Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..

This boy is retarded. Talking about how whites are racist now means we think they are superior?

When you talk about whites, its always about how we keep the black man down. How could an inferior race do that? Or an equal one?
Your bitching implies just that.
They have more guns and control the system? That doesnt imply superiority. That implies a tendency to be violent.
Lets ignore Blacks history of violence so we can bitch about whitey being violent :rolleyes:
We certainly cant ignore whites history of violence. They are the ones that have committed more genocides and wiped out more people than any other race on the planet.
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..
I've never made out whites to be superior. If anything they are inferior. They lack a lot of things but mostly they lack the ability to produce melanin in their skin.
Is that why they have so much control over you, they force blacks to commit half the murders in the country? Generational welfare?
Completely makes sense how someone inferior can do that.
Probably why the mouse always beats the cats ass..
Whites dont have control over me.
I can understand how it confuses you. You think a cat is superior to a mouse just because its bigger. Do you think an elephant is superior because it can beat your ass?
So you just think other blacks are inferior.
So its not about race, its about the individual?
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..
I've never made out whites to be superior. If anything they are inferior. They lack a lot of things but mostly they lack the ability to produce melanin in their skin.
Is that why they have so much control over you, they force blacks to commit half the murders in the country? Generational welfare?
Completely makes sense how someone inferior can do that.
Probably why the mouse always beats the cats ass..
Whites dont have control over me.
I can understand how it confuses you. You think a cat is superior to a mouse just because its bigger. Do you think an elephant is superior because it can beat your ass?
So you just think other blacks are inferior.
So its not about race, its about the individual?
Nope. I just think if anyone is inferior its the white race. I see you were unable to answer my question. See what I mean about you being inferior?
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..

This boy is retarded. Talking about how whites are racist now means we think they are superior?

When you talk about whites, its always about how we keep the black man down. How could an inferior race do that? Or an equal one?
Your bitching implies just that.
They have more guns and control the system? That doesnt imply superiority. That implies a tendency to be violent.
Lets ignore Blacks history of violence so we can bitch about whitey being violent :rolleyes:
We certainly cant ignore whites history of violence. They are the ones that have committed more genocides and wiped out more people than any other race on the planet.
Good luck proving that.
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..
I've never made out whites to be superior. If anything they are inferior. They lack a lot of things but mostly they lack the ability to produce melanin in their skin.
Is that why they have so much control over you, they force blacks to commit half the murders in the country? Generational welfare?
Completely makes sense how someone inferior can do that.
Probably why the mouse always beats the cats ass..
Whites dont have control over me.
I can understand how it confuses you. You think a cat is superior to a mouse just because its bigger. Do you think an elephant is superior because it can beat your ass?
So you just think other blacks are inferior.
So its not about race, its about the individual?
Nope. I just think if anyone is inferior its the white race.
Then how do those inferior keep the superior ones in shackles, so to speak?
It makes no fucking sense.
This boy is retarded. Talking about how whites are racist now means we think they are superior?

When you talk about whites, its always about how we keep the black man down. How could an inferior race do that? Or an equal one?
Your bitching implies just that.
They have more guns and control the system? That doesnt imply superiority. That implies a tendency to be violent.
Lets ignore Blacks history of violence so we can bitch about whitey being violent :rolleyes:
We certainly cant ignore whites history of violence. They are the ones that have committed more genocides and wiped out more people than any other race on the planet.
Good luck proving that.
Its common knowledge. No need for proof.
I've never made out whites to be superior. If anything they are inferior. They lack a lot of things but mostly they lack the ability to produce melanin in their skin.
Is that why they have so much control over you, they force blacks to commit half the murders in the country? Generational welfare?
Completely makes sense how someone inferior can do that.
Probably why the mouse always beats the cats ass..
Whites dont have control over me.
I can understand how it confuses you. You think a cat is superior to a mouse just because its bigger. Do you think an elephant is superior because it can beat your ass?
So you just think other blacks are inferior.
So its not about race, its about the individual?
Nope. I just think if anyone is inferior its the white race.
Then how do those inferior keep the superior ones in shackles, so to speak?
It makes no fucking sense.
If youre inferior it wouldnt make sense. No one has me in to speak.
"all white people" oppressed american blacks?
Its just as ignorant as saying all blacks are criminals.
I didnt oppress any of those guys but look at the rhetoric i get.
Well it would be false to state that all blacks are criminals and while it's certainly true that not all white people participated in acts of racism or discrimination it is also true that they nonetheless benefited from a system that legislatively gave them an advantage that was denied to people of African descent. That's pretty much what is meant by white priviledge

