Is This Video From Portland Propaganda, Or An Aggravated Assault?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Today’s Rorschach Test: Is This Video From Portland Propaganda, Or An Aggravated Assault?

6 Aug 2020 ~~ By Ed Morrissey
This will count on your final grade, students. Activist/journalist Andy Ngo published video of a confrontation at a house last night in Portland after demonstrators got pushed away from a police precinct, where they committed acts of vandalism. More on that in a moment, but this video prompted a hot debate in my Twitter feed.
What does this video depict? Is it an aggravated assault on a random homeowner, or is it a propaganda piece by Ngo intended to discredit demonstrations in Portland?

This incident speaks for itself. Shining green lasers into someone’s eyes is a deliberate assault; three federal officers got blinded by the same tactic at the federal courthouse in Portland, and may not recover their sight. That is assault, even apart from the physical battery that the woman suffers at one point in this standoff. The mob on her property is intimidating her back into her house, which is another crime; that is the resident’s property, not public property, and they have no right to be on it, let alone prevent her from using it.
Moreover, this was not an isolated event, as The Oregonian reported separately last night. It started with an assault on a police precinct, then dispersed for a time into residential neighborhoods:
The Daily Wire has more of Ngo’s videos at the East Precinct, which again one can watch while either accepting or rejecting Ngo’s characterization of the events. The beauty of video is that it tends to provide its own corroboration and allows viewers to reach their own conclusions. If anyone can provide a reasonable explanation of any legal justification for shining lasers into the face of a woman standing on her own porch, and then manhandling her when she refuses to retreat from her own property, then I’ll be willing to entertain the “propaganda” argument.

The use of lasers by Antifa or anyone shining in the faces of people is a felony and can easily permanently blind someone as we have already seen in Portland and Seattle.
Federal Officers Blinded by Powerful Lasers Aimed by Violent Portland Rioters Are Regaining Sight
Here's a wake up call and warning to Antifa and BLM terrorists.... lasers with the power of 5mw or greater can blind or lead to permanent vision damage. Use of lethal force can be used and is legal.
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lasers with the power of 5mv or greater can blind or lead to permanent vision damage.

It's actually >5 milliwatt, not millivolt. Most of the ones I've seen flashing around at these protests look to be in the 5 to 50 mW range. Very dangerous. Could blind a pilot miles up.
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I ain't buying the Ngo propaganda, like he staged the whole thing? Bullshit. And now this shit is spreading to the residential areas. Words fail.

So you're telling us that this is not spreading to residential areas?

I ain't buying the Ngo propaganda, like he staged the whole thing? Bullshit. And now this shit is spreading to the residential areas. Words fail.

So you're telling us that this is not spreading to residential areas?


Dude, I believe you totally misinterpreted what I meant. I should have used the sarcasm button or something. I meant it's hard to understand how anyone could think this was propaganda.
Here's a wake up call and warning to Antifa and BLM terrorists.... lasers with the power of 5mw or greater can blind or lead to permanent vision damage. Use of lethal force can be used and is legal
5mw is the legal limit. They ate illegal weapons. Green lasers are especially bright and damaging, which is why they use them

The police need styropyro to build laser weapons for them


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