Is This Song Racist?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
"We Are More American"

Lyrics Translate - Multilingual translation community. Lyrics translations from-to English, Greek, Spanish, Turkish, Romanian, Arabic and others.
They have shouted at me a thousand times I should go back to my country.
Because there’s no room for me here.
I want to remind the gringos: I didn’t cross the border, the border crossed to me.
America was born free, but men divided it.
They marked a line so that I jump it.
And they can call me “invader”.
And that’s a very frequent mistake.
They took from us eight states.
Who’s then the invader?
I’m a foreigner in my own land.
And I didn’t come here to cause you trouble.
I’m a hard-working man.

And if history isn’t lying.
The powerful nation settled here, in the glory.
Among brave warriors,
Indians of two continents mixed with Spaniards.
And if we take centuries into account.
We are more American.
We are more American than the children of the Anglo-Saxons.

They got from us without money the waters of the Río Grande.
And they took from us Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado.
Also California and Nevada were taken away.
Utah was not enough, so they took Wyoming as well.
I’m the blood of the Indian.
I’m Latin American, I’m mestizo.
We are made of all colours.
And of all trades.
And if we take into account centuries.

even if it hurts our neighbours.
We are more American.
Than all of the gringos.
I'm part Native American, get over it and get on with life. If you were born in what is currently Mexico your a Mexican. If you sneak into America Your illegal. You don't live 200 years ago, you live in the here and now and the here and now has lines and borders that need to be respected. Every civilazation get Conquered eventually, it's part of life. Your'e no different or better then any other civilazation so quit your'e bitchin.
"We Are More American"

Lyrics Translate - Multilingual translation community. Lyrics translations from-to English, Greek, Spanish, Turkish, Romanian, Arabic and others.
They have shouted at me a thousand times I should go back to my country.
Because there’s no room for me here.
I want to remind the gringos: I didn’t cross the border, the border crossed to me.
America was born free, but men divided it.
They marked a line so that I jump it.
And they can call me “invader”.
And that’s a very frequent mistake.
They took from us eight states.
Who’s then the invader?
I’m a foreigner in my own land.
And I didn’t come here to cause you trouble.
I’m a hard-working man.

And if history isn’t lying.
The powerful nation settled here, in the glory.
Among brave warriors,
Indians of two continents mixed with Spaniards.
And if we take centuries into account.
We are more American.
We are more American than the children of the Anglo-Saxons.

They got from us without money the waters of the Río Grande.
And they took from us Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado.
Also California and Nevada were taken away.
Utah was not enough, so they took Wyoming as well.
I’m the blood of the Indian.
I’m Latin American, I’m mestizo.
We are made of all colours.
And of all trades.
And if we take into account centuries.

even if it hurts our neighbours.
We are more American.
Than all of the gringos.

Do you have a link to the actual song? No i don't think it's racist, it's "nationalistic" in my opinion.
"We Are More American"

Lyrics Translate - Multilingual translation community. Lyrics translations from-to English, Greek, Spanish, Turkish, Romanian, Arabic and others.
They have shouted at me a thousand times I should go back to my country.
Because there’s no room for me here.
I want to remind the gringos: I didn’t cross the border, the border crossed to me.
America was born free, but men divided it.
They marked a line so that I jump it.
And they can call me “invader”.
And that’s a very frequent mistake.
They took from us eight states.
Who’s then the invader?
I’m a foreigner in my own land.
And I didn’t come here to cause you trouble.
I’m a hard-working man.

And if history isn’t lying.
The powerful nation settled here, in the glory.
Among brave warriors,
Indians of two continents mixed with Spaniards.
And if we take centuries into account.
We are more American.
We are more American than the children of the Anglo-Saxons.

They got from us without money the waters of the Río Grande.
And they took from us Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado.
Also California and Nevada were taken away.
Utah was not enough, so they took Wyoming as well.
I’m the blood of the Indian.
I’m Latin American, I’m mestizo.
We are made of all colours.
And of all trades.
And if we take into account centuries.

even if it hurts our neighbours.
We are more American.
Than all of the gringos.

Do you have a link to the actual song? No i don't think it's racist, it's "nationalistic" in my opinion.

Cant find it on utube, but I dont see how you call it nationalistic.

If it were performed in Mexico, maybe, but the point of view is clearly a Mexican illegal residing in the US. And that makes it racist since it uses bullshit historical fiction as its basis and resorts to racist language.

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