we're going to talk about real things that pertain to this OP. If you want to talk about me, you little hypocrite, then, as is the wont of womanish people and faggots, go gossip about me with the atheists, because that's all they ever do. That's all they've done, because they cannot refute the facts. That way you don't have to argue with anyone. You can just kiss their asses, as they kiss your ass, and you guys can have your little circle jerk.


I could have told you he was just another phony. He has the facts from God's word telling him that God has put the proofs for his existence into his mind and has put them into the universe, the facts of the laws of logic tell him what these proofs are. He talks about faith but doesn't believe anything God tells him.

Let's try this again. . . .
You do understand the distance between genius and insanity right?

Yes. I agree. We must all take the leap of faith. This thread is about the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin that reveal what God has proven to mankind about His existence so that men may come to believe in God with God's help. One must necessary choose to believe what God has revealed or not. God is speaking to all of us all the time, telling us that I AM!
What you are posting here is paradoxical you have to first assume a conclusion to then have proof? That is completely backward. perhaps it is why you are having such difficulty with this subject.

Why is faith too much to ask from you?

#6 of The Seven Things: I AM!

Romans 1: 18 - 20:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
Save the preaching. I have told you already faith does not come from Dusty old books.

What is wrong with you, Inevitable?

You're saying God is a liar?
I am saying you have it wrong. Not God. Unless you believe yourself to be God.

There is nothing wrong with me, clearly you are one again projecting your short comings onto other people.

Of course, there's proof! I just gave you the proof.
Where? If God supplied you with proof but denies it to atheists than he clearly doesn't love everybody, and you are not only saying that God is a liar but that he is also evil.

READ! THINK! BELIEVE! HEAR! If you believe in God, why are you having such a difficult time believing Him and hearing Him?
You aren't God. I am not having any difficulty with God. It's with what you call proof and the implications of your statements.

You think real men of God care what a little sissy like you, who obviously holds the truth in unrighteousness, thinks about anything?
You're going to discuss the issues with me or without me.
You are completely welcome to discuss things with me.The only reason you don't is you are either too frustrated, belligerent, or weak willed to do so. The choice is yours.

You're not going to change the topic and draw me into your little faggot boy baby talk.
I didn't try to change the topic.calling names is so very mature. Often a sign of a very well reasoned thought.

If you're going to talk to me, we're going to talk about real things that pertain to this OP. If you want to talk about me, you little hypocrite,
I think that is rather hypocritical of you. I didn't really talk about you. You talked about me when you whined about me hanging around with atheists. I am willing to let it go if you stfu about how you think I am having around atheists. But you made it personal first kid.

then, as is the wont of womanish people and faggots, go gossip about me with the atheists, because that's all they ever do.
Again with these atheists. I think you have a persecution complex.

That's all they've done, because they cannot refute the facts.
You didn't present any.

That way you don't have to argue with anyone. You can just kiss their asses, as they kiss your ass, and you guys can have your little circle jerk.
Keep me out of your fantasies.
You think real men of God care what a little sissy like you, who obviously holds the truth in unrighteousness, thinks about anything?
You seem to care a lot. Are you saying that you aren't a "real man of God?"

I can't help you with such angst kiddo.
I could have told you he was just another phony. He has the facts from God's word telling him that God has put the proofs for his existence into his mind and has put them into the universe, the facts of the laws of logic tell him what these proofs are. He talks about faith but doesn't believe anything God tells him.
Everybody that refuted you is a phoney?

Likely story.
Thanks to MD I think this will get easier as we go

Inevitable doesn't believe that. He doesn't believe in talking about tangible, objective facts. He believes what the atheists told him to believe about Rawlings. Rawlings was trying to talk with him about the issues and Inevitable just kept making personal attacks and smart ass remarks. I told you before Emily this is what relativists do. It doesn't matter whether they are atheists or theists. Look at the conversion between Rawlings and Inevitable. Where did Rawlings put an attitude on Inevitable. All the crap comes from Inevitable from start to finish until finally Rawlings had enough. The biggest difference between me and Rawlings is that he will always try to share with others in a civil way even when he probably knows they will just keep being like Inevitable. Me. I saw what Inevitable was from the beginning, a phony.
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Thanks to MD I think this will get easier as we go

Inevitable doesn't believe that. He doesn't believe in talking about tangible, objective facts. He believes what the atheists told him to believe about Rawlings.
I am interested in objective tangible facts, I just haven't seen any. I never heard from any atheists about that poster. What atheists are you talking about? When did they talk to me?

Rawlings was trying to talk with him about the issues and Inevitable just kept making personal attacks and smart ass remarks.

I told you before Emily this is what relativists do. It doesn't matter whether they are atheists or theists. Look at the conversion between Rawlings and Inevitable. Where did Rawlings put an attitude on Inevitable. All the crap comes from Inevitable from start to finish until finally Rawlings had enough. The biggest difference between me and Rawlings is that will always try to share with others in a civil way even when he probably knows they just keep being like Inevitable. Me. I saw what Inevitable was from the beginning, a phony.
Thanks to MD I think this will get easier as we go

Inevitable doesn't believe that. He doesn't believe in talking about tangible, objective facts. He believes what the atheists told him to believe about Rawlings. Rawlings was trying to talk with him about the issues and Inevitable just kept making personal attacks and smart ass remarks. I told you before Emily this is what relativists do. It doesn't matter whether they are atheists or theists. Look at the conversion between Rawlings and Inevitable. Where did Rawlings put an attitude on Inevitable. All the crap comes from Inevitable from start to finish until finally Rawlings had enough. The biggest difference between me and Rawlings is that he will always try to share with others in a civil way even when he probably knows they will just keep being like Inevitable. Me. I saw what Inevitable was from the beginning, a phony.
talk about personal attacks.

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