Is this seditious and treasonous?

Hollyweird telling state electors/electoral college, whose states that voted for Trump, to not vote for Trump?

This has clearly been redefined as sedition and insurrection by Democraps.

Has it.

Member that time that Martin Sheen and Loretta Swit and a whole gaggle of entertainers stormed the Capitol, bashed their way in, took cops' guns, killed a cop by bashing his head in with a fire extinguisher, built at least three gallows screaming "HANG JOE BIDEN", planted bombs at the RNC and DNC offices, and even SHAT in the Capitol building?

Yeah I don't either.

Member how they did all that after Hillary and Chelsea and several others exhorted them to "fight" after spending seven weeks denying the results of the election and refusing to concede?

Oh wait, that also didn't happen.

But hey, that won't stop you from claiming it did so ............ hit it.
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

OK ass-boy-----I do not know them either---it was the title of the OP -----HOLLYWOOD --(does) that I found silly

That is kinda silly, yeah. Talk to the OP about that. Except he ran away. Can't answer the question I threw at him, bravely ran away. Turned tail and courageously hid in the bushes. Valiantly advanced to the rear. Prolly behind the curtain even as we speak, holding his breath.

Of course the OP is just average crazy right wing bullshit, but give him a chance. He might have had something IRL that he had to deal with. It's happened to me more than once.

To be fair though, if you think about it, y'all played right into his point....These entertainers make a video to voice Hollywood's message to the Electors, he in turn calls it seditious, or treasonus, something you people did yourselves to dissenting opinions in the past, and y'all lose your damned minds defending the stupid video....

I say bravo to the OP....

The OP? The klown who can't answer the question in post three?
LOL I got pogo all shook up, what a crybaby.
Hollyweird telling state electors/electoral college, whose states that voted for Trump, to not vote for Trump?

Campaigning is not sedition.

Storming the Capitol because you didn't like the outcome is.

Welcome to America.

The election was already over. Attempting to tell electors to not vote for who won the state is NOT a political campaign.
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

I never said it was either seditious, or treasonus....And yes, because they have the ability to express their opinions like we should be listening to what they think, in a media that people not in the entertainment business wouldn't have access to, shows their arrogance....So, my opinion is that their opinion to me is worthless...They should stick to entertaining me, much like the clowns they are....

You didn't but two others did and as noted they ran away when pressed to explain it.

No, your issue is you somehow are so impressed with these icons that you think their opinion is worth ten of yours, or whatever the rate is. Nobody suggested that but you. So while other posters' problem is making assertions they can't flesh out, yours is paranoia.

It's worth noting additionally that the message wasn't directed at you in the first place, unless you were an Elector, which I doubt. That's literally in the first sentence.

Where in the world would you come up with me being impressed with these clowns...? That is literally you making shit up because you can't address the absolute fact that their opinion doesn't matter anymore than mine....And that has you flustered....Oh, and in case you haven't been paying attention, the Electors have already voted, and Congress certified the that vote...So, If this video was put out at this point it was just stupidity....

Also, I don't give a shit who you were addressing, this is a public message board, and everyone has the ability to weigh in on any post they please....That probably irks you as well...

Whelp --- you're all hung up on this phantom idea that their opinions somehow are supposed to mean more than yours so clearly there's some kind of compensation going on. Maybe you should get yourself a motorcycle or sump'm.

This video is four freaking years old, as even a cursory glance at it makes clear. I see a lot of butthurt Rumpbots desperately reaching back to the past today, sometimes decades back. It's part of not being able to deal with reality.

Oh and I didn't post about who I was addressing. I referred to who THE VIDEO is addressing. And it ain't you.

Ok, four years ago....I certainly did think it strange that Sheen and his band of clowns would put something like this out

Oh, so you think that there are Electors on this message board? And again, I don't care who you were addressing, I posted on it...Don't like it? Tough shit.
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

OK ass-boy-----I do not know them either---it was the title of the OP -----HOLLYWOOD --(does) that I found silly

That is kinda silly, yeah. Talk to the OP about that. Except he ran away. Can't answer the question I threw at him, bravely ran away. Turned tail and courageously hid in the bushes. Valiantly advanced to the rear. Prolly behind the curtain even as we speak, holding his breath.

