CDZ Is this image a problem for you? Does it disturb you?

When guns are a symbol of indadequacy:

Penny's is a violent place apparently...

Bars are a great place for firearms...

Target...another violent place...don't go shopping without dangling an assault style weapon...

Just eating out with my weaponry .... doesn't everyone?

Contrast that with those for whom gun's are just a tool:



So is the gun a statement or a useful tool? My grandfather (and husband) had/have guns. During hunting season, rifles are in use, when not in use, they're safely stored. My grandfather would have laughted at people who feel the need to carry assault type rifles and "massive stopping power" into Penny's.

Yeah.....the bar one? Virginia and allowed concealed carry in bars...their crime rate in bars went down....

Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result

When Virginia passed a law allowing concealed carry in bars and alcohol-serving restaurants beginning July 1 of last year, opponents of the change decried the dangers of mixing guns and alcohol, for fear violent crimes would escalate.

But one year later, the Richmond Times-Dispatch did a study to see if the gloomy prognostications came true.

According to state police records, not only did gun violence in bars and restaurants not increase under the new law, it decreased by 5.2 percent.

In fact, of the 145 reported crimes with guns that occurred in Virginia bars and restaurants in fiscal 2010-11 (compared to 153 incidents in the year before the new law took effect), only two of the aggravated assault cases were related to concealed-carry permit holders. In one incident, the crime took place at a restaurant that didn’t serve alcohol – thus unrelated to the new law – and in the other, the weapon was neither discharged nor withdrawn from its holster.

“The numbers basically just confirm what we’ve said would happen if the General Assembly changed the law,” Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, told the Times-Dispatch. “Keep in mind what the other side was saying – that this was going to be a blood bath, that restaurants will be dangerous and people will stop going. But there was nothing to base the fear-mongering on.”

Virginia isn't the only state that allows carrying a just can't drink and carry, just like you can't drive and carry... guys would laugh at people who carry every day....tell us, do you know exactly when you will be violently attacked by a criminal? Because a lot of women who are violently raped, a lot of people who are brutally beaten and robbed, and a lot of people murdered by criminals sure could have used your psychic abilities.....

I think allowing guns in bars is a VERY BAD IDEA frankly. Alcohal fuels violence - there is no doubt about that.

I'm not totally anti-gun, believe it or not. I support the right of citizens to have guns but I also support LIMITS on that right (just like any other right). One of those is mixing guns and booze.

Is there any llimitation you support when it comes to gun rights?

Except that there are about a dozen states that already allow it, and they haven't had the problems you feel they would have. If you carry in a bar or restauarant, you can't drink. It is, in fact, stricter than driving and drinking.

Limitations, yes...violent felons can't buy, own or carry guns. The adjudicated, dangerously mentally ill, can't buy, own or carry guns. You can't use a gun to commit rape, robbery or murder...if you do you go to prison for 30 years. If you are a violent felon caught with an illegal gun, you go to prison for 30 years.

That covers all of the problems with guns in this society. All the other laws that anti gunners want, registration, licensing gun owners, magazine limits....are nothing more than attempts to restrict the right. The ones I have listed and the punishment, will actually work.

Without a background check how do you stop violent felons, mentally ill, or anybody else who shouldn't be able to buy a gun from buying a gun? You have never answered that question. You always deflect or change the subject. Why?
It must be traumatic living in fear every minute of every day. I wonder what kind of mental problems could cause that kind of paranoia.
They're not afraid, they have a gun.

Oh they are afraid. Cowards are always afraid.

The only ones talking about being afraid are those like you who are afraid of people carrying guns for self defense....

Of course I'n scared of gun nuts. Did you hear about the vigilante gun nut who thought he saw someone shoplifting a tool? He followed the guy into the parking lot and fired 5 rounds at the guy's car and only 3 hit. The gun nut idiot claimed he was marking the car for the cops. I could have been in that parking lot. My kid could have been in that parking lot. You bet I'm scared of crazy gun nuts.