Look at it this way - if you are older, better educated, have a higher income and are further along in your professional career than I am, then you have an advantage that I don't. Most people would see nothing wrong with that, myself included. However, if we both started from the exact same place and the reason that you've been more successful is because opportunities available to you were not available to me because of my race or gender or politial affiliation or religion, etc. could you fault me for trying to bring attention to the inequality here or to find a resolution for it?

Some people in my situation may have animus against you personally while others see it as a problem with whatever system gave you the advantages in the first place while denying them to me. That's sort of the difference between individual racism and institutional racism although I'm aware of the fact that his doesn't adequately answer your question.
I ask because IM2 asslips and paul E always make out whites to be extremely superior to blacks.
Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist? Seems possible.
I mean, its kinda a compliment..

This boy is retarded. Talking about how whites are racist now means we think they are superior?

When you talk about whites, its always about how we keep the black man down. How could an inferior race do that? Or an equal one?
Your bitching implies just that.

It's easy when you are the majority and can use that to vote on laws. And I have not said anything about the white man holding anyone down. I have said that whites created laws and policies that have created great damage that has not been addressed in the black community. Despite the finest attempts of whites like you to continue your racism, blacks keep going forward. That is no indication of white superiorly. It is in fact, the opposite. So much for your racist claim.

For if whites had been so superior there would have been no need for slavery, apartheid, and the very laws and policies whites made through or history to give them what they have now. If you are superior everybody operates from the same level and your superior skills and abilities create things for you. That's not been the case for whites and certainly not for your argument.
When you talk about whites, its always about how we keep the black man down. How could an inferior race do that? Or an equal one?
Your bitching implies just that.
They have more guns and control the system? That doesnt imply superiority. That implies a tendency to be violent.
Lets ignore Blacks history of violence so we can bitch about whitey being violent :rolleyes:
We certainly cant ignore whites history of violence. They are the ones that have committed more genocides and wiped out more people than any other race on the planet.
Good luck proving that.
Its common knowledge. No need for proof.
Blacks have been around like 200K+(could be a lot longer) years longer than whites.
We have had recorded history for only around 5K years.
Again, you make no sense. Its completely illogical to call something that cant be proven, "common knowledge."
Try again.
I think its pretty stupid of someone to come to the conclusion that Black people think whites are superior because they speak out against racism. Then the OP wonders why I think whites are inferior. I keep getting all these examples of dumb white people. What am I supposed to think reading some of the wildly ignorant stuff I see whites post on here?
"all white people" oppressed american blacks?
Its just as ignorant as saying all blacks are criminals.
I didnt oppress any of those guys but look at the rhetoric i get.
Well it would be false to state that all blacks are criminals and while it's certainly true that not all white people participated in acts of racism or discrimination it is also true that they nonetheless benefited from a system that legislatively gave them an advantage that was denied to people of African descent. That's pretty much what is meant by white priviledge

Look at it this way - if you are older, better educated, have a higher income and are further along in your professional career than I am, then you have an advantage that I don't. Most people would see nothing wrong with that, myself included. However, if we both started from the exact same place and the reason that you've been more successful is because opportunities available to you were not available to me because of my race or gender or politial affiliation or religion, etc. could you fault me for trying to bring attention to the inequality here or to find a resolution for it?

