Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
Games are rigged, you agreed with laramfan, so Brady couldn't possibly cheat, it is all choreographed. The deflategate scandal was made up. laramfan told us these games are all rigged, he is a genius, just ask him. So, all the NFL players are actors. So, who is the best actor?
Blow it out of your ass Papa. You have turned into a bore and a somewhat nuisance much like a dingleberry on the ass of a dog.

Here is song about you to keep you occupied.

We may be Brady apologists but you are a la ram fan apologist. Lol. Jk. I love that crazy but.

I almost think you are his alter ego. He's crazy enough to have two computers and two screen names and you, or he, is backing himself up. Lol

Alex is a fucked up little kid that looks up to laramfan. Only a nut would take laramfan seriously.

Or only la ram fan would take la ram fan seriously. Think about it. He could have two screen names although their writing styles are different that would be normal if he or they are a split personality

yeah same as pooper and OFS could be the same.:haha: patriot must be another screen name of mine as well since he has also come on and said many times he is a fraud also.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Patriot is much smarter than you. No way would anyone confuse Patriot with an idiot like you.
You're comparing apples-to-oranges. I'm not condemning Tom Brady because he didn't report what his teammates have done.

You want to compare my actions and Tom Brady's actions - then let's compare. Tom Brady knowingly cheated. I knowingly did not. Don't create a strawman because you are incapable of making a logical, rational case. Compare me and Tom Brady. Don't compare Tom Brady and what my some of teammates did and then attempt to assign their sins to me because your lips are wrapped around Brady's member.

And again - at the end of the day - the "cheating" issue is irrelevant. Brady doesn't make the Top 5 all-time even if we assume that he never cheated on anything.

For about the thousandth has never been proven that Brady cheated! All he did was ask for his game balls to be inflated at the low end of the allowable inflation rate. The reason that the NFL's case against Brady was practically laughed out of court is that despite claiming to have proof...the NFL's investigation into the game balls that day was so flawed in so many ways that the judge presiding over the trial at some point asked incredulously if what he'd heard was "all they had"? For those of you that don't speak "judge" that was the bench asking the NFL why it was wasting the court's time with a case that wasn't close to being proven!
Read the report.

"In the report, Wells writes that he “concluded that it is more probable than not” that two Patriots employees, Jim McNally and John Jastremski, deliberately released air from the footballs, and “more probable than not” that Tom Brady was at least “generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski.”

Deflategate report finds Tom Brady 'generally aware' of 'inappropriate activities'

Bottom line:

1. The NFL did not exceed its authority;
2. Brady lied, cheated and destroyed evidence;
3. Brady agreed to accept the suspension as punishment when he had every right to pursue this at the next judicial level.

There is no way not to figure his actions in the discussion whether he can be considered the greatest. Seems to me every QB being discussed is under a very reveling microscope and every action is being discussed. That same standard should be applied to Brady.

they of course wont read the report because if they do,it exposes their fraud as not being great,that he is just merely good who cant be GREAT without

The judge at Brady's first trial "read the report" and then asked the NFL's lawyers if that was all they had! When they said yes he found in Brady's favor. The Well's Report was a fiasco! It didn't prove Tom Brady did anything illegal.
BRADY....yes BRADY was suspended for cause. BRADY agreed to the punishment. Brady is a liar, cheater and destroyed evidence

You keep saying Brady agreed to the punishment. I think that is disingenuous. It would be more accurate to say that, having fought against the punishment for a while, Brady decided to stop fighting and accept the punishment.

Saying he agreed to it implies he thought it was warranted. I'm not sure where his appealing the decision and taking it to court would give that impression.
Go Falcons!

The Patriots are racist
That didn't stop Trump from winning.

Nancy Pelosi repeatedly calls Steve Bannon a "white supremacist"

the fact that Trump is a fan of Brady makes me believe he is no different whatsoever than those other mass murdering bastards Obama and Bush.seriously,I am not joking at all.
Please tell me you will watch the Superbowl?!!

yeah superbowls from yesteryear yes.:biggrin: i will do what I did last year,pop my head in for about 20 minutes in the second half but thats it which does not count as watching a superbowl since i did not watch the entire game and never will if my rams are not in it.