You have one story......Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack, and this is according to bill clinton's Department of Justice and barak obama's CDC.....

And since the 1990s as we went from 4.7 million people actually carrying guns to 2017 and 16.3 million people carrying guns...our gun violence rate fell 75%...and our gun murder rate fell nothing you say is supported by the facts on the ground.

I mentioned one story this time. There are plenty of others that fit the same pattern. Many end up with innocent bystanders dying. That scenario is not uncommon by any evaluation. How many should die or be injured just because you want to make a macho fashion statement?
Wearing holstered weapons in the kitchen makes about as much sense as a family wearing motorcycle helmets in the living room.

I don't understand this you know what a home invasion is? Do you think they ever happen in real life? Why would you keep putting on and taking off a gun just because you enter your house, if you carry a gun during the day for self defense?

Do you think all rapes occur outside the home? Do all robberies occur outside the home? Do all murders by strangers occur outside the home?

So, you wear a motorcycle helmet in the living room?

Seriously, if crime was so bad in my neighborhood that I felt the need to have my gun on my hip in the kitchen, I'd fucking move.

Of course, you miss the point. A helmet is used when riding a motorcycle, a gun is used for personal defense, and since crime can happen just about anywhere, carrying a gun doesn't depend on location......

These people probably didn't think they had a crime problem either....

Wichita Massacre - Wikipedia

I know the family of one of the victims. It might surprise you to learn they still don't where guns in the kitchen.
For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.
Understanding violence is easy

People are always have been and always will be violent animals

and people who grew up using guns do not romanticize them but rather they see a gun for what it is, a tool. I regard a gun the same as I regard a chainsaw it's a useful tool that can injure me if I'm not careful.

It's you people who are scared of guns that don't understand what a gun actually is
Do you carry a chainsaw in case ther is snot me limb that needs to be trimmed?
Here we have an image....if you see what I am alluding to...please comment.....View attachment 140169

If you have a problem with these women, please explain why.........

Seems kind of pathetic to me

The gun culture of you are not even safe in your own kitchen, that you need your gun with you at all times unless some bad hombre comes in trying to rape you

More NRA paranoia

If the women have sidearms....good for them
But once you get home, take them off and store them somewhere accessable
For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.
Understanding violence is easy

People are always have been and always will be violent animals

and people who grew up using guns do not romanticize them but rather they see a gun for what it is, a tool. I regard a gun the same as I regard a chainsaw it's a useful tool that can injure me if I'm not careful.

It's you people who are scared of guns that don't understand what a gun actually is
What we understand of guns is:

The misuse of guns is reigning havoc on our society.

The guns in the hands of the people are, in some cases, guns designed for warfare, not sport.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with citizens owning guns for sport or self defense. But open carry of guns is inappropriate.

The second amendment starts by asserting a "well regulated militia". A phrase all too often overlooked by the gun lobby.

And that gun lobby wields too much power.

Guns are tools. Tools designed to propel lead at lethal speed. Other products have been rightly deemed too dangerous for public use. The Ford Pinto and lawn darts come to mind.

People wielding guns have caused mass tragedy on campuses, schools, churches, theaters, restaurants and the streets of our cities.

Gun enthusiasts seem to spend more time romanticizing guns and claiming they are, in fact, benign instruments worthy of respect, but inherently safe and useful. They seem to be willing to write off the havoc they produce as the price of their freedom.

We understand that arguments and disagreements can rapidly spin out of control with the presence of a gun.

People, like me, who were brought up in households without guns understand a lot more about guns than those who glory in guns are willing to admit. Those who glory in guns are far more willing to ignore the danger of a gun culture than is good for our society.

Those who love guns seem unwilling to compromise and accept even the most modest gun control reforms.

There is no panacea for the problem of guns and their place in our society, but dismissal of "it will never work" is a cowardly approach. Digging in your heels and turning up your noses demonstrates both callousness and ignorance where gun violence is concerned.
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For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.
Understanding violence is easy

People are always have been and always will be violent animals

and people who grew up using guns do not romanticize them but rather they see a gun for what it is, a tool. I regard a gun the same as I regard a chainsaw it's a useful tool that can injure me if I'm not careful.