Some people in my situation may have animus against you personally while others see it as a problem with whatever system gave you the advantages in the first place while denying them to me. That's sort of the difference between individual racism and institutional racism although I'm aware of the fact that his doesn't adequately answer your question.
Hundreds of millions of white people had nothing to do with any of that bullshit.
There are white people ALL OVER THE WORLD. What did they do about american oppression of blacks?
This makes no sense.
Is that why they have so much control over you, they force blacks to commit half the murders in the country? Generational welfare?
Completely makes sense how someone inferior can do that.
Probably why the mouse always beats the cats ass..
Whites dont have control over me.
I can understand how it confuses you. You think a cat is superior to a mouse just because its bigger. Do you think an elephant is superior because it can beat your ass?
So you just think other blacks are inferior.
So its not about race, its about the individual?
Nope. I just think if anyone is inferior its the white race.
Then how do those inferior keep the superior ones in shackles, so to speak?
It makes no fucking sense.
If youre inferior it wouldnt make sense. No one has me in to speak.
Oh yea, i forgot you are better than most blacks. Do you consider them losers because the inferior white man keeps them down?
They have more guns and control the system? That doesnt imply superiority. That implies a tendency to be violent.
Lets ignore Blacks history of violence so we can bitch about whitey being violent :rolleyes:
We certainly cant ignore whites history of violence. They are the ones that have committed more genocides and wiped out more people than any other race on the planet.
Good luck proving that.
Its common knowledge. No need for proof.
Blacks have been around like 200K+(could be a lot longer) years longer than whites.
We have had recorded history for only around 5K years.
Again, you make no sense. Its completely illogical to call something that cant be proven, "common knowledge."
Try again.
In your recorded history you have killed more people than any other race on the planet. Youre a savage, violent, race and its common knowledge.
Whites dont have control over me.
I can understand how it confuses you. You think a cat is superior to a mouse just because its bigger. Do you think an elephant is superior because it can beat your ass?
So you just think other blacks are inferior.
So its not about race, its about the individual?
Nope. I just think if anyone is inferior its the white race.
Then how do those inferior keep the superior ones in shackles, so to speak?
It makes no fucking sense.
If youre inferior it wouldnt make sense. No one has me in to speak.
Oh yea, i forgot you are better than most blacks. Do you consider them losers because the inferior white man keeps them down?
I'm no better than any other Black person. Better than you? Yes.
Lets ignore Blacks history of violence so we can bitch about whitey being violent :rolleyes:
We certainly cant ignore whites history of violence. They are the ones that have committed more genocides and wiped out more people than any other race on the planet.
Good luck proving that.
Its common knowledge. No need for proof.
Blacks have been around like 200K+(could be a lot longer) years longer than whites.
We have had recorded history for only around 5K years.
Again, you make no sense. Its completely illogical to call something that cant be proven, "common knowledge."
Try again.
In your recorded history you have killed more people than any other race on the planet. Youre a savage, violent, race and its common knowledge.
How many slaves in Africa?
How many murders in africa?
How many murders by blacks in america?
What about the asians?
Im not a race, you retarded dumbfuck.
Try again.
Awesome. Now about the question in the OP
The segment I bolded above "instead it targets specific groups of people for restrictions, ridicule, and marginalization" is exactly what US government/society did when it passed and enforced the racially discriminatory laws that it did.

Animus against an oppressor is not the same thing as racism.
"all white people" oppressed american blacks?
Its just as ignorant as saying all blacks are criminals.
I didnt oppress any of those guys but look at the rhetoric i get.
Oppression is still built into the "system," which was produced by whites and still keeps blacks at a disadvantage in a few billion ways. Things are a lot better, but it's not time to sit back and congratulate yourself yet.
Tell me how blacks are oppressed by our system of government.

Try doing some study on your own. You've been shown all kinds of it and you still created this dumb ass thread.

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