Of course the OP is just average crazy right wing bullshit, but give him a chance. He might have had something IRL that he had to deal with. It's happened to me more than once.

To be fair though, if you think about it, y'all played right into his point....These entertainers make a video to voice Hollywood's message to the Electors, he in turn calls it seditious, or treasonus, something you people did yourselves to dissenting opinions in the past, and y'all lose your damned minds defending the stupid video....

I say bravo to the OP....

Nope. Seditious is illegally trying to overthrow the government. Nothing they said or advocated was illegal, or a lie.

You'll have to be more precise than that Bulldog....Levin made lots of points in that video...Which part of it are you referring to?
Hollyweird telling state electors/electoral college, whose states that voted for Trump, to not vote for Trump?

Tip of the iceberg. Pelosi tearing the presidents State of the Union address in half on international tv now that's sedition of the first order. But it was a Dem so crickets.
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

I never said it was either seditious, or treasonus....And yes, because they have the ability to express their opinions like we should be listening to what they think, in a media that people not in the entertainment business wouldn't have access to, shows their arrogance....So, my opinion is that their opinion to me is worthless...They should stick to entertaining me, much like the clowns they are....

You didn't but two others did and as noted they ran away when pressed to explain it.

No, your issue is you somehow are so impressed with these icons that you think their opinion is worth ten of yours, or whatever the rate is. Nobody suggested that but you. So while other posters' problem is making assertions they can't flesh out, yours is paranoia.

It's worth noting additionally that the message wasn't directed at you in the first place, unless you were an Elector, which I doubt. That's literally in the first sentence.

Where in the world would you come up with me being impressed with these clowns...? That is literally you making shit up because you can't address the absolute fact that their opinion doesn't matter anymore than mine....And that has you flustered....Oh, and in case you haven't been paying attention, the Electors have already voted, and Congress certified the that vote...So, If this video was put out at this point it was just stupidity....

Also, I don't give a shit who you were addressing, this is a public message board, and everyone has the ability to weigh in on any post they please....That probably irks you as well...

Whelp --- you're all hung up on this phantom idea that their opinions somehow are supposed to mean more than yours so clearly there's some kind of compensation going on. Maybe you should get yourself a motorcycle or sump'm.

This video is four freaking years old, as even a cursory glance at it makes clear. I see a lot of butthurt Rumpbots desperately reaching back to the past today, sometimes decades back. It's part of not being able to deal with reality.

Oh and I didn't post about who I was addressing. I referred to who THE VIDEO is addressing. And it ain't you.

Ok, four years ago....I certainly did think it strange that Sheen and his band of clowns would put something like this out

Oh, so you think that there are Electors on this message board? And again, I don't care who you were addressing, I posted on it...Don't like it? Tough shit.

Once AGAIN ---- the org that put this video together ----- didn't post it here. The OP did that. And then ran away because he can't explain his point.

I clarified who I was addressing because it completely flew over your head the first time. Had to dumb it down.
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

OK ass-boy-----I do not know them either---it was the title of the OP -----HOLLYWOOD --(does) that I found silly

That is kinda silly, yeah. Talk to the OP about that. Except he ran away. Can't answer the question I threw at him, bravely ran away. Turned tail and courageously hid in the bushes. Valiantly advanced to the rear. Prolly behind the curtain even as we speak, holding his breath.

Of course the OP is just average crazy right wing bullshit, but give him a chance. He might have had something IRL that he had to deal with. It's happened to me more than once.

To be fair though, if you think about it, y'all played right into his point....These entertainers make a video to voice Hollywood's message to the Electors, he in turn calls it seditious, or treasonus, something you people did yourselves to dissenting opinions in the past, and y'all lose your damned minds defending the stupid video....

I say bravo to the OP....

Nope. Seditious is illegally trying to overthrow the government. Nothing they said or advocated was illegal, or a lie.

You'll have to be more precise than that Bulldog....Levin made lots of points in that video...Which part of it are you referring to?

My statement stands. I generally don't get into discussing the alternate reality of people like Levin. He's a whiny little idiot who talks like crazy right wingers think a smart person talks.
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

I never said it was either seditious, or treasonus....And yes, because they have the ability to express their opinions like we should be listening to what they think, in a media that people not in the entertainment business wouldn't have access to, shows their arrogance....So, my opinion is that their opinion to me is worthless...They should stick to entertaining me, much like the clowns they are....