It's you people who are scared of guns that don't understand what a gun actually is
Do you carry a chainsaw in case ther is snot me limb that needs to be trimmed?

Since the point I was making went over your blunt little head let me rephrase

A gun is nothing but a tool not unlike any other tool

Simple enough for you?
For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.
Understanding violence is easy

People are always have been and always will be violent animals

and people who grew up using guns do not romanticize them but rather they see a gun for what it is, a tool. I regard a gun the same as I regard a chainsaw it's a useful tool that can injure me if I'm not careful.

It's you people who are scared of guns that don't understand what a gun actually is
What we understand of guns is:

The misuse of guns is reigning havoc on our society.

The guns in the hands of the people are, in some cases, guns designed for warfare, not sport.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with citizens owning guns for sport or self defense. But open carry of guns is inappropriate.

The second amendment starts by asserting a "well regulated militia". A phrase all too often overlooked by the gun lobby.

And that gun lobby wields too much power.

Guns are tools. Tools designed to propel lead at lethal speed. Other products have been rightly deemed too dangerous for public use. The Ford Pinto and lawn darts come to mind.

People wielding guns have caused mass tragedy on campuses, schools, churches, theaters, restaurants and the streets of our cities.

Gun enthusiasts seem to spend more time romanticizing guns and claiming they are, in fact, benign instruments worthy of respect, but inherently safe and useful. They seem to be willing to write off the havoc they produce as the price of their freedom.

We understand that arguments and disagreements can rapidly spin out of control with the presence of a gun.

People, like me, who were brought up in households without guns understand a lot more about guns than those who glory in guns are willing to admit. Those who glory in guns are far more willing to ignore the danger of a gun culture than is good for our society.

Those who love guns seem unwilling to compromise and accept even the most modest gun control reforms.

There is no panacea for the problem of guns and their place in our society, but dismissal of "it will never work" is a cowardly approach. Digging in your heels and turning up your noses demonstrates both callousness and ignorance where gun violence is concerned.

Gee criminals are a problem

Who knew?

And we don't have any "problem" with guns. We have a crime issue that we refuse to confront.

The vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people who are legally ineligible to own a firearm but we do nothing about those people do we?

Instead of locking up violent criminals and keeping them locked up we keep letting them back out on the streets.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms stands alone from the militia. It always has.

But you can't tell me how me or any other law abiding person who passes background checks being stopped from owning a gun, any gun or any size magazine will lower the gun crime rate can you?
Here we have an image....if you see what I am alluding to...please comment.....View attachment 140169

If you have a problem with these women, please explain why.........

Seems kind of pathetic to me

The gun culture of you are not even safe in your own kitchen, that you need your gun with you at all times unless some bad hombre comes in trying to rape you

More NRA paranoia

If the women have sidearms....good for them
But once you get home, take them off and store them somewhere accessable

What people do in their own homes is none of your business
Here we have an image....if you see what I am alluding to...please comment.....View attachment 140169

If you have a problem with these women, please explain why.........

Seems kind of pathetic to me

The gun culture of you are not even safe in your own kitchen, that you need your gun with you at all times unless some bad hombre comes in trying to rape you

More NRA paranoia

If the women have sidearms....good for them
But once you get home, take them off and store them somewhere accessable

What people do in their own homes is none of your business

I am still allowed to mock them
For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.
Understanding violence is easy

People are always have been and always will be violent animals

and people who grew up using guns do not romanticize them but rather they see a gun for what it is, a tool. I regard a gun the same as I regard a chainsaw it's a useful tool that can injure me if I'm not careful.

It's you people who are scared of guns that don't understand what a gun actually is
What we understand of guns is:

The misuse of guns is reigning havoc on our society.

The guns in the hands of the people are, in some cases, guns designed for warfare, not sport.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with citizens owning guns for sport or self defense. But open carry of guns is inappropriate.