Lol! You are such a fucking joke, so you do watch the Super Bowl! You come on here and lied your ass off and now say you watch it. What a dishonest ass! Lol!
For about the thousandth has never been proven that Brady cheated! All he did was ask for his game balls to be inflated at the low end of the allowable inflation rate. The reason that the NFL's case against Brady was practically laughed out of court is that despite claiming to have proof...the NFL's investigation into the game balls that day was so flawed in so many ways that the judge presiding over the trial at some point asked incredulously if what he'd heard was "all they had"? For those of you that don't speak "judge" that was the bench asking the NFL why it was wasting the court's time with a case that wasn't close to being proven!
Read the report.

"In the report, Wells writes that he “concluded that it is more probable than not” that two Patriots employees, Jim McNally and John Jastremski, deliberately released air from the footballs, and “more probable than not” that Tom Brady was at least “generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski.”

Deflategate report finds Tom Brady 'generally aware' of 'inappropriate activities'

Bottom line:

1. The NFL did not exceed its authority;
2. Brady lied, cheated and destroyed evidence;
3. Brady agreed to accept the suspension as punishment when he had every right to pursue this at the next judicial level.

There is no way not to figure his actions in the discussion whether he can be considered the greatest. Seems to me every QB being discussed is under a very reveling microscope and every action is being discussed. That same standard should be applied to Brady.

they of course wont read the report because if they do,it exposes their fraud as not being great,that he is just merely good who cant be GREAT without

The judge at Brady's first trial "read the report" and then asked the NFL's lawyers if that was all they had! When they said yes he found in Brady's favor. The Well's Report was a fiasco! It didn't prove Tom Brady did anything illegal.
BRADY....yes BRADY was suspended for cause. BRADY agreed to the punishment. Brady is a liar, cheater and destroyed evidence

You keep saying Brady agreed to the punishment. I think that is disingenuous. It would be more accurate to say that, having fought against the punishment for a while, Brady decided to stop fighting and accept the punishment.

Saying he agreed to it implies he thought it was warranted. I'm not sure where his appealing the decision and taking it to court would give that impression.
Brady agreed to the punishment
"Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension"

Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension - Breitbart

Argue with the source.
i know you probably cant find the one where he is in the pool with a cigar,but do you still have the pic you took of old fart style when you were on a golf course one day and you found him golfing as well and to avoid falling into a lake after he stumbled,he grabbed on to his golf club bag with his golf stick only to fall into the lake anyways? i cant believe the luck you had that OFS just happened to be there golfing that day the same day you were.comedy gold.
As OldFartStyle attempts, in vain, to put together a cogent argument, Poopergorgio tries to help him from stumbling but fails.

This mirrors the time Poopy and OldFart style were smoking joints and playing golf...what happened next is not to be spoken of in mixed company


thats a different one but that one is even Better.:up:
.you sure got lucky finding them on the golf course together that day able to film them at that time.Pooper is as clumsy as old far style so they BOTH lost their footing that day.comedy gold.great find.:up:

kowing the logic of these cheatriot worshippers,they will claim that I am having a temper tantrem,just watch.:lmao::rolleyes::rolleyes::uhoh3:
Nah, you just use the subject to troll with, it is quite obvious.

You are pure entertainment and I realize that you just say crap to get others riled up. No harm, no foul.
And Alex is the pot calling the kettle black. He knew his college team mates were taking steroids and said nothing. So what does he tell his kids? He tells them to tell on their teammates if they know they are taking drugs or deflating balls?

Every team/player will "cheat" if they think they can get away with it or if they are not snitches who want to wind up in ditches like Alex.
My college teams mates? what the hell are you talking about?

he has been getting the same pot from pooper and OFS obviously,thats would explain WHY he thinks WE are the ones that get riled up instead of pooper,chrissy and OFS.:uhoh3:

Your opinion is based wishful thinking.

which is the norm for brady ass kissers or
The fact is Brady got penalized for his bad acts. Those bad acts gave him a competitive advantage. Plain and simple.

