Is this where we're headed?

Trump is merely the cause du jour. It could just as easily be Cruz, Rubio or Fiorina. Just like it was Romney before Trump, McCain before Romney and the left is willing to go back to Reagan and Thomas Jefferson.

The citizens of this country have already separated. All that's left is sniping at one another and pleasant fantasies of putting cyanide in the soup. This situation does not last forever or even for long.
No. It isnt grilling season. What does that have to do with the fact that Trump is a person that would lie and stage this?
Prove it or stfu. I deal in reality
I dont have to prove it nor will I STFU. Trump has to prove it. Until he does everyone knows he staged it.

That is not how it works in America.
It's innocent till proven guilty, not guilty and prove innocent.
You made a possible false charge, it is up to you to prove it.

So, Hillary hasn't been proven guilty of anything, so that makes you either a hypocrite or a liar.

Where have I said Hillary is guilty of anything?
She is under investigation.

A large percentage of your party think she is already on the way to prison and have stated it as if it were a fact.. If you personally aren't one of them, you still support their crazy accusations.
I don't like Trump, I post about it. I talk with others about it. I don't threaten him or his family.

I thought it was okay to threaten, and even kill, the family members of terrorists.

"I would be very, very firm with families. Frankly, that will make people think, because they may not care much about their lives, but they do care, believe it or not, about their families’ lives.”
Trump is a holy Leader. His face emits light. We pledge to our leader that we will stay in this with him till the very end.
Good sheep. Too bad he is going to try his best to decrease your welfare check.

That's your life story. :lol:
My life story has nothing to do with welfare like yours.

Tell us more about your community :lol:
What does my community have to do with your trailer park and welfare?
It was probably done by Trump himself.
And expected response from the left.

Had this happened to Chelsea it would be national news 24/7 with a countdown clock of some manner on CNN.

Stupid, predictable, left. The trifecta
Wild, I-am-a-victim speculation.

Stupid, predictable, right.
The victim is Trumps family but you're too much of a partisan to admit it.

When something bad happens to a conservative it's an inside job. When it happens to the left it's scandalous breaking news.
Politicians and their families receive death threats all the time. Is it okay? Of course not. Obama has over 30 death threats a day investigated according to the Secret Service. 3x more than Dubya.

Should I use your move and say "if Obama were a republican you'd be losing your mind over death threats waaaaaah"

I know, right?

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