The second amendment starts by asserting a "well regulated militia". A phrase all too often overlooked by the gun lobby.

And that gun lobby wields too much power.

Guns are tools. Tools designed to propel lead at lethal speed. Other products have been rightly deemed too dangerous for public use. The Ford Pinto and lawn darts come to mind.

People wielding guns have caused mass tragedy on campuses, schools, churches, theaters, restaurants and the streets of our cities.

Gun enthusiasts seem to spend more time romanticizing guns and claiming they are, in fact, benign instruments worthy of respect, but inherently safe and useful. They seem to be willing to write off the havoc they produce as the price of their freedom.

We understand that arguments and disagreements can rapidly spin out of control with the presence of a gun.

People, like me, who were brought up in households without guns understand a lot more about guns than those who glory in guns are willing to admit. Those who glory in guns are far more willing to ignore the danger of a gun culture than is good for our society.

Those who love guns seem unwilling to compromise and accept even the most modest gun control reforms.

There is no panacea for the problem of guns and their place in our society, but dismissal of "it will never work" is a cowardly approach. Digging in your heels and turning up your noses demonstrates both callousness and ignorance where gun violence is concerned.

Gee criminals are a problem

Who knew?

And we don't have any "problem" with guns. We have a crime issue that we refuse to confront.

The vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people who are legally ineligible to own a firearm but we do nothing about those people do we?

Instead of locking up violent criminals and keeping them locked up we keep letting them back out on the streets.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms stands alone from the militia. It always has.

But you can't tell me how me or any other law abiding person who passes background checks being stopped from owning a gun, any gun or any size magazine will lower the gun crime rate can you?
The problem we have with guns is the number of guns on the streets and the firing rate those of guns have.

Fifty years ago we had crime committed with guns. But those guns were revolvers. Now we have a fusillade of bullets unleashed.

My proposal is this:

All guns designed for sport are legal. Bolt action rifles, pump action shotguns and six shot revolvers remain legal and available.

All guns with a semi automatic and fully automatic firing systems are illegal to buy, trade, sell, import, manufacture and own.

Reduce the fire power and reduce the collateral damage.

Weapons designed for war should be in the hands of a well regulated militia, not on our streets.
When guns are a symbol of indadequacy:

Penny's is a violent place apparently...

Bars are a great place for firearms...

Target...another violent place...don't go shopping without dangling an assault style weapon...

Just eating out with my weaponry .... doesn't everyone?

Contrast that with those for whom gun's are just a tool:



So is the gun a statement or a useful tool? My grandfather (and husband) had/have guns. During hunting season, rifles are in use, when not in use, they're safely stored. My grandfather would have laughted at people who feel the need to carry assault type rifles and "massive stopping power" into Penny's.

Yeah.....the bar one? Virginia and allowed concealed carry in bars...their crime rate in bars went down....

Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result

When Virginia passed a law allowing concealed carry in bars and alcohol-serving restaurants beginning July 1 of last year, opponents of the change decried the dangers of mixing guns and alcohol, for fear violent crimes would escalate.

But one year later, the Richmond Times-Dispatch did a study to see if the gloomy prognostications came true.

According to state police records, not only did gun violence in bars and restaurants not increase under the new law, it decreased by 5.2 percent.

In fact, of the 145 reported crimes with guns that occurred in Virginia bars and restaurants in fiscal 2010-11 (compared to 153 incidents in the year before the new law took effect), only two of the aggravated assault cases were related to concealed-carry permit holders. In one incident, the crime took place at a restaurant that didn’t serve alcohol – thus unrelated to the new law – and in the other, the weapon was neither discharged nor withdrawn from its holster.

“The numbers basically just confirm what we’ve said would happen if the General Assembly changed the law,” Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, told the Times-Dispatch. “Keep in mind what the other side was saying – that this was going to be a blood bath, that restaurants will be dangerous and people will stop going. But there was nothing to base the fear-mongering on.”