These jokers now wish to ignore that or minimize the intent and effects and claim Brady is the Greatest.:uhoh3:

These knuckleheads have firmly established that DeNial is not a river in Egypt but a state of mind in USMB for Brady worshipers.

the fact that it is not just me saying brady is a cheater on here and that you agree with me obvioulsy hurts their feelings so bad that they are getting desperate trying to convince themselves that I am the only one in the world that sees them for the fraud he is that they are now desperatly trying to convince themselves that you are me:haha:

I guess since you agree with me about him you must be me and I guess since p@atriot sees him as the fraud HE along with you,is me as well.:haha:

Better yet,according to their warped logic they have,,I guess all the thousands of people in santa clara that booed him last year were NOT thousands of people,that it was only MY voice booeing them in the stadium.:cuckoo:

I would not put ANYTHING past them that they would next claim I was there at that game and the ONLY y one booing him in the whole stadium.that it was just my one voice booeing him.seriously,the things they could up with,I am surprised they havent come up with THAT absurd claim as well.I dont put ANYTHING past them.

The wayPoopergorgio and Old Far Style have lost both their argument and their minds is hilarious.[/QUOTE],according to sealybobo,they must be the same person since they are so much alike so identical with their mindless rants ESPECIALLY since the one common denominater they both have it they talk to themselves addressing me in the first person incredibly after all these years.:rofl:
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I think Terry Bradshaw is still the all time greatest.

Brady and Montana have tied him but not exceeded him yet.

I am hoping Matt Ryan will squash Brady once and for all.
yiostheoy Bradshaw and Montana are the only REAL quarterbacks that have won four superbowls since they are not proven frauds who have been in scandal after scandal.Brady is not even one of the top 20 best in the modern age let alone of all time.comedy gold.:haha:
Read the report.

"In the report, Wells writes that he “concluded that it is more probable than not” that two Patriots employees, Jim McNally and John Jastremski, deliberately released air from the footballs, and “more probable than not” that Tom Brady was at least “generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski.”

Deflategate report finds Tom Brady 'generally aware' of 'inappropriate activities'

Bottom line:

1. The NFL did not exceed its authority;
2. Brady lied, cheated and destroyed evidence;
3. Brady agreed to accept the suspension as punishment when he had every right to pursue this at the next judicial level.

There is no way not to figure his actions in the discussion whether he can be considered the greatest. Seems to me every QB being discussed is under a very reveling microscope and every action is being discussed. That same standard should be applied to Brady.

they of course wont read the report because if they do,it exposes their fraud as not being great,that he is just merely good who cant be GREAT without

The judge at Brady's first trial "read the report" and then asked the NFL's lawyers if that was all they had! When they said yes he found in Brady's favor. The Well's Report was a fiasco! It didn't prove Tom Brady did anything illegal.
BRADY....yes BRADY was suspended for cause. BRADY agreed to the punishment. Brady is a liar, cheater and destroyed evidence

You keep saying Brady agreed to the punishment. I think that is disingenuous. It would be more accurate to say that, having fought against the punishment for a while, Brady decided to stop fighting and accept the punishment.

Saying he agreed to it implies he thought it was warranted. I'm not sure where his appealing the decision and taking it to court would give that impression.
Brady agreed to the punishment
"Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension"

Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension - Breitbart

Argue with the source.

you know the NFL season is over with as of tomorrow.this issue is dead because you took them to school with a major ass beating with this article here with your first post on the first page
Cheating Scandals Will Forever Tarnish the Brady-Belichick Legacy.