You didn't but two others did and as noted they ran away when pressed to explain it.

No, your issue is you somehow are so impressed with these icons that you think their opinion is worth ten of yours, or whatever the rate is. Nobody suggested that but you. So while other posters' problem is making assertions they can't flesh out, yours is paranoia.

It's worth noting additionally that the message wasn't directed at you in the first place, unless you were an Elector, which I doubt. That's literally in the first sentence.

Where in the world would you come up with me being impressed with these clowns...? That is literally you making shit up because you can't address the absolute fact that their opinion doesn't matter anymore than mine....And that has you flustered....Oh, and in case you haven't been paying attention, the Electors have already voted, and Congress certified the that vote...So, If this video was put out at this point it was just stupidity....

Also, I don't give a shit who you were addressing, this is a public message board, and everyone has the ability to weigh in on any post they please....That probably irks you as well...

Whelp --- you're all hung up on this phantom idea that their opinions somehow are supposed to mean more than yours so clearly there's some kind of compensation going on. Maybe you should get yourself a motorcycle or sump'm.

This video is four freaking years old, as even a cursory glance at it makes clear. I see a lot of butthurt Rumpbots desperately reaching back to the past today, sometimes decades back. It's part of not being able to deal with reality.

Oh and I didn't post about who I was addressing. I referred to who THE VIDEO is addressing. And it ain't you.

Ok, four years ago....I certainly did think it strange that Sheen and his band of clowns would put something like this out

Oh, so you think that there are Electors on this message board? And again, I don't care who you were addressing, I posted on it...Don't like it? Tough shit.

Once AGAIN ---- the org that put this video together ----- didn't post it here. The OP did that. And then ran away because he can't explain his point.

I clarified who I was addressing because it completely flew over your head the first time. Had to dumb it down.

What keeps flying over your head is the fact that this is a public message board dumbass....If you want to hold a private conversation without input from others you should use the PM feature....As such I addressed your assinine posting and now you are all like, 'eh, don't talk about it, I wasn't talking to you', what a dumbass. You don't even seem to know how message boards
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

OK ass-boy-----I do not know them either---it was the title of the OP -----HOLLYWOOD --(does) that I found silly

That is kinda silly, yeah. Talk to the OP about that. Except he ran away. Can't answer the question I threw at him, bravely ran away. Turned tail and courageously hid in the bushes. Valiantly advanced to the rear. Prolly behind the curtain even as we speak, holding his breath.

Of course the OP is just average crazy right wing bullshit, but give him a chance. He might have had something IRL that he had to deal with. It's happened to me more than once.

To be fair though, if you think about it, y'all played right into his point....These entertainers make a video to voice Hollywood's message to the Electors, he in turn calls it seditious, or treasonus, something you people did yourselves to dissenting opinions in the past, and y'all lose your damned minds defending the stupid video....

I say bravo to the OP....

Nope. Seditious is illegally trying to overthrow the government. Nothing they said or advocated was illegal, or a lie.

You'll have to be more precise than that Bulldog....Levin made lots of points in that video...Which part of it are you referring to?

My statement stands. I generally don't get into discussing the alternate reality of people like Levin. He's a whiny little idiot who talks like crazy right wingers think a smart person talks.

I see, so you are smarter than Levin?
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

OK ass-boy-----I do not know them either---it was the title of the OP -----HOLLYWOOD --(does) that I found silly

That is kinda silly, yeah. Talk to the OP about that. Except he ran away. Can't answer the question I threw at him, bravely ran away. Turned tail and courageously hid in the bushes. Valiantly advanced to the rear. Prolly behind the curtain even as we speak, holding his breath.

Of course the OP is just average crazy right wing bullshit, but give him a chance. He might have had something IRL that he had to deal with. It's happened to me more than once.

To be fair though, if you think about it, y'all played right into his point....These entertainers make a video to voice Hollywood's message to the Electors, he in turn calls it seditious, or treasonus, something you people did yourselves to dissenting opinions in the past, and y'all lose your damned minds defending the stupid video....

I say bravo to the OP....

Nope. Seditious is illegally trying to overthrow the government. Nothing they said or advocated was illegal, or a lie.