Virginia isn't the only state that allows carrying a just can't drink and carry, just like you can't drive and carry... guys would laugh at people who carry every day....tell us, do you know exactly when you will be violently attacked by a criminal? Because a lot of women who are violently raped, a lot of people who are brutally beaten and robbed, and a lot of people murdered by criminals sure could have used your psychic abilities.....

I think allowing guns in bars is a VERY BAD IDEA frankly. Alcohal fuels violence - there is no doubt about that.

I'm not totally anti-gun, believe it or not. I support the right of citizens to have guns but I also support LIMITS on that right (just like any other right). One of those is mixing guns and booze.

Is there any llimitation you support when it comes to gun rights?

Except that there are about a dozen states that already allow it, and they haven't had the problems you feel they would have. If you carry in a bar or restauarant, you can't drink. It is, in fact, stricter than driving and drinking.

Limitations, yes...violent felons can't buy, own or carry guns. The adjudicated, dangerously mentally ill, can't buy, own or carry guns. You can't use a gun to commit rape, robbery or murder...if you do you go to prison for 30 years. If you are a violent felon caught with an illegal gun, you go to prison for 30 years.

That covers all of the problems with guns in this society. All the other laws that anti gunners want, registration, licensing gun owners, magazine limits....are nothing more than attempts to restrict the right. The ones I have listed and the punishment, will actually work.

Without a background check how do you stop violent felons, mentally ill, or anybody else who shouldn't be able to buy a gun from buying a gun? You have never answered that question. You always deflect or change the subject. Why?
For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.
Understanding violence is easy

People are always have been and always will be violent animals

and people who grew up using guns do not romanticize them but rather they see a gun for what it is, a tool. I regard a gun the same as I regard a chainsaw it's a useful tool that can injure me if I'm not careful.

It's you people who are scared of guns that don't understand what a gun actually is
What we understand of guns is:

The misuse of guns is reigning havoc on our society.

The guns in the hands of the people are, in some cases, guns designed for warfare, not sport.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with citizens owning guns for sport or self defense. But open carry of guns is inappropriate.

The second amendment starts by asserting a "well regulated militia". A phrase all too often overlooked by the gun lobby.

And that gun lobby wields too much power.

Guns are tools. Tools designed to propel lead at lethal speed. Other products have been rightly deemed too dangerous for public use. The Ford Pinto and lawn darts come to mind.

People wielding guns have caused mass tragedy on campuses, schools, churches, theaters, restaurants and the streets of our cities.

Gun enthusiasts seem to spend more time romanticizing guns and claiming they are, in fact, benign instruments worthy of respect, but inherently safe and useful. They seem to be willing to write off the havoc they produce as the price of their freedom.

We understand that arguments and disagreements can rapidly spin out of control with the presence of a gun.

People, like me, who were brought up in households without guns understand a lot more about guns than those who glory in guns are willing to admit. Those who glory in guns are far more willing to ignore the danger of a gun culture than is good for our society.

Those who love guns seem unwilling to compromise and accept even the most modest gun control reforms.

There is no panacea for the problem of guns and their place in our society, but dismissal of "it will never work" is a cowardly approach. Digging in your heels and turning up your noses demonstrates both callousness and ignorance where gun violence is concerned.

Gee criminals are a problem

Who knew?

And we don't have any "problem" with guns. We have a crime issue that we refuse to confront.

The vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people who are legally ineligible to own a firearm but we do nothing about those people do we?

Instead of locking up violent criminals and keeping them locked up we keep letting them back out on the streets.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms stands alone from the militia. It always has.

But you can't tell me how me or any other law abiding person who passes background checks being stopped from owning a gun, any gun or any size magazine will lower the gun crime rate can you?
The problem we have with guns is the number of guns on the streets and the firing rate those of guns have.

Fifty years ago we had crime committed with guns. But those guns were revolvers. Now we have a fusillade of bullets unleashed.