.you OWNED them wit this link but they are so much in denial that they wont read it and they are so butthurt this article takes them to school they probably think that I was the one that wrote it knowing the crack these guys smoke the fact they seem to think i am the ONLY person in the world that thinks they have created the biggest scandal in sports since the black sox.

after all,they think you are me,and I guess that P@triot must be as well and who knows since they think you are me,they probablu think I was at the superbowl last year and there were not thousands booeing brady at halftime,that it was just MY one voice booeing him so since they probably have that incredible logic,they probably think I wrote this article here as well since it takes them to school and proves they have their head up bradys ass and are in denial he is a fraud and cheater and does not belong in the hall of fame. another common trait cheatriot apologists have as well is they have reading comprehension problems.

No matter how many times i have said it,it goes through one ear and out the other that greats like montana,bradshaw and aikman have not been called cheaters by so many former NFL players.they are so much in denial about that fact they only see whnat they WANT to see and ignore i posted that as well as never bothering to read this link here below of yours since it took them to school.

Cheating Scandals Will Forever Tarnish the Brady-Belichick Legacy
so in SHORT you cheatriot apologists who have their head up Bradys ass.yo

u have lost,,you have been proven time and time again Brady is not even one of the top 20 best in the modern day age of the superbowl era the fact DOZENS of former NFL players have come forward and said he is a cheater and because of these two links here posted that you wont read cause it shoots down your fantasy that he is one of the greatest.:rolleyes:

And this is how legacies are destroyed.
Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension - Breitbart


Cheating Scandals Will Forever Tarnish the Brady-Belichick Legacy
I did not read these two articles patriot worshippers,grow up.:rolleyes:

checkmate,game over,Im done with this thread.

as alex said,stop being a coward and stop deflection the issue changing the subject to other NFL players and argue the source in these two links that you alll cowardly run off from with your tail between your legs everytime.:haha:

you all do the same thing anquity and rightwinger do when i ask them what they were saying about the rams never coming back to LA again,change the subject and go into meltdown mode.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

finally I have no idea who will win the superbowl knowing how these games are rigged.I do know that of the cheats win it will be because the NFL y wanted Brady to have a 5th ring before he retires.

superbowls are not as easy to predict as elections are at least the for RE election I should say. the last 3 elections I knew they would all three get reelected cause the establishment was pleased with the corruption they were all involved in their first terms so they rewarded them with being reelected as i knew they would back then.RE elections are easy as pie to see coming.:biggrin:
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oh and one more thing,I have done enough research for the day that i have no doubt the NFL has it rigged for surprise,the cheats to win again.One key thing I WILL pass on that I know is that asshole trump is friends with shady brady.that is not a thing that is is that trump only likes winners.

The falcons have never been winners.the NFL wants brady to have another win so he can ride off in the sunset same as john elway did after facing none othere than the same opponent,the falcons same as elway faced, Now i would love to be wrong on this and hope I am but it all makes sense.
Read the report.

"In the report, Wells writes that he “concluded that it is more probable than not” that two Patriots employees, Jim McNally and John Jastremski, deliberately released air from the footballs, and “more probable than not” that Tom Brady was at least “generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski.”

Deflategate report finds Tom Brady 'generally aware' of 'inappropriate activities'

Bottom line:

1. The NFL did not exceed its authority;
2. Brady lied, cheated and destroyed evidence;
3. Brady agreed to accept the suspension as punishment when he had every right to pursue this at the next judicial level.

There is no way not to figure his actions in the discussion whether he can be considered the greatest. Seems to me every QB being discussed is under a very reveling microscope and every action is being discussed. That same standard should be applied to Brady.

they of course wont read the report because if they do,it exposes their fraud as not being great,that he is just merely good who cant be GREAT without

The judge at Brady's first trial "read the report" and then asked the NFL's lawyers if that was all they had! When they said yes he found in Brady's favor. The Well's Report was a fiasco! It didn't prove Tom Brady did anything illegal.
BRADY....yes BRADY was suspended for cause. BRADY agreed to the punishment. Brady is a liar, cheater and destroyed evidence

You keep saying Brady agreed to the punishment. I think that is disingenuous. It would be more accurate to say that, having fought against the punishment for a while, Brady decided to stop fighting and accept the punishment.

