Is Third World America Inevitable?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Well IS IT? I think under Obama we are heading there FAST
Transformation and you voted for it

Thousands of U.S. troops safeguard the border of South Korea. U.S. warships patrol the South China Sea to stand witness to the territorial claims of Asian allies against China.

U.S. troops move in and out of the Baltic States to signal our willingness to defend the frontiers of these tiny NATO allies.

Yet nothing that happens on these borders imperils America so much as what is happening on our own bleeding border with Mexico.

Over three decades, that border has been a causeway into the USA for millions of illegal immigrants who are changing the face of America — to the delight of those who think the country we grew up in was ugly.

All sides of this quarrel have been using the figure of 11 million people here illegally. In her new best-seller, "Adios, America!," Ann Coulter makes a compelling case that the real figure is close to 30 million.

If that is true, and if the next president embraces amnesty and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, that will mean the end to America as the Western nation we have been, and the beginning of America's life as what Ann calls, unapologetically, a "Third World hellhole."

Indeed, when we consider the certain consequences of a failure to secure the border for six more years, and amnesty for people already here illegally, igniting a new invasion, we should ask ourselves:

What problem do we Americans confront that will be more easily solved with millions more immigrants?

Between 80 and 90 percent of those coming are from Third World nations. On average, they have higher illegitimacy rates than native-born Americans, higher drug use rates, higher rates of obesity, spousal abuse and child abuse, higher rates of disease, lower test scores and higher dropout rates, and higher crime and incarceration rates.

Children of immigrants are more gang-oriented. And Third World immigrants consume more per capita in social services than they pay in taxes. Hence they contribute to fiscal deficits at every level of government.

Will millions more immigrants help solve our infrastructure crisis?

all of it here:
Is Third World America Inevitable on
browsing other sites and ran across this

EEEK! “Pockets of resistance” to refugee resettlement have developed; ORR hires ‘Welcoming America’ to head off more
Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 15, 2013

This is the second part of my report from the Pennsylvania Refugee Conference which I attended earlier this week in Lancaster, PA. If you haven’t read my earlier report it might be useful tocheck it outand then come back here for part II.

One of the many things that I found revealing about the conference was that problems with the program to resettle over 100,000 “refugees and asylees” to your towns and cities each year was not discussed (your classic hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil!). There was no direct discussion about problems with assimilation, tensions in communities, crime problems, cost to local communities, school conflicts, housing shortages for refugees etc. except for one session dedicated to how to silence people who might like to complain—the keynote speaker talked about how‘Welcoming America’was working to get YOUR minds right about your new refugee neighbors(and, they received afederal grant from ORRto do it!).

Before Susan Downs-Karkos from ‘Welcoming America’spoke, we had been alerted by theOffice of Refugee Resettlement’sDirector of Placement, Mitiku Ashebir that (gasp!) “three pockets of resistance against new arrivals” had developed. He assured the gathering it was not widespread and that Pennsylvania, thankfully, was not one of them. Drum roll please! Here are the pockets of resistance and Mr. Ashebir’s brief description of the unwelcoming problems:

New Hampshire—some mayors have problems, said Ashebir

David Lubell, founder of ‘Welcoming America,’ doing work for George Soros!

Georgia—budget reductions for some service providers

Tennessee—they want to control arrival numbers! Imagine that!

But,Welcoming Americais on the case! They want to “transform” communities by “Building a Nation of Neighbors”!

Downs-Karkos described her organization’s job as “promoting understanding and support for refugees.” The whole concept is that YOU must improve your attitude to your new neighbors, not that the refugees must learn to fit into American society. We are a Nation of immigrants, they are coming, so get used to it was the basic message.

ALL of it here:
EEEK Pockets of resistance to refugee resettlement have developed ORR hires Welcoming America to head off more Refugee Resettlement Watch
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Well IS IT? I think under Obama we are heading there FAST
Transformation and you voted for it

Thousands of U.S. troops safeguard the border of South Korea. U.S. warships patrol the South China Sea to stand witness to the territorial claims of Asian allies against China.

U.S. troops move in and out of the Baltic States to signal our willingness to defend the frontiers of these tiny NATO allies.

Yet nothing that happens on these borders imperils America so much as what is happening on our own bleeding border with Mexico.

Over three decades, that border has been a causeway into the USA for millions of illegal immigrants who are changing the face of America — to the delight of those who think the country we grew up in was ugly.

All sides of this quarrel have been using the figure of 11 million people here illegally. In her new best-seller, "Adios, America!," Ann Coulter makes a compelling case that the real figure is close to 30 million.

If that is true, and if the next president embraces amnesty and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, that will mean the end to America as the Western nation we have been, and the beginning of America's life as what Ann calls, unapologetically, a "Third World hellhole."

Indeed, when we consider the certain consequences of a failure to secure the border for six more years, and amnesty for people already here illegally, igniting a new invasion, we should ask ourselves:

What problem do we Americans confront that will be more easily solved with millions more immigrants?

Between 80 and 90 percent of those coming are from Third World nations. On average, they have higher illegitimacy rates than native-born Americans, higher drug use rates, higher rates of obesity, spousal abuse and child abuse, higher rates of disease, lower test scores and higher dropout rates, and higher crime and incarceration rates.

Children of immigrants are more gang-oriented. And Third World immigrants consume more per capita in social services than they pay in taxes. Hence they contribute to fiscal deficits at every level of government.

Will millions more immigrants help solve our infrastructure crisis?

all of it here:
Is Third World America Inevitable on
all that shit happens because America is not what you think it is. Something is going on here for sures though.
Well IS IT? I think under Obama we are heading there FAST
Transformation and you voted for it

Thousands of U.S. troops safeguard the border of South Korea. U.S. warships patrol the South China Sea to stand witness to the territorial claims of Asian allies against China.

U.S. troops move in and out of the Baltic States to signal our willingness to defend the frontiers of these tiny NATO allies.

Yet nothing that happens on these borders imperils America so much as what is happening on our own bleeding border with Mexico.

Over three decades, that border has been a causeway into the USA for millions of illegal immigrants who are changing the face of America — to the delight of those who think the country we grew up in was ugly.

All sides of this quarrel have been using the figure of 11 million people here illegally. In her new best-seller, "Adios, America!," Ann Coulter makes a compelling case that the real figure is close to 30 million.

If that is true, and if the next president embraces amnesty and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, that will mean the end to America as the Western nation we have been, and the beginning of America's life as what Ann calls, unapologetically, a "Third World hellhole."

Indeed, when we consider the certain consequences of a failure to secure the border for six more years, and amnesty for people already here illegally, igniting a new invasion, we should ask ourselves:

What problem do we Americans confront that will be more easily solved with millions more immigrants?

Between 80 and 90 percent of those coming are from Third World nations. On average, they have higher illegitimacy rates than native-born Americans, higher drug use rates, higher rates of obesity, spousal abuse and child abuse, higher rates of disease, lower test scores and higher dropout rates, and higher crime and incarceration rates.

Children of immigrants are more gang-oriented. And Third World immigrants consume more per capita in social services than they pay in taxes. Hence they contribute to fiscal deficits at every level of government.

Will millions more immigrants help solve our infrastructure crisis?

all of it here:
Is Third World America Inevitable on

Yes, it's inevitable. Better start practicing balancing a bundle of sticks on your head.
yeah , think that its inevitable , checkout parts of California to see it 20 years ago on now when its worse . See downtown 'los angeles' , van nuys , and many other areas especially in southern California . boosh and the other 'rino's will accelerate the problem same as 'hilary' will !!
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