My proposal is this:

All guns designed for sport are legal. Bolt action rifles, pump action shotguns and six shot revolvers remain legal and available.

All guns with a semi automatic and fully automatic firing systems are illegal to buy, trade, sell, import, manufacture and own.

Reduce the fire power and reduce the collateral damage.

Weapons designed for war should be in the hands of a well regulated militia, not on our streets.
I hate to tell you this but semiautomatic rifles have been around since the 1860's and Automatic handguns have been around since the 1890's

And both semiautomatic rifles and automatic handguns have the exact same rate of fire as a revolver that being one round fired every time the trigger is pulled.

The average piece of shit criminal cannot get a federal tax stamp for a fully automatic rifle and full auto rifles are extremely expensive as any fully auto weapon made after 1986 is illegal for any individual to own.

My semiauto .223 is a sporting rifle in fact it is called a ranch rifle.

And how will restricting which weapons I can own lower the crime rate? I do not commit crimes with the weapons I own and I am not responsible for the actions of others.
When guns are a symbol of indadequacy:

Penny's is a violent place apparently...

Bars are a great place for firearms...

Target...another violent place...don't go shopping without dangling an assault style weapon...

Just eating out with my weaponry .... doesn't everyone?

Contrast that with those for whom gun's are just a tool:



So is the gun a statement or a useful tool? My grandfather (and husband) had/have guns. During hunting season, rifles are in use, when not in use, they're safely stored. My grandfather would have laughted at people who feel the need to carry assault type rifles and "massive stopping power" into Penny's.
And, of course, the question needs to be asked. How many of the guns pictured leaped out of their owner's control and started shooting people?

Why does question need to be asked? How is it in any way relevant?

If guns are tools, they should be treated as tools. I don't go shopping in target dragging my rototillar behind me.

If guns are an extension of testorone-deficient manhood, then like the asshole walking a pitbull on a logging chain, I tend to question the fitness and sanity of the bearer.

The question needs to be asked because, based on what some people write, the belief is that feral guns are waiting around every corner, ready to blast the unwary to oblivion.

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Actually, it's not "values"...I was raised around guns.

None of my relatives ever felt it was appropriate to carry an AK to Target while shopping.

Who said anything about an AK ?
When I carry in public it's concealed. You could stand next to me and never would know.

Although I do agree that the vast majority of morons with pitbulls in public are doing so for the wrong reasons.

A friend of mines' wife just spend two weeks in the hospital because their sons 90lb pit attacked her. I do not like those things around me. Even though I love animals.

Lots of gun nuts cary for the same reason the idiots take pitbulls in public.

And lots of law abiding citizens carry just like other citizens take a dog with them into public, and post no more threat. Tell you what. Since you seem convinced someone is going to blow your head off at any moment, don't leave your house. You might be safer there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here we have an image....if you see what I am alluding to...please comment.....View attachment 140169

If you have a problem with these women, please explain why.........

It needs a caption! The best caption receives a paper bound copy of the Dumbest Threads of 2aguy. It's free, with only a small charge for shipping and handling.

"Damn, I've carried this gun all morning, and I've not shot anything. You better lock up your dog"
"Dang, you're right. Your husband's IS bigger than my husband's."
They're not afraid, they have a gun.

Oh they are afraid. Cowards are always afraid.

The only ones talking about being afraid are those like you who are afraid of people carrying guns for self defense....

Of course I'n scared of gun nuts. Did you hear about the vigilante gun nut who thought he saw someone shoplifting a tool? He followed the guy into the parking lot and fired 5 rounds at the guy's car and only 3 hit. The gun nut idiot claimed he was marking the car for the cops. I could have been in that parking lot. My kid could have been in that parking lot. You bet I'm scared of crazy gun nuts.

You have one story......Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack, and this is according to bill clinton's Department of Justice and barak obama's CDC.....

And since the 1990s as we went from 4.7 million people actually carrying guns to 2017 and 16.3 million people carrying guns...our gun violence rate fell 75%...and our gun murder rate fell nothing you say is supported by the facts on the ground.