Saying he agreed to it implies he thought it was warranted. I'm not sure where his appealing the decision and taking it to court would give that impression.
Brady agreed to the punishment
"Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension"

Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension - Breitbart

Argue with the source.

You want me to argue with Breitbart?

Just as I said, Brady accepted the punishment. He did not, so far as I know, have any real say in what the punishment was. He fought the suspension in court. You make it sound as though Brady declared himself guilty and deserving of the punishment. I have never seen or read anything from Brady saying he admitted guilt or believed his punishment was warranted.

Whether it was warranted or not is irrelevant to my point here.
they of course wont read the report because if they do,it exposes their fraud as not being great,that he is just merely good who cant be GREAT without

The judge at Brady's first trial "read the report" and then asked the NFL's lawyers if that was all they had! When they said yes he found in Brady's favor. The Well's Report was a fiasco! It didn't prove Tom Brady did anything illegal.
BRADY....yes BRADY was suspended for cause. BRADY agreed to the punishment. Brady is a liar, cheater and destroyed evidence

You keep saying Brady agreed to the punishment. I think that is disingenuous. It would be more accurate to say that, having fought against the punishment for a while, Brady decided to stop fighting and accept the punishment.

Saying he agreed to it implies he thought it was warranted. I'm not sure where his appealing the decision and taking it to court would give that impression.
Brady agreed to the punishment
"Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension"

Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension - Breitbart

Argue with the source.

You want me to argue with Breitbart?

Just as I said, Brady accepted the punishment. He did not, so far as I know, have any real say in what the punishment was. He fought the suspension in court. You make it sound as though Brady declared himself guilty and deserving of the punishment. I have never seen or read anything from Brady saying he admitted guilt or believed his punishment was warranted.

Whether it was warranted or not is irrelevant to my point here.
Of course Brady had a say in his punishment, if he did not do what he did in the first place there would not have been any punishment. Brady's could have sen this through and exhausted all avenues to prevail, he did not, he quit, he was the master of his own destiny.

Brady's acts made him deserving of punishment.
What's telling about you is WHEN you get nasty! It's usually right after someone either makes a point you can't (or won't) respond to...or when someone questions another one of your Walter Mitty claims!

That is what I noticed. Soon as I hit on Montana and now this idea that the NFL is rigged, he got upset and avoids the issue. Lol!

It's fine, just shows others how dishonest he is. I'm fine with the troll trolling.

Laramfan is the same way. He won't answer is the games are rigged as he claims, how did Brady then cheat. Great question that they can't/won't answer.

What you'll notice is that when Phallics is going down in flames in a string...his "go to" move is to spam stupid photos and claim that they represent whoever it is that's "picking" on him! When you see'll know that once again he's boxed himself into a corner and has nothing else to add. It's basically him running a white flag of surrender up the flag pole.
Hardly, you folks simply cannot deal with life on life's terms.

Brady actually agreed to the punishment. No reason for court...he quit on himself and thereby quit on his supporters. It is very clear and Brady accepts the fact that everyone knows he lied, he cheated, he destroyed evidence and he deserved his suspension.

Now you wish to once again make this thread about me?:uhoh3::laugh:

Brady is not the greatest due to his own volitional conduct and bad acts.:itsok:
Or, he's a super great guy who needed the 4 game rest so fell on the sword for his teammate, the real culprit. This might make Brady a great guy.
What's telling about you is WHEN you get nasty! It's usually right after someone either makes a point you can't (or won't) respond to...or when someone questions another one of your Walter Mitty claims!

That is what I noticed. Soon as I hit on Montana and now this idea that the NFL is rigged, he got upset and avoids the issue. Lol!

It's fine, just shows others how dishonest he is. I'm fine with the troll trolling.

Laramfan is the same way. He won't answer is the games are rigged as he claims, how did Brady then cheat. Great question that they can't/won't answer.