You'll have to be more precise than that Bulldog....Levin made lots of points in that video...Which part of it are you referring to?

My statement stands. I generally don't get into discussing the alternate reality of people like Levin. He's a whiny little idiot who talks like crazy right wingers think a smart person talks.

I see, so you are smarter than Levin?

He's certainly smart enough to make a fortune spouting conspiracy theories and lies that crazy right wingers want to hear, but that doesn't really take much. Even Glenn Beck can do that.
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

I never said it was either seditious, or treasonus....And yes, because they have the ability to express their opinions like we should be listening to what they think, in a media that people not in the entertainment business wouldn't have access to, shows their arrogance....So, my opinion is that their opinion to me is worthless...They should stick to entertaining me, much like the clowns they are....

You didn't but two others did and as noted they ran away when pressed to explain it.

No, your issue is you somehow are so impressed with these icons that you think their opinion is worth ten of yours, or whatever the rate is. Nobody suggested that but you. So while other posters' problem is making assertions they can't flesh out, yours is paranoia.

It's worth noting additionally that the message wasn't directed at you in the first place, unless you were an Elector, which I doubt. That's literally in the first sentence.

Where in the world would you come up with me being impressed with these clowns...? That is literally you making shit up because you can't address the absolute fact that their opinion doesn't matter anymore than mine....And that has you flustered....Oh, and in case you haven't been paying attention, the Electors have already voted, and Congress certified the that vote...So, If this video was put out at this point it was just stupidity....

Also, I don't give a shit who you were addressing, this is a public message board, and everyone has the ability to weigh in on any post they please....That probably irks you as well...

Whelp --- you're all hung up on this phantom idea that their opinions somehow are supposed to mean more than yours so clearly there's some kind of compensation going on. Maybe you should get yourself a motorcycle or sump'm.

This video is four freaking years old, as even a cursory glance at it makes clear. I see a lot of butthurt Rumpbots desperately reaching back to the past today, sometimes decades back. It's part of not being able to deal with reality.

Oh and I didn't post about who I was addressing. I referred to who THE VIDEO is addressing. And it ain't you.

Ok, four years ago....I certainly did think it strange that Sheen and his band of clowns would put something like this out

Oh, so you think that there are Electors on this message board? And again, I don't care who you were addressing, I posted on it...Don't like it? Tough shit.

Once AGAIN ---- the org that put this video together ----- didn't post it here. The OP did that. And then ran away because he can't explain his point.

I clarified who I was addressing because it completely flew over your head the first time. Had to dumb it down.

What keeps flying over your head is the fact that this is a public message board dumbass....If you want to hold a private conversation without input from others you should use the PM feature....As such I addressed your assinine posting and now you are all like, 'eh, don't talk about it, I wasn't talking to you', what a dumbass. You don't even seem to know how message boards

Doodles you are completely lost in space. Apparently I did not dumb down far enough.

FIRST you started whining at me about

So, my opinion is that their opinion to me is worthless...

Whereupon I pointed out that their opinion wasn't directed "TO NUMERO UNO". It's clearly laid out in the first sentence of the video who it's addressed to, AND IT AIN'T YOU.

Then you went off on this bizarre tangent about who I"m posting to, as if that even happened. Learn to read.
Hollyweird telling state electors/electoral college, whose states that voted for Trump, to not vote for Trump?

Tip of the iceberg. Pelosi tearing the presidents State of the Union address in half on international tv now that's sedition of the first order. But it was a Dem so crickets.

It was a dem you say. A Dem? No. You know what they are.
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....

Who the fuck are they? One of them is the President, another is Hot Lips, a third is BJ from the same M*A*S*H show, I wasn't really keeping track. Doesn't matter who they are, what matters is what they're saying.

But it's most instructive that you want to shut them up, even while admitting they have a right to their opinions.

No, no...You're wrong, my misinformed progressive friend...They are entertainers. Nothing more, nothing less. Their views mean not one thing more than yours or mine...See, I think it is most instructive that you believe that Martin Sheen was actually a President....

Yes, they have a right to their opinions, but their opinions are no more important than mine...