I mentioned one story this time. There are plenty of others that fit the same pattern. Many end up with innocent bystanders dying. That scenario is not uncommon by any evaluation. How many should die or be injured just because you want to make a macho fashion statement?

Concealed carry is hardly a fashion statement, as evidenced by the name, CONCEALED.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
When guns are a symbol of indadequacy:

Penny's is a violent place apparently...

Bars are a great place for firearms...

Target...another violent place...don't go shopping without dangling an assault style weapon...

Just eating out with my weaponry .... doesn't everyone?

Contrast that with those for whom gun's are just a tool:



So is the gun a statement or a useful tool? My grandfather (and husband) had/have guns. During hunting season, rifles are in use, when not in use, they're safely stored. My grandfather would have laughted at people who feel the need to carry assault type rifles and "massive stopping power" into Penny's.

Yeah.....the bar one? Virginia and allowed concealed carry in bars...their crime rate in bars went down....

Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result

When Virginia passed a law allowing concealed carry in bars and alcohol-serving restaurants beginning July 1 of last year, opponents of the change decried the dangers of mixing guns and alcohol, for fear violent crimes would escalate.

But one year later, the Richmond Times-Dispatch did a study to see if the gloomy prognostications came true.

According to state police records, not only did gun violence in bars and restaurants not increase under the new law, it decreased by 5.2 percent.

In fact, of the 145 reported crimes with guns that occurred in Virginia bars and restaurants in fiscal 2010-11 (compared to 153 incidents in the year before the new law took effect), only two of the aggravated assault cases were related to concealed-carry permit holders. In one incident, the crime took place at a restaurant that didn’t serve alcohol – thus unrelated to the new law – and in the other, the weapon was neither discharged nor withdrawn from its holster.

“The numbers basically just confirm what we’ve said would happen if the General Assembly changed the law,” Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, told the Times-Dispatch. “Keep in mind what the other side was saying – that this was going to be a blood bath, that restaurants will be dangerous and people will stop going. But there was nothing to base the fear-mongering on.”

Virginia isn't the only state that allows carrying a just can't drink and carry, just like you can't drive and carry... guys would laugh at people who carry every day....tell us, do you know exactly when you will be violently attacked by a criminal? Because a lot of women who are violently raped, a lot of people who are brutally beaten and robbed, and a lot of people murdered by criminals sure could have used your psychic abilities.....

I think allowing guns in bars is a VERY BAD IDEA frankly. Alcohal fuels violence - there is no doubt about that.

I'm not totally anti-gun, believe it or not. I support the right of citizens to have guns but I also support LIMITS on that right (just like any other right). One of those is mixing guns and booze.

Is there any llimitation you support when it comes to gun rights?

Except that there are about a dozen states that already allow it, and they haven't had the problems you feel they would have. If you carry in a bar or restauarant, you can't drink. It is, in fact, stricter than driving and drinking.

Limitations, yes...violent felons can't buy, own or carry guns. The adjudicated, dangerously mentally ill, can't buy, own or carry guns. You can't use a gun to commit rape, robbery or murder...if you do you go to prison for 30 years. If you are a violent felon caught with an illegal gun, you go to prison for 30 years.

That covers all of the problems with guns in this society. All the other laws that anti gunners want, registration, licensing gun owners, magazine limits....are nothing more than attempts to restrict the right. The ones I have listed and the punishment, will actually work.

Without a background check how do you stop violent felons, mentally ill, or anybody else who shouldn't be able to buy a gun from buying a gun? You have never answered that question. You always deflect or change the subject. Why?

1st) Do you think the people doing the shooting in Chicago, Baltimore, New York, L.A., and D.C.....are getting their guns by going through background checks? You know we do have federal background checks for all purchases through gun stores.....right?

I have answered the background check question over and over. The only place you can actually stop a felon with a gun is when police catch them in a crime, or during a random traffic stop or other interaction. They are not getting their guns from gun stores or gun shows...they are getting their guns from friends and family who can already pass background checks, or from people who steal the guns......