What you'll notice is that when Phallics is going down in flames in a string...his "go to" move is to spam stupid photos and claim that they represent whoever it is that's "picking" on him! When you see'll know that once again he's boxed himself into a corner and has nothing else to add. It's basically him running a white flag of surrender up the flag pole.
Hardly, you folks simply cannot deal with life on life's terms.

Brady actually agreed to the punishment. No reason for court...he quit on himself and thereby quit on his supporters. It is very clear and Brady accepts the fact that everyone knows he lied, he cheated, he destroyed evidence and he deserved his suspension.

Now you wish to once again make this thread about me?:uhoh3::laugh:

Brady is not the greatest due to his own volitional conduct and bad acts.:itsok:

i know you probably cant find the one where he is in the pool with a cigar,but do you still have the pic you took of old fart style when you were on a golf course one day and you found him golfing as well and to avoid falling into a lake after he stumbled,he grabbed on to his golf club bag with his golf stick only to fall into the lake anyways? i cant believe the luck you had that OFS just happened to be there golfing that day the same day you were.comedy gold.
As OldFartStyle attempts, in vain, to put together a cogent argument, Poopergorgio tries to help him from stumbling but fails.

This mirrors the time Poopy and OldFart style were smoking joints and playing golf...what happened next is not to be spoken of in mixed company

You know why we are right that Brady is the greatest? You guys don't even have an alternative. Let's start a thread on your guy. Or just keep it here. Tell us who you think the goat is and we will see if we can get even ten people to say yes to him. Alex and la ram fan who is goat?
The judge at Brady's first trial "read the report" and then asked the NFL's lawyers if that was all they had! When they said yes he found in Brady's favor. The Well's Report was a fiasco! It didn't prove Tom Brady did anything illegal.
BRADY....yes BRADY was suspended for cause. BRADY agreed to the punishment. Brady is a liar, cheater and destroyed evidence

You keep saying Brady agreed to the punishment. I think that is disingenuous. It would be more accurate to say that, having fought against the punishment for a while, Brady decided to stop fighting and accept the punishment.

Saying he agreed to it implies he thought it was warranted. I'm not sure where his appealing the decision and taking it to court would give that impression.
Brady agreed to the punishment
"Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension"

Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension - Breitbart

Argue with the source.

You want me to argue with Breitbart?

Just as I said, Brady accepted the punishment. He did not, so far as I know, have any real say in what the punishment was. He fought the suspension in court. You make it sound as though Brady declared himself guilty and deserving of the punishment. I have never seen or read anything from Brady saying he admitted guilt or believed his punishment was warranted.

Whether it was warranted or not is irrelevant to my point here.
Of course Brady had a say in his punishment, if he did not do what he did in the first place there would not have been any punishment. Brady's could have sen this through and exhausted all avenues to prevail, he did not, he quit, he was the master of his own destiny.

Brady's acts made him deserving of punishment.


Of course I was talking about after the acts were over with.

Yes, Brady could have tried to continue to higher courts. I've already said multiple times he decided to stop fighting the suspension. There's a difference between accepting a punishment and agreeing to a punishment, however.
So laramfan is going to watch the Super Bowl after declaring he wasn't. But it is only the last 20 minutes or so, he really watching it or not?

If we go by his criteria of having to watch every minute to declare that you watched it, I haven't seen a Super Bowl in many years. Lol!

If is dishonest.
Go Falcons!

The Patriots are racist
That didn't stop Trump from winning.

Nancy Pelosi repeatedly calls Steve Bannon a "white supremacist"

the fact that Trump is a fan of Brady makes me believe he is no different whatsoever than those other mass murdering bastards Obama and Bush.seriously,I am not joking at all.
Please tell me you will watch the Superbowl?!!

yeah superbowls from yesteryear yes.:biggrin: i will do what I did last year,pop my head in for about 20 minutes in the second half but thats it which does not count as watching a superbowl since i did not watch the entire game and never will if my rams are not in it.
So you are like a girl. If the Detroit Lions were in the Superbowl metro Detroit girls would have their cute little jerseys on and they watch the games with the guys but if the lions aren't good it's off to the kitchen to talk with the rest of the dames.
Discussing Brady and how he squandered his good fortune and talent is very enjoyable and a vehicle for discussing the ethics of professional sports. The NFL is a multinational, multi billion dollar per year industry, who puts out a product that is supposed to be family friendly.