I don't think they're all entertainers. But yes, for those of you born without senses of humour, I did cite some as their characters rather than their names. Duh. It remains most instructive that you want them to "shut their pie holes" and start whining about "who are they". Again, doesn't matter who they are. I don't even know who most of 'em are, nor does it matter. You're desperately flailing away at some attempt to deflect the message, meanwhile there's STILL nobody who can explain to the class how anything in there is "anti-American", "seditious" or "treasonous". And there won't be.

I never said it was either seditious, or treasonus....And yes, because they have the ability to express their opinions like we should be listening to what they think, in a media that people not in the entertainment business wouldn't have access to, shows their arrogance....So, my opinion is that their opinion to me is worthless...They should stick to entertaining me, much like the clowns they are....

You didn't but two others did and as noted they ran away when pressed to explain it.

No, your issue is you somehow are so impressed with these icons that you think their opinion is worth ten of yours, or whatever the rate is. Nobody suggested that but you. So while other posters' problem is making assertions they can't flesh out, yours is paranoia.

It's worth noting additionally that the message wasn't directed at you in the first place, unless you were an Elector, which I doubt. That's literally in the first sentence.

Where in the world would you come up with me being impressed with these clowns...? That is literally you making shit up because you can't address the absolute fact that their opinion doesn't matter anymore than mine....And that has you flustered....Oh, and in case you haven't been paying attention, the Electors have already voted, and Congress certified the that vote...So, If this video was put out at this point it was just stupidity....

Also, I don't give a shit who you were addressing, this is a public message board, and everyone has the ability to weigh in on any post they please....That probably irks you as well...

Whelp --- you're all hung up on this phantom idea that their opinions somehow are supposed to mean more than yours so clearly there's some kind of compensation going on. Maybe you should get yourself a motorcycle or sump'm.

This video is four freaking years old, as even a cursory glance at it makes clear. I see a lot of butthurt Rumpbots desperately reaching back to the past today, sometimes decades back. It's part of not being able to deal with reality.

Oh and I didn't post about who I was addressing. I referred to who THE VIDEO is addressing. And it ain't you.

Ok, four years ago....I certainly did think it strange that Sheen and his band of clowns would put something like this out

Oh, so you think that there are Electors on this message board? And again, I don't care who you were addressing, I posted on it...Don't like it? Tough shit.

Once AGAIN ---- the org that put this video together ----- didn't post it here. The OP did that. And then ran away because he can't explain his point.

I clarified who I was addressing because it completely flew over your head the first time. Had to dumb it down.

What keeps flying over your head is the fact that this is a public message board dumbass....If you want to hold a private conversation without input from others you should use the PM feature....As such I addressed your assinine posting and now you are all like, 'eh, don't talk about it, I wasn't talking to you', what a dumbass. You don't even seem to know how message boards

Doodles you are completely lost in space. Apparently I did not dumb down far enough.

FIRST you started whining at me about

So, my opinion is that their opinion to me is worthless...

Whereupon I pointed out that their opinion wasn't directed "TO NUMERO UNO". It's clearly laid out in the first sentence of the video who it's addressed to, AND IT AIN'T YOU.

Then you went off on this bizarre tangent about who I"m posting to, as if that even happened. Learn to read.

He's just a whiny bitch that wants to argue about nothing. Doesn't matter what drivel he might be spewing.
Hollyweird telling state electors/electoral college, whose states that voted for Trump, to not vote for Trump?

Tip of the iceberg. Pelosi tearing the presidents State of the Union address in half on international tv now that's sedition of the first order. But it was a Dem so crickets.

You really need to look up sedition in the dictionary. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
As when Barbara Boxer did it to GW electors in January 2005, and was praised by Senators Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy. Or when several Democrats, including the odious Jayapal, did it in January 2017 when they objected to the electoral count from several states won by Trump. Funny how everyone forgot all this recent history.
Got pics of Boxer, Kennedy and Clinton storming the Capitol? :rolleyes-41:

LOL Not the topic, the topic is questioning the electoral votes.
What I find amazing is why anyone with an ounce of independence would look at these entertainers and say to themselves, hey I should follow what they say....Who the F*** are they anyway? They should shut their pie holes, fore their opinion is no more important than mine or yours....
We’ve had 30 plus years of dittoheads nodding along to the entertainer that is Rush Limbaugh, so it’s not like it’s a new phenomenon.

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