So....since they get their guns from people who can already pass background checks, that means that if you have background checks for private sales, those people will still be able to pass background checks for those private sales.....defeating your background checks.

So again, the best way to stop gun crime...if you catch a violent felon in possession of a gun, lock them up for 30 years. If you catch someone using a gun for a crime, a real crime, rape, robbery or murder ....lock them up for 30 years. This avoids targeting law abiding gun owners, and actually takes the people who will use the guns to shoot people off the streets.
Here we have an image....if you see what I am alluding to...please comment.....View attachment 140169

If you have a problem with these women, please explain why.........

It needs a caption! The best caption receives a paper bound copy of the Dumbest Threads of 2aguy. It's free, with only a small charge for shipping and handling.

"Damn, I've carried this gun all morning, and I've not shot anything. You better lock up your dog"
"Dang, you're right. Your husband's IS bigger than my husband's."
"There's nothing I like more than a big rod!!"

"I swear! If Susie starts hitting on my husband again, I'm gonna go postal ALL over her ass."

"So, I'm at the PTA meeting yesterday, and this woman asked me if I liked the long one or the short one. I told her the long one is great for accuracy, but the short one definitely gets the job down in close."

"Liberal??!!?? Where???"
They're not afraid, they have a gun.

Oh they are afraid. Cowards are always afraid.

The only ones talking about being afraid are those like you who are afraid of people carrying guns for self defense....

Of course I'n scared of gun nuts. Did you hear about the vigilante gun nut who thought he saw someone shoplifting a tool? He followed the guy into the parking lot and fired 5 rounds at the guy's car and only 3 hit. The gun nut idiot claimed he was marking the car for the cops. I could have been in that parking lot. My kid could have been in that parking lot. You bet I'm scared of crazy gun nuts.

You have one story......Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack, and this is according to bill clinton's Department of Justice and barak obama's CDC.....

And since the 1990s as we went from 4.7 million people actually carrying guns to 2017 and 16.3 million people carrying guns...our gun violence rate fell 75%...and our gun murder rate fell nothing you say is supported by the facts on the ground.

I mentioned one story this time. There are plenty of others that fit the same pattern. Many end up with innocent bystanders dying. That scenario is not uncommon by any evaluation. How many should die or be injured just because you want to make a macho fashion statement?

And there are 1,500,000 other stories of Americans who own and even carry a gun who use it to stop a violent crime and even to save lives. And as my links show, attacks can and do happen anywhere.
They're not afraid, they have a gun.

Oh they are afraid. Cowards are always afraid.

The only ones talking about being afraid are those like you who are afraid of people carrying guns for self defense....

Of course I'n scared of gun nuts. Did you hear about the vigilante gun nut who thought he saw someone shoplifting a tool? He followed the guy into the parking lot and fired 5 rounds at the guy's car and only 3 hit. The gun nut idiot claimed he was marking the car for the cops. I could have been in that parking lot. My kid could have been in that parking lot. You bet I'm scared of crazy gun nuts.

You have one story......Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack, and this is according to bill clinton's Department of Justice and barak obama's CDC.....

And since the 1990s as we went from 4.7 million people actually carrying guns to 2017 and 16.3 million people carrying guns...our gun violence rate fell 75%...and our gun murder rate fell nothing you say is supported by the facts on the ground.

I mentioned one story this time. There are plenty of others that fit the same pattern. Many end up with innocent bystanders dying. That scenario is not uncommon by any evaluation. How many should die or be injured just because you want to make a macho fashion statement?

How many people should be allowed to be raped, robbed and murdered in order to alleviate your fear of guns? Since Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent attack, what you want would make 1,500,000 more Americans victims of rape, robbery and murder......

How many guns are there in the United States.....about 400-600 million....your fear is gun accidents...right? How many people out of 320 million Americans died from gun accidents in 2015?


How many people died in car accidents...which don't seem to have the same place of fear for you?


You should stop driving.....

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