When Brady who is the face of that industry is involved in any conduct that speaks to impropriety, ethical or moral, and is subsequently suspended and then agrees to that penalty the discussion takes on a graver and more meaningful tone than who can throw a football better.

That is me is a very necessary discussion.
Plus let's be honest you're probably not a patriots fan. Neither am I but I'm being objective.

Who's your team? And who do you think is goat?

you objective? the way you have your head up Bradys ass and defend him everyday?
yeah you are so objective you ignore facts that the cheats have created the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal and try to convince yourself otherwise it is not.
comedy gold.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I asked my brother if he cares Brady cheated. He doesn't either.

And my dad has the balls to say who he thinks the goat is. Johnny initial he says hands down
So laramfan is going to watch the Super Bowl after declaring he wasn't. But it is only the last 20 minutes or so, he really watching it or not?

If we go by his criteria of having to watch every minute to declare that you watched it, I haven't seen a Super Bowl in many years. Lol!

If is dishonest.
Or any game.
they of course wont read the report because if they do,it exposes their fraud as not being great,that he is just merely good who cant be GREAT without

The judge at Brady's first trial "read the report" and then asked the NFL's lawyers if that was all they had! When they said yes he found in Brady's favor. The Well's Report was a fiasco! It didn't prove Tom Brady did anything illegal.
BRADY....yes BRADY was suspended for cause. BRADY agreed to the punishment. Brady is a liar, cheater and destroyed evidence

You keep saying Brady agreed to the punishment. I think that is disingenuous. It would be more accurate to say that, having fought against the punishment for a while, Brady decided to stop fighting and accept the punishment.

Saying he agreed to it implies he thought it was warranted. I'm not sure where his appealing the decision and taking it to court would give that impression.
Brady agreed to the punishment
"Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension"

Tom Brady Agrees to Serve Four Game Deflategate Suspension - Breitbart

Argue with the source.

you know the NFL season is over with as of tomorrow.this issue is dead because you took them to school with a major ass beating with this article here with your first post on the first page
Cheating Scandals Will Forever Tarnish the Brady-Belichick Legacy.

.you OWNED them wit this link but they are so much in denial that they wont read it and they are so butthurt this article takes them to school they probably think that I was the one that wrote it knowing the crack these guys smoke the fact they seem to think i am the ONLY person in the world that thinks they have created the biggest scandal in sports since the black sox.

after all,they think you are me,and I guess that P@triot must be as well and who knows since they think you are me,they probablu think I was at the superbowl last year and there were not thousands booeing brady at halftime,that it was just MY one voice booeing him so since they probably have that incredible logic,they probably think I wrote this article here as well since it takes them to school and proves they have their head up bradys ass and are in denial he is a fraud and cheater and does not belong in the hall of fame. another common trait cheatriot apologists have as well is they have reading comprehension problems.

No matter how many times i have said it,it goes through one ear and out the other that greats like montana,bradshaw and aikman have not been called cheaters by so many former NFL players.they are so much in denial about that fact they only see whnat they WANT to see and ignore i posted that as well as never bothering to read this link here below of yours since it took them to school.

Cheating Scandals Will Forever Tarnish the Brady-Belichick Legacy
Brady didn't cheat this year yet here he is in the Superbowl again. That makes him the goat
I used to think Joe Montana was the greatest ever, but I'm wondering if Tom Brady is the best.

What do you think?

Brady is great, but I put Montana and Elway above him. The Broncos were slow to surround Elway with good players - or he would have won several more Super Bowls. I got tired of seeing Elway sacked in his early years. Plus, Elway could do something Brady can't - RUN. Elway had one hell of an